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sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

@shivamani active 7 years, 9 months ago
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March 29, 2017 at 6:23 pm

You are right. I read about it somewhere.

Stress actually helps us in maintaining our blood pressure, heart beat, etc., It makes us adjust ourselves to the situation and attend to the work promptly with the diligence which indirectly improves our involvement. So we should have some respect for stress also.


March 29, 2017 at 6:16 pm

This is very sad. When are Americans taking that much of care in Food what should be the position of India? Shall we expect more care from our policy makers than Americans? I do not think so.

There are many food items which are adulterated unmindful of the harm such action affects the health of the people. Still, the people do not question the rule makers who by themselves in several occasions break the rules.

The educated do not question and the uneducated can not question. This is the main reason for the situation.

We come across many food items on the pavement side of the roads. They most of the times using all sub-standard material in their preparations. The Food Inspectors, though well aware of this fact, they compromise with the situation and do not take action by insisting on the use of standard ingredients.

There are some N.G.Os which are functioning well and they take up the issues with the government with relevant proof. The finding of lead in the nestle’s Noodles of India led to a very serious issue. The lead found in the Noodle was beyond the accepted percentage. The N.G.O. took up the issue with the Government which had banned the item immediately.

The N.G.Os are really making some good job in this regard.

Recently, the Health authorities have conducted a raid on a shop on a tip-off that the owner is selling China rice which was found mixed in the rice. They are nothing but plastic rice that looks similar to rice and can be mixed very easily.


March 29, 2017 at 5:57 pm

Yes. We should love our constitution. We should respect it. It is made for us to follow and for our welfare. If we do not follow our constitution it means there is something wrong with the makers of our constitution which necessitate an amendment suitable for a particular situation. The constitution of any country should be flexible. That is why Indian constitution has got 101 amendments the latest being the GST bill. But, all provisions of the constitution can not be amended easily. There are certain issues which can be amended easily by having a simple majority and those which require 2/3 of the total members present and voting etc., The matters like alteration of boundaries of a State require a simple majority though this has been given so many twists and turns making a big debate during the year 2014 in the case of separation of Andhra Pradesh state into two viz., Telangana State, and Andhra Pradesh

March 29, 2017 at 5:42 pm

My favorite color is generally Dark blue/Navy Blue/Ink Blue. But sometimes, I like white and Black colors also. Though I am not particular about colors, I happened to meet a person along with my friend who had some work with an Astrologer. This man was an Astrologer. He was telling nicely.

I evinced some interest though I am not a believer in Astrology. He said something and advised me to wear any color of my choice as it will not affect me and as per my horoscope, there is no color which does not suit me.

So finally I have decided to continue my own way of liking.

As per my scientific calculations, I should wear a black color.

March 29, 2017 at 4:01 pm

We are always looking Mr. Trump with suspicion. During his election campaign he promised the people of the U.S that he would construct a wall along Mexico, he will ban the entry of Muslims associated with terrorism and ISIS activities. People laughed at him. They criticized him in various degrees. In spite of that he won the elections as it is the will of the people of U.S to have him as their President.

We should also know that Obama Care has not given any fruitful results as expected and there are many people who could not get the benefits out of Obamacare. I read the opinions of many people where they failed in their attempt when tried to make use of it. Some states had no funds to contribute their share and some have included only some diseases to be covered for making use of Obamacare.

In such a situation will it be nice to continue such policy?

If a policy is a good one and has got some loopholes one can continue it making necessary amendments and there may not be any need to stop the policy itself and it should be continued from where it has stopped as you said.

What Mr. Trump thinks is to give a better policy which needs scrapping of the earlier policy itself. Let us hope he may come out with a policy different from Obamacare. His attempt to give a better policy need not be suspected and should not be treated as an action to wipe out the memories of Mr. Obama.

March 29, 2017 at 3:44 pm

Having Trust in God is the greatest achievement in life. We need confidence build up for this. This is another achievement. So without confidence trust becomes impossible. What is this confidence? This is a state of assertiveness like ‘Yes.I will.Yes…I am right…My idea is correct’. How many people are really having this tendency? They lose confidence once they fail in their attempt and say…’God is not helping me’. Is it right?

