• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Is Suicide the Only Way Out? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Ex-Director General  in the Corporate Affairs Ministry (Delhi)  was arrested on the grounds of accepting a bribe from a pharmaceutical company to clear them of mal practices, in July this year.

    Having no way t […]

    • Suicide is never the only recourse left. Sadly, however, some people think that it is. When they commit suicide it’s far too late for them to say “Uumm … I changed my mind!” My prayer is that we can get to those who are contemplating such a drastic measure before they do the deed and hopefully save their life. Life is precious. It’s not something you should throw away.

      • Not being able to face what would be in store perhaps drives some towards suicide. One needs strength to overcome those fears.

    • Those who commit suicide are cowards and cannot face the darkest realities life but I think that those who have no nice friend often seen commits suicide due to severe disappointment. It is very serious matter for the parents and the government to do something for such persons and try to research its root causes roaming in the society.

      Many teens who attempt or die by suicide have a mental health condition. As a result, they have trouble coping with the stress of being a teen, such as dealing with rejection, failure, breakups and family turmoil. They might also be unable to see that they can turn their lives around — and that suicide is a permanent response, not a solution, to a temporary problem.

      I think these may be the the main causes of committing suicide as

      What are the risk factors for teen suicide?

      A teen might feel suicidal due to certain life circumstances such as:

      Having a psychiatric disorder, including depression
      Loss of or conflict with close friends or family members
      History of physical or sexual abuse or exposure to violence
      Problems with alcohol or drugs
      Physical or medical issues, for example, becoming pregnant or having a sexually transmitted infection
      Being the victim of bullying
      Being uncertain of sexual orientation
      Exposure to the suicide of a family member or friend
      Begin adopted
      Family history of mood disorder or suicidal behavior

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Recognize opportunity in your life.Recognize opportunity in your life. 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of What Comes Out At 3AMWhat Comes Out At 3AM 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Business QuotesBusiness Quotes 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Mans best friendMans best friend 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Food for the thoughtFood for the thought 7 years, 10 months ago

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, ‘A Stitch in Time Saves Nine’ Holds Good for Every Situation 7 years, 10 months ago

    One might say this quote ‘ A stitch in time saves nine’ does not hold water any more as no one stitches torn clothes or darns them any more. But it could be applied to several other areas pertaining to our day to […]

    • Yes, you say right, a stitch in time saves nine is applied in other ways these days . I think it is a proverb and is not used to darn and and stitches in clothes but it actually means if you do any work in time will save you time for other pieces of work at home and out of home.

      For if you do school work in time you will get the first position in the class because you did home work in time from the very beginning and stood first.

      The same formula is applied in all walk of life but our politicians do not stitch in time the torn clothes of country as poverty and corruption.

      I think the countries that acted upon this formula are called progressive and developed countries all over the world. while under developed countries did not stitch in time in the torn country economics clothes and backward on earth.

      Our forefathers save said all things right but modern men have forgot all their forefathers’ sayings. Some consider it old wives’ tales.

      • Yes.It is a proverb but derived from the fact that if a tear is not darned on time the tear will widen.
        We tend to procrastinate when we find any job boring but it leads to disastrous consequences.

    • It is very difficult to apply this saying. I do face the same situation. I do bookmark every site and make a long list of book marks. I do not know how to get rid of this bad habit. Hope you share something more in this connection so that it may help me sorting up my book marks.

      • I too have a long list of bookmarks. You can do one thing. Open that tab and see if any of the bookmarks have not been used at all by you, which means your enthusiasm on that particular subject has died downand you may not feel the need for it at all. You can delete such bookmarks.

    • A word stinche time save Nine have to do with a word procasination many people do procasinate when he or she surpose to apply action, for my own understanding were in the moving vehicle and you find out that the vehicle has developed falt and instead of you to stop and find out what the falt is all about and you keep on moving until the vehicle broke down, if you stop and find out what the error that vehicle you have save nine, but if you continue moving until it broke down on the way that stinch time, that is way i understand it.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips to Get Your Kids to Try New Foods 7 years, 10 months ago

    Having a child that is reluctant to try new foods is a big headache for parents and caregivers.


