• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips To Quit Social Smoking 7 years, 11 months ago

    You had seen men and women smoking in public places.

    It is a common scenario where these smokers know that
    smoking is bad for health but they cannot quit immediately.

    However, they are not 100% addicted […]

    • I have to say sadly I have many of my personal friends and family friends doing this bad habit which I try to avoid in any and from any situation. It is bad for young and old and I see no enjoyment in it. How can you possibly enjoy in toxic activity that will get you certainly dead after sometime.

    • I am in process now of trying to stop….I wish I never started this bad habbite. It is very hard to stop when other around you are still smoking

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Pork Shreds with Enoki Mushrooms and Seaweed Laver 7 years, 11 months ago

    If you are looking for a low cholesterol recipe , you no more!
    A few days ago,  I had came up with my kids’ favorite snack added to
    pork shreds.
    Dried Seaweed laver!
    My kids are great fan of dried seaw […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Water Spinach with Firm Tofu 7 years, 11 months ago

    Glad to be back here again!

    It is time to introduce my next recipe which is a vegetarian dish,
     Stir Fry Water Spinach with Firm Tofu.

    Water Spinach is locally known as “Kangkong” among the Malay
    wh […]

    • I love Spinach as it is a leafy vegetable. It is rich in taste and having good iron content. It is good to eat Spinach just boiling and frying it in in coconut oil. It gives immediate relief to the muscle pain. Whenever I visit any Punjabi Restaurant in Hyderabad I order two kulchas (masala) along with Spinach curry. Actually, the people suffering from Arthritis should avoid Spinach. But, when it is combined with Coconut oil and a dish is prepared it will be proved very beneficial for the problem.

      The dish you have written an article is containing some Tofu also. So it generates heat in the body and anybody suffering from Arthritis should be very careful in using this dish. Others, can without any second thought welcome this dish. It will be great in taste also.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Mustard Green With Egg Sauce And Crispy Cruller 7 years, 11 months ago

    Here is another vegetable recipe which I had cooked 2 days ago and had almost
    forgotten to post it here.

    This is one of my favorite Chinese veggies, Mustard Green, locally known as
    “Sawi” in Malay lan […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Let’s Talk About Divorce 7 years, 11 months ago

    Divorce is not yet possible in my country. You are married—you are married for life. You are tied by that symbolical rope though you are night meant to each other. You are bound to the 7th sacrament until t […]

    • This is really very sad to read. For many relationships don’t work. yet, here you have a situation where people do not get along, separate, but are still married, so can’t marry anyone else. They can’t live with another person for that would, in a Xian country, create a problem.

      In Ja most people don’t marry.

    • This is the first time I am hearing that a country does not have a law to stand for the divorce issues.this is a first and it would be a good thing to have that and also have people also work towards it and make it work. But I’m today’s world people are finding it hard to keep a marriage going for different kinds of reasons. Anyway I hope that that law can be passed so that people who are married and are not happy can have the option to walk out and avoid further problems in their marriages. Divorce can be very expensive but if the couple decide once and for all that they actually don’t want to be together anymore that will make the divorce procedures easier.

    • I would hate to be in a country where divorce is not allowed. Not all relationships last for whatever reason. My marriage didn’t last because my ex-husband was an adulterer. So he left and filed for divorce. He has tried to make my life a living hell since then. He has tried to take my children away from me by alienating them from me. He has accused me of being on drugs. I took a drug test that came back negative.
      I really don’t want to get married anymore because of my first marriage. I rather just stay single until I die.

      • You did a good thing by not preferring a remarriage. It will be another headache to you as well as to the other. Your case is different.

        But in most of the marriages what actually happening is that the Children are not being taught the social values. The parents are not taking proper care of their children.They will be observing how their parents are moving with each other. So once the parents behave properly with due respect to each other the Children will come to know how they should be in a society. Otherwise, they become drunkards, gamblers, drug addicts, and the final step will be terrorists. All parents should arrange for a meeting, they should discuss their problem and try to find a solution whenever it is needed. The social interaction plays a vital role. Besides, all this it is important that a wife should respect her husband and the husband respect and honor the feelings of his wife.

