• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic kids wearing jewells in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    according to chinese tradition, old folks would insist first born baby to wear jewellery on ankle, wrist or necklace as a symbol of precious, important, the only one, especially if the baby is a boy.


    Actually, it is not popular anymore in this modern time but it is polite to accept the gift but remove it after that.

    baby might get strangled…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    nobody knows yet, everyone here is still under newbie, even though I had been here since july 2016, still a newbie

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Secret behind high views at tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    does that mean that sharing post at share media not allowed?

    Because one could get high views, external ones when sharing online

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of JackieJackie are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of NAGARAJAN SNAGARAJAN S are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic kids wearing jewells in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 12 months ago

    There might be some beliefs of parents why they are doing this. Maybe they believe that putting golds and other glittering in their children will bring to good fortune or good future when they grow old. It could also be a belief of warding off or pushing away the evil spirits so they cannot harm the baby. Or maybe, the passion of the parents of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    Its Saturday, its weekend relaxing now. What is your plan today and Sunday? Enjoy the vacation guys. Today is the first day of October and we just left September.

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    SuperD replied to the topic what is wrong with humanatic? in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 12 months ago

    Of course, you guys who are member of the Humanatic can answer to that and not us who are not members to this earning site. But this is a good discussion to let other people know about this earning site and maybe some would really try to register.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Places That I Want To Explore Again 7 years, 12 months ago

    Dora is not only the explorer in this world; Marco Polo was not the only traveler.

    We are all traveler and explorer. We love to go to other places not just to have the most beautiful selfie, taste their food, […]

    • So these are the places not to miss by a traveler. what are the historical places in and around the Philippines? I am very much interested to see the Historic places in any place, of course, the Beaches will always be my first preferences. I generally, take a dig to the Forts and other Ancient structure and capture their secrets in my phone (nowadays only) or in my Digital camera (my life).

      The places interest me very much to a high degree. Once I was coming from Anantapur (a district about 400 km from the city). On the way I came across Gooty. This is a tourist place and there is an old Fort known by the name The FORT GOOTY. So I reauested the Bus conductor to permit me to get down to see the place. He could only gaze at me perhaps saying for himself what was wrong with this man. I got down spent the whole night in the lodge after visiting the Fort and the next day I got into my Bus to the City. Try to give some information on my favorite topic and also on the Beaches.

    • I would love to explore the Philippines. Mainly because I want hit up every restaurant on the map. Heard that authentic Filipino food is amazing! When I watch those TV shows where the person gets to travel and their job is to eat the local food, I’m thinking: “Wish I had their job!” 🙂 Of course I’d love to visit the country’s historical sites, beaches, and other fun and interesting places as well. One thing I always do no matter where I travel is try to find a place to worship, so I can meet new brothers and sisters in the faith. 🙂

    • Christian. Like the folks who were converted that you can read about in Books of Acts. (Acts 11:26) That’s the quickest answer that can be typed into a Comments box. A discussion about my faith would take much much much much much much longer. But thanks for asking. :)+++

    • Yes, There are many places that some of us want to visit again and again in life because they are so beautiful that fascinate human hearts. Here I am, back in Mexico, having decided to visit Playa del Carmen again, a town I’ve been to many times before.

      And I’m thoroughly enjoying my stay right now, even more than previous visits. Now one might think this would be the result of spending time at all of my favorite places in town, eating at my favorite eateries, hanging out on my favorite stretch of white sand beach, going for a swim each evening at the very same spot I used to go for a sunset swim and taking day trips to the very same locations I’ve been to, and loved, before.

      Yes, I’ve eaten at Dona Mary’s local tostada cafe on Avenida 30, my absolute favorite eatery here, and I’ve already gone to the same nearby street stall for some agua de guanabana, which I used to do almost every day when I lived here, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hang out at my favorite cafe in the center of town or swim at my favorite part of the beach, just as I did before.

      But what I’ve realized this time around is, in between those meals and those hang out sessions and those swims, I’ve ventured off into new neighborhoods, eaten at new eateries, explored new stretches of beach and searched for completely new experiences.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 12 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Behold, It’s Teachers’ Day 7 years, 12 months ago

    Do not disturb. No classes today.
    Where have all the teachers gone? Busy?
    Nah, they are relaxing: spa, body massage, hair rebond. Don’t you know, its Teachers Day today. The most important people to mold o […]

    • We owe our teachers a great deal. They are usually overworked and underpaid. We should always teach our children to be courteous towards their teachers. However the school administration should keep a vigilant eye on teachers and not allow them to be cruel or hit the children. Physical punishments must be against school policy everywhere in the world.

    • YAY! YAY! Don’t know if any teachers can hear me. Don’t know if my teachers who taught me can hear me. But I want them to know I will be grateful to them forever! Their positive influence is ever present. Happy Teachers Day!!

