• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Make Crispy Rose Cookie 7 years, 11 months ago

    I remembered vividly when my mom took me and my brother to our Indian neighbor’s house for celelbrating Deepavali, we had enjoyed munching one of the cookies which they had shared with us.


    I didn’t know […]

    • How exquisite! I love pretty food! Sharing! 🙂

    • The cookie is one of the best cookies made on Deepavali by our Hindu families I think it is their national dish yea it looks like a pick rose but I do not know its taste. Actually is Anglo Indian cookie but is famous among the Indian during Deepavali festival and among the Christians during Christmas. It is made on the pattern on the Christmas fruit cake.

      I think it will be delicious in taste.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chee Cheong Fun ( Steamed Rice Noodle Roll) Recipe 7 years, 11 months ago

    What is Chee Cheong Fun?

    Chee Cheong Fun is the Chinese name for Steamed Rice Noodle Roll, a popular light breakfast in the Chinese community.


    It was originally found in Southern China, the C […]

    • Noodles are fun food. I don’t usually eat breakfast. (Usually not hungry when I wake up.) But if these were served, I’d make an exception.

      Since this is a breakfast item, do they have restaurants where they serve “Breakfast All Day” in China like we do in America?

    • Wow! I’ll try this one on my breakfast just to spice things a bit!

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Grandeur of Waterfalls the World over 7 years, 11 months ago

    Waterfalls are seen the world over. Some are famous for their height, some for the gush of water and some for their size. Some are seen in picturesque natural  surroundings and even underwater.

    Niagara Falls […]

    • Wow! What a sight to behold! Love it!

    • This is a spectacular view oohh my God. This is a place I would love to be at and just spend the whole day there listen to the waters, feel the cool breeze am sure there are also birds in the air chimming away. Who wouldn’t want to be in such a place. I like places where there is a lot of peace and quietness. While there I would go into time of meditation immediately. You know there are many falls all over the world but are probably not recognized by the world over. Like in our country we ha e quite a number in different places. I remember once when I want to one of the falls for a weekend get away, and I just loved the place. It gave me so much peace within. Though am usually told that it is not good to be too close to the barriers because it’s dangerous, someone can easily fall with the force that is caused with the water. Like in Zambia where we ha e the victoria falls, it is said that when you go near it you can easily be swallowed by what only the residents and the God knows. I don’t know if it’s a myth but that’s what the residents think.

      • Victoria falls swallowing people!! May be the Net can expose some facts.
        At Niagara Falls we went on the Maid of the Mist Boat and we went very close to the falls and the mist of the falls fell on us.

    • Waterfall is the beauty of nature and the language of nature but a few know what the waterfalls say to the visitors. There are countless waterfalls all over the world but some are most fascinating for the visitors. Waterfalls are definitely the natural wonders on Earth. Visiting some of these waterfalls below might be a breathtaking experience, since they overwhelm with the stunning sight, as well as a splitting voice.

      The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya is a gorgeous waterfall, located on the Zambia and Zimbabwe border. The water of Zambezi river falls down in a straight line for 354 ft (108 m). It is wide ( 5,604 ft/1,708 m), therefore water spray raises very high and can be spotted from many kilometers away.

      Iguazu Falls are found on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Not very high (285 ft/87 m), but very impressive: it has 275 cascades, that form a horseshoe and stretch for 8858ft (2700 m).

      Angel Falls is the highest in the world, which falls down uninterrupted for 3,212 ft (979 m). You can visit it in Canaima National Park, which is protected by UNESCO. It is named after its discoverer US aviator Jimmie Angel.

      Kaieteur Falls is found in Guyana. Water falls for 741 ft (226 m), then it reaches the first of the many steep cascades. It attracts many tourists, who like extreme trips, since the fall is in the middle of a wilderness with no urban amenities.

      Niagara Falls is probably the most famous in the world. It marks US and Canada border. Niagara is formed of two sections – the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side – that are separated by an island. The Horseshoe Falls are more impressive: water here drops 173 ft (53 m), while the American Falls drop only 70–100 ft (21–30 m).

    • OH MY GOD…I can watch it over and over again.
      It is mesmerising. I have always been fond of waterfall but these are priceless natural beauties that any human eye will definetly appreciate.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Benefits of Getting Your Children Involve with Household Chores 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is not easy to get your children to learn how to involve themselves into household chores obligingly.


    Kids and teens are lazier compare to our days.

    When I was younger, I had to learn to sweep the […]

    • When I was a kid, like about 7 to 8 years, I was always involve in most of the house chores I can’t even do today am grown.
      When I was of that age, my mother would come back from the market, I would leave everything I was doing, carry her bags, look for what to cook and start preparing them. When she came to the kitchen, she would be happy that her work has been done a bit. She will just do the cooking.
      Then I never mind if my siblings were doing anything. I took pleasure doing it alone just to gain my parents praises.
      On Saturday morning then, I will sweep the house, scrub the floor, scrub the kitchen floor, fetch water and do other things without complaining. I learnt a whole lot when I was a kid. Although I don’t do them any longer now because my siblings are all grown now,I still know how to do them with ease.
      But some of my friends then didn’t bother to help their parents, they just relax and their parents did everything for them and give them food as well.
      In most cases, most parents take their children so special and employ made to work for their children. They do not want anything to their children but indirectly they are harming their children to the core. When their children grow to adult, they will be very lazy and still expect maids to come work for them.
      The very importance of household chores to children is to enable them know how to do things and also how to be independent when on their own.
      If a child is being served by a maid always, he would be very dirty especially if he stays 1 to 2 weeks away from homes. Why?
      Because he wouldn’t know how to work his clothes, take his bath, brush his teeth and other things.
      The children when grown will suffer humiliation from the laughter of their mates especially when they are unable to do what their mates are doing.
      This tags them the weekend vessels by their friends.