    • I remember in our first to 2nd of our marriage we had to fight against trivial misunderstand brought by our pride, jealousy, and influence by in-laws, friends, and others. I found very difficult to cope with for I was married at the age of 21. To admit it, I wasn’t yet ready to have a family of my own but due to uncontrollable feelings I have to marry the girl. Well, in that age which seems to be needed a close supervision from my parents for I am the youngest, could I tackle to leave the girl?

      I am at a loss for I love the girl. I have to overcome the trial of that marriage. With a proper guidance from my concerned parents and a constant communication between my wife and me, I was able to survive that impending broken marriage and became victorious. Now to tell you, we are in our 44 married life. The main solution, I would happily share, is coming in contact with God. Jesus Christ became our inspiration. My old sinful ways were forsaken. My wife and I always go to Church. When we have our children, now they’re six, we go to Church together as a family. If I am going to be asked, if I am to divorce my wife, I would reply it with big NO. For I know family is important.

    • Though marriage is meant to last forever-till death separate the couple however, there are circumstances that may warrant separation of the couple and this must not be overlooked. At the inception of the marriage both parties must have the intention to live together forever- that is the moral thing to do in every sane society. However, if the marriage seems unrealistic and unmanageable then it is important both parties part ways to avoid unforeseen circumstances. If the both parties demonstrate act of conspicuous incompatibility then no point for them to live together anymore and divorce is inevitable.

    • It is sad that there are no laws with regards to divorce but i think some how the people have to able to manage the situation by separating illegally. Ok i am not ok with this relationship you are not, lets go our separate ways.The authorities doesn’t know about it and each person goes their way and do what they want.

    • I hope divorce will be legalized in the Philippines. There are many married people no longer have the feeling of love to their partner.It should be better to evaluate first before marriage if the person you marry is truly your real partner willing to sacrifice for you and your love.This time many are easily tempted. Many husbands or wives weak to resist temptation.Too bad, better have the legal divorce. I am for Divorce.

      • When they are unable to have control over their temptation where is the need for a marriage? They are unable to give a continuity to the temptation throughout their life. There is no meaning to go for a marriage at all. Let them roam in a jungle once in a month and satisfy their temptations.

    • Why one should marry and after that seek for divorce. Is marriage so important?. Are dogs, and buffalos not living happily. Are the marrying?No. Then it is only human being who gives importance to marriage, children, tradition, customs, and God?

      Why can’t we move freely in the forest and have sexual satisfaction as per our choice? Why can’t we enjoy life? When we are unable to understand the value of a marriage and the parents close their eyes blindly to the happening in the society and do not bring their children up then what these traditions,marriage, and customs are meant for. If a marriage breaks it is the parents (90%) are responsible for this. They are becoming selfish. They want their children to earn and eat away their money happily.

      They use lipsticks, wear beautiful dresses, go for gym, time and again go for shopping. When they perform marriage and send their daughter to someone’s house who can and where can they have money for their expenses.? The moment the marriage over they start realizing their mistake. They slowly start poisoning the minds of their daughter and finally succeed in separating the couple. This is exactly what is happening with the parents. Better they do not perform their daughter’s marriage. There is no need for any divorce.

      Let their sons roam in the forest and have sexual satisfaction like animals. Who will question them? No one and Nobody. It is your body and it is your effort to nourish it or perish it.

    • For me, divorce should not be legalized or even the same sex marriage its very abomination in the eyes of God. Always remember that the Law of God is far more supreme than the Law of Men. Why there are many broken families in every part of the world? Just because of lust. They don’t actually love each other. For they only love their self without concerning the others. If what you feel towards someone is called true love you would stick to your so called significant other until the very end no matter what trials that will come your way. First and foremost, if you really want to find true love which is everlasting pray with all your heart and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to be your guiding star to search for someone that was intended for you alone and you’ll see with constant prayers i know God in his time will hear your prayers. A prayers that comes from the heart. We should understand that a relationship without God in the center of it will ruin easily. But a relationship close to God will stand over the long run. Anyone united in the matrimony of marriage cannot be separated by men for they are one forever.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Bringing Back Traditional Games 7 years, 11 months ago

    Move over Clash of Clans and Pokemon Go, we will play the original games- the traditional games.
    Long time ago before Toru Iwatani created Pacman, these games was already the best of the games in the house. […]

