• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    It was a struggle as usual. I only put in 300 words which means my posts do not get good ratings. I sometimes wonder why. I was assured if the posts had quality even 300 worded posts could fetch more. That they are quality posts I get to know from the comments I receive.

    I really do not know what the parameter is to judge which is a quality post…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Battle on the Journey 7 years, 11 months ago

    Oh yes, we’ll have to come up against some of the most challenging situations, attack after attack but what’s “purposed” will be. There’s nothing that anyone can do about the mission and the journey. That doesn’t […]

    • Success rest on natural talent apart from sudden blessings of God. Keep in mind those who create the qualities of doing something who can achieve the goal easily on the ground of birth traits not on the ground of wisdom, wit and knowledge.

      As we see there are many peoples who wise men and have knowledge and wit but they are roaming for services because they they do not have the abilities to achieve the goal.

      Dreams come true if someone dream to be be a king he will not be king the whole life because he has kingly traits and genes in which are hidden the traits of the kings , princess and queens.

      Follow your dreams according to your birth trends you will success one day surely.

    • Achieving something in life is not a miracle. It can not be a windfall. One needs to put forth a good effort and strain oneself towards reaching the success.
      There will be disappointments, discouragements. There will be admirers and critics as well. One should always remember that the number of the latter will be more than the former

      So who will reach the ladder up? This is the question now.
      The simple answer will be who is restless, determined, fearless, and undaunted by the failure that comes in the way of life.
      The success will always come to those who do not look for results but aim and work hard towards achieving it unmindful of the stage to which they have reached.
      The praises and prizes will come and knock on his door without his knowledge.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, “Small is Beautiful” and that Includes Blogs 7 years, 11 months ago


    Here at LiteracyBase  we are encouraged to write long Blogs and I see they are even rated high.

    While I was at school precis’  writing was given a lot of importance in that we were told rather than re […]

    • You say right but the world of blogs is beautiful and hard because the rates of the posts are different that is why bloggers take time make money of the blogs but the rate of post if very high than comments and topic writing.

      When you post on the blog it takes two or three days to check the post through plagiarism software. It takes long time to check while the software checks anything anon. They late I do not understand the cause of lateness.

      It demands patience to earn money but Literacy Base is the best more than other sites because you can write here as you like and earn as you wish.

      • There is no denying that LB is a trusted site. What I want to say is that neither the site, nor google nor advertisers have tried to under the mind of the viewer. No viewer would want to linger on a site that is too long They just skip it.

    • Yes. we may be correct. But we have to think from the angle of the site owners also.

      If the site has to get more Advertisement they have to prefer long and lengthy blogs . At the same time to encourage and instill interest among the readers they should see the content also. Without content writing a blog is not useful.

      At the same time without a lengthy blog the site will not get ads. So a balance has to be maintained between the two.

      Here lies the skill of writers in presenting their blog with unique content and decorating it with good phrases and words which serves both purposes

      • I do nott hink much research is done either by google, advertisers or the sites about the viewers’ preferences. Viewers actually prefer to the point blogs so that they can quickly go through what they need to know. If the page is too long they skip it and same applies for pages that take long to download with many images. I view posts on the net and prefer short and to the points posts.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, It is True. There is a Green Rose 7 years, 11 months ago

    The tendency for any gardener is to have something in their garden that others do not have. Some bend backwards and try to grow that which needs simulated conditions.  Tulips for example do not grow in India but […]

    • I’m like Shavkat. Have never seen a green flower. Would not have known the flower in the photo is a flower if you had not said do. It looks like a flower. But I would have still thought it wasn’t. (O.o) 🙂

    • I have heart about green rose when I was a student of the University our university tripped went to swat mountain I remembered I saw there green roses of different colors looked very beautiful and it petals were soft and delicate but its was not like red rose.

      Now after this i say after a long long time now I heard about the green roses and see now in the pic mentioned by my Lb fellow. I thanks for my LB fellow who reminds of of my university days that were full pleasure and free like birds fly in the air.