    My 9 year old son is a picky eater.


    He is a problematic child who picks food that he likes to eat ( […]

    • It may be very hard indeed to introduce new foods to children, and I cannot agree more that we must not bribe nor threaten them. it is our job to be creative as parents and to find interesting ways that might work in getting our children to have a healthy diet. I have a two year old daughter and a six year old niece and they are very picky eaters. My niece for instance doesn’t like meat, however she likes patty, so what I do is to make bite-size patties which she loves very much. My daughter doesn’t like milk, so what I do is to milk popsicles which she loves;see, mission accomplished. There are also other creative ways in which i get them to eat foods that they don’t like.

    • The only “trick” I remember my mother trying on us was to let us starve until we got hungry enough to eat the food she prepared. What was on the table, that was it. She said if we didn’t like it, there was bread and butter and we could have a glass of water with it and then go to our room. Yeah. That was the “old school” parenting style. I come from a large family and I don’t remember that many of us being picky eaters. Looking back on it, I don’t know if the alternative meal of bread and butter and water, was the reason why we weren’t picky eaters. (O.o) 🙂

    • Food is part and parcel of human life we are eating vegetables fruits since our birth the same apple, the grains , the same meat, the banana, the same orange…

      But the children like different foods and vegetables in eating with different style so that they change their eating pattern and its most important for health and human spirit.

      Your child should consume a variety of foods from the five major food. Each food group supplies im­portant nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

      Vegetables: 3-5 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 3/4 cup of vegetable juice, or 1/2 cup of other vegetables, chopped raw or cooked.
      Fruits: 2-4 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1/2 cup of sliced fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice, or a medium-size whole fruit, like an apple, banana, or pear.
      Bread, cereal, or pasta: 6-11 servings per day. Each serving should equal 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup of rice or pasta, or 1 ounce of cereal.
      Protein foods: 2-3 servings of 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish per day.

      A serving in this group may also consist of 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans, one egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter for each ounce of lean meat.

      Dairy products: 2-3 servings per day of 1 cup of low-fat milk or yogurt, or 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese.

      I think that Although food habits are not stable and unchanging during a person’s lifetime, a base for healthy food habits can be created in early childhood. Children’s food habits can be assumed to be influenced by their parents’ food habits and choices.

      The aim of this article is to review factors influencing food choice in children as well as in adults. The results demonstrate that the development of children’s food habits is influenced by a multitude of factors. Parents play an important role in the formation of food habits and preferences of young children.

      They can influence their children’s food choice by making specific foods available, by acting as models for their children and by their behaviour in specific situations. Children tend to be afraid of new foods and do not readily accept them. However, experience is known to enhance preference, and earlier experiences of a particular food are the major determinants of the development of children’s food acceptance patterns.

      Thus, parents should be encouraged to make healthy foods easily available to the child and serve these foods in positive mealtime situations in order to help their child to develop healthy food habits.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lend Money to Your Best Friend 7 years, 10 months ago

    A friend in need is a friend in deed.


    This phrase applies to “REAL” friends who are willing to help you when you are in need of cash, advice, a shoulder to cry on and to be there anytime, anywhere with […]

    • Yes you are correct. I still disagree with lending money to best friends even if they are in need of the money. Money is very bad and also good but when it comes to friendship, money should be far especially lending money to friends. If you want a friendship relationship between you and your friend to last, don’t lend him money. Instead of you to lend him 2000 to solve a problem, I rather you dash him 200 and ask him to manage the 200,that that’s all you have. Like that your friendship still Continues harmoniously. Am talking from experience,. If you study the reasons why many best friends broke up, you will realize that money to an extent is the cause of the end of the friendship. I have witnessed a lot of friendship that has been broken up because of lending money issue and that is why I believe this topic and also agree with the topic beyond doubt. Some friends though very good friends are not worth being helped on terms of money. This has made me realize my uncles word, he said you can never say a man is good until you do money business with him. If he is good with money business, you will know he’s good. So many friends of ours are not worth being lent some money because at last they will disappoint you. Because they are your best friends, that will make them always delay your payment even if the money comes around. They will be like, after all he’s my guy. They don’t remember again that their guy is also on need of money.