    • Have to laugh at myself. Showing my age. When I saw the words “traditional games”, my mind went to board games like Monopoly and Scrabble and fun card games. As soon as I saw Pokemon I’m like … Oh well! Got nothing to say! 🙂

    • How can we allow our children play all these old stuff? They are all games meant for the poor and needy. In those days they were considered as good games. Only people having some financial background were allowing their children to go out and play. Most of the children were learning the work from their fathers. Earning some money was a great thing. People were working hard to earn some money . The poor man’s son was learning his work from his father. They were the games meant for those days. But there is technology now. We got the latest technology. Our concentration should be to move with the technology and know the things better than inviting the old traditions and customs. Are they of any use now? They are all obsolete. They can be considered only as memories.

      We should not live in memories and spoil the children. First, we have to educate ourselves to know the best thing and then allow our children know the things.

      Earlier a worker was accepting the Food when it was offered to him. Now can we offer such food to any worker? He, instead of accepting the food will get angry and throw it on our face. So better we change and move with the situation and time.

    • You may be right. But what is the use of it. I really wonder seeing people brooding over their past which has nothing to do with the present. Gone are those days when people were quite generous and kind. They were commanding respect not only in their house but also in the society.

      When my Grandfather was coming out wearing a Turban along with a Coat people were just escaping from his sight. A Tanga was kept outside the house which was taking him to his office. He was a Tahsildar. He got every power to dictate terms to the people of his area. Do we have such people and are we commanding such respect?

      Recollection of past is not a good thing. Let us live in the present and do effort to satisfy children with their choices and allow them to play with as many toys of their choices as possible. Allow them to lead a team instead of being in a team.

    • Times have changed a lot and I guess we have to move along. But with online games and computers, physical and emotional health has deteriorated in our children. There should be a balance and it is up to the parents to provide this balance by taking children to parks and gardens or enrolling children in swimming, sports classes etc. But technology is here to stay and we can’t keep children away from it.

    • Yes such games made us run and walk a lot and made us exercise. Howeer, shrinking space for parks, increased pollution and more crime has led to kids being more inside their houses after schools than outside.
      So its a social issue as well.

    • A survey out today points to a decline in traditional outdoor games like hopscotch, marbles and conkers. You may have heard me talking about the findings on Radio 5 live this morning (from 53’30” in), supporting the call for a ‘rough and tumble play’ campaign.

      Mourning the loss of such games makes a nice summer season story. But does it really matter? Isn’t the attempt to revive interest in these games just shallow nostalgia? Is it even adults’ business to get involved? After all, these games have traditionally been passed down through the generations by children themselves, with little or no adult input.

      Yes, people of the whole world have forgot their traditional games and following the country games is a bad thing as I think that because follow other peoples’ game but do not forget national games because respect lies in it.

      Thinking of a new place to hide, a quick joke to end the opponent’s ‘statue’, discovering how regular household objects can serve as unique toys all silently hone creativity… Creativity is usually at a high while engaged in imaginative play, as it does not have boundaries.

      There is no limit, for example, to the stories that can be woven around 5 barbie dolls, or the number of twists in rules that one can introduce to a regular ‘catch me if you can’ game. Electronic games don’t leave us with such opportunities.

      Everything from the rules of the game to the levels and the equipment is preset for us. There is very little scope for invention and innovation. Food for thought.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Drug Test To Governmet Workers 7 years, 11 months ago

    “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.”― Kurt Cobain
    The drug problem continues and it will stay for the next six m […]

    • What Mr.Duterte is doing is exactly what is the philippines required for. People will not listen easily and the pushers can not lose thier lucrative business so easily. The only alternative is to extinguish either the people or the pusher. It is only by eliminating the Pushers the check can be made to this problem. So he took a firm decision which his predecessors lacked and did not take any decision even in the interest of their country. They are all totally selfish and are all political crooks. The International communities and others selfish people may exaggerate the things but the President should not yield to such criticism. Often there will be some crooks who point out something out of nothing and something more out of something. Mr. Duterte should implement it even with an Iron hand and should teach a lesson to these drug Pushers.

    • That is so nice for your place, my friend. Here too, the mayor and all the employees were also given a drug test and it is said that none tested positive too.

      This move of President Duterte in requiring all government employees to drug testing is one way to know if anyone amongst them is into the use of illegal drugs.