    • Yes, children at make mischief and that is why the children must keep must with work at home so that they could use their energies positively and it whelps the children in coming years.

      I used many of these easy activities as a way to keep the older kids busy when I was pregnant with Louis. I had been thinking about how in the world am I going to preoccupy the kids when the baby needs to be fed, or changed, or just needs all the attention that a baby needs!

      Which is why I was on a mission to find lots of activities for keeping kids busy with minimal effort on my part. I had tried all sorts of activities but fail.

      Use these tricks to keep busy your children as
      Measuring Cups. Simply a set of measuring cups can come in handy! Throw them in a bowl with some big spoons and they can mix something up for you!

      Pots & Pans. Along the same lines as the measuring cups, pots and pans are great too! Let them mix and match the lids or stir something up for dinner.

      Plastic Cups. Leftover plastic cups from a birthday party (or two or three)? Just hand a stack to your toddler. They’ll find something to do with them.

      Pipe Cleaners. Add a colander or a strainer of some sort with big enough holes to fit pipe cleaners through and let your child poke the pipe cleaners through the holes. You could also use a spice container with large enough holes to fit the pipe cleaners through!

      Tupperware. Let your toddler raid your Tupperware drawer. Stacking up the bowls will be fun enough, but they can even match up lids to their counterparts. And then take them apart and start over again

    • Research shows that children learn in many ways about family relationships and how their family functions. Being involved in household chores is one way they can learn.

      When children contribute to family life, it also helps them feel competent and responsible. Sharing housework can minimize stress in a family. Getting kids involved in chores helps the family work better.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Neat Way To Get rid of Dry Leaves And Twigs 7 years, 11 months ago

    When a gardener enthusiastically starts designing  the garden a few trees will form a part of that design. A garden that has trees is bound to have a sea of dry leaves covering the ground. While dry leaves could […]

    • For me I think the best way to get rid of refuse is by burning in incinerators. Incinerators burn refuse efficiently and does not let out the smoke which disturbs people living around and sometimes cause them diseases. Some farmers that burn their refuse are at risk of causing farm/Bush burning.
      Burning refuse outside cause a lot of diseases to the people living in the environment because when they inhale the smell that comes our from the burning refuse. It tends to cause more harm than good.
      I prefer people buy their refuse than burning them cos I think is better that way.
      I have realized most times that people who know the risks of burning refuse result to buring their refuse deep in the soil and cover the land so neatly. They believe that they are killing two birds with one stone. Killing two birds with one stone in the sense that they improve the fertility of their soil especially farmers and they also are clearing the refuse out of sight.
      But wellshall I still stand on burning in incinerators ad it doesn’t affect our health.
      Most farmers don’t encourage burning in incinerators because they think it is a waste of materials that can fertilize the soil. They allow refuse that are decomposible so as not to decompose fast and add fertility to the soil.

      • The ash that one gets by burning is not wasted but used as fertilizer and also can be sprinkled on leaves to get rid of pests.

    • Yes these two are good ways of disposing leaves, instead of burning leaves in the open.
      And yes, these ways do help the ecology too, and not cause unnecessary pollution to air and soil.

    • Incinerators are useful for making the environment safe and clean to live in.

      Earlier people were not cleaning the dry leaves and they were allowing it freely on the fields. This was catching fire causing health problems to the people. The mistake was that they were burning them in open air instead of in a closed space.

      Subsequently, they are preferring it as manure fo their plants and other agricultural crops as it would add fertility to the soil. They should know that if it is dry there won’t be any problem. But if they catch water they become homes for bacteria and other germs then it creates problem to the entire crops.

      The incinerator is , therefore, occupying a significant role in removing the dry leaves and twigs. Most of the people living in near to nature are preferring the incinerators.

    • Yes friend, your method of cleaning the garden waste is useful for the people who live in surrounding and for the trees also Thanks for giving the best tips for cleaning the garden.

    • This is a really good idea on how to dispose off try leaves. They can be a menace sometimes especially when you have to sweep them and hold them together so that you can burn them. Since I don’t have an incinerator at my home at the moment I usually just burn all th3 garbage that I have together regardless of the bad smoke that’s been emitted from there. I am looking to buy a plot someday then build my own home and that is when I will plan to put up one and make cleaning my compound a joy to always do it. Thanks for the good idea. I used to think they are only used in company’s that have a lot of garbage to dispose off.

    • Yes, dry leaves create many types of problems at home or in home garden Living in the Midwest, I have some beautiful deciduous trees in my yard, a nice mix of oak, a few young varieties, and one ancient ash tree. For eleven months out of the year

      I love to watch the seasons come and go through the trees: snow lingering in the crook of the trunk, the squirrels chasing each other over freshly budding branches, the summer wind whispering through the full canopy. In the fall, the leaves turn beautiful autumn hues: deep golds, brilliant oranges, warm reds.

      Then the leaves drop and float and shimmer to the dormant grass below, and that’s when the romance with my deciduous trees comes to a screeching halt. I have to spend several weeks raking, raking, raking. Bagging, bagging, bagging. And then what? Then you’ve got a big ol’ pile of leaf bags that need to go somewhere.

