• Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Failure Leads to Success and Success Is Backed by Failure 7 years ago

    This is true for I have experienced this. It has been said that nobody is perfect. As a human being we have lots of imperfections. There are people who claim that they are successful but yet they don’t know that […]

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Keep reading as long as you keep living 7 years ago

    Reading is the way out of ignorance, and the road to achievement. Our mind needs nourishment, for it is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited (Puitarch). We must learn everything we can but be bold […]

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    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, The ascent and descent of Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin 7 years ago

    The leadership of Samuel proved essential in preserving, protecting and defending the land of the Israelites. Samuel served foremost as the prophet and interpreter of the will of God. He had battled the […]

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    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Genesis stories: A look at Jacob and his family 7 years ago

    People will run from one well to another until Christ gives them the spring water springing from the rock which is himself. People become responsible when they realize that they are accountable to others and must […]

    • Indeed Leah is the teacher of this story. Of the twelve children Rachel only had two and Jacob loved the two more than the other ten, just as how he loved Rachel more than Leah.Though Leah was the target and victim of resent, she never physically hurt Rachel or Rachel’s children, and that says a lot about her. She is indeed strong in all aspect of the word.

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Bible study: Abraham our founding father in faith 7 years ago

    God is always expressing self through works, and creation continues to live and exist in God. Worldwide conflicts may turn as black quickly from our dreams into a reality which is not very pretty. Creation was […]

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    Nikita Billett joined the group Group logo of OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETYOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 7 years ago

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    t z joined the group Group logo of OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETYOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 7 years ago

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    Nikita Billett and Profile picture of jhsayyarjhsayyar are now friends 7 years ago

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Human sexuality: developing a sense of self 7 years ago

    Some people know their interests early on, and others must search for a longer time.

    Most diseases can cause irreversible damage if untreated.

    Knowing yourself is crucial for developing satisfying relationships […]

    • Self acceptance is one thing thats very crucial in someone’s life. When you don’t accept yourself, say the way you look, walk, talk etc you tend to have bery low esteem which will drain you off your confidence. The only way you can draw confidence to yourself is by accepting the person that you are. Many of us tend to compete with our friemds so that we can look like them and thats the worst thing anyone could ever do to themselves. I totally agree with your centiments its very true. Its very true that experiences brings out the true character of someone. Or bad breaks. When one is in a situation that they are completely not in control of, or when one is vulnerable thats when you will get to see or know the weakness and strengths of that person. So we are all different in our own ways and finding ourselves can save us so much turmoil and pain.

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Christian strength comes with power and courage and use it to uplift others 7 years ago

    Turn to God for strength. He offers us all we need. Often, as obedient Christians, we make great efforts with our feeble spiritual muscles. But ultimately, our own strength always fails. When Christ’s spirit works […]

    • Blessings are apart of life, and so are curses. We are encouraged to seek blessings and once received we are to bless others in return. Blessing begets blessing, and curse begets curse. Isaac’s blessing to Jacob in the book of Genesis entails “cursed be everyone that curses you and blessed be everyone that blesses you!” (Genesis 27:29)

    • God is imdeed our ultimate strength without him we are nothing. Being a christian is not as easy as it may look or seem. As a chriatian you have to go through so many yrials and temptations, thats when you know for real that God is trully what you need. He will allow you to go through certain things or trails to test your faith. Are you strong enough to bear it all by yourself? Of cause not you will need God at some point and when you call out for him he will be there to hold your hand and walk you through the trouble. God’s strength is immeasurable, he avails it to anyone who needs it or whoever asks of him. In the bible we are told that his promises are yea and Amen. He is not a receptor of persons he is an amazing God. Whatsoever you ask in his name he is and you believe you shall receive. So when you pray and ask God to bless you he will bless you, so long as your intentions are right.

      • God remains us daily that we are to seek first his kingdom and and righteous and all will be given to us. We must knock at his door, ask and he will give us and seek him and he will appear to us. He never fails to comfort or guide us but we also have to do our part in reaching out to him.

        Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Physics: Brief summary on measurement 7 years ago

    Until the end of the eighteenth century, the study of material things was treated as a single aspect of human thought and called natural philosophy.

    All measurements in Physics, even of such things as electrical […]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo replied to the topic The Key to Confidence in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago

    I don’t understand the relationship of the confidence to the soul. What I know about confidence is the will power to belief in yourself for you have that kind of attribute in yourself. Knowledge may influence the will of a person. Experience may also take its part. No knowledge, no experience, confidence may arise if the person is undaunted,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Witnessing is sharing love, kind words, turning from wrong, being compassionate and living out forgiveness 7 years ago

    God means you to be a light set where the world can see it clearly-not a hidden flame behind closed doors, with curtains drawn. Being a light isn’t always easy-people see everything you do, and they don’t always […]

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, God is concerned with our hopes and joys which lead us straight to heaven 7 years ago

    Facing trials can cause us joy, though its hard to imagine. But God calls us to joy when unbelievers persecute us because of our faith or when our situation is merely difficult. It is a joy to him that we have […]

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Ask Jesus to protect you from temptation so you can lean on God’s greatness 7 years ago

    No matter how powerful it seems, you need not give in to temptation. God always provides you with an escape hatch. When temptation pulls at you, turn your eyes to Jesus. Replace that tempting object with him, and […]

    • Be on your guard and avoid every kind of greed, for even though you have many possessions, it is not that which gives you life. (Luke 12:15)

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    Nikita Billett posted an update 7 years ago

    Do not give false witness against your neighbor.-Exodus 20:16

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    Nikita Billett changed their profile