      Though, I wonder if all policemen were also drug tested?

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Comforting a hurt child 7 years, 11 months ago

    When a child is hurt, it is a natural instinct that he wanted to be comforted by his parents and grandparents immediately.

    In contrast, parents and grandparents themselves, wanted to shower the child their […]

    • They just want to know that your are there for them

    • S hurting child will sometimes be very quiet, and not really say anything just in case he is told that he is being too petty about some issues. When a child is hurt that will always throw tantrums others will get aimlessly just like you have mentioned above. And that can be very annoying trying to stop that child from crying can be a huge mess. But the best way is to show them that you are attentive to them. It’s not really about what you will give them but just your time would change everything. Time is very essential most people take it for granted they don’t spend much time with their children’s making their kids feel vulnerable and neglected and that’s why they will always get and throw tantrums.

    • In my case when a child is hurt I check what the issue is and then treat the child accordingly. I do not like to treat the child with kid gloves always. Sometimes it is needed to be done but many other times I explain them why they are crying and when they will stop crying and how they can help themselves in the situation.

      I see many grown children also crying nowadays. For very minor issues. I feel they have been turned into delicate darling’s by there parents by showering too much of love and affection and also by being overprotective. This sort of a thing will never help the child and will turn out to be a problem when they grow as adults. An interesting article giving information on how to handle different children with varied mentalities. Best wishes.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup 7 years, 11 months ago

    I started to fall in love with dumplings since my childhood days.
    Mom used to homemade dumplings which were large, fulled of generous fillings and super delicious soup.
    She always added generous heaps of mixed […]

    • I have not tasted it still but I will try to taste it soon making at home with the help of my cousin. Ingredients:
      1 packet dumpling wrappers, for soup
      1.5 liter chicken stock, homemade or store-bought
      2 to 3 stalks baby bok choy
      spring onion, diced, for garnish
      sesame oil, to taste
      salt, for cleansing the prawn meat
      corn flour, for cleansing the prawn meat
      250 gm pork mince
      160 gm prawn meat
      3 shiitake mushrooms, soaked and shredded
      30 gm bamboo shoots, frozen or canned, blanched in hot water then shredded
      20 gm wood ears, blanched in hot water then shredded
      2 tsp light soy sauce
      ½ tsp salt
      ½ tsp sugar
      ½ tsp oyster sauce
      1 tsp cornflour / corn starch
      ½ tsp chicken powder / chicken bouillon
      1 egg white
      white pepper, to taste
      sesame oil, to taste

      Mix the prawn meat with a little of salt and corn flour. Leave them for about 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry with kitchen papers. Cut each into 3 to 4 pieces.
      Mix pork mince with marinade. Stir in the prawn, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wood ears. Cover and chill in fridge for about 20 minutes, or until you’re ready to wrap dumplings.
      Put a heaped spoon of fillings in the middle of a wrapper. Damp the wrapper around the fillings and seal the filling tightly, leaving the wrapper edges loosely. No need to make it perfect. Just make sure the fillings won’t leak out while boiling. Repeat this step to finish wrapping with the remaining fillings.
      Bring the chicken stock to a boil over high heat in a pot.
      In the meantime, carefully put dumplings into another large pot of boiling water over high heat. Stir the water with chopsticks in order to avoid the dumplings stick to the bottom. When the dumplings float to the water surface. Immediately transfer them into the chicken stock. Add bok choy and cook for a while. Season with salt. Sprinkle spring onion and sesame oil. Serve immediately.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Test Your Nutrient Knowledge 7 years, 11 months ago

    Knowing the actual nutrients in your food is essential
    rather than blindly gobble up the same food everyday while
    pushing yourself away from other nutritious food that you

    It is wise to eat wide […]

    • vegetables are the best source of vitamins but vegetables do not produce minerals in human body we have to take minerals from out side source as from all fruits and dry fruit. Our body is composed of vitamins and minerals brick by brick made of cells.

      I think that Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. …
      Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.
      Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.
      More items…

      People who eat fruit and vegetables as part of their daily diet have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. USDA’s MyPlate encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables.

      Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic acid) and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a superfood!

      Potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.

      Folate (folic acid) helps the body form healthy red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need adequate folate to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida during fetal development.

      The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body.

