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@skysnap active 6 years, 12 months ago
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May 16, 2017 at 12:58 pm

Never got paid. I am supposed to get 40$ for last two months total work. I guess it’s the end. See you later guys in any other site that pays.

May 14, 2017 at 4:33 pm

I think online friends can be good to fill in the gap of the offline friends. These days people don’t listen to you. And this makes it harder for you to deal with your issues in life. I have found that people don’t care if you have nothing to offer to them during your bad days. But that way you understand online friends can be fun. Because apart from time, you don’t give them anything. That’s how you grow in your life. I personally think that virtual friend have limit to influence. After that it would not be much help.

May 14, 2017 at 11:09 am

I can confirm from my end. No payment yet. I guess we have to wait one more week and then better wrap up on the site. I mean I tried to have patience but it seems my last 2 months payout and others are not looking to be getting paid. I think we have to wait till we confirm with all the active users not getting paid. If that is what remains then we have no option than to move to some other site.It’s pity it ended this way.

May 13, 2017 at 11:14 pm

Thanks you put on a nice perspective on this. I do the same. Just was not sure about if this was the way it worked here. I assume you got paid? Because there seems to be no way to confirm which one are getting paid and which one didn’t get paid. So that’s another thing we have to look forward towards as well. I am just waiting for a day upto 15or so and then we’ll see where this takes us. I don’t trust FAQ since bubblews. Because that completely changed the way things are going around as well.

May 13, 2017 at 11:07 pm

Yes I can understand. I think admins need to pay attention and get rid of the copy pasters. And they have to get rid of the users who are stealing images and the content. LB needs to cut the people who are not playing by the rules. Because you know often such rule breaking leads to the site being lost at many things. And for that reason I think we have to understand and make changes. All we can do from our side is just report things. Nothing more can be done than that.

May 13, 2017 at 5:59 pm

Looks like you are doing good with the skyrock. I have not tried it much. Because I don’t know if this will work on most of thee websites that I am owning. And it can be fun to see how that one goes. I think many people who want to use skyrock would be inspired by your stats. And they may get in as well. For me I have to wait and see how the progress goes for some of my site and then decide what to do with it.

May 13, 2017 at 5:15 pm

I think google only takes action if DMCA comes in. Most typical copy pasting would be ignored. So if that DMCA notice comes in then site have no option that to move to another domain. Because in such case google de-indexes the site completely. So in order to avoid that they have to get rid of some of the spammers. This can be hard considering a lot of them are hard to find unless we check their content. That being said, let’s wait and see what happens with the admins decision and then we can see the further solution.

May 13, 2017 at 5:13 pm

I think online friends are not close. And so they have no such connection with others. It can be harder to connect with them in such process. I don’t know if there can be a way for us to have same friendship offline too. Because online friends don’t look at your personal life much. And that can be checked too. I have seen many people who have their set of issues with the offline friends. But the way this life works I can tell you that people need to avoid relying on online friends. Because offline life is real.

May 12, 2017 at 5:59 pm

I think a lot of those features may slow the site down. Because it runs as a plugin in WordPress. So more such features as expected above may slow the site down. And this may even in turn affect the site. So I don’t think it’s worth having such features. If these features were to be adding any revenue, I won’t mind. But at this point of time, it serves no purpose. And it can be really bad in such case for sure as well.

May 11, 2017 at 3:40 pm

I think the best options people can do here instead is use the pixabay and unsplash images. This way the very issue of using personal photo does not come in. We do have some plagiarism issue. And we have to find those members and make them get removed from the site.I know many abusers who are just plainly copying the articles. So surely that can be in such case where you can just get rid of them instead. I don’t understand one thing though even after so many cases, why would people still use personal images. We all know there are many those who will use the images of others.

May 11, 2017 at 12:15 pm

Yes mobiles and tablet apps were meant to replace existing education. But it seems that is not going to work. So it’d be better if the kids not see the YouTube and social media. I think we all have to work harder to towards change. But it’s not going to happen overnight. And may take time for sure. Because if kids see what mobile can do they are going to ask for it. I don’t know if this is a good option in such case.

May 11, 2017 at 11:07 am

I get the monthly payout from the company on 6th of every month. And after that I try to manage for the rest of the online earning. I think it’s 10th to 15th here. I didn’t get paid message from LB so far. I am just waiting for others to see if they got the payment so far. That being said, getting paid be it using the job or through any other means can be really good. I wish to get more projects these days. Hopefully that works out.

May 10, 2017 at 3:29 pm

That is kind off puzzling question. I have no idea where most of us are going to land. In Hinduism they say it is cycle or birth and death. And we keeping living variations of each others life till all those possible wishes of our come true. So that is another perspective. other religions have their own version of how things are going to be and what they make up with their own concept. I am guessing that we never know about what happens and what does not happen. So that in itself is going to cause a lot of confusion to many of us.

May 9, 2017 at 4:25 pm

I think LB being WordPress based site with the forum functionality of BBPress. You can find those features and the options from that plugin. When that plugin is used, it adds features of social network. So you get message box, friends and status options. They can follow you through feed but that feed seems to be not implemented on any page here. These options turn any site into the site that has the option of social media. So it does not add much value to the website but it can be a good option nonetheless.

May 9, 2017 at 12:58 pm

I have observed this too with my nephew. I have found that the consistent use of the YouTube video watching makes them do less activity around. And they may get addicted. And then they may refuse to do other things. This process in itself is going to make things harder. So other than speech there are many other things that may affect them. So they need to avoid using the hand held devices for the entertainment purpose. They can use the educational app but that may also limit the amount of things toddler can do ad so may affect the growth.

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