      But on reaching maturity woe and grief have bowed down my lumber and life full of sorrows, heart sad, but hopes cling like grapes on my soul twigs.

      • You need to celebrate your maturity. Problems could be converted to challenges and challenges bring life to life.
        And by the way how could you have seen a green rose in other colours in your student days is what I want to know 😀

    • when I was in my native place which is remote from the city I was not aware of the yellow roses. This was only for hearing. Later I came to know of different varieties and this made me surprise.

      No doubt a Tulip is not grown in India. But it is available in India due to a lot of development in the transportation system.

      There are shops even with that name . They prepare all Boutique using these flowers.

      The Green rose does not have buds or petals. But it is only the leaves that can be found as a bunch. This is the uniqueness of this flower.

      • The green rose does have buds just like any other rose. The petals look like leaves but well formed.

        When you say transportation system do you mean we import tulips. I was talking of growing them here under simulated conditions at great expense.

    • It is rare that roses can be propagated through seeds. You could look for plants or cuttings

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Delicious and Healthy Muffins from Multi Grains 7 years, 11 months ago


    My maid brought me some corn on cobs from her fields. They were not tender enough that we could roast them on fire. Instead I got her to boil them and  remove the corn from the cobs and grind them to a fine p […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Introducing a few of the Super Fruits 7 years, 11 months ago

    Superfruits as the name suggests,  have all the properties that ensure a feeling of general well being, when consumed in any form. One common factor in all the fruits that could be classified as superfruits is […]

    • Never tasted the sapato, canistel and noni. Don’t even think I’ve ever seen them in our grocery store. Thanks for the quick intro.

    • Noni is a health fruit and is not eaten but a juice is made after fermenting it. I have several of those trees but sadly have not made juice so far The ripe fruits have a very bad smell and the fermenting process is quite elaborate.
      The cuckoo birds just love these fruits.

      Canistel again is not common and can be eaten when ripe. Some do not like its smell. I tolerate it.
      Sapota or chikku as we call it is common here. I love this fruit.

    • i do not like sapato, and not sure if the look of it is appealing too, for me i has to like the outside also before i try or eat anthing, but thanks for the valuable info. writers.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Hope and the Ability to Conquer 7 years, 11 months ago

    Life is filled with all sorts of challenges. We will have to face somethings that we may not know how to tackle at first but there’s nothing that we come across that we can’t handle. Adversity is apart of life and […]

    • “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

    • To conquer a challenge is really not an easy task. One needs an extraordinary tactics to conquer a particular task. No task should be underestimated. All tasks should be taking seriously. One thing we should consider in conquering a task is encouragement. Even the great scientists while trying to discover new things failed as a result of these challenges. But their failures didn’t hinder their conquer. They kept on trying for years and they challenges were conquered. That implies that in conquering a challenge, self encouragement and perseverance is highly needed. No challenge is meant to be looked at as very difficult or very simple. If a challenge is difficult, just assume that it is very easy and you will see yourself work on it as very easy task. Looking at a task and saying it is difficult is really discouraging and one can never overcome a challenge having that notion. Even if you see a task as very easy task, you shouldn’t just joke over it, you should also see it as a normal challenge not an easy challenge.
      Reading motivational and inspirational books will give you hints on how to conquer challenged both the easy ones and the most difficult ones but I don’t think there’s any task that’s difficult for us provided we are inspired and ready to conquer the challenge.

    • Hope is the power of human soul that links directly to God and if we leave the rope of hope we cannot live on earth and we will die soon. Hopes make us young and active.

      Personal obstacles are related to our psychology, behaviors and state-of-mind. They can include limiting habits, debilitating emotions, fears and beliefs.

      These obstacles prevent us from moving forward towards the attainment of our goals and objectives because of the thoughts that we tend to dwell upon every day. These thoughts naturally prevent us from making effective decisions and undertaking the actions that will help us create the momentum we need to get to our end destination.

