Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Progress and the Effective Methods are to Continue 6 years ago
When it seems as though there’s little progress there’s more than sights realize. Effectiveness has and will continue to occur. The “additions” are supplied because the additions are needed and are expected to […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, My Experiences as a Writer 6 years ago
I’ve been writing for many years. I started writing when I was in Elementary School. Entering creative writing contests and reading my work in front of the class and audience. I’ve written many poetic pieces and […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Reasoning Reasons and the Seasons 6 years ago
What a journey filled with the adversities but thankfully I still have my faith. I’m a believer and will continue to believe in my purpose no matter how many believe otherwise. Oh I’ve searched, explored, and also […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Effective Leadership Requires the Upmost Concentration 6 years ago
Have to concentrate because there’s so many paths to complete. Leadership isn’t everyone’s path. A true leader will know when and how to solve some of the toughest problems. Reacting to every disagreement isn’t […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, I Love to say no to Harassing Paparazzi 6 years ago
Imagine being followed and harassed. I’m referring to the paparazzi. It’s as if I’m a billionaire chased by the paparazzi. oh my goodness everyday it seems as though the crowd is trying to pull me=Tanikka Paulk […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Comprehension Skills are Very Important 6 years ago
Some aren’t quite comprehending what’s declared. No matter how many times its explained some haven’t understood thus far. Logic isn’t difficult but some have perceived as such. Difficulties arise when so many […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Observe the Actions a Way of Finding 6 years ago
Humanity seems to be lost. There’s so much individuals have to adhere to but are they really? If movements are to occur then proper actions are to occur good shall prevail. No matter what’s occurring the righteous […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Continuation Moma and Patty Sue Talking 6 years ago
Patty Sue is holding the phone close to her ears and on the other end of the phone was the man of her dreams. He didn’t sound pleased though but Patty was focused because Patty looked directly at the receiver. She […]
There will always be people who speak well of us and other people who admire us. We’d better get closer to the people who love us.
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, A day of Rest is Essential 6 years ago
Resting is of great importance. God has stated in scripture how important rest is. Some haven’t yet “developed” the desire to obtain proper rest. Resting will help decrease moodiness. Setting time to rest will […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, I’m me=Tanikka Paulk and I know What to do to Excel 6 years ago
No matter how many times some seem to think that I’m their pushover. I’m more than they realize the constant battles but there’s so many ways to become victorious. There’s so many decisions one could either become […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Moma and Patty Sue Talking 6 years ago
Moma: “Patty Sue gone and eat ya dinner before ya dinner gets cold.”
Patty Sue: “Moma I’s a grown woman now and I aint no little child anymore Moma”
Moma: “Patty Sue why ya always saying such a thing? I know ya […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Written by a True Writer 6 years ago
Chastin felt the frustration because of yesterday’s comments. He began to behave as if he’s lost his mind. What he was told would knock anyone off of their feet. He looked puzzled and just as he was about to head […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, I can say What Needs to be Said Bluntly 6 years ago
Sometimes we’ll have to speak firmly. Saying what is meant to be heard. Individuals seems as though they’re unable to understand to comprehend what is being said will make “the difference.” There’s mounts of […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Eyes are and Will Continue to see What Needs to be Seen 6 years ago
Everyday there’s the battle of what? The battle seems to be what I’ve became. The competitors aren’t recognizing what is actually so. No matter what they’ve been told some haven’t connected the dots. There’s […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Dignified is Located in a set Location 6 years, 1 month ago
To be dignified some may have difficulties comprehending just what it truly means. My experiences entail what some couldn’t imagine. The notations in which are confusing to say the least. “What is it that so many […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Transformations and Newness are Coming 6 years, 1 month ago
Soon there will be the many changes there’s many reasons why the changes should occur. Change is what some aren’t thrilled about. To have to adjust to a transformed environment can cause some to behave oddly. All […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Winner is Love and Proof 6 years, 1 month ago
To constantly revisit what has already been proven can incur fatigue. Why should persons have to prove to disagreeable People anyway? If there’s proof then that’s all one need to “continue.” What has been proven […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Good Prosper in Ways Unimaginable 6 years, 1 month ago
Difficulties arise but what and how a person handles to trials is what really makes the difference. The adversities can either generate upwards motions or downwards motions. Performing good deeds is what God wants […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Reality is Where I Would Rather be 6 years, 1 month ago
There’s the thoughts but there’s the reality some are way too focused within fantasy. The realities are what realities are. Thinking positively and remaining whole by actions and thoughts. To keep my mind focus on […]
Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, What’s to say About Good Competition 6 years, 1 month ago
Ever witnessed groups trying to compete but seem to have difficulties trying to remove their competition from the competitive spectrum? There’s so many insisting that on competing and some have “demonstrated” […]