      Another option for getting rid of leaves, which is free in most communities, is to haul them away yourself. Almost every community now has a collection site set up just so residents can get rid of leaves and other yard waste like small branches and grass clippings.

      Most city or county websites will have links telling you the drop-off locations, the hours of operations, what is and is not accepted, and whether or not they offer mulch or compost (sometimes for free). Even if the compost or mulch isn’t free,

      you will still feel all green and good inside, knowing you contributed to the recycling process. By getting rid of your leaves at a municipal site you are doing something good for the environment.

    • In some countries that rule exists. Smoke coming from dry leaves is actually not harmful. It is the plastic and tyres when burnt will prove to be poisonous

    • It is a good idea to use incinerators for burning garbage instead of burning it in the open. But in most of the countries where people are living in a miserable plight, how can a poor man think of these things? He has no money to spend on his ailing wife and children. He hardly makes his both ends meet. He has nothing to pay for his child s school fee. He does not know whether he will be able to provide food to his family in the evening.

      • The plight of the poor has kept them away from many situations not just not being able to put up an incinerator. But those who can afford should.

    • We need to train our people on how to control pollution. In our schools and colleges we do have an article or two on this topic in English as well as in urdu(National language of Pakistan).But I think it is not sufficient.we must provide proper training to our people which must include some compulsory practical field work. Farmers and other citizens using incinerators may be given incentives in order to encourage them.

    • As long as plastic and other synthetic materials are kept away from burning this method in fact helps kill mosquitoes too. You are right about educating the kids about this. Slowly practical lessons should be introduced and not just theory as is happening today.

    • That’s because when we burn those leaves and twigs , the act of burning is said to be destroying the ozone layer of teh earth.
      But throughthis post, i get to learn that we can mkake an incinerator, althoughi think the burning process can also destroy the ozone layer as some environment experts are claiming.
      It is also nice to know that theash produced through the incenerator when applied to the leaves can kill those aphids.

    • Just now I have a huge pile of twigs and leaves from trying to sort out the trees in my back garden. I was planning on smashing them up and putting them in our garden bin, but an incinerator, should I get one, does seem a good idea. I use a brush to get them off my tiny lawn as I seem to have broken the rake. Just now thought, it is too windy here in the UK to contemplate being outside in the garden.

    • Burning of leaves is not allowed in many places. The dried leaves can be turned into compost and are good fertilizers. It is easy to compost or make the leaves decay by just putting it in pit on the ground or in a sack then water it from time to time to hasten decay.

    • oh really good way to get rid of leaves, simple and really dont take lots of time, its the part of work that we have doing, but have to, goo piece of work there and appreciate that you share it for us, thank you for this im gona share it with friends too

    • I just bag leaves up and let the compost pick it up. But used coffee grounds blended with egg shells and banana peels makes a really good organic fertilizer

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Those Meandering Paths that Add Glamour 7 years, 11 months ago

    One needs a bit of imagination to convert a garden, however small it might be,  into a veritable paradise. Looking for exotic flowers is not the way. But growing what grows easily adding colour throughout the […]

    • Really your article is very beautiful and informative but growing a beautiful and harmful is an art not know to every body serpentine paths and meandering ways add charm in the look of the garden. Thanks for writing an informative article.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Isolation Tactics in Cyber Space 7 years, 11 months ago

    Not every will be kind and compassionate and the online world can be quite cruel. Some will go beyond in order to try and get others down. They’ll use tactics to isolate the ones who are trying to rise above. […]

    • I think social media is laying its role negative just to earn money as in every ads woman is used in a sexy way that instigates the youths’ emotions and led them to the wrong way what is this nothing but a diplomacy to earn money and sex spreading ads must ban on social media. Women are selling their beauty on social media just for the sake of poverty and hunger or to save their family members. What the GOVT is doing in this sector nothing but politics and what the anchors are doing nothing but promoting sex and earning money. Social media role must be positive not negative in all countries.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Bull Terrier – The Most Misunderstood Dog 7 years, 11 months ago

    When we had decided to go in for a smaller breed after we lost our Dalmatian our eyes were set on the Bull Terrier. But we were discouraged as there were reports about the Bull Terrier being violent and ferocious. […]

    • It’s always the owner that gives an animal breed a bad name. I have a pit bull. He is classified as the “Bully” type since he has wide shoulders and a big neck. He is very friendly and loves the cats we have. He does push them off the railing when they are playing but he will never hurt them. People who take care of their animals tend to have animals that act better than those that are mistreated. I don’t blame the animals but I blame their owners.

    • I agree this dog has special qualities this 1st is very brave,when this dog attack on something than its very hard ro stop.we used to have 2 Bultair do in our house.Both were in white color.In our viilege all other dogs were scared of them.

      • Yes dog are brave and faithful but some dogs are very brave and bold do not hesitate in attacking the new comer at home I have seen this scene last year when I went o see my friend his German Shepherd dog ran to me to bite but at the same time the owner my friend call him in voice listening to the owner’s voice he started licking my feet I wondered how nice was that dog.

        After this whenever I went to see my friend he never barked at me. Dogs has wit and wisdom and know very well have difference between the own and the thief.

        What a wonderful sense all the dogs have.

    • I agree with you that Bull Terrier is one of the most ferocious dog and one of the best attacker on something being done against the owner. One of my friends has this do according to his he is the best friend of human being than other dog His shoulder and neck both full of awe and he is brave and faithful to the owner.

