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    samia wrote a new post, Social media is good for us or not 7 years, 6 months ago

    First time I have used Internet in 2000,to send an email to my favourite actor.It was a extremely different experience.

    People says social networking sites are not good to use.But i am not agree with them.In my […]

    • I agree with you. But social media is not for everybody. However, for the ones who use it? They should make good use of it. Don’t use it for cyber bullying and for being unkind. Social media has opened up the world so that people can learn and interact with each other as if they are in a whole new world, making new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and making positive contributions to the world we live in. Social media is great! I’m glad it was invented.

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    samia wrote a new post, I will always choose android phones 7 years, 6 months ago

    If you ask me to choose between nokia and android i will always go with android phones.

    It is totally based on personal preference.

    And Some people like Windows and some like Android.

    And Windows is a product […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Little difference between love and affection 7 years, 6 months ago

    I always thinks what is differences between love and effection.Affection are interconnected in many ways yet differ in lots of things and aspects as well.

    And Affection is the firststep towards love,i think […]

    • nice and well expressed, thank you alot and kida agree and disagree, yea affection is like the bond with your neighbor or classmate or teachers also, but it is wint nin limits, not all the time it has to be deep , or it is sick relation if its from one side only, love is two sides , but one side it not

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    samia wrote a new post, Salman khan man with golden heart 7 years, 6 months ago

    My all time favourite actor is salman khan.He is bollywood actor.He has debuted in movie biwi ho to aisi in 1988 as supporting actor.His first movies as lead actor was maine pyar kiya.It was the huge hit on box […]

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    samia wrote a new post, I am having a tooth pain for last one week 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am having a tooth pain for last one week.And now it is not bearable.
    Actually it started three weeks back and it was better in between these days,I used some pain killers,but for last one week its got […]

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    samia wrote a new post, I like small family,but my mother says large family is good 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am from a small family.And i think there is lots of benefit here.
    Tends to more educational and sports opportunities,Education is most important.As it is easier and cheaper to have only one or two children in […]

    • A well enumerated article. Both joint families and nuclear families have their advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion why we see the nuclear families more is the city lifestyle, too much of technology, less amount of need for manual labor for different, online digitization and computerization, both parents working and hence wanting to have one child only, children going abroad once they get jobs and are settled leaving old parents behind to fend for themselves, older generation not wanting to lose their way of life and lifestyle and independence. Older generation being happy in India rather than abroad. Big generation gap between the way the elders and their children think. Fast paced lives in the city, lack of time and the rush to earn money are some of the reasons contributing the above issue. Hope you find the information useful.

    • I cannot say that I came from a big family, because we are just 5 siblings. Though, in today’s terms that is already a big family because most families have only one or two children because they want to give their children good education and life.

      I think with my father, a lawyer and who later became a judge, he was able to give us a good life while growing up. He didn’t allow our mother to work, but to just take care of us. He had her join community organizations so she can also socialize and learn how to cook a lot of foods she would prepare for us, with the help of our maid.

      As for me and my husband, we only have one child, now a lady doctor. I find it sad because now hubby and I are only by ourselves, because she works and lives in Manila a far metropolis from our province where we reside with my-in-laws.

      But good thing, we stay with my in-laws because at least we are 6 at home. Besides, during weekends I can visit my parents and sister in our hometown , a 30 minute ride from where we reside. 🙂

    • Any size family is good as long as everybody gets along with each other.

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    samia wrote a new post, Few people want to have a boy rather than a girl 7 years, 6 months ago

    My mom used to say”A son is a son till he marries a wife,but a daughters a daughter for the rest of her life”.
    I am also a woman but I am not agree with my mother.
    Son also loves his parents.Why people thinks like […]

    • yes, you are correct son is like sun , they spread their rays of affection irrespective of relationship in this world. In my house, we are protecting and looking after my mom

    • Good thing here in the Philippines, most families would like to have a boy and a girl for their children.

      Unfortunately, we only have one child, a daughter , now a lady doctor.