    • Thanks for sharing such a useful information. I have been a victim of this lending of hard earning money to friends whom I never heard from again.

    • you r right–want keep that friendship–dont do it

    • You know…Money is a real bad thing. It can never buy happiness of any kind but still it is one of the greatest need of life.
      I have seen money destroying many relationships and that too for the whole life.
      But one question which is coming to my mind at present is WILL THEN WE BE ELIGIBLE TO BE CALLED AS BEST FRIEND.
      Don’t you think it is our responsibility to help our friend without thinking of the results.

    • I know that situation quite well. I have had friends who have shown their true friendship at some point, when they were aĺ over you and that will do anything fun you, be there whenever you need them. Until one day i offered to help a friend and housed her for 2 years. Not asking for anything in return. I would buy good, wash the laundry, cook and sometimes i would even go ahead and offer them transport whenever they needed help. So for me it was a simple day of lending a helping hand, i never expected anything on return.
      Then one day my friend decides she is ready to move out because she got a job and a house. I was so happy for her, but what followed is something I didn’t expect. In fact she got a house just next to mine, there was not even a day that my friend would pass by my house to come and say hi. To me i felt like that was really a bad show. How much would it cost you to just go back to the person who helped you, thanked her and just appreciate what she did for you. I think that would be prudent right? I know if I was the one I would have gone back to my friend and just appreciate her for what she did for me. But I guess people are different. So friends sometimes cannot be trusted, if at all that can do that then what can’t they do if you lended them money? So I don’t think I would give my friend money especially when I expect them to pay me back.

    • Yes. If we lend money to our friend then friendship will be spoilt. Mostly he may not be able to return and if it is insisted it will result in relationship problems. good day.

    • Lending money to friends will result in relationship problem. In case we give we must be prepared not to insist on returning.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How do Shopping Malls Have Sales All Year Round 7 years, 10 months ago

    I had been wondering, why do shopping malls, stores and outlets have “Big Sales” almost every month, all year round.


    How do these stores earn money with low price goods sold?

    How huge is their prof […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice 7 years, 10 months ago

    Chicken Rice which is locally known as “Ji Fan “ or “Sau Ji Fan” is a very popular main course meal that consist of roast chicken with steamed chicken rice and slices of cucumbers.


    There are 2 types of […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, When Hobbies Become Earning Opportunities 7 years, 10 months ago

    Hobbies keep us glued to what we enjoy doing. Our everyday life that has chores that can bore us to death could be a bit lighter if we spare sometime to do what makes us happy.

    There are different types of […]

    • There are so many people who want to beautify their homes and companies who want to make their office buildings look pretty. A person with a passion for gardening will never be out of work! Having a hobby is great. Turning that hobby into income is even better! You are blessed! 🙂 (Love the photo you shared with this post.)

      • Those are anthuriums which were there in my garden. I now only have one colour – pink.
        Even letting plants on hire is lucrative but that needs labour and labour is rare here.
        I had this business of designing and executing landscaped gardens for a few years. I do not do it now.

    • Yes, every man has on earth hobbies some are false and some are real, false are those who give nothing but waste of time as spending time in tracing true love, or murdering, looting, making theft…but real hobbies are those that increase income and grace of man earth in the eyes of others.

      The best way to make money from hobbies without spending a lot of money is to use the internet.

      I’m talking about creating a blog/website about your hobby. And making videos to show it off on Youtube will likely be a large part of your money making strategy too.

      At the heart of making money from most of them is your ability to display your hobby skills for others. Again, an online property like a blog is the best way to accomplish this.

      As I go through the list, I’ll talk about a few ways to monetize each hobby so you can get an idea of what it will take to make money with it.