      Vegetable’s Health benefits mat be these as

      Eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.
      One to four cups of vegetables are recommended each day, depending on how many calories you need. To find out how many vegetables you need to eat, use the Healthy Eating Planner.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Ways to make a Homemaker Happy 7 years, 11 months ago

    Being a full time homemaker is hard work.
    If you are a homemaker with toddlers or school age kids, you know what I mean.

    A homemaker is the woman of the house who does the “One man show” which
    means, she is […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Don’t Leave Vigan Without Visiting These Places 7 years, 11 months ago

    Vigan is the biggest tourist destination in northern Philippines. Dubbed as the New 7 Wonder Cities of the World last year, and declared as World Heritage Sites and known also as Ciudad Fernandina, Vigan […]

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    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Happy October everyone, hope we all redeem for this month.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Why some post have no image? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    it takes time for the image to appear

    if it doesn’t remove the link, refresh yr fb, paste the link again and wait until the arrow keeps turning until it stops, then the image will appear

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    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are all excited to know what is next after ‘newbie’, maybe after a year of us here we will be level up. The curiosity keeping us excited to wait and know what will be next.

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    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    FYI, if you write 7 articles with 300 words for literacy base  per day that would be more than one dollar per day. If you comment long paragraphs that would be bonus on your earnings. Maybe this guide can help you and inform you why others keep on redeeming and you are not.

    BTW, I did not yet experience redeeming here but I hope I can make it…[Read more]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Pyramid of exercise 7 years, 11 months ago

    How often do you exercise in a week?
    Are you getting enough exercise?
    How much exercise is enough?
    These are the questions that we frequently ask 
    ourselves when we look at the reflection of our 
    bodies in the […]

    • Those are good tips. Lifestyle that has movement could keep one healthy.

    • What you mention here are very informative especially to those people who keep on complaining about their body weight, sick, and their hobby is just sitting and watching television or internet at their home.

      In my case, though I am not so active now but my physical exercise include running (morning or afternoon)and biking. During the height of my running, I do it even 5 times a week. Biking now is my favorite exercise. Its good feeling when you do it.

    • Exercise is most essential part of human life if no exercise means a walking hospital. n other words, exercise aims to maintain or enhance our physical fitness and general health. People exercise for many different reasons. Some of them are included below:

      Benefits of Exercise in Daily Life

      Strengthens the muscles that are involved in respiration – exercises facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs
      Strengthens and enlarges the heart muscle – this improves aerobic conditioning – pumping of blood and the heart rate (lowers the pulse of a person when they are resting)
      Tones muscles throughout most of the body
      Reduces blood pressure
      Improves circulation
      Raises the number of red blood cells, in turn facilitating transportation of oxygen
      The sleep quality of insomnia patients can improve with moderate exercise, a study found
      Improves mental health
      A study found that exercise reduces migraine suffering
      Reduces the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems
      Helps improve survival rates of patients with cardiovascular diseases significantly, as researchers found
      Stimulates bone growth (high impact aerobic exercise), reduces risk of osteoporosis
      Increases stamina or endurance – aerobic activity increases the body’s ability to store energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscle
      Increases blood flow through muscles
      Improves muscles’ ability to use fats during exercise, thus preserving the intramuscular glycogen.

      We all human being must make exercise daily at least 30 to 45 minutes to maintain health for future life and old age. No walk, no exercise in life is injurious to health.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 8 things that you can re-use at home 7 years, 11 months ago

    Everyday, there are tons of waste, trash and 
    unwanted things that humans discard them into
     the bin without even thinking twice.

    Before you throw away anything after used or 
    consumed, maybe you should pause […]

    • I have far too many bottles plastic and glass. I use some and the rest are just disposed of.

    • Number 4! Genius! I never thought to do that with old calendars. What a good idea! 🙂

    • These are all great ideas. Tins, jars, plastic bottles etc can be used in a myriad of ways.

    • Great Ideas. Things at home are probably of many used, only if we know how to utilized them. Aside from those that is being discussed, I want to include the following things:

      BUTTONS. If you have only two attractive buttons, make them into a pair of earrings. If you have four attractive buttons, make them into a pair of cufflinks, chain-stitching a cord between each pair.

      CALENDAR PICTURES. Enamel shabby wastebaskets and paste on calendar pictures for new decor. (Scenic ads and posters can also he used.) Shellac over the pictures for longer wearing and washability.

