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    samia wrote a new post, Food can transform our mood 7 years, 6 months ago

    We know that sweet treats or our favourite foods can make us happy and turn things around on a low day but we are talking science. Some foods are known to transform our mood because of certain compounds that they […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Why children thinks that parents are useless 7 years, 6 months ago

    I know a old man who is 70 years old.He is my neighbour.before few days back in have seen a painful incident.
    That old man was ill ,his 40 years old son was taking him to doctor on his bike.Old man asked him for […]

    • Agree with what has been stated in the post. But the generation now thinks differently that is a sad fact. These children are greedy and materialistic. They learn some of this behavior from parents, some from peers, relatives, and society. Once they get settled in a job they want to be totally independent and be a free bird. They consider parents who would want to be with them as a mill stone around their neck and an obstacle. They feel these old good for nothing people are impeding my growth in life and are not allowing me to be free. I really do not know when I will be rid of this problems of parents. These are some of the things I have seen and heard people speaking about their parents. These kids once they grow also control their parents and would want the parents to live the life they want them to live and would want them to also nanny sit for their children whom they do not have time as they say they are busy with work.

      But I have also seen a few cases though which are exactly opposite to the ones I have stated above. These kids are like the ideal kids which a parent would expect of them. They would take great pains to take care of their parents. I felt very happy to see these kids who are very few and rare. The good thing I found is even their children are behaving well like them with their grand parents which is a great thing.

    • Let me start by saying that our parents are not useless and they will never be useless no matter what.

      The Ten Commandments of God in the Book of Exodus, says “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” (Exodus Chapter 20 verse 12).

      Of all the Ten Commandments of God, it is only this commandment that has a blessing. The blessing of which is in the phrase “that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

      In short, the blessing is a long life. And this long life is possible within the context of Exodus 20:12 only by honoring our father and mother. Stated otherwise, honoring our parents which means our father and our mother.

      Take note of the word “honor”. The word “honor” implies respect, courtesy, and care to our parents most especially when our parents are already old, the time of which when they truly needs our love and care.

      So conversely, if we will not honor our father and mother or our parents for that matter, then there will be a curse upon us. For instead of the blessings of a long life, our life may be shorten or short live by our lack of gratitude.

      It has been said that no amount of kindness that we give to our parents will be enough for us to be able to repay to them the gift of life that they gave to us.

      Without our parents we will not be alive today.

      If we have the capacity to love and to care for strangers or to love and to care for our spouse, children, friends, acquaintances, work mates why cannot we take care of our parents during their old age?

      Is it too much for us to do?

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    samia wrote a new post, Feeling bad for parents of mentally challenged children 7 years, 6 months ago

    Yesterday I went in a family function,there was a 25 years old girls,who was mentally ill.But she was looking like 16 years.The ways she was talking,I could not understand a single word.
    Small kids who were 8 to […]

    • A important issue which the society at large tends to ignore. Many children and in some cases elders too out of ignorance or deliberately call them mental which is a very sad things. I have personally counselled many people and have told they should not be called so and the have to be called specially challenged children or children with special needs. Many people after being made aware or sensitized at least do not use such words and at least are compassionate to them and accept them how they are which is a good thing in our society. They even see to it that they are protected from people who are bullying them.

      I have worked for a few months in such a place and have counselled many parents care givers and I have taught these children. There are people who are above fifty years old but who have the mind of a ten year old. Many of the students of intelligent and they are able to learn English, Mathematics, Drawing, Puzzles and Singing too. They also sing the National Anthem daily along with the prayers and pledge once the school starts like any other school. I felt these children are far sensitive, have a better understanding of life appreciate life and are happy compared to the others who are not so. I cherish that experience in my life. I could not continue in that place due to some personal reasons but the compliment for me was that they were asking me to come and continue which I liked. Teaching methodology to be adopted there is different which I learnt too. It adds to my experience in teaching.

    • Mentally or physically-challenged children should be given enough support, and it is the parents who should be the first to do it. They should accept her as she is, that she could be different from other children, but she is also a human being who needs love and understanding.

      It is good there are special schools for special children where they are given special attention and education.

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    samia wrote a new post, I think love marriage is much better than arrange marriage 7 years, 6 months ago

    According to my personal opinion I do not see a point in arranged marriage at all. I will choose love marriage undoubtedly.Arranged marriage is hollow nowadays.

    My parents also had an arranged marriage,but that […]

    • I believe that arranged marriages were or are for many purposes. One primary purpose is that the parents who love their children, especially their daughters, don’t want them to tied to a cruel mate for the rest of their life. I find it hard to believe that in societies where marriages are arranged that the parent do not have their child’s best interests at heart. That being said, I agree with you, marriage should be wholly based on a love relationship. That’s the foundation necessary to build a happy home. Without it you just have two people who live together and sadly they pass each day of their life away, desperately longing to be loved. It’s a very miserable way to live.