      I think all animals are the best friends of human being all are hungry of love but I have seen on National Geographic Channels using the tool of love most of peoples have tamed dangerous animal like lions, panther, jackal, hyena,,,but on the other hand man could not tame man living together I think we all have the love deficiency in practical field.

      This love deficiency is taking men to the hell of hate in all societies. I think man is a rational animal but he could not learn still how to tame man.

    • bestwriter..Although I am not interested in keeping pet dogs,yet I appreciate your experience with them.While reading your article I was thinking all the time,if the animals can be trained by the human beings why cant we train human beings.There are many amongst us who badly need this type of training.I think whenever we make a syllabus for our future teachers, we must add something about how to train some students.

      • The difference between animals and human beings is that pets are receptive because their needs are limited but not so with human beings They have preposterous demands that need to be fulfilled if they are to obey. Sad but true.

    • me too love pets i have a dog his name is rommy. he is not a breed a street dog but when we took him to our house he is so small and cute. He live with us for 12 years but now he is not with us. i went to the lord almighty and stay with him.

      • We too have a street dog who just walked in one day. She is the most dignified and well behaved street dog I have come across so far.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, It’s Important to Stay Motivated While on the Journey 7 years, 11 months ago

    With all the distractions and resistance. Some may not feel so thrilled about wanting to move forward with their dreams. There will be some who will try to hinder those dreams but if one is motivated, confident, […]

    • Bob Marley remade a tune that was a popular American song and the lyrics in that song say “every time I plant a seed, they say ‘Kill it before it grow!’” In this life you have to be self-motivated if you’re going to accomplish anything. Sure folks may (or will) try to hinder you or put obstacles in your way or you yourself may get frustrated and wonder if what you’re doing is worth the effort. But guess what? If you don’t live your own life, nobody else will live it for you. They can’t! So you gotta do it! Just do it!

      Nice post! 🙂

    • Yes, while travelling high motivation is must to reach at the goal of life otherwise way hindrances will break the travelers’hearts. I think that motivation is literally the desire to do things. It’s the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day.

      It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.

      Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast. Sometimes it is really easy to get motivated, and you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself and you’re trapped in a death spiral of procrastination. This page contains the best ideas and most useful research on how to get and stay motivated.

      This isn’t going to be some rah-rah, pumped-up motivational speech. (That’s not my style.) Instead, we’re going to break down the science behind how to get motivated in the first place and how to stay motivated for the long-run. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to motivate yourself or how to motivate a team, this page should cover everything you need to know.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Benefits of Chewing Gum For Health 7 years, 11 months ago

    Chewing gum is not just a candy of breathe fresherner.

    In fact, chewing gum benefits your health which can help you to overcome your problems with minimal amount of expenses.

    5 Benefits of Chewing […]

    • I was also told that chewing gum builds up confidence. If you’re nervous, you chew gum.

    • My friend you have given most important pieces of information about chewing gum that can help the readers. Really awful.

    • Wow,thats just awsome good information .I like chewing gum from my child hold but i didnt know the benefits of that.i like it specially i am in the ground playing cricket it release my tension because.I always keep 3,4 in my pocket.

    • Thanks for sharing this, it made me decided to get the chewing gum, but the one on rack is too sweet, I afraid they contains too many sugar.
      I just realized that chewing gum can have so many benefits other than as a breathe fresherner.
      Other benefits are very make sense too, like it can help to clean our teeth to reduce teeth decay, and make us awake. I personally need sweet or chewing gum during a long and boring meeting for avoid from falling into sleep.
      But, I am a bit skeptical on it can help on weigh loss. As mentioned earlier, the chewing gum here are quite sweet, thus take a lot might cause high in sugar level.
      So, I would suggest to take fresh fruits as snack for instead if really really feel like wanna to take something.

    • The points on the benefits of chewing gum are quite interesting. I am really trying to stop smoking . But I am unable to. I actually want to go for e-cigarettes. But people advised me not to go for them as they are merely waste. So I am searching for a better method to dispense with the smoking.

      There are some valid points for argument in favor of chewing gum. But how it helps in weightloss is not clear. Of course the weightloss has nothing to do with my case. So I want to give a try .

    • I love chewing gum every so often will you find me chewing gum. I find it a lot of fun but the only problem is that sometimes I get bloated when I chew find but to avoid that I won’t chew a fun for too long I will give myself a break at some point to give my teeth a rest. The above benefits are true the only thing that am not aware of is that it makes someone become hungry. Maybe it’s because I don’t chew long enough to feel hungry.

    • Chewing gum is enjoyable especially to people that know how to chew it but if you are chewing, be mindful of the disadvantages.
      I am a chewing gum freak.i can chew gum for up to 10 to 15 hours a day. What prolongs my chewing gum hours is my skills. What I enjoy most is the sound I make with it and the bubble I form with it . but everything is now in the past cos I have lost my two molar teeth that enhances my enjoyment.
      After a day of long hours of chewing gum comes a night of headache. I only have to sleep in order to gain my consciousness. Sometimes the headache last for a very long time. But this doesn’t stop me from chewing more gum. As soon as the headache vanishes, I go back chewing gum and I even chew gum with the headache intact. I manage cos of the addiction.
      But now my two molar teeth has been removed, I just hope am gonna afford to chew gum. For the past 3 months, I have never chew gum, something that has never happened in half a decade.
      But wellshall my dear I love your post very much cos at least people will know that chewing gum is not just all about keeping your mouth busy. It will make the bad breathed guys to know that good scent chewing gum could change their breadth for the main Time.
      Chewing gum is good but don’t chew like I did cos If you do I pity your teeth. Lolllllllll.
      Nice post

    • chewing gum relieves anxiety and relaxes you when your nervous–which I agree..some also good for your teeth or course and cant hurt to keep good breath.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Seasonings That Pep Up Your Food 7 years, 11 months ago

    Seasoning adds taste to any insipid food. The smell and sound  that emanates when seasoning gets done brings  the kitchen to life.

