Zayn Meek
@zaynit active 7 years agoForum Replies Created
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Maybe LB gonna pay you today. You never know . Wait a bit.. .
Actually i’m yet to be paid. Though i know when lb is paying you guys. I won’t be among due to the fact that i redeemed may 1 and may 9. So probability of me not recieving payment this month is 1. I justhad to wait a month more. |
Don’t be pulled dowN by your burden |
Human Being Are The Best Out Of The Creatures, |
But I Think It,s Not Always People’s Fault, It Has Become Rampant That They Can,t Even Control, |
You get f9. You still dey pocket What if you are the one that have the A1? |
PLEASE DON’T EAT INDOMIE WITH FRIED EGG AGAIN AT VENDORS ESPECIALLY AT ABOKI JOINTS I can’t believe it but it happened to my cousin last night . My cousin and his friends went to a food vendor to eat, they told the mallam to fix 10 packs of indomie and 8 eggs, then they sat down to chill till he prepares the food……. He was cooking and they were gisting. Suddenly he told them the food was ready and he served them. While they were eating, he asked them what they wanted to drink and they ordered for fanta and maltina, he brought the drinks, they opened it and drank. 30 minutes later, they finished eating and paid the mallam and they started walking back home when he suddenly remembered that he left his phone on the table then he ran back to get it. Luckily,the phone was still there and he picked it ran back home to sleep! See as u dey wait for bad news ? I don’t have any bad news joor! If e pain u…… I dey my house come and beat me. |
Q: What did the bag of flour say to the loaf of bread? Q: Why doesn’t bread like warm weather? Q: Why are bread jokes always funny? Q: What do you call holy bread? Q: What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over? Q: What did one slice of bread say to the other slice of bread when he saw some butter and jam on the table? Q: What does bread do after it’s done baking? Q: Why was the baker in a panic? Q: What happened when the baker’s wife came home early? Q: What do the bread say to the chicken? Q: Why do bakers give women on special occasions? Q: What does flour and yeast need? Q: Have you seen the romantic comedy about bread? Q: Why did the baker go to jail? Q: How do you make pickle bread? Q: What pick up line does yeast use on flour? Q: Why did the dog jump on the counter and take a bite out of the bread? Q: What do you call a flying bagel? Q: What do u call a whore who screws for 5 cents? Q: What did the baker say to the hot girl? Q: Where does an injured sandwich go? Q: What did the loaf of bread say to the police officer? Q: What did the yeast say to the bag of flour? Q: Can you make a sandwich with corned beef, sauerkraut, and Swiss cheese? Q: What is a bakers favorite Beatles song? Q: What happens when you burn bread? Q: How does a loaf of bread validate it’s anger against grapes? Q: What do bread and autistic kids have in common? Q: What did the yeast confess to the bag of flour? Q: Why did Mama Flour and Papa Yeast tell Baby Bread to get a job? Q: Why doesn’t anyone want to work in a bakery? Q: What Kind of Biscuits Can Fly? Q: When does sourdough bread rise? Q: What did the butter say to the bread? Q: What do you get when you mix Raggedy Ann and the Pillsbury Doughboy? Q: What do you call it when a mother and child bake bread together? Q: Why does everyone need bread and water? Two Buscuits walking across Union Street, Two muffins are in an oven and one says,”Wow, it’s hot in here!” Nothing with zucchini in it tastes good. Enough of the bread jokes ther too crumby. Hunger Games Whenever I hear a good song I say To Panemaniacs, “Life is like a loaf of bread, Peeta, you never know which district it’ll be from.” After Katniss found me almost dead When life hands you lemons, trade them for BREAD “I’m not bready to have sex with you, Peeta!” Peetas bread rising for you 🙂 Katniss: Enough with the bread jokes Peeta, we knead to be serious here. Katniss: Oh, Hey Peeta |
A pilot was transporting group of mad men to a psychiatric hospital but the mad men were noisy that the pilot couldn’t hear even the informaton being passed to him from the controller. One of the mad men entered the pilots cabin and the conversation commenced: |
Boko Haram members Entered A Jumm@t Mosque They closed all d doors and said: we are going 2 kill only 100 people, And we are going to start according to ur names in Alphabetical order 😧 They stated with the Imam👳🏻, they ask d Imam what’s ur Name? He replied: Ziza Zabilo . They ask d second imam👳🏻 he said: my name is Zunusi Zaminu They ask the Ladan what up u? Some one behind him quickly respond & said his name is Aliyu Abubakar. The Ladan said: wallahi he is a liar sir, wallahi my Name is Zaliyu Zabubakar😀😀😀 If u were there, what will be ur Name…….? |
Unsafe Lane Changes There will always come a time where you need to get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway, get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind spots and always proceed carefully into the next lane.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane. Improper Turns The reason that we have stop lights, turn signals, and lanes designated for moving either right or left as opposed to straight is because when drivers ignore the rules of the road, car accidents are often the result. To prevent a car accident, always look for signs and obey the proper right-of-way before you make a turn.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane. Improper Turns
The reason that we have stop lights, turn signals,
and lanes designated for moving either right or left
as opposed to straight is because when drivers
ignore the rules of the road, car accidents are often
the result. To prevent a car accident, always look
for signs and obey the proper right-of-way before
you make a turn. Tire Blowouts Most highways are littered with the scattered remains of a tire blowout. Tire blowouts can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, and they are especially dangerous for bigger automobiles like semi-trucks. When encountering a tire blowout, try to maintain control of your vehicle and pull over safely and you will likely avoid a serious car accident.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane. Improper Turns