    • Teachers are people should accorded all the respect that they need in this world. Without teachers most of us would not be here today. They are very important in our lives and in th3 lives of he growing children in the society.I for one respect all the techers who took the time to sit down with me and take me through my lessons each day, I never take advantage of my teachers at all they are the reason I am who I am today. Not to say that my parents had nothing to do with me that had the first hand then teachers also chipped in. Many may say that sometimes they are too severe or too harsh on Thu kids, but the truth is without this kid’s would be unruly towards their elders this making them immoral. So for this I would like to say thank you teachers and happy teachers day to you all.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of Jayson LampitocJayson Lampitoc are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of CharisseCharisse are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of dominicdominic are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

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    SuperD and Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA@stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    Its almost eleven in the evening here, time to go sleep. Had a great day today, hope it will be greater day tomorrow.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Elite Writers ? in the forum Group logo of The Discussion PlaceThe Discussion Place 7 years, 12 months ago

    I have heard the site and I have heard lots of the members who posted articles was not paid. I also registered their and I was not paid. I don’t know how many articles I posted, don’t care anyway because the site is not worth to give attention.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of The Discussion PlaceThe Discussion Place 7 years, 12 months ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic Just redeemed my September earnings. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    My jealous on you because I missed my first payout for this month. The reason, I did not reach the minimum amount for redemption. Oh well, this should be my first payment if I made the cut. Its only, I am still familiarizing literacy base so I guess I can make it by October and hope to double it, or maybe triple it. How I wish. Anyway,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, So, Why I Dream To Be A Chef? 7 years, 12 months ago

    Why do I love watching US Master chef and Hell’s Kitchen? It’s not just because I’m a fan of Gordon Ramsay. Or be entertained how these chefs cook their own dishes. I feel yummy though I cannot taste the d […]

    • So is it only a dream or do you intend to fulfill your aspirations?

      • too bad for me my dream will always be a dream. It will never come true. Why? Because I am old now, I have fiver children to support their studies. They are the most important thing in my life now. Their ambitions is what I am working for. Its not my own ambition now. I have been there and I think the dreams of my children is what I need to fulfill.

        Its just sad that some dreams don’t come to reality. Many factors and reasons why you did not achieve that. One could the be hardship in life. If only we are rich or have money to support my ambition, it would have been easy. I am not complaining.

        Anyway, I may not be chef but I am a cook, good cook in our house.

        • do you think that still there is something wrong in aspiring to be a Chef? I do not think so. Even becoming a Top Chef is not as easy as 123. It needs a continuous hard work , determination, and devotion towards the work.

          • It should have been great if I’m a career oriented person and my emotional quotient is lower than my IQ, its so happen that I’m a family man who can do cooking for my family and just helping the children to find their ambition. Anyway, maybe one of my child can be a great chef someday.

        • Before I got married and started having children, I had planned to go to law school. I set that ambition aside and like you, worked on my family instead. I’m totally OK with that. But I will say that I met a lady who went back to law school at age 53, after she had raised her children. I know of a successful missionary effort that was started by a man in his 70s. So if you have your life, health and strength, and a desire to pursue your dream, then do it! If you no longer have the will or ambition, that’s fine too! As long you don’t spend the rest of your life lamenting that you never had the opportunity and did not fulfill your dream. That would be tragic!

    • There is nothing wrong to become a cook. After all, even after earning millions and billions one will aspire for a day meal only. If that is not there with all flavors and rich taste what is the use of money. we know our place is already reserved in the graveyard. It may be some six feet or 7 ft and not more than that. Money will not come. If the money we do have can not give us food as per our taste and flavor what is that we are going to do with that money. Becoming Chef is not an easy task. He prepares the food with a lot of devotion to please his guests and family members. This is his selfless desire that food prepared by him should have good appreciation from all who eat it. Is there anything wrong in that? He is the first man to have the least desire

      • Thank you very much for this respond. There was nothing wrong, only the timing was wrong. If it was given at the right time, I could have been the chef beside Ramsay.

    • Looks like we share a dream the only difference is that my dream can earlier on and I did not pursue it for reasons best known to me. But I can say I achieved that dream only in a different way without the white cap and the white chef uniform. The only thing that I have with me is an apron. I also don’t have a large kitchen like the ones we watch on tv. That dream was realized in my own kitchen I am my own chef, because I cook for myself and my family. Am actually called chef by my family, friends collegues you name it. Whenever am home hosting visitors am usually the one doing all the preparations in the kitchen and when I get out of there everyone is always appreciative for the food that I prepared I have never disappointed. I started learning how to cook at a very tender age and that brought about a lot of interest for me in matters kitchen. No wonder I always have an interest in recipes and anything to do with food and healthy eating. I guess I can say I have a passion. So keep your dream alive you never know it could come to pass don’t give up wanting to know how to cook and bake that’s how people grow talents.

    • Yes, as a I have said the passion keep burning in my heart. And though I have no diploma and certificate on that dream uniform, I am like you wearing an apron to have the best cook for my family. Its been my way of fulfilling my passion and though sometimes I am bit disappointed of what I have become but never really regret about who I am now.

    • Your family is lucky in that you fulfil your dream by cooking for them. What a beautiful situation. May your tribe increase.

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