    There are so many vegetables that are tasteless and odorless but when they a […]

    • Good recipes for the readers but the essay is informative for the new cook but useless for old cook.

    • There’s a whole lot of spices and tasty ingredients. Some foods are quite bland. They’ll a little spicing up. Appreciate the share of the suggested ingredients above.

    • I agree with you. Seasoning is very important in almost all Asian food. It gives life to the dish. Even without seasoning, one can prepare an item but once it is seasoned the taste differs. There are some secrets which will not be revealed to the public when you are on the business line.
      In the Hotels the Chef is known for his specialty and expertise. He makes even an ordinary item taste rich.
      Even a black Pepper Rasam will become rich in taste when once it is seasoned.
      Generally, people add mustard seeds in the seasoning. It is a must. Some items need urad dal for seasoning and some Onion or White Onion. Cooking is a great art. One who masters the art he will be the king anywhere in the world and will never suffer from food shortage or allow his colleagues to suffer.

    • My hubby’s about to drive me nuts with curry spice! But I’m curious to try curry leaves. I imagine it’s similar to how you use a bay leaf, if you want to put it in a soup or stew. Can it be used that way?

      • Bay leaf us just added but curry leaf needs to be put in hot oil and kept there till it changes its colour and that is when the seasoning gets its aroma. My garden is filled to capacity with curry leaf saplings and trees.

    • good recipe and seems great that I just finished my food few hours ago but that make me hungry again, I have garden of some spices that have bay leaf but never add to other than stew, as I feel it has so powerful smell and taste that may make the food too strong that taste, what do you think should i added it and how many leafs?
      Thank you for your good recipes and do post more so we add to our recipe

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic To hire a ghostwriter -practice and usage? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    You might want to try iwriter.com where you can write for requesters.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Dry Chicken Curry 7 years, 11 months ago

    Honestly, I do not often cook Indian food because I am not familiar with the Indian recipes.

    Indian recipes are usually related to hot spices and curries which are traditional flavors for poultry, fish, lamb […]

    • Yes you have given really a very nice recipe for dry chicken to make at home and its ingredients are available everywhere in all cities and its method of cooking is easy. Thanks for giving a nice recipe.

    • Wow! This picture really tempting, with the white sesame on the top make it even smelling.
      I can take two bowl of white rice with this curry chicken if this dish is served at home.
      I like to buy the wet curry paste from the wet market at the Indian stalls as the India hawkers sell a lot of spicy ingredient here. They able to mix the spicy ingredient well, either for curry mutton, curry chicken, etc. Thus, we have to tell clearly when purchase.

    • The article is giving a good recipe for dry chicken curry. A good article.
      But this is unfortunate that the dry curry paste and wet curry paste are now available in the malls also. Earlier people were preparing the dry curry paste and wet curry paste at home with proper taste suitable for all members of the family. They were avoiding such ready made stuff.

      Until 5 years these were not available in the malls. But now everything has entered into the market.

      They are not good at all. The dry curry paste is not at all good in taste. The dry curry paste is giving a sometimes bad smell. We have to be very careful in selecting the wet curry paste also.

      There are certain shops in India were the dry curry paste and wet curry paste is prepared on the spot mixing the necessary ingredients as per our requirement with the readily available stuff. These shops are located adjacent to most of the chicken shops. One can purchase a good chicken and get the curry paste whether wet or dry prepared there and then itself.

    • I will try it and come back to you!

    • This is very useful information you have provieded. We love to eat spicy food,Indian and Pakistanis are love eating spicy food and fry food with a little bit spicy or some people like more spicy.

    • Here’s the story with me and curry. When I attended the University of Miami, there was a Chinese Jamaican who lived in the apartment above mine. Almost every day you could smell good food that he was cooking up. One day I just had to ask. “What’s for dinner?” He said: “Curry chicken.” Never got a chance to taste it. We didn’t know each other that well so he didn’t invite me in. It’s OK. I could tell by the smell it had to be delicious!

      Fast forward, married with kids, and looking a way to make curry chicken and found this pre-packed chicken curry paste. Took at home and tried it. It was amazing!

      These days my hubby wants the curry spice, not in paste form, but as a powder, in practically all of his dishes. It’s cool.

      Curry was not a spice my late mother had in her kitchen cabinet. Glad to have been introduced to this spice later on in my life though. 🙂 I love spicy food.

    • Dry chicken curry is delicious in eating I have eaten one day at my friend’s home I enjoyed the curry really I cooked at my home the next day but could not make. The thick curry has ingredients like curry powder, tomato, ghee and onion with chicken. Lemon juice and coconut is sprinkled to make it dry.