    • even in the Jewish reglion there was arranged marriages but one of the reason was some time the parnets want to make sure their kids would be alone. I think this one main reason it all so had to some thing with the reglion to. If you ever watch a movie call fiddler on the Roof there a
      song call match maker make me match you can find clips of this movie on you tube. It a very old movie and broadway play.

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    samia wrote a new post, My love and hate relationship with what’s app 7 years, 6 months ago

    Without a doubt Whatsapp has been one of my most used applications ever. It is also probably the first application I download when setting up a new phone. It is not that I love the application so much, it is that […]

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    samia wrote a new post, I hate headaches,Do you also? 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have a really bad headache few days ago,it hurts really bad in one spot and feels like its going to explode soon. It was like a sharp pain in that spot.It was characterized by possible sharp pain behind my ear […]

    • I rarely have headaches but when i do they are very strong and tend to turn into migraines which are the worst. I don’t have any routine to relieve the plan because it hardly happens. Sometimes i take some medication to help but most of the time a coffee helps relieve the pain.

      Today i had some bad luck and am with a huge headache but i dont have neither coffee or painkillers nearby. I have to endure the pain until it decides to go away.

    • Good thing I do not experience it often. But if I have a headache, especially if it is at the lower back part of the head or nape, I always check my blood pressure because it might be due to high blood pressure. Just to be safe.

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    samia wrote a new post, It’s our day,it’s women’s day 7 years, 6 months ago

    Women’s Day or International Womens Day is a popular celebration around all over thw world. It is the celebrated on March 8 every year around the world. On this day, each and every country celebrates the a […]

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    samia wrote a new post, We should know the causes of global warming 7 years, 6 months ago

    Global warming is the big environmental and social issue all over the world which everyone must know especially our kids and children because as they are the future.

    Global warming is a major atmospheric issue […]

    • All of us already feel global warming influence.

    • An important topic on which lots of discussions have taken place but implementation of the laws and resolutions adopted by the UN is very slow. Countries involved do not want to budge and give some space even though all of them know the disastrous consequences of global warming.

      There has been no reduction of pollution by industries, vehicle emissions, gases released into atmosphere by CFC’s in the form of consumer products like deo’s, sprays, room freshener, gases released by refrigeration companies and others. Methane, carbon monoxide, sulphur di oxide, carbon di oxide, deforestation all play a major in increasing global warming.

      This has resulted in the rising of the global temperatures and also land reclamation by sea due to rise in sea levels due to the melting of polar ice caps. Radiation due to harmful ultra violet rays causes skin diseases likes rashes, itching, pigmentation, skin cancer and many other health issues. The kind of lifestyle adopted in the cities also is playing a crucial role in abetting global warming. It is incumbent on all individuals at personal and societal level to adopt changes which will help in reversing the trend. Otherwise we are in for difficult times.

    • There are so many causes of global warming and it has been an issue tackled between industrialized and third world countries. Global warming causes changes in climates, stronger typhoons. drought, or flooding.

      Everyone should do his share to prevent it.

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    samia wrote a new post, My favorite city is hyderabad 7 years, 6 months ago

    Two months before,i have visited to Hyderabad city.It is wonderful and awesome experience and we can not able to forget our life time.And
    My favourite place in Hyderabad was Golconda port. What i can say it is a […]

    • An informative post with an interesting description of Hyderabad which is more than four hundred years old. Golconda fort is a unique fort which has been there since around 9th century AD. It was called originally Golla Konda or the shepards hill. It was build by Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah in the year 1525. It was also famous for diamonds which we mined from the mines existing there. Some of the world famous diamonds have come from this place. It will take one full day if one would want to see the Golconda Fort in detail.

      One more interesting feature of this fort is the acoustics which is unique to the fort if the messenger at the main gate to the fort claps if there was any sign of trouble the sound would reach the king who used to reside at the top of the fort so that he could give directions for his army to protect the fort. The fort used to get water from Osman sagar and Himayat Sagar. It also used to get drinking water from the Durgam Cheruvu also called the secret lake which is situated many miles away from the fort.

      During the siege of the fort by the Mughal Aurangazeb the fort was surrounded for more than 50 days. The siege lasted for a long time because the people in the city inside the fort had all provisions and did not need to venture out. The fort was impregnable and Aurangazeb could not enter the fort. But one of the insiders in the army of Golconda himself betrayed the king and opened the doors for the enemy to come in and capture the king thus Golconda fell to the Mughals under the leadership of Aurangazeb.