Whatever may be the result of our action we should seek the blessing of God always. Sometimes there may be a failure but not always. Even if it is so, there will be some reason behind it as you said.

March 29, 2017 at 3:35 pm

This is a great change …I mean religious change that is taking place in Russia. Some of them are nice but not all. Religious activities should be confined to a particular place. If it is allowed in private houses it may lose its sanctity. There may be persons who may like such activity. Allowing such persons inside a church may perhaps be not appropriate. We can not insist on it also.

In India, the temples were used as a meeting place for rebellious activities and speeches against the Government. They were gathering in temples and making a plot to topple the Emperors. They actually became the breeding centers of Revolt. It is for this and some other reasons, some Mughal emperors have resorted to desecration of temples showing iconoclastic tendency.


I do not think such a situation is prevailing in Russia to topple Mr. Putin..

March 28, 2017 at 9:08 pm

The best ways to drive away the summer heat are also the following

1. Wear lightweight cotton clothes. Avoid tight clothes.

2. Crush an Onion and tie it in a cloth. keep it in your trousers pocket. It prevents heat from being absorbed by the body.

3. Try to take an Umbrella when you go out or ask other elders to hold one when they need going

4. Prepare Buttermilk at home. Add some salt, coriander leave, pudina and some Onion pieces to the buttermilk. This is the best drink meant for the summer.

5. Always avoid drinking water from the fridge.

6. Purchase an earthen pot especially for the summer. Store it with water. Even buttermilk can be stored in it. If the cooling effect is not up to the desired level cover the pot with a wet cotton cloth.

7. Wash your face often with a gap of 3-4 hrs. This protects the skin from being dehydrated.

8. Always try to wear leather shoes (if they are inevitable for your job or work) or sandals. Always try to cover the entire feet.

9.Apply Coconut oil to the head during night and wash it early in the morning with herbal shampoo.  Do not use soap.

10.Do not drink a bottle of water at a time. Drink a glass or two frequently. This is the correct way of drinking water during summer.

11. There is a special dish prepared in Indian villages exclusively for summer. Rice is cooked during night. They keep it in a pot and pour water and tie a cloth around the pot. The next day morning the water is filtered and will be taken as a drink. The rice is taken along with buttermilk, some salt, and Onion chutney. It works wonderfully. Again the remaining rice is dipped in water and as said above the procedure is repeated. The next day also they use it as a breakfast. Most of the people who work in Agricultural fields prefer this food item.

12. Try to fill the room with light aroma oils or perfumes.

13. Prefer to take bath using warm water adding two or three drops of rose water.

14. Do not expose your eyes directly and vigorously to the radiation. Try to use Sun Glasses.

15. Never wear Helmet directly on to the head if you got to drive two wheeler. First, have a cloth inside the Helmet and then keep it over your head. Otherwise, the accumulated dust and sweat particles are sure to damage your hair.  There is also a possibility for itchy skin over the head.

16. Wear cotton gloves while driving a scooter.

17. Use good moisturiser as liberally as you can while going out.


March 28, 2017 at 8:30 pm

I do accept with one thing. Ladies are more selfish when it comes to a relationship….relationship, I mean not the one confined to her husband but to his parents and other relatives.

I know a lady who after marriage started telling some lies about her in-laws and spread them to the neighborhood. The only sin the in-laws committed was accepting the marriage of his only son with this girl. They were remaining quiet. But, the lady was also not bad and was not even torturing them. Just spreading and biting the ears of neighbors.

Suddenly, she left the house and settled in her parent’s house and in spite of several persuasions she did not turn up.

when my friend contacted her as to what has happened and what was wrong with his parents she demanded separation from in-laws for which my friend did not accept. He openly said that it will not be possible to leave them as being the only son and that he would consider it better to be away with her.

The meaning of family in her own words was “Husband and Children only. But not in-laws.