      60 gms ghee
      2 Onion (Pyaj)s, thinly sliced
      2 clove (laung)s garlic (lasan), thinly sliced
      2 tblsp curry powder
      1 tblsp tomato (tamatar) paste
      1 1/2 kg chicken pieces

      How to make dry chicken curry:

      Meld ghee in a frying pan, sauté onions and garlic until onions is tender.
      Add curry powder and tomato paste, sauté 3 minutes.
      Add chicken pieces, mix well, cover, simmer for about 45 minutes or until chicken is tender.
      Add lemon juice and coconut, which will absorb any excess gravy.
      Note: The pan must be continually watched, as the contents may stick. If this happens, add just sufficient water to prevent it

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips – What To Do When Your Toddler Doesn’t Listen To “NO” 7 years, 11 months ago

    Toddlers are as curious as cats.
    Both of them have the similar behavior, so curious and so eager to find out what will happen if he does this or that.


    From the age that your toddler started to crawl to […]

    • You have totally nailed this one. Reminds me of a programme that I used to watch when I was younger called the Nanny. It was a very educators programme that taught a lot about young kids and their parents at times they would also bring in teenagers who he e issues without parents, and this taught quite a few tricks and tips on how to handle a child in your care. I must say all the things that you have mentioned ar3 the things that the Nanny teaches about. When you are saying no to a child it’s always necessary to get to the child’s level and explain to him or her in a form yet living way and time that what they did was not right and also teach them to say sorry. That’s so nice. And yes sometimes it’s good to let a child just cry all they want but never compromise with your child otherwise they will learn to take advantage of you. Always show them that you are th3 one in control and that they should know they ar3 not the ones who should be telling you what to do. Thanks for sharing very informative.

    • try to say to them Yes instead

    • try to not punish them

    • try to find another way to tell them yes instead of no and stay calm

    • Well,I agree with you.You have written a very good article.I experienced this in my house hhhhh. Its a very hard to control a growing child specially in early age.Where he doesn’t listen to you whatever you will tell him but i have seen many kids they don’t do things which can disturb you and they listen to you what ever you ask them.I think parents plays an important role in that .I you guide your child good he will listen to you whatever you wil tell him,But if you didn’t guide him that this is good or bad,Then he will not listen to you even when he become adult.

    • If your child insist on doing something that you think he’s not supposed to do. If he insists on eating and touching what he’s not meant to touch or eat, there are tactics that should be used on them to concur with your own decision. Yes, like in the article, children are always curious to know what going to happen if he does this or that, they are just like scientists.
      When I visited my anty who had a son of 3 to 4 years, my anty was always finding a whole lot of problem in convincing her son to concur to her no. My anty will want to watch a movie, but the boy wouldn’t want her to watch the movie, he will be disturbing her to put the film he wants. The most funny part is he’s always with the film he wanted the mother to put for him. My anty knowing that she can’t do what he wishes will find another interesting toy to distract him from seeing the movie. Sometimes they guy concur to the distraction while sometimes he will keep insisting. But if he insists to the extent of crying, my anty wouldn’t heed to him but will result in making him cry and sending him into the room. When we came out to eat most times, he carried his provisions and brought it to the mother signifying to her that he wants to take the provision for breakfast.my anty always found a way to make him eat the food she cooked. She will distract him and hide the provision. When the baby turns to stake the provisions, he wouldn’t see it, he would keep quiet. My anty for one day had never concurred to her son’s No.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fortune Tellers and the Dregs in Your Tea Cup 7 years, 11 months ago

    Fortune tellers have many routes to go to. There are those lines on the hand that some fortune tellers are great at. And the tarot readers are adept with the cards. There could be many more methods and there are […]

    • The fortune telling is prevalent in all most all religions of the world. I had many experiences. There are many types as rightly said. Tarrot Reading Numerology Palmistry Clairvoyance Gadde Parrot Reading and many..

      In this connection I would like to bring to the notice of the readers my own experience.

      I am a regular visitor of Srisailam in
      Andhra Pradesh.

      I had been to that place in the year 2000 for performing the last rytes of my mother. After the work is over I was waiting for the Bus. It came and the driver told me that there are still 20 minutes.

      I was watching outside where there was heavy crowd. I got down and went there to see what it was. A lady was having a cauldron in her hand and was telling to her visitors. I actually wanted a change for Rs.100/-. I just inquired how much she would charge. They told me only Rs.10/-. I asked her whether she can give me change. She said “o.k. stretch your hand.’I did it. she started telling with a great fluency.

      I can not give all the details here. But what she predicted was 100% correct.

      In the beginning itself she told me that I visited this place in honor of paying tribute to the lady who gave birth to me. I shocked. She told me that I would visit the place again in a motor bike and after that in a car. They exactly happened. Totally amazing.

      There are persons who can predict with precision the time of death also.

      My own father could predict his date of birth as 13th June 1999. This took place exactly on the said date and time also. I came to know about it only when I was just reading his diary after his death.

      A person who knows how to read also knows what to tell and what not and how much. They will not be available to each and everybody.

      My Guru was a Muslim. His name was Syed Hussain. He was liking me very much.

      He personally spent some amount from his pocket and got a ring made for me and handed over it to me saying ‘better you wear it on your index finger. The days are not good nowadays. I am giving it to you because you are my favorite disciple. Whenever I pray for Namaz and if you recollect me I can see where you are”. He was not having even a house. He was leading a very ordinary life. He was even saying what orders were passed on the file written by me.

      These experiences have made me to believe such things. But always remember that it is only by sheer luck you will get the company of good friends and good Gurus.

      • Thanks for that long write up on your experience. If there were no believers there would not have been thriving business in fortune telling

    • We all must keep in mind that that there is no luck or fortune pre written in the book of life mentions in all the holy books. Man is free in his all doings and is responsible for his doing on the Day of Judgement. Actually the main branch of fortune telling is astrology that read just human trends in the birth chart and the trend show what she or he will do in practical life.

