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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Bother to Argue with People? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Years ago, I suppose I felt it was my duty to insure that people did not deceive themselves or proceed along a path without all the information.   If I knew something and someone did not, I felt it was my […]

    • Silence is Gold as the saying goes. But, how long one should allow such people who bark in loud and stick to their own ideas without any reason. This is the ego problem. They can not be convinced. They do not accept. Even if one shows the proof with documentary evidence or practical proof they attributing the reason for some other thing and do not accept the mistake with their opinion or idea.
      How to calm them down? This is one of the problems we come across in a society either with the people or in a group of friends.
      The only way is to avoid them as the people say. But, just by avoiding these people we are allowing them to become made as they can not be in the company of anybody and
      may suffer from mental illness which is not advisable.
      What is the remedy then? The remedy lies in giving a patient hearing to such people reserving and analyzing our own views as sometimes the mistake lies with us also. In between the discussion try to ask him to give his opinion on the observation you have made after he stops speaking. This is the best way I have tried in a dynamic organization.

      • The response is… silence and removal. I don’t need to argue with people who hold to a unsupported opinion which they become rabid about. They don’t want to discuss they want to expel their views.

    • I won’t bother again to tell those people I have warned before over something that they insist they know better. These people knows that you are right but won’t budge to heed you because it would appear that you are better than them. They are arrogant and incorrigible , so why bother again , anyway.

    • Even me,I will not bother to argue with people,Its a waste of time.You will never win specially if you are dealing with bipolar or close minded people.Right they are arrogant and uncontrollable.They will never give you the chance to speak up,because they know that you now better than them.Just ignore and leave them. This is the right thing to do with this kind of people.

    • LOL. I love that Jamaican expression! 🙂 I remember one of my brothers once said: “You know you can learn a lot from watching a fool. You can learn how not to be a fool!” 🙂 Similar to the point of your post.

      Sometimes though, it’s hard not to argue back. It takes a great deal of self-control. But over the years I have learned how to restrain myself. That’s not to say I don’t let an outburst slip, every now and then. But if a person is worked up about something that they are to the point of arguing over it … try to listen to them. Their words may be harsh. They may be abrasive. But they might also be saying something that make sense! If they are just talking crap, then you can dump it from your brain. No point retaining it, if it’s useless! 🙂

      • A friend of mine who had been under pressure suddenly went insane when discussing an international issue which did not effect us at all. I said nothing. When he finished I said nothing. My expression had not changed.

        There is a difference in a discussion and an argument.

    • What’s the point of arguing when you are never going come to a resolution. Don’t waste your time

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Mind Control Actually Operates 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the Book, 1984 by George Orwell, (which is required reading if you want to know what is happening) the protagonist worked at the Ministry of Truth, which was the propaganda arm of the Government.  He was […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, If I Were in America Now 7 years, 8 months ago

    If I were in America, Now, I would be in the street, part of the Women’s March.   I would have arrived early. Committed, I would be in the Street, protesting the election of a man who has no respect for women.

    A […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, What American Elections Show Us 7 years, 8 months ago

    Most people didn’t think that Trump would be a candidate, much less win.   He was too crude, too racist, too misogynist, too stupid.  He sounded like President Camacho in the movie Idiocrasy and had so many s […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How To Get Rid of Stress (2) 7 years, 8 months ago

    Take a look at your life.   If you find that you don’t have one, then this is for you.   You have to get out of where you are and get something to live for, some period of just being alive.

    These are a few h […]


    • To me , the biggest stress buster is praying . When i think that i will be in for a big stress , I stop working , drink a glass of water and take a momnet to pray . Also , food is also a big stress buster for me .
      Honestly, i avoid stress . Before something will stress me , i get read for it.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How I Got Rid of Stress 7 years, 8 months ago

    I began with the first article  when I tried to explain how I went from the most programmed creature to a flake.

    When I tried to display the insanity my life had begun when there were so many meetings after a […]

    • Life is strange. Some people are depressed because they are overloaded with work and get no free time. While there are many others who want to work but dont have any.
      At present I’m seriously thinking who is in a better place?

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Dispersing Stress the Fun Way 7 years, 8 months ago

    Years ago, I was at the centre of a number of volcanoes.   These ‘Volcanoes’  were political and social organisations I had joined.  They were very active, often in conflict with authority, often  had serious issu […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Be Very Careful; Legacy Businesses 7 years, 8 months ago

    When you encounter a business that has been ‘in the family’ for generations, the ‘knee jerk’ response is to assume it is a solid investment.   Very often people will feel completely confident investing, buying, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Legacy Business; Modern Failure – Three 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the Second Article I used a business, (under an assumed name) to give an essence of its degeneration.

    The Business, which I called Question, began small, then expanded, and operated a number of different and […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Legacy Business; Modern Failure – Two 7 years, 8 months ago

    In Part One I gave the foundation of the failures of Legacy Businesses.  In this article I give some of the particulars as to how a business which seems solid on the outside is a disaster on the inside.

    This is […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Legacy Business; the Modern Failure 7 years, 8 months ago

    From the outside the  company appears solid. It is well known, has a good name, and has been around for quite some time.

    It is a ‘legacy’ business, created by the ancestors of the current owners.  The public h […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Peculiar Practice of Self-Punishment 7 years, 8 months ago

    I usually call it; “Hurt me to Hurt You”.    It is practised by Children trying to ‘fix’ their parents.   It is not physical pain or injury, it is to deny one’s self a pleasure in the expectation it will hurt th […]

    • Our father didn’t allow this kind of behavior. We have to behave according to what he wants. And somehow all of us siblings grew up well and have now our own families with children who are obedient and smart .

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    kaylar wrote a new post, You don’t Solve a Problem Pretending it doesn’t Exist 7 years, 8 months ago

    When there is a problem, calling it a ‘challenge’ doesn’t change the fact it is a problem.   Pretending it isn’t there, does not address it.

    Politically correct palaver and assumed blindness allows it to grow […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Direct Route to Business Failure 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the First Episode I described the characters in the ‘play’ and the basic situation.  In the Second I went into a particular, which, on the surface might seem minor, but spotlights the kind of ignorance that […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Absolutely Worst Run Business (2) 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the First Episode of this series I went through the Personas, the Hippo, who is supposed to be in charge of Cray Z. House,  but does absolutely nothing, Pigthing, the filthy helper who does little except […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic I submitted 1 blog 5 or 6 hrs ago and the admin approved it just now in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 8 months ago

    Yes, that is the new style.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Absolutely Worst Run Business 7 years, 8 months ago

    Of all the businesses I have ever troubleshoot, the most ridiculous is the one I’ll call the Cray Z. House.

    This endeavour was begun as a kind of old age home for members of a particular congregation but morphed […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Regaining the Ability to Think 7 years, 8 months ago

    I want you to focus.  Shut off the radio, the television, get off the phone.  And right now, focus on what you are doing and where you are in the environment.

    Now I want you to activate your brain.  Your br […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, On Line Writing; and the Comments 7 years, 8 months ago

    Writing online is not just putting your thoughts on a screen.  You want people to read, you want them to think, you want them to comment.

    You want someone to be inspired to respond to what you say; whether […]

    • When I see a troll comments on my post, I first comment back politely. However, when he answers in retaliatory manner, that’s the time I will report him to Admin. We should never let them get away with their Bashings.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A Fourth Re-Ranked President of the United States 7 years, 8 months ago

    Harry S. Truman never expected to be President.  Franklyn Roosevelt had won a fourth term, World War II was moving towards the final battle.

    He didn’t know that the Vice President, Henry Wallace, was […]

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