      In my family we are 5 siblings , all girls. So, I miss having a brother, and now a son.

      If only I wasn’t operated for Total abdominal hysterectomy , and my reproductive organs were removed, when I was 38, I would have want a son.

      But there’s no use thinking of that. I just hope when my daughter finally marries her boyfriend (which will be my son-in-law in the future) , I hope they will have a boy and a girl for children and even more children will be very nice. ha ha ha

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    samia replied to the topic Small Family or Big Family? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    I will suggest small family.I also have small family.The reason i am not prefering big family is time and money.If we do not give time and all facilities to family ,it will not be good for whole family.

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    samia started the topic My sister is too young to understand me in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    When i was kid i always wanted a little sister.God blessed my mom with beautiful little princess.But their is 12 years age gap between us.She is like a daughter for me.Now i am married.Sometimes when i face problems,i want to share it with someone.I can not share it with my mom because of her health.Even i can not share with my younger sister.She…[Read more]

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    samia replied to the topic The Mystery of Lie and Truth in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    You have written a beautiful article.I am really impressed.Single word from your post is right.I am totally agree with you.Noboday takes action against them.Thanks to media,these days they show viral news and those news helps to people.But in politics media is not doing their job with all loyalties.

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    samia replied to the topic Who cheats more, men or women? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    No, i am not agree with you .I think man cheats more than woman.One of my ex also cheated on me.One of my friend’s fiance also cheated on her.I have seen so many cases in always mans cheats.It is not means that women never cheats.They also cheats but men have already got that crown.

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    samia replied to the topic Christmas versus Muslims' Eid in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    No,it is not true.I have seen in eid most shopkeeper decrease their prices also.I am also a muslim.I save money to spend on eid.I get huge discounts on clothes,shoes and etc.For us it is the time to buy all items.Every one from rich to poor buy new clothes and accessories.On eid we especiall spend money because of huge discounts.If poor people can…[Read more]

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    samia replied to the topic Christmas versus Muslims' Eid in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    No,it is not true.I have seen in eid most shopkeeper decrease their prices also.I am also a muslim.I save money to spend on eid.I get huge discounts on clothes,shoes and etc.For us it is the time to buy all items.Every one from rich to poor buy new clothes and accessories.On eid we especiall spend money because huge discounts.

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    samia replied to the topic Lipstick Danger and Women' Health in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for telling us in deatil.Women are really do not think about their health.They just want to look beautiful.Sometimes most of the women dont put on make up before going to bed.It is also not good for their skin.

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    samia replied to the topic Increasing Domestic Violence in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    In villages of india domestic voilence is increasing.Because women are illiterate.They do not about their rights.And they do not have courage to come ahead and take a stand for themself.It is really hearting to read a news about this type of voilence.Government should take strict action against them.But it is not only their duty.We can also help…[Read more]

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    samia joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

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    samia replied to the topic Top 10 Money Quotes in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    While reading your post i find the value of money.We dont understand the value of money and we spend money on unuseful items.My father in law told me if we keep money and do not spend.Our money will not be stale.

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    samia replied to the topic Say hi and smile to yourself every morning facing at your mirror in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    That is really a good idea to follow every morning.I will try this.If someone sees me while doing this,they will think i have gone mad.I am smiling infront of mirror and talking to myself.

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    samia replied to the topic Are you a hater type of person? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    No,i am not hater type person
    I am very fun loving person.Even i try to speak softly with my frineds and family.
    On social netwroking sites people hate each other and argue over their favourite celebrity.Especially on twitter.They use bad language and argue all the time.Sometimes its annoy.That is the reason why i left twitter.I can not argue.I…[Read more]

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    samia replied to the topic Friendly and smiling people have lots of friends, agree? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    I also agree with you.Smiling face makes friend easily.If we ignore people dont talk to them why they will talk to us.Some people ignores not even unkown peoples but ignore known peoples also.These type of people dont make friends and even they lost their friends also.A little smile make your life easy.

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