      Keep in mind the stars how trend not fortune what anybody does is called his or her luck or fortune. Humans trends on birth are awarded by God according to His Mega Plan for men on earth. Each man and woman is for a special purpose on earth but man and woman ignoring his birth trends follow their emotions that lead them poverty and thus they are compelled by poverty to ask the fortune tellers why my luck or fortune is going down.

      Astrology is a royal art on earth and its master was King Solomon. We all mus believe in astrology with whole heart because it is the art of reading the planets’ motions effecting man, woman and the whole universe. Ponder over the motions of the sun over the universe and its blessings you will wonder.

      • I know very little of the stars and their formations. As I have said the fact that these things have stayed for thousands of years shows there is substance in them, both astrology and fortune telling.

    • I wouldn’t say that I ha e visited a fortune teller before because there was one right there with me. That was my boss though he was not th3 actual fortune teller his daughter was. I have never believed in this things before or even now. He one day asked me to show him my palms which I did though I had not known at that point that he reads palms. So after he looked at my palms he started telling me what my future would be like. But of course me being who I am I just shrugged and said to him ooh well let’s wait and see. Then at the time I was in a long distance relationship and he went ahead and told his daughter about me, and the result that came out about me was that I would join my boyfriend where he was and that we would get married, but I still wasent satisfied with the findings so I let it just hang around me as I waited for the said day when I would go and be with my boyfriend. It has been more than five years and nothing ever happened, no actually something happened I broke up with him hehehe. So I really don’t believe in this things I only trust what God has for me.

      • Most of us who do not believe have subjected ourselves to such experiences just to please those who believed in it. The fact that this activity is going strong shows that there are believers.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fraudulent Use of Debit Cards 7 years, 11 months ago


    Breaking news today is that millions of debit cards have been blocked by banks as fraudulent use of debit cards has been unearthed.

    I fail to understand how the owners of debit cards could so easily be […]

    • This is increasing day by day . The online fraud of Debit card is not new. There are people who will be watching the transactions regularly. By the time you go for shopping online the information will be looped into their browser and it will be obtained easily. They add something additionally to actual request and got them delivered . But these are a very few cases.

      As the customer is greedy of the offers so much so the fraudsters. They are now for cash. Once they track the entire information they are directly targeting the cash in the debit card account and making it empty.

      I need not say about the SMSs about the WINNING A LOTTERY. They congratulate you on having won …amount and ask you to submit details relating to your bank a/c cell number address etc and once you furnish it you are finish. So be careful about the Debit Card frauds which is gaining ground more than any other irregularities.

    • I totally not bothered with those promotional or advertisement SMS at all. To me, nothing is free or there is no free lunch in this world. This is the golden rule from stay away to this scam. If there is something in doubt, should call to your credit card center, but not the phone number given in the SMS for clarification. Again, the phone number in the SMS could a trap.
      Agree with you, changing password is the most easy and effective way to prevent from becoming victim. However, I am headache with too many password need to be memorized nowadays.

    • There should be some new ideas in order to avoid debit cards piracy

    • People should find ways to follow hackers of debit cards

    • People nowadays should find a solution for debit cards fraud

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, How to Face a Job Interview Well Prepared 7 years, 11 months ago

    Most have to go through the  grind of looking for a suitable job the moment they have enough to prove that they are capable of holding a position and many would  knock at several doors going from pillar to post s […]

    • When I applied for a job as I remember I have three things in mind. One is knowledge of my self. My weakness, my strength, my outlook in life. The point of caring and loving myself should come to mind always. In short, i know in all angles of life of myself.

      Second is those around me. The people whom I always come in contact with. The present trends, the latest news but more emphasis on the good point of view of the new. I would be confident if I am not ignorant what is happening in and out of the country. It pays to be knowledgeable and updated of the news.

      And the last is the company which I am applying for a job. I should have to do some research and focus myself on its achievement. I should also know the mission and the vision of the company including the staff, the personnel who handles a certain task in which I am applying for. in so doing, it is more likely that I am beginning to be a part of that company. Familiarization opens a big opportunity to get the job.

    • try to organize ur speech well

    • It is very important when we give interview we should be relax and very focused.Mostly peoplpe get so confused when they go for an interview.You should be very confident and the best way is when you are going to apply for any job suppose its a Nestle company.so before going for an interview you should go on their website find out the company does,about each and everything about their company .It will build up your confidence so when you wil go there you will b every relaxed because you have they best knowledge and also you can easily answer to the interviewer.I have seen many people when they go for an interview they dont even know the company profile ,and they struggle there.You must b well prepared also listen carefully listening and understanding is very important.Once you understand you will be able to reply properly,1st impression is a last impression you should be wil dressed.

    • All you have said is the truth, I terviews can be nerve wrecking sometimes in fact not sometimes but most of the times. No one is ever comfortable when going for interviews. We will always have some nervousness in us the whole time that we will be waiting to be interviews. The part that you have said that while at the reception one should have carried maybe a book and read, somehow I may disagree at some point because that would be hard you can’t even concentrate on what your reading all that is on your mind is what am I going to be asked inside there, how many people will be interviewing me, will they be looking at me when I walk into the room, will they ànslyze how I look like what will they think? With all this things going through my mind would I really focus on what am reading? I doubt it. Anyway all this ar3 things that will happen but once you have been to two or three interviews you will have got the hang of it.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Rights or no Rights? That Certainly is a Good Question 7 years, 11 months ago

    Let’s see, just wondering if we have rights, some seem to have no rights at all. I’m hoping that my rights aren’t being violated because I’m “African American” and because I’m a woman. Not sure what’s really going […]

    • My dear friend, the root of every evil on earth is injustice we all of us must uproot injustice from all societies of the world. In the eyes of God all men and women apart from cast and colors are the same but in the eyes of political leaders there is a difference because they think white American are superior than African American is polluted thinking of the leaders and their followers in all countries.