      I don’t think there’s anything more fun in life than turning your passion into a money making machine. So really work hard at it and you may be able to quit your day job for good.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I only say it because support mentioned that even if articles are just around 300 words they could earn more than 15 cents. The only time I earned more than 15 cents was when I posted longer posts which is quite rare.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Block Out the Distraction so That Productivity Occurs 7 years, 10 months ago

    If we’re trying to do something great then there will be all sorts of distractions to try to slow the process down. There’s ways to simply ignore the distractions but sometimes there’s some very determined people […]

    • You say right productivity is a most important part of development for future generation and present generation in the whole article there is not mention of productivity in which field. I think, the most important part of productivity is to produce the best literature that refines human mentality and spirituality.

      If someone makes productivity in the field of child birth without morality and ethics is a burden on earth for parents and citizens. I think the best efforts must be made of productivity in the field of education so that present and future generation may play its role in all departments of country.

      If we make productivity n the field of education the country and nation will progress side by side.

    • For you to be fruitful and successful on life, there is this big enemy you need to fight and that enemy is nothing but distractions. Distractions can be in any form. Be it a human being, material or an animal, in fact anything that obstructs your way to Succeed is destruction and you need to overcome distractions before succeeding. As a seller in the market you need to focus on your goods not on ladies. When you focus on the goods you are selling and leave distractions from ladies, you will be very productive. Not just ladies, any other form of distraction should be overcome.
      The main place where distraction occur is in schools and students who are not able to overcome this distraction end up being failures. Distraction in schools both secondary and tertiary institutions can come as a party, noise making, cultism and others. Students are mostly distracted by parties in school,. When they get addicted to party, they tend not to know what is happening about their studies. This block their educational productivity. Same applies to cultist. When students join cult, they lose their senses and will have no zeal to read with the hope of sorting and bribing lectures to pass them. This therefore distract their academic productivity.
      Generally I think what is needed for one to overcome distraction is being focused in everything being done and always being conscious of any form of distraction come on our path.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Activity is Our Main Companion 7 years, 10 months ago

    There was a time I just did not like boring activities but looking around seniors who are in a situation where they cannot work I have begun to like them and look forward to the day with a spring in my step. It […]

    • I really agree with you. When i have nothing to do then that is the moments i truly miss people around me. Beings active usually distracts me and happiness come out of activities which you love.

    • Getting to like what we do is the secret of happiness and I have learnt it now.

    • Activity truly i is our main companion. When we tend to be less busy, we will would like to have something doing especially if we find it difficult to sleep. Like my father always does. If he comes back from work and has nothing to do, he tend to do something like preparing leaves that would be used for preparing meal. When you ask him why he’s doing it, he will tell you that he has to be busy with something.
      Activity is our main companion in the sense that whenever we are bored at home or, we tend to do something. I also have an anty that works from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays when she stays at home, she would like to water all her flowers and also cut them to her best of her knowledge. She will tell you she needs to keep herself busy hence boredom will kill her. Same applies to me, whenever I have nothing to do and I don’t feel like reading, I pick up my book and start writing anything that enters my head. If I get tired of writing, I may go outside to discuss that is if someone is out but if there’s none, I will find something doing like calculating something and thinking about the future and calculating how much in my bank and how much people are owing me. This to an extent cure my boredom

      • The main thing is that we must enjoy what we are doing. I have started to enjoy those routine chores that I would get bored doing them.

    • Yes man ‘s whole life is the chain of different activities since birth to cradle. Work be irksome or useful but full of activities regardless of its advantages and disadvantages.

      Actually, when somebody have time a lot he or she thinks what to to in extra time is a problem of everyone if some one is without day and night schedule.

      Creative activity is the best companion of man on earth beaus creative activity links the writer’s link with the readers and peoples in the real sense.

      To pass time a big problem. To pass time always choose creative and positive activity that be useful for the society and future generation.

      Or play any game in extra time because it makes our health sound and makes every part of our body active and sound. Therefore it is said that a sound mind rests in a sound body.