The reason that we have stop lights, turn signals,
and lanes designated for moving either right or left
as opposed to straight is because when drivers
ignore the rules of the road, car accidents are often
the result. To prevent a car accident, always look
for signs and obey the proper right-of-way before
you make a turn.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane.Unsafe Lane Changes
There will always come a time where you need to
get over to another lane (i.e. exit from a freeway,
get in the correct lane to make a turn, etc.). When
drivers don’t make safe lane changes properly, it
often leads to a car accident. To prevent a needless
car accident, use your turn signal, check your blind
spots and always proceed carefully into the next
lane. Improper Turns
The reason that we have stop lights, turn signals,
and lanes designated for moving either right or left
as opposed to straight is because when drivers
ignore the rules of the road, car accidents are often
the result. To prevent a car accident, always look
for signs and obey the proper right-of-way before
you make a turn. Tire Blowouts
Most highways are littered with the scattered
remains of a tire blowout. Tire blowouts can cause
you to lose control of your vehicle, and they are
especially dangerous for bigger automobiles like
semi-trucks. When encountering a tire blowout, try
to maintain control of your vehicle and pull over
safely and you will likely avoid a serious car
accident. Fog Fog isn’t the most common weather occurrence, and that’s good news for car accidents statistics. Driving is a skill that requires the ability to see, but fog makes it extremely difficult to see sometimes more than a car length in front of you. Avoid car accidents by using your head lights — and never your high beams — when driving in the fog |
Speeding You’ve seen them on the highway. Many drivers ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be if you need to prevent an auto accident.Speeding
You’ve seen them on the highway. Many drivers
ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and
sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and
traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to
cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the
slower your reaction time will be if you need to
prevent an auto accident. Night Driving Driving in the daylight can be hazardous, but driving at night nearly doubles the risk of a car accident occurring. When you can’t see what’s up ahead you don’t know what to anticipate as you drive towards it. As the sun goes down, your awareness of the road and cars around you must go upSpeeding
You’ve seen them on the highway. Many drivers
ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and
sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and
traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to
cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the
slower your reaction time will be if you need to
prevent an auto accident.Speeding
You’ve seen them on the highway. Many drivers
ignore the speed limit and drive 10, 20 and
sometimes 30 mph over the limit. Speed kills, and
traveling above the speed limit is an easy way to
cause a car accident. The faster you drive, the
slower your reaction time will be if you need to
prevent an auto accident. Night Driving
Driving in the daylight can be hazardous, but driving
at night nearly doubles the risk of a car accident
occurring. When you can’t see what’s up ahead you
don’t know what to anticipate as you drive towards
it. As the sun goes down, your awareness of the
road and cars around you must go up Design Defects No product is ever made perfectly, and cars are no different. Automobiles have hundreds of parts, and any of those defective parts can cause a serious car accident. Many automakers have had problems with design defects in the past, including Ford Explorer rollover accidents and Toyota’s unintended acceleration crashes. |
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs It’s not only alcohol that is dangerous when mixed with drivers on the road. Drugs, both legal and illegal, can impair your ability to fully function as a driver. If your mind isn’t clear and you don’t have complete control over your body, getting behind the wheel can lead to serious car accidents.Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
It’s not only alcohol that is dangerous when mixed
with drivers on the road. Drugs, both legal and
illegal, can impair your ability to fully function as a
driver. If your mind isn’t clear and you don’t have
complete control over your body, getting behind the
wheel can lead to serious car accidents. Ice You’re driving down the road, it’s dark out and you want to get home for the warm fire. Next thing you know, you’re car is spinning dangerously out of control because you hit black ice. While San Diego hardly ever has ice, ice is a major cause of car accidents for cities with cold weather climatesDriving Under the Influence of Drugs
It’s not only alcohol that is dangerous when mixed
with drivers on the road. Drugs, both legal and
illegal, can impair your ability to fully function as a
driver. If your mind isn’t clear and you don’t have
complete control over your body, getting behind the
wheel can lead to serious[video width="640" height="360" webm="★-DASH-CAM-Truck-Road-Accident-TNT-Channel-.webm"][/video] car accidents.Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
It’s not only alcohol that is dangerous when mixed
with drivers on the road. Drugs, both legal and
illegal, can impair your ability to fully function as a
driver. If your mind isn’t clear and you don’t have
complete control over your body, getting behind the
wheel can lead to serious car accidents. Ice
You’re driving down the road, it’s dark out and you
want to get home for the warm fire. Next thing you
know, you’re car is spinning dangerously out of
control because you hit black ice. While San Diego
hardly ever has ice, ice is a major cause of car
accidents for cities with cold weather climates . Drowsy Driving Driver fatigue isn’t talked about a lot, but how well can we expect anyone to drive when they’re having trouble staying awake. Most of the car accidents caused by drowsy driving occur at night. If you find yourself wanting to fall asleep at the wheel, pull over when it’s safe and try to take a quick 30 minute power nap. |