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    samia wrote a new post, My favorite author is chetan bhagat 7 years, 6 months ago

    Chetan Bhagat is my favourite author.I have read all his books.I really enjoy his books at times,even though the languages is simple, and the stories turn out to quite predictable towards the end.
    Chetan Bhagat is […]

    • Thanks for the introduction. I think is the first time I’ve ever heard mention of a modern Indian author. Most of the recommended writers were from way back.

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    samia joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 6 months ago

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    samia wrote a new post, Taking nap in afternoon is good for health 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am a big fan of afternoon.For me taking a nap is actually the best cure for a bad mood.

    I am a habitual nap taker.I take one nap almost every day and have for years.

    Naps are not for everyone,I have heard that […]

    • Taking naps is a healthy habit because it reinvigorates the body and mind. I like to take naps especially in the afternoon when I get sleepy.

    • I agree with you. I also like to take naps. It is really useful for the health.

    • Yeah, taking a nap in the afternoon absolutely restore our energy. I always felt restless in the afternoon but after taking an hour of sleep, it refreshes my whole body.

      Though sometimes, If I have to do important things, I don’t take a nap. I just ignore my sleepy body by concentrating on what I am doing. And it makes me more felt tired in the evening after a whole day of work without napping.

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    samia wrote a new post, newspapers are dying at the hands of the internet 7 years, 6 months ago

    I spend a lot more time on the internet than I used to.I used to read a lot of fiction books online.I find myself reading newspapers a lot more and magazines occassionally.

    Most people,assume that newspapers are […]

    • It is more economical to read online news than buy a newspaper. As you said, online news had overtaken the written news on newspapers.

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    samia wrote a new post, If oats helps to lose weight,these food gain weight 7 years, 6 months ago

    It has been two month since I am taking oats in my breakfast.I still remember the first day I had oats with skimmed milk.And i ate breakfast around 9 and by the time I reached work,And that day I was already […]

    • It is important to read a lot of reviews/testimonials before going on a certain meal plan. Always read labels on food packages if they contain harmful ingredients.

    • Excuse me , but this picture is mine. It’s the book I read and took a picture it for my postings about my readings from it.

    • Oh I thought you are talking about how to increase body weight. So can you tell me whether I should go for these product as I am under weight? 😛 😛

    • To me oats and soy didn’t helped much. I wanted to see if it can help but so far not much luck. I would see other foods and check it out if that can help me. I think it depends on person to person in terms of health.

    • I am using apple cider vinegar to lose weight with cinnamon in it. Trying to stay off of sweet. U also should eat cucumber and watermelon high in water content they help flush ur system faster.

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    samia replied to the topic How many posts do you write per day/week? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    Yesterdsy i have submited 4 post.It is my third day here today i have already submited 3 post.My goal is to one dollar per day.

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    samia replied to the topic SHORT POSTS/ LONG POSTS in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah,you are right.But for me it is difficult to write 300 words post.Still i have been trying my level best to write more.

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    samia replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    That is great,congratulations,When can we ask for payout?

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    samia joined the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

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    samia wrote a new post, I love to shop online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I love shopping online because I am a shopaholic and sometimes when I go to the store,I do not really think about what I am buying.Online,I can go to all of my favorite sites,pick out my favorite things.

    I think […]

    • I have experienced shopping online before for some items. Yes, they were delivered on time and I paid them upon delivery, but i didn’t like that the items only lasted for 2 or 3 months as operational.
      I have bought a fat trimmer and found it effective in melting the fats on my tummy. However, after about 3 months it doesn’t operate anymore.
      But because i like its effectiveness in melting the fats in my tummy, i bought another one. But that too was only operational for just 3 months.
      I also bought other items and all f them are not of good quality.
      From then on, i stopped shopping online already.
      Besides, i love shopping in the mall.

    • I am a huge fan of online shopping and mostly because there are many things i get online that is almost impossible to get here where i live at all or for a certain price.

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    samia wrote a new post, Milk is good for heath 7 years, 6 months ago

    My daughter was always big on drinking milk,but now she does not like to drink milk.
    She eats cheese and plenty of veggies and she is four year old.
    I do not have any problems with her not drinking milk so I am […]

    • Milk is good. We always had milk when I was growing up. We were always told it made you healthy and strong. I never thought about NOT drinking milk until I met my husband. I was astounded! You mean there are people in this world who can’t drink milk? Yeah. My husband and some of my kids have great difficulty with milk and/or milk products. It’s also good that there are “milk alternatives”.

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