      CANDLE STUBS. For corking bottles when you’ve lost the cork, soften a candle stub so that it fits the neck of the bottle. Candle stubs also make excellent fire starters. Candle stubs can be saved and melted together and made into new candles, using old bottles or milk cartons as molds. Also, candle stubs can be melted and poured directly onto paint in a half-used can of paint so that the paint will remain airtight and soft.

      CAN KEYS. Save an occasional key from coffee or sardine cans, as you’re bound, sooner or later, to come across one that has no key. Can keys also provide an economical way to use toothpaste, winding from the bottom of the tube!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 10 ways to make your home look luxury within your budget 7 years, 11 months ago

    I had always wanted to make my home look comfy and warmth 

    especially when my hubby and kids come back from work or



    I do envy those new showhouse at residential areas, where
     consumers are a […]

    • A few changes and replacements can go a long way in making the place look different and pretty.

    • We actually like your article and the way you represent. Please Inbox us. We have more tips for you. This will help you earn more from this kind of articles.

    • This is useful for me as I am constructing a house. I want to make it all at once without any incompletion. I was to enter keeping everything in order and in perfect condition. I am nowadays busy in redecorating all the furniture and want to make use of all pallets lying in my store room. I purchased a hand drill also to do the carpentry work.

    • I liked the tips and most of all the showeheads, they are the thing that make the bathroom fancy and luxury or not, I like the one in the hotels that are in the middle of the ceiling of the bathrooms, so nice and give you feeling that you are u;nder waterfall.
      I also like to add that garden also if they are organized in some way it may give the feelings of luxury place, like adding some antique to them and adding few lights that make it romantic and also adding flower real one not cheap one, and to add water or any type like small sea shape or small waterfall that it size only few cm. these all add great look to the house and it makyou also feel as if you are in spa or something, i like to have that area to do that, thanks for the amaizing post and good post of your s taht make want to go now and do the garden hah

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Mosquito War 7 years, 11 months ago

    The rainy season does not just bring floods in the country, it is also the time when mosquitoes multiply and their eggs hatches. Because of this reason, diseases from them are the main problem of the […]

    • This is a nice topic and I will like to add my voice to it. I believe to eliminate mosquitoes we need more than insecticide.We need to imbibe a thorough habit of cleanliness for mosquitoes live in stinking and dirty areas. We must ensure our kitchens are always clean and all dirty plates and pots are washed always. In the same vein our toilet and bathrooms must not be left out. We must ensure they are always neat.

      • Cleanliness is the best strategy to eliminate these little vampires. Its so happen we are always in the losing side because they were never eliminated and thus they multiply and continue to give us headache. There must be a good vaccine now against this virus, where are our scientists and chemists to manufacture this medicine so that even if we are bitten by them, we will not be affected by dengue, chickungunya, zika and yellow fever.

    • Mosquitoes live to thrive on the dirt and the leftovers the credit of which goes to a human being.
      Human being is considered as the most intelligent and is known for his rational thinking. Unfortunately, he is not taking proper care of the environment he lives in. He became totally indisciplined. Wearing suit and Boot, applying perfume on the whole body and dress does not make one a cultured man. He should know how to live comfortably and his existence should not cause panic to others but should give a sigh of relief. Is he doing that?
      He eats and the leftovers are thrown right in front of the others house to take proper care of that material to which the latter does not care at all. There won’t be any dustbin to be found in around any corner of any street. The other materials included the old oily clothes, damaged foods , vegetables, fruits, spoiled mutton , chicken , and pork pieces, whisper pads, clothes used cleaning the house, spoiled tiffin, breakfast, nails, hair, razors, old chappals, sandals , socks, giving reverberating odor, not to mention, the list runs in thousands. When such dearest and tasty food collected in and around a locality it is quite convenient for the mosquitoes to make a comfortable living on them.
      We need not kill , fight , or eradicate mosquitoes but we should eradicate uncleanliness in the premises we live in. This tendency is prevalent more in India because here the people are irresponsible towards themselves and never take responsibility for the society. Here they learn everything by Hunter lashes but not by words. Some foreigner should point out this position in a humiliating manner in his report . Even then everything goes right and takes twist and turns and the courts in India are already there to take a lenient view of everything without going deep into the gravity of the situation and to allow stay orders against the action proposed.
      One will be wondered to observe that in most of the schools run by Government there are no Toilets for Boys and Girls. They take pleasure in going to the near by empty places or fields. The officials swallow whatever is released as per their mutual understanding with the Bureaucrts and Politicians. Totally shameless ceature on the planet Earth.
      It is not necessary to eradicate the mosquitoes but to develop a sense of social resp;onsibility and cleanliness is more im;portant with particular reference to India. The P:rime Minister is introducing many schemes and concentrating on this issue more. But there is more to be taken up on war footing basis whole heartedlyh. Mr. Modi is the only Prime Minister who could concentrate on this issue and evolved a scheme to clean the entire country . Still the people of India are not considering or thinking over it seriously. Who should tell them. ? Should my neighbour come and clean my house?