      Social obstacles are related to people who either do no cooperate with you, sabotage you, or are simply incompetent and unable to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to them.

      Environmental obstacles are often unexpected conditions, occurrences and circumstances that you have very little control over.

      Hope crushes all these obstacles very soon because it has power to break every steel and stone.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic How Ti Redeem Here In LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @SuperD  You just fill in the amount section and then click. Hope have you given the paypal email in your profile. You can redeem any time if you have reached 10 or more but you will be paid on the 10th or later in the following month. Good Luck. Congrats in advance.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic How Ti Redeem Here In LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    In the drop down menu ‘How it Works’ there is a tab Redeem Click on that and just mention the amount you want redeemed. You must ofcourse have a paypal email address enabled in your profile.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Prepare Your Child for Pre-School 7 years, 11 months ago

    Every parents is protective of his child, especially the first born child for first timer parents.


    When I gave birth to my first child, I was over-protective towards my baby daughter that I had not […]

    • You say right and your suggestions are very good but your suggestions may not applied on all the kids and toddlers because some baby born with rich wisdom and some are born with dull minded, some are born leaders, some are born comedians, some are born with serious nature and some are born with saintly qualities…You think more…

      All things rest on parental genes that every child gets on his or her birth. Children cannot choose two things parents and childhood environment these two factors build the child’s character is called destiny.

      To make your baby great you must choose his or her childhood environment decent and ideal and parents’ thinking must be positive. Keep in mind all parents that heredity seed that every child gets on birth as gift of God via parents flourishes in the early environment that we provide to our toddlers and kid and children.

      Check your child’s birth trends and provide him or her the same atmosphere his or her birth traits will flourish very soon in the direction of of birth trends.

    • I would guess on the way you present situations here you are a good teacher, an ideal teacher for that matter. This is a very good approach to prepare to mingle with his peers. On this way, he would develop the attitude of standing alone, without the help his parents. He could manage to do what he wants. By doing, he knows what is right. He knows what is wrong. As you have said, you overprotected your daughter and you know what attitude she had developed them for such over protection. To admit it or not, she couldn’t make a decision on a simple thing without her mother or without an assistant.

      Anyway, as the child has to undergo the basic growth from infancy to adulthood, he should be exposed to the activities which a growing child should tackle with. I don’t believe that the child isn’t always ready to go to pre-school if he doesn’t display the traits you have outlined above. I believe that every child is always ready. It is just a matter of exposing them, providing what he needs, and giving him the free will to develop himself.

    • When my children wanted to play outdoor, I let them do it and never hold them inside the house. I believe they need to play with other children, sometimes they return home crying because of other children, bruises and wounds but this can be treated. Its all part of their growing. It make them stronger and more participative to other. I believe to develop them is to let them join the community, of course with the guidance of the parents.

    • When you think your child is upto going to school and you wanna introduce him into a pre-school. I don’t think it is necessary to know if he’s ready or not. If a parent keep on waiting for their child to be ready to go to school,they will certainly not go to school cos they know that going to school for that few hours will make them lose the sight of their parents and they wouldn’t like that. I cried even upto the age of 6 but my parents wouldn’t heed to weep
      They would just laugh and went home to come back at the end of the day to come take me home.
      Every child must cry at the first year of school unless the mother is a teacher in the school. Once you drop your child and turns your back to go home the child must in one way or another show anger. No matter how good your tactics is the child’s brain must relay to him that the mother is going to leave him.
      But once a parent is ready to enroll his child into a school for the first time, he should consider things that made him happy when he was tiny. If he was so much in love with biscuits and cakes and toys and you think it makes him happy, buy a lot of them for him and make sure they are in abundance and do give a bit to the teacher to hold for them and make their teacher keep an eye on every of their step so as not to damage the toys. If they stay with the toys for the whole day, the teacher can withdraw them from him as soon as the parents come to take him home.Next day she brings it out again with the new biscuit the parents buy for them for a new day.
      Your child tends to interact with other children and play with them very much and this will improve his sociality. This will make him adapt to school as day passes. Before the age of 4,he will stop crying as soon as you drop him in school provided you provide him with everything he needs.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Household Chores that Kids Can Do 7 years, 11 months ago

    When my son was 3 years old, he showed much interests in everything around him.