      My activity in extra time is to improvise sonnets, odes and song I think these are my best companions in my lone and is the main source of my heart and mind and spirit pleasure.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Use Positive Approach to Learning English 7 years, 10 months ago

    Majority children find that learning English language is a daunting task if they are studying in non-English medium school.

    In our country, there are 3 types of primary school for parents to decide which school […]

    • Yes, it is very difficult for parents and children which school they choose for children to learn English especially for the non English parents in all countries because English has become the symbol of national and international prestige.

      We learn English because it the need of time all countries for jobs and interaction on earth with people who speak English.

      English is the true lingua franca, the world’s global language. It is the most widely used language in the world, spoken by well over a billion people in every continent. Significantly, in addition to almost 400 million native speakers, there are as many as a billion non-native speakers, suggesting that English as a second language is a vital skill for much of the world.

      This is reflected in where you find English. It is a dominant language in business, science, I.T., aviation, seafaring, diplomacy, medicine, the internet, and many other industries. In an increasingly globalised world, English is expected as a basic requirement on any respectable CV – and bilingual speakers can enjoy much better employment prospects than those who speak only one language.

      Learning English opens you up to masses of entertainment and arts. It’s the language of centuries of culture: of Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen; of Byron, Shelley, and Wordsworth; of Hollywood, the Beatles and Britpop.

      It’s an official language of some of the largest and most important countries and organisations in the world, including the UN, the EU, the US and the UK. And as the one language to unite the world, it breaks down cultural barriers and acts as a common tongue for native and non-native speakers alike.

      Learning English is a crucial step to becoming a truly ‘global citizen’. It’s a means of communicating in any country, in any part of the world.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Do Children Have Nightmares 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sometimes when your toddler couldn’t sleep soundly at night, nightmares or bad dreams might be one of the reasons to keep him restless.

    He may had fallen asleep a few hours ago but you can hear him screaming i […]

    • Children do keep on thinking all the day long and that is the very reason behind these nightmares.All the day time events are stored by their brain and the result is nightmares.

    • You write an article on horrible dream watched by the children while sleeping you say causes day activities or fear of something, no my friend no. Nightmares come when bad conjunctions will be in the horoscope especially Mercury will afflicted by Mar or Saturn. I have seen many horoscopes people come to to be checked for their children.

      One more thing I tell you when a babe is born two angels he or she gets one bad angle and the other good angle. there is a tussle between the good angle and bad angel 24 hours.

      When children prenatal soul will be under the control of bad angel he or she will have bad dreams or nightmares due to bad angels. As you have seen babe sometimes smiles while laying on the bed looking to the sky, think who talks to the babe from the above. No one but good angels and the angle who is hovering over his or her head.

      the bad bad angel that teases children whose name is (Enepsigos)
      If you see such type of problem around you i tell you its treatment

      Write on the children bad these words
      Bathanael, Bind Enepsigo

      I am sure the bad angel will never come near the child bed nor in dream to create nightmares.

    • Yes children have nightmares at night especially. For me I think the main cause of nightmare on children is fear and I will talk mainly on fear as the cause of children’s nightmares. I can remember when I was very tender like about 4 to 10 years when I used to have series of nightmares every night. What caused my nightmares I think is fear. After our usual night tales which are usually scary are being told in the night by our friends before going to bed, I tend to start imagining the whole story in real life. When i went to bed with the memory, it came out to my dreams resulting to a very terrible nightmare. I usually shouted whenever I had these dreams and my parents would come out and prayed for me. They would stay with me until I feel sleepy again. They make sure I slept before leaving me for their rooms. What baffles me mostly then was why it was only me in my family that had a lot of nightmares. My siblings rarely or didn’t have nightmares when they were small. Until now I can still remember clearly some of my dreams and how they started from the beginning to the end. Then, whenever I saw a movie and see coffin in that movie or even see spirit, I tend to imagine it in real life. I would automatically start seeing coffins around and the spirit will be like coming around me whenever I was alone. So this in the end really disturbed in dreams. Sometimes I dreamt when an empty coffins was chasing me in my dream and I would scream and wake up. Am even surprise that I don’t see the dreams again these days. The worst part was then I Hardly or never dreamt of anything positive. I was always negative in my dreams then. There was a time I saw a woman carrying a pot in her palm in my dream and screamed and woke up and u saw the exact shadow crossing our door, I guess it was a reflection from the dream. Then whenever I heard someone I know had died, I would be very scared thinking and imagining how and when the persons spirit will come out and visit me and most times I saw those dead in my dreams and I also would scream aloud a whole up. Another thing that made me have nightmares was the stories from my mother of her encounter with the spirit. After telling us this stories I would always imaging everything she told is was happening to me and this will affect my dream. There was a time this my nightmares started giving me concern to the extent I thought it was an every night event. But as I grew day by day all these are now past tense. I can now see even 20 coffins right in front of me and still sleep soundly, I can watch tens of horror movies and still will not shake.

