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sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

@shivamani active 7 years, 9 months ago
Rank: Newbie

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October 19, 2016 at 9:40 am

Very nice to hear about that. Now I want to know something about elitewriter. Is this  a good site ? I have to explore the site along with Blogbourne. I will do it tomorrow.

You need not be discouraged if somebody make comment that all your posts are ghost written. Leave their comments aside. Now concentrate more on expression and the various type of expressions. Style of expression required for different topics. Differentiate them . You will get a clear idea on the style to be selected for a particular topic.

Give an attempt (not now) writing articles for bigger sites.



October 18, 2016 at 10:40 am

Recently I am told that it is under hibernation. I do not know what exactly  was the truth behind it. Just now I put a message on this. I am expecting his reply shortly. The blogjob was doing good business. It was getting good money from Ads also. But, the writers are not happy with the payment. Of course they will not be. Even if you pay a $ for a post they will not be happy. The social networking sites generally pay less amounts. The writers should not insist on more payments. If they insist on more the site will not have any other alternative but to close its business. Such writer should choose special sites and prove their capacity. They should  not expect more  for their general gossip and totally routine posts and discussion. There are many sites and magazines that pay even $500 for a post. Better they  try on them.

October 18, 2016 at 10:30 am

This is really a good question. Everyone should know that it is the style that is important for a writer.It is the style of expression and writing which places his articles at a higher level. It does not mean that one should choose bombastic words and language. What you are writing should be readable an effective, and easy to understand. You can add some good phrases and words. But they are used in appropriate places as they are not a must. Each site will have a style of writing. The Travel sites generally go for stylish and creative and descriptive style of writing. A technical writing needs some straight to the point of style.  Whatever the case may be the content will decide the style of writing. An article in Matador requires a very solid control over words and usage of phrases and words. The NATION MAGAZINE  requires you to thorough with the subject as well as the usage of words.

The Golden rule for a content writer is that he should write on specific point relevant to the topic and subject without any distractions.

Another site like Knowledgenuts lays more emphasis on the content. They need good content with minimum grammar mistakes. They do not mind your expression. The words should be appropriate and good. The content must be informative. But they only pay $10/- for each post of 500 words.

The site cracked.com requires a highly funny way of making comments in their articles besides solid control over words. They invite all articles. But you are not up to their standard you are gone once and for all.  You will not be given any further chance to write. So be sure about your language and expression.

October 16, 2016 at 9:04 pm

This is really unbelievable to know that the toilets are not good . I never knew about it.  Why they still prefer Squat toilets? How about the Water there? Will it be good?

October 16, 2016 at 8:50 pm

You are lucky . Visiting a good tourist place. Hope you enjoy it a lot. My favorite destination is Italy. I want to spend a fortnight there. One of my friends has informed that it is totally a different world. The big Palacios  buildings can be seen on either side of river banks, and Canals. Eeverything inch by inch is considered as Tourist Spot. A place of Historic monuments.

Whenever I think of touring Italy the places Panthean, The Colleseum, Cestine Chapel, and

Roman Tower appear as slides in front of my eyes.

I am still  in surprise to think and visualize the scenes as shown in some Bollywood movies.

October 12, 2016 at 9:53 am

how about Bitlanders and Humanatic? I want to give a try . The Bloggersjob is not doing well as there are many negative reviews . The Blogsbourne is not accepting members unless they submit a sample article. Almost all sites are having some issue or the other. Is it because of their lack of understanding in dealing with the writers or the writers are not having satisfaction with the performance of these sites. It has to be explored now.

October 12, 2016 at 9:27 am

congratulations. very nice to know about your payment . How much can we make for a month on this site? How much you got towards your 1st and  2nd payments? If they are prompt in paying people will not leave this site.

September 30, 2016 at 2:06 pm

How is blogsjob? Can I register with  the site? How does it work?

September 30, 2016 at 2:03 pm

Do you have any experience with  Elance?

September 30, 2016 at 2:00 pm

From the beginning I hate participating in the bids. The site you have mentioned is totally ridiculous. They categorized the writers as Standard…Premier and Elite. After registering with the site when I search for the work there were only 1 or 2 were there. Even for those 2 I had to participate in the bid. As this is against my principle I dropped the idea to visit that site again.  You are great. Wrote Articles also for that site. I do not think it is worth considering  to write for that site.

September 28, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Your observation is right. They do not have muscle or bone power. They are becoming obese and are prone to various health problems easily.

Even now there is time for the parents to rectify themselves in bringing up their children. They are but doing this.

Can you suggest any remedy for this? or any other alternative way of tackling this problem?

September 28, 2016 at 3:33 pm

I really appreciate you for not keeping the TV at home. This is one of the worst gadgets that spoils the children and lays the foundation for indiscipline.

Another good point is that your children can play with anything. Anything can be their game tool. This is what required in the children and wanting more in the children of modern days.

We should also teach children to carry some small weights and also ask them to dig some soil etc., which will give them physical strength.

September 27, 2016 at 1:57 pm

The role of parents become very important here. They should understand the importance of allowing children move out and mix with others. They should discuss this issue among themselves in the colony and invite children  to play games. Otherwise, they will repent in the future. The children as you said are not playing and spending their time  sitting before computer or tablet. Added to this they do not prefer to eat at home when mother cooks but outside. They like to eat Pizzas and Burgers which add up only some extra pounds and fat in their body. The drinks they prefer is Thump Up, Coke Drink et. which are very harmful to their teeth also. By the time they get 40 they become fat and feel difficult to walk. Their teeth become loose and the hair turns into grey. They do not have the  energy to withstand these unwanted and invited problems.

September 27, 2016 at 1:47 pm

I could not get you. What ??He is the same does it mean there is no change in him. What is wrong in it? There are some people who do not change till death. This is a boon. But most of the people after marriage become and appear old with folded skin on the body, sagging muscles in the arms and face.. This is an exception for some people. it is a boon for them. Even they do not get bald head and their hair will not turn grey.

September 26, 2016 at 3:59 pm

Yeah. It has become a part of my regular activities. I was playing Cricket and played even for the University. In those days there were no 50 overs matches, Day Night Matches , or T 20 Matches . It was really tough for getting selected. When I was fielding in a match I had a severe blow on the knee and I had a good treatment. Now, after a gap of 12 years, it is giving my severe pain and unable to walk. So to keep myself fit I am doing it along with Yoga. I got good material (Audio and Video) on Yoga and I do it without any break. I make a light jogging  bring my knee back to its glory. I also take a very limited diet. I am very against people developing belly fat.

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