    That is the time when he wanted to be independent.

    He wanted to show that he can help around with the chores even though it was […]

    • Yes, children are the source of help for parents at home and out of home but the children should be obedient otherwise the children add sorrows for parents.

      But the age increasing the children demands change they add charm in parents life but in teenage the children should be treated carefully it is age in which most of the children fall prey to bad habits that make problems for parents in future permanently.

      Children should be taught to consult in any problem so that they could be parents’friend and thus their half problems may be decreased anon. Keep in mind children are the labor of parents’ soul. Children are pleasure in childhood, support in the young age and in old age they are companions for the parents.

    • When my little brother was three years old also he showed interest in what we the older ones used to do in the house but we wouldn’t allow him cos he might get injured. But he always proved stubborn and still wanna do it. This made us beat him so as to make him stay clear.
      There are house chores that matches with children’s ages. You can’t give a chore of ten year old child to a four year old child and you can’t give a 14 year old a chore meant for a twenty year old adult. When this happens we tend to call it child abuse.
      When you give a kid those simple chores he can do, he derives joy from doing it because he will to an extent take it as a child’s play.
      Chores kid can do include :
      Cleaning the table after each meal.
      Going to the next door shop to buy something.
      Preparing everything for cooking and get them ready.
      Sewing their clothes manually not with the use of machine.
      Swipping their rooms to their test.
      Washing their undies
      Getting their clothes ready for parents to wash or be the ones to download the clothes into the washing machine.
      When I say kid I mean children from 6 to 12 years.
      Fetching drinking water from the tap with their water bottle and so on.
      They should not go on an errand to far places, they shouldn’t fetch water with heavy containers, they shouldn’t carry any heavy loads on their heads and they shouldn’t do the cooking. This is termed child abuse if they should do any of them.
      Giving children chores that matches their age will make them grow gradually and do things and also think according their age.
      When you make a child do what is meant for an adult, he begins to think he’s an adult and that really will affect his growth and development.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Broad Beans with Spring Onions 7 years, 11 months ago

    What is broad beans?
    Broad bean is also known as Fava Beans or Faba Beans.

    The pods of broad beans resembles a silkworm which is the reason why Chinese community named it “ Silkworm beans”.

    Broad beans are […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Woes of a Consumer When There is Upgradation 7 years, 11 months ago

    Upgradation is not always a blessing
    I have a Sony Cyber shot DSC H50 camera which I had bought a few years ago. I have great moments with it as I am a passionate photographer. A few days ago the memory stick […]

    • Yes, my friend they do so knowingly so that they could sell their products they knowingly disappear old electronic spare parts. Thus The camera owner or mobile owner…could buy a new one. It is business technique to sell product.

      If they do not do so who buy their new products? That is why they upgrade all electronics to upset the buyers because they know that so and so ting is the weakness of costumers.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Pepper is Easy to Grow in Kitchen Gardens 7 years, 11 months ago

    Salt and pepper always pair together. We even have salt and pepper dispensers one sees on dining tables. But many do not know where the pepper comes from or how it is grown.  There is white pepper powder and b […]

    • Pepper is an ingredient that doesn’t lack in my kitchen. I happen to use pepper in most of my dishes, I usually feel if I don’t cook good with pepper it doesn’t taste right, I always feel like something is missing. In fact i tried to plant pepper one time using some dried seeds but nothing came out of it. I was then told that pepper grows on its own, when I asked how I was told about birds the way the would carry seeds from one pls a to another. So as they do this they also drop seeds in their way and that’s how I ended up with two trees of pepper growing in my small backyard garden. At that will save me from having to buy pepper all the time. I now have pepper at my disposal at anytime that I need.