The gap continued for years. My friend lost his parents who became mentally sick as they could not convince their only son nor could they ask him to bring the Granddaughter and Grandson who left the house when they were small kids. They experienced mental torture and finally, they both collapsed.

The gap continued for years (nearly 14 years). One fine day she sent feelers through his only sister-in-law and another friend. They failed in their attempt.

As a final call before deciding to sign the Divorce papers my friend contacted her to show the children and that he had decided to leave her once and for all and before that wanted to see the children. She got some sympathy and showed the children and wanted to listen him taking a house for rent somewhere which will be far away from the relatives of the both.

Suddenly, she turned the plate and said that her father and her unmarried sister will also stay with her. My friend now insisted that he would not allow them in his house and better it would be if they stay in their son’s house.

According to her the definition of family now is “Husband, children, her father (widower) and unmarried sister”.

My friend reminded her of the meaning of family and did not accept her. The father and her sister are also not leaving the house and not allowing her to reach her husband to establish her own family. Her brother is not taking his father and unmarried elder sister and allowing them to stay in his house.

The relationship is finally coming to a collapse.

See how played the entire drama. Even after killing the old aged in-laws there is no change in her mental attitude. She does not know the meaning of love and relationship and not in a position to share these qualities with others except her own relatives and parents.

Is she not selfish and cruel?

March 28, 2017 at 4:49 pm

Coming into contact after a gap of 25 years is really a boon. We organized a Old Students Meet for this. The function was arranged collecting some money. Many of us are well established now and money was not a problem. A date was fixed for the meeting and suddenly we gave it a new twist by Honoring Our Teachers who taught us and who were responsible for making us useful citizen of the society. Everything was reset and the event went on very nicely. Most of us became officers, Bank employees, Engineers, Politicians, Good Mechanics, Good Businessmen. We all shared our experiences of life and could get nice photographs and exchanged our numbers. This is really a good idea which worked nicely.

March 28, 2017 at 4:39 pm

I am feeling happy to read it. Just the truth is God. Better we understand that. He is there to take up everything on his shoulder and guide us. Even to think about the judgment day it is only He who should bless us. We are nothing…nothing..nothing…If we visualize the whole universe, our significance and identity become a big question. We are born to die and take further journey as programmed by Him in His website. He just looks at it and never cares what is wrong and what is not as His programming never goes wrong and decides one’s place precisely in the Universe.

We take only small jumps here and there leaving rockets, satellites, traveling in planes, bombarding the buildings with bombs, making wars using nuclear weapons….which are all His computer games.

March 28, 2017 at 4:27 pm

Yes. The last two things looking like the situations to laugh at. But, as you said taking the name of the God if you can not recover from the fall, and  getting into a fall with an unexpected shock both are different. One may get into fall with an unexpected shock but it depends upon the personality how he responds to such situation. There are people who recover quickly even from such situation and overcome the troubles. They are real heroes.

March 25, 2017 at 1:30 pm

yes. One is responsible for one’s own happiness. How can be another person responsible for your happiness? Maybe a husband may be a wife, it does not make any difference. We must learn to enjoy each and every moment of live. Whether we are rich or poor, whether we live in Palacios palace or small hut they will not make one happy. But, it is only the feeling that resides in your which should be happy.  For them, even a hell becomes a heaven.

March 25, 2017 at 1:22 pm

yes. One should have spirituality and practice it. But, what is this spirituality? It puts many under confusion. Leading a disciplined life, sitting before the Almighty and praise him? Doesn’t he know what we are actually? Spirituality is only a state without any ambitions. It is the state which one gets after a lot of practice. Just wearing white clothes, preaching something impractical and irrelevant, but doing the things which are totally against what that has been preached can not be accepted as spirituality. I think so.  Of course, people may differ in their opinion.

March 14, 2017 at 8:32 pm

The silly thing with our technology is that it discovers many things, finds a  solution to every problem but never roots out the problem,  It should be perennial for others to make a big business out of it . Many people say and support to ‘NO PLASTIC’ without making any publicity of their business.when we say NO PLASTIC the question of WASTE MANAGEMENT DOES NOT REAIRED.

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