    • But uptil now I still think not all children has nightmares. There are children who would sleep without even experiencing nightmares, they slept and woke up sound and good without making a lot of noise at night. Most times, the dreams of a child are not taken in vain, sometimes it’s been taken as a revelation from God or as a message from God. So when some children tell their dreams, their parents take it as a message from God’s messenger. They pray over it. But some people take children’s nightmares as just children’s fears, they do not think on both hands. They are just one sided. They take every of their nightmares as a child play and most times their dreams tend to happen. I think if God should send any message to the world, he willsend it through a child not an adult. Some Children due to everyday nightmares find it difficult to sleep and are most times scared of sleeping because of what they think they are going to see in their dreams.
      On the other hand, children who have a lot of nightmares should be given proper spiritual attention because most times they are always being attacked by spirits in their dreams and they tend to win always. If no spiritual attention and prayers are being rendered to him the spirits might one day accomplish their mission and send him to his early grave via dreams. So parents should take note of that. Though all throughout when I had nightmares I never was given spiritual attention, God always saved me from not being affected by my nightmares. Some children due to the circumstances surrounding their birth are being visited by spirits in their dreams mostly marine spirits. They will always want to take away the life of the child by visiting him always in the dream. This post is really nice. I think my advice to parents is never take any of their children’s dreams as a child’s play. They should always take their dreams very serious and seek spiritual attention.

    • Dreams form an important aspect of sleep. From what I understood dreams are triggered by sounds, light, people speaking, noise, disturbed mind, worries, pressure, being unhappy or many others such reasons. I had read a book in my school during my childhood which had something about snakes and the children who are characters could not escape but later made it. This same thing repeated in the night with me as one of the younger characters.

      I did get many dreams in childhood do get dreams even now but I always tried to understand and interpret why they occur as dreams or what we see in our are being messages being conveyed to us either by our body or by the mind. Extreme weather also seems to trigger dreams in children. So does bed wetting. A good article well elaborated. Dreams are a important and interesting subject of study.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Bean Sprouts with Tofu Cubes 7 years, 10 months ago

    Looking for an easy to prepare vegetable recipe that is healthy and quick to cook?


    Well, you have to come to the right post for today, I had just cooked a plate of Bean Sprouts with Tofu Cubes that makes […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Retiring in a Semi Rural Town 7 years, 10 months ago

    After a pretty long stint in the Metro – a place where the adjective ‘crowded’ precedes everything that one finds there – shops,  banks,  roads,  churches,  markets,  post offices,  trains – living here in a semi […]

    • That works as long as the seniors can afford to hire help to do the things I used to do for my mother. We lived in separate homes not far from each other, but there came a time when she needed my help even to find the right help I could not provide for her. We lived in the city when young and in the suburbs later when we had children. Then we moved to a rural area. Now we are in a small city again because our rural home just wasn’t functional as we became more disabled. We still aren’t sure what we will do if we can’t manage here on our own, since we don’t have children to do what we did for our parents.

      • That a day will come when things change is what one should be aware of and plan for that day. Having said that even if one gets a few years of joy is good enough I think compared to what life would be sticking to city life.

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