    • Yes pepper growing in home garden is the best method as you have described in your article but the most amazing feature of pepper is the birds gathering the harvest season I will call the peppers birds as the humming birds that make their nests in the pepper trees I like the most Humming bird but you did not mention the lover of pepper tree.

      Pepper is useful for liver it blocks jaundice anon if pepper is present enough in your body. Pepper and clove its mixture is the best mixture for curry.

      Besides, Brazilian pepper of red color is also famous all over the world but you did not discuss in your article.

    • Thanks for that info on Brazilian pepper. The birds that come in groups to eat our pepper are not humming birds. They look like sparrows – a bigger version. I will try and find out what they are called.

    • If am to say to mention the important crops that can be grown in kitchen gardens, I will first of all talk about pepper and tomato.
      But the most important is pepper because one can’t do without it when cooking and it’s very easy to grow.
      Not just very easy to grow, it’s harvest is multiple. One stand yields tens of pepper unlike tomato.
      Pepper can easily be grown by just pouring a water containing a lot of its seed, when the crop starts germinating, the farmer picks them and plant them in due places around the kitchen garden.
      Pepper grow very fast and also yield very fast and in multiples and it yields two times before weaning and dying.
      Pepper has different colours, we have the red pepper, the green paper and the yellow pepper and all vary slightly in properties.
      Pepper require soil with high moisture content to enhance its growth and production and a closet look at it will make it yield a lot.
      Pepper is very important that no meal can be prepared without it. It goes in hand with salt.
      For me I think it is the best crop to be planted in the kitchen garden, other crops follows.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Games at Parties Bind Everyone Together 7 years, 11 months ago


    An informal party be it a birthday or an anniversary celebration is not complete if there are no games.  Games bind the guests together giving them the opportunity to mingle and mix. Not all guests project t […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Old is Gold And That Refers to Songs as Well 7 years, 11 months ago

    Somehow songs of today vanish from my scene and from my head too, with the same speed they arrived. But the old numbers are there for keeps. They linger on.

    How can one forget Jim Reeves, Engelbert, Frank […]

    • I guess we have something in common. I am also a person of the olden days. I love my old time music. What you are saying is actually very true, if you try to compare the music that we listen to nowadays is far for what we used to listen to back in the days. Some of the songs have some ridiculous beats they are either too fast or or the beat is just so confusing you wouldn’t know what to make out of it. You have actually taken me back way back when Christmas was all about Jim Reeves and BonnyM. No one could beat this two groups in christmas carols. The songs that are coming out nowadays are a rendition of those songs but they still don’t bring out the feel of Christmas. I miss those days, and the only way I can bring it back is take out my cassettes yes cassettes from way back and play some of them. I was amazed the other day when I played an Abba tape and it was playing perfectly on one ofmy favorite old radio. At least the good thing is that we have Utube where we can download and listen to those old ballards.

    • It is right that old is gold now the song writers have dies and new writers do not have passion to write songs and carol due to money greed and other modern life activities.

      Old songs are beautiful and fascinating and charming to ears and a solace for mind and soul.

      If you get in a taxi in the Andean mountains of South America, you’ll likely hear on the radio popular English songs from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Why? The drivers generally don’t speak English, yet they love listening to old English songs, a passion that is shared by non-English speaking countries around the world.

      For this reason, the most popular classic “old” songs from around the globe are generally those that were recorded in English.

      Despite the dark nature of the song (essentially, it is about stalking), “Every Breath You Take” was named song of the year for 1983 and is one of the only singles in history to have sold over 10 million copies. The song was nominated for three Grammy awards and took home two, including “Song of the Year”.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Versatile Chicken for Your Dining Table 7 years, 11 months ago

    With red meats being pronounced as unhealthy most non vegetarians go for chicken and fish these days.
    Although some rear their own chicken there are chicken stalls where one sells live chickens as well as those […]

    • One thing for sure about Literacy Base. If I ever need meal ideas, I know where to find them! Chicken is very versatile. You can make many wonderful meals for your family and they will be satisfied and happy! 🙂

    • Yes, your recipe is wonderful and easy to cook at every home. but I do no like to eat chicken due to these ten reasons:

      1. Chicken are feed antibiotics and drugs to keep them alive and to increase their weight. Thus antibiotics enter into human body.