      • Wow, that was long explanation here about mosquito. You really did some good research about our little insects. Anyway its always good to be always aware about this diseases. What we should do the right thing, cleanliness in our surrounding where this mosquito thrive.

    • Thanks for sharing the reality of some places in our country. Siva is right too, we need to clean our surroundings. If we always clean our area, but we are not so sure if our neighbors also do the same.There are many stupid neighbors this time.
      Before I go to sleep, I spray our sala and other rooms with Quick.I also bought mosquito killer lamp I bought on line at Lazada. In the day, we always plug 24/7 Baygon in current. We are doing these things because we have children at home ages 4 and 6, my nephews.
      If everyone is willing to accept cleanliness as way to a healthy life, then there will be no dengue at all.

      • That is a practical way to shoo the mosquito. Of course when we are aware that they are here and we do something to eliminate them, it will always be a good move. But if we do nothing and just let the mosquito roam around our home, then our children will be in vulnerable situation. Its better to act now than act later.

    • We went through, and go through, various epidemics which are kept off the front page due to lack of a blood test.

      When I got Chik-V they didn’t do a blood test, they didn’t tell me to come in, they announced.. there is no cure. Use paracetamin.

      Thousands upon thousands got it and some died.

      We got Zika late last year and again, no blood tests. I had it. My doctor smiled, gave me paracetamin. That’s it.

      A lot of preg. women have it and will be giving birth to sick babies.

      • that is really disappointing the modern medicine got no cure for this viruses from mosquito, and yes all they advice is for us to take some paracetamol. So, people in village just becoming scientist now by trying the wild shrubs. I think some get a nice try because they believe a kind of shrub said to cure dengue. But then again, the medical society said we should not take that extract because it might cause some danger to us. But people are helpless and they tried it and said it works for them.

    • The place where mosquitoes thrive is stagnant water. Even a small bottle is enough for them to thrive. Water in flower vases for example could be a good source. Water needs to be replaced from time to time.

      • That is true and its good we change them. I learned that while its true the water are their nest but when they are pour in the soil, for example, the egg do not die or damaged, instead it stays good up to six months. So, during summer, mosquito might disappear, but when rainy season come, the eggs hatched and the mosquito are here again (sigh, the sad truth why mosquito are still here)

    • Seems to me that illegal drugs are easier to eliminate than mosquito. Look, its been years now and still the mosquito continue to infect us dengue, chikungunya and now zika. No cure for this virus and all the doctor can say is to have stronger immune system and take a lots of fruits and also paracetamol.

    • Mosquito is a problem in every society because it creates many mysterious diseases among man and women and children and many of them die due to mosquito stinging anon. In this matter the government can do nothing because we cannot kill any mosquito from the whole country.

      Masquito causes theses Diseases as transmitted by mosquitoes include: malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis and Zika fever.

      Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism — over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year. Not only can mosquitoes carry diseases that afflict humans, they also transmit several diseases and parasites that dogs and horses are very susceptible to. These include dog heartworm, West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). In addition, mosquito bites can cause severe skin irritation through an allergic reaction to the mosquito’s saliva –

      this is what causes the red bump and itching. Mosquito vectored diseases include protozoan diseases, i.e., malaria, filarial diseases such as dog heartworm, and viruses such as dengue, encephalitis and yellow fever. CDC Travelers’ Health provides information on travel to destinations where human-borne diseases might be a problem.

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