      Injustice creates poverty and inferiority complex in human mind and soul and from it springs all types of evils and crimes but its responsible persons are the political leaders. The youths are being lead to the wrong path and their heart are going away from other brothers’ of world’ hearts.

      Injustice is an evil crime and thinking and it creates terrorists in all section who fight for their rights and after passing a joint resolution they are declared terrorists. It is political thinking that leads men to hell and turn earthly heaven into hell.

      No religion teaches such types of crimes and thinking American leaders must think that what they are doing is not according to the Holy Bible Teachings. They violating the basis laws of men declared by God in all the holy books.

      The USA Government think tanks must think over this problem and one day it will wrap the whole world into the fire of racism veil. What be the USA policies about country and men but they cannot snatch anybody’s basis human rights. I wonder international organizations are silent on this because all belong to the European countries as we see in Kashmir USA and other European countries is dual and is against the laws of nature, religion and God.

      The youth must think over this horrible problem so that coming generation could be saved from racism in future.

    • It is really sad that the Black Americans are still having issues with the U.S. They could not get their voting rights along wit the whites in the U.S. The employment opportunities are less for them. They constitute most of the labor force in the U.S. Surprisingly what a African American worker paid is less than his white counterpart. Again there is a discrimination basing on the gender. Everything is discriminatory only.

      There is no significant improvement in the position even prior to and after Mr. Bush. In each and every election they have become the center of focus during the election campaigns of the contesting candidates.

      Even now Mrs. Hillary has passionately included the issue in her election campaign agenda without looking back how much dirt is left uncleaned in the backyard of her house. Mr. Trump though he is promising some steps he is being overlooked by the blacks on the basis of his background being from a Business Class. At least now the African Americans should realize the value of their vote and choose a right candidate who is outspoken dynamic and more practical in the approach. Nothing can be achieved on the basis of Gender.

    • You know there is this song that we used to be taught in Sunday school back in the days and it is still being sung in church. The song goes like this Jesus loves th3 little children, all the children of the world red and yellow black or white they are precious in his right Jesus loves the little children of the world. Now if you have ever heard that song somewhere in your life before, then you do realize that we are all children of God no matter how small or big we are. People should stop treating others like they are not worth it. what makes you so superior to another person, is it because you are white or black of cause that does not count and you know it. Let us all li e like one, let us not look at the other person like they are filling our space and that they want to take whatever does not belong to them. I usually say this if at all I live in the states there is definitely a reason as to why am there. It doesn’t mean that if you are white you are the one who has the right to be there, even those others who are there and are white, who says that they are origins from there. We are all migrants from somewhere no one owns anywhere. So stay put and also pray for your brothers and sisters and God will see you through.

    • If Trump came after Reagan or Bush, the dislocation would not be as terrific as it is today. Further, those of you who live in America are not as sensitive to the racism as those of us who do not. When I go to America I have to be conscious of the colour of my skin at all times. What Trump is doing is making racism ‘Okay Again’ and people who live there have to be very aware that with a known racist as Attorney General … in the words of Animal Farm; all animals are equal, but pigs are more equal than others.’

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Ways How You Can Stop Your Toddler From Saying NO 7 years, 11 months ago

    I still remember those trial times when my son who was still a toddler, always said “NO” all the time to me, regardless of what I told him to do.


    My toddler love to give a “No” for an answer, without […]

    • Your experience is true but all the children say NO at home at every talk they do not learn what other activities parents do at home in leisure time. There are a few children who do when be negative trends on child birth more active my one of the nephews does so the same exactly at home. Your tips are useful for the children childhood upbringing. I appreciate your tips.

    • I still recalled those sweet memory with my kids when they were toddlers. They were very cute when they were the cutie pie but annoying when they keep saying “NO!”
      My kids never practise this style during their toddlers period maybe I never ask Yes or No question. I assumed they didn’t understand what’s the meaning of “No” and just didn’t bother them. Were I a bad mum in this case? I have no idea too. Haha!

    • Kids can be so cunning and annoying at the same time, but you cannot afford to be mad at your toddler because it’s going to be your loss. Your kid may have annoyed and will still go I to do what they like to do and even forget that they annoyed you at some point. So like your saying that when you tell a child no always be stern and follow that no with action that way they will know that what they did it what they want to do is wrong. That way they will not rpeat the same mistake knowing that they will be purnished for any mistake that they make. A lot of the times kids will always want to do or say something just to see how the parent will react. And if you react harshly then they would think you don’t love them but a form answer will make things so much better.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Sagittarian Chicken Hot Pot 7 years, 11 months ago

    Some Sagittarian consumers are not easily satisfied with simple meaty recipes.
    Most Sagittarians love hot pot filled to the brim with chunks of chicken flesh with

    loads of chunky vegetable tubers or mushrooms. […]

    • Looks very tempting and yummy when dinner time is approaching now. It seems very easy to prepared with the soy bean paste. I might give a try in the future when I lazy to cook few dishes for dinner or lunch, just one pot is good enough to be served,and I can come back here very quickly! Hehe!

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