      2. Its meat becomes full of high risk antibiotic resistant is dangerous to human health.

      3. They grow very soon on the basis of strides and antibodies if we eat chicken means we eat dangerous food that attacks human heart.

      4. Chicken live in stick and thus outbreaks diseases among them and they come into market for selling actually they are selling diseases.

      5.dead chicken are reeaten to the alive chicken turning them into food with the chemicals.

      6. It is Systematic Human Rights Violation because the chiekin sellers are selling poison in market.

      7. chickens cannot bear their own weight because giving them chemicals to eat thus it damages human cells and body structure.

      8. Chicken eaters must look it feed making process they will not eat chicken never in life.

      9. All types of waste of animals are mixed into the food of chicken it is very dangerous for human health.

      10. We eat poison if we eat chickens at home and if we feed our children with chicken food we are the enemies of our children.

    • Broilers are a modern trend. We get them here to.

    • So far so good. Probably what we get here is minus all those threats that you have outlined.

    • Protein is key to the human diet, especially for younger people, because the body uses it to create new cells and maintain or repair existing cells. The body also uses protein to produce enzymes, which help catalyze processes such as digestion, metabolism and storage of fat.

      Chicken consists of high-quality protein (that is, protein that contains the eight essential amino acids) and a relatively low amount of fat. In addition, fat in chicken is mostly of the unsaturated type, which protects against heart disease. Thus, chicken is often recommended by physicians and nutrition counselors as an alternative to red meat (beef and pork), which typically has more fat and more saturated fat. Chicken breast without the skin has less fat than sirloin steak, pot roast, 80 or 90 percent lean hamburger, pork chops, or ham.

      Dark meat has a somewhat higher fat content than white meat and contains more connective tissue than white meat. Its fat content, however, is an advantage in some circumstances. For example, dark meat holds up to the intense heat of outdoor grilling because some of the fat and collagen melts during the cooking process and keeps the meat moist.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Importance of Knowing Our Body 7 years, 11 months ago

    We had a science subject while at school when we had surface knowledge about the human anatomy. We studied about it merely to get pass marks and the moment we left the portals of our school everything was […]

    • I solve your problem that you want to take care of your internal organs. Keep in mind first of all all diseases enter into human body through negative thinking. Negative thinking block human brain cells’ activities and thus the brain becomes unable to convey the signal to the organ to which the brain is linked while positive thinking prolongs life on earth.

      Human body consists of cell and the sells’ food is mineral an vitamins. We can take minerals from all grain, fruits, and dry fruits, but we can get vitamins from all types of vegetables. If some eats balanced diet we will remain hale and health and will enjoy long life on earth.

      I have written a long article full of most precious information these organs Name, ( Human body Auto Maintenance Timings)It is most important article on the organs you ask. Yo read the article and act upon the advice you will enjoy health for a long time without any disease.

    • You ar3 absolutely right, knowing our bodies is very important nothing should be ignored. True in school we only did biology for the sake of doing exams, but as you grow up when the body starts changing and reacting to different things, we go into panic not knowing what to do. You make a lot of sense when you say that when we know our bodies and their parts and where they are situated, it would be so much easier to take care of the organs because we know what they need. That statement has actually caught my eye and has clicked something in my mind know your body. Many times we will have this pains and aches in our bodies and we wouldn’t even tell where they are inside our bodies and we will rely solely on Thu doctors to search and find out what and where the problem is. I know I sometimes search the net to find out what organ does what and what we need to avoid some sicknesses but I quickly get bored an turn to something else. Today I have learned something new and I will always take my body seriously as I do other things.

      • Before doctors decide what to do with our sickness we can help them with information and that information could be strengthened if we know more about our body.

    • My dear you are very right. Can remember when we were in sec school learning biology, studying the importance of the body systems and their diagrams and knowing also how to draw them. Then we studied all this for exam sake so as to be the best graduating students and also to get very good grades. Most time we crammed all these and forgot it as soon as we write the subject exams.
      But as it stands now, at this my age I have realized alot the importance of knowing ones body system and how the body system react to changes in the environment.
      Whenever i react to any change it brings me back to what I was thought in my secondary school.
      As it stands now I know very well the drugs my body rejects and I also know the food my stomach doesn’t accept. Knowing all this and reacting to them shows that I have detected a bit change my body experiences in relation to the food and drugs.
      When you know the importance of your body system, you will be at low risk because you will know how your body Works, what makes your body and what Mars your body. Knowing this very well you won’t face critical disease challenge.
      You will also know when your body feels week abnormally and when you feel the change you tend to do something very quick about it thereby reducing any risk of complications.
      One important thing on life is knowing your body system very well and reacting to the changes your body system makes.

    • knowing something is not a bad thing. I am confining my discussion only to knowing. One should be capable of explaining the problem to a Dictor. This is the use of knowing about our system.

      One should also remember that after knowing the body system never prefer to have a self-medication. It is the duty of a Doctor. So tell him the problem and he will take care of everything.

      As far as other treatments like Yoga Reiki, etc. one can approach an expert and practice it at home.

      There are some general tonics and herbal medicines which you can take. But it is better always to consult a Doctor and take his opinion.

      • I agree with you that we should always consult a doctor but we can help the doctor diagnose correctly and this we can do if we know our body

    • Every person should know the different parts of his body either he is a student or an ordinary citizen. This is paving the way to know how every part of the body functions and also to be aware of something goes wrong with any part of the body. In so doing, he would be aware on what to tell the doctor once he gets sick and the doctor wouldn’t find any difficulty in diagnosing his sickness.

      When I was studying in high school, I focused myself on the different system of the body from digestive system to respiratory system, from muscular system to skeletal system, from circulatory system to nervous system, from lymphatic system to endocrine system. But I didn’t have the intention or the plan to be a doctor someday. I was just curious how does a human body functions by the foods he eats.

      As I continued my higher studies, I had realized that like the human body has different systems for a different functions, the person has also manifested various personalities which made up the man of what he is in the society and in the community where he lives.

    • Thanks. It is only when we know what lies where in our body we can guide the docotor who is treating us.

    • You are so right. Our DNA influences our personality.

      • It is DNA in which stay fundamental traits and characteristics of someone on birth we get it on birth from our parent. Actually it is DNA in which is hidden our destiny. Therefore it is said that character is destiny.

        One can change DNA’s traits of someone it is the box in which are written our daily deeds of day and night.

    • The digital world is surely going to help mankind with quick diagnosis

    • In DNA lies heredity, and heredity is a seed of human personality it will flourish in the atmosphere and environment which we find when we open our eyes. We can choose neither our parents not environment nor DNA these three things we find ready made.

      These three things make human personality. If the seed is good and atmosphere is not proper for the seed the seed traits will not appear in the tree of personality. That is why, we see variable characters on earth.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Choosing Perennials to Ensure Colour Throughout The Year 7 years, 11 months ago


    It is good to have perennials in one’s garden that bloom at different times in the year so that the garden has some flower at all times.

    We have the bougainvillea that start blooming around October and […]

    • Well I just think we ought to thank the good Lord for perennials! It is always so nice to see a patch of color, especially during the months of the year when the skies are gray and gloomy. 🙂

      • There are so many perennials to choose from. After a bit of observation one should be able to pick those that do well in their garden.s

    • There are four seasons, autumn, winter, spring and summer. each of the season has its own flowers, colors and smell and creepers as Keats has said. Perennials belong to summer ignoring the other three three seasons is not justice. I think we must plant according to season because seasonal plants are healthful for human beings.

      I like Dahlias, the pick color rose remains from spring to autumn in different colors. The second Sasanqua Camellias flowers in pink and while colors look very beautiful evergreen leaves never fading. The third is light pink rose the queen flower.

      These are the flower that never lose its charm even in winter and autumn because it has power to keep alive self in winter and autumn.

      • Dahlias are my favourite too but they are seasonal and need a lot of care. There are easy to grow perennials like the bougainvillea and alamanda that do their duty without much pampering.

    • There are four seasons and there are flowers associated with each season. Similarly, there are vegetables and fruits that grow in a particular season. The rose will be available in large numbers during summer and so also the Jasmine. They need good

    • Seasonal flowers and vegetables need to be planted each year unlike perennials that remain in the garden for years.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Welcome to the World of Chocolates 7 years, 11 months ago

    When the word chocolate is mentioned most think of Swiss or Cadbury. But there is more beyond Swiss and Cadbury chocolates.

    I am a chocolate foodie and have travelled widely. My main shopping has been […]

    • I like black chocolate and white chocolate but sweet chocolate is also tasty if you eat my cousins live America and Canada when they come to home they bring with them chocolate black and dark chocolates especially for me because they know I like it most and love it with my heart.

      In my country milk chocolate and sweet chocolate are available easily in all markets and every body can buy the chocolates easily with the pocket money. I think chocolate if full of copper is a very essential mineral of human body therefore I take always black chocolate is also useful to strengthen human brain and makes thinking power better.

      Its mixture is made with mint, vanilla, coffee orange, strawberry, sugar and milk…in different countries chocolate taste is different due to flavor but in Japan Pure chocolate and Quasi chocolate both are famous among the old and young.

      I recommend black chocolate because it is full of copper most useful for brain activities. If you have any chance do eat Italian black chocolate.

      • I just love chocolates and now that we can get anything online I get them regularly. I am expecting a parcel of milk chocolates and it should be here any moment (lol) I have yet to acquire a taste for dark chocolate.

    • Chocolates are really very nice. I can remember when I used to eat chocolate, back in the days of my primary school when we go to our canteen with money, buy a lot of chocolates and sometimes share them among out classmates.
      I was a chocolate freak until my senior secondary when u first had my first tooth ache and was told by my dentist that it was the accumulation of sugar in my teeth. Then I use to eat every type of biscuits especially the very sugary ones. The doctor advised me not to take it but if at all I will take it I should make sure I brush my teeth after that, but I can’t be doing that always so I have to stop. My dentist didn’t just advice me, my tooth was also removed. Chewing gum was also the cause.
      But as time passed, I started seeing reasons with my dentist. Chocolate is a gummy brown solid. I started remembering when after taking lots of chocolate my teeth will have problem that day. So I had to heed to the doctors advice and stopped chewing chocolate though I really miss it.
      But going through this post am made to understand that non sugary chocolate exist. Am very sure not aware of that. I have always think all chocolates are sugary in nature because I think that is what gives it the name chocolate. But a chocolate without sugar, do you think it should still be called chocolate, I don’t think so. But if exists, I will have to buy it and give it a try.
      Though chocolate can harm your tooth, chocolate has made advantages. If I really don’t wanna eat chocolate, I can dissolve it in a very hot water (though it doesn’t dissolve totally), add milk and drink it. It’s very delicious,i really enjoy it. I can use it to eat bread. In fact it makes a tea.
      Not just that, I think it helps in improving the health of the body system if taking moderately.
      Though am no longer in touch with chocolates,i miss it.
      Wish I could go back to eating it……

    • Chocolate buddies! 😉

    • I love chocolate as well.Black chocolate is my favorite.Before i used to eat that just for taste but now i was visiting one of the website last time where i red that the benefits of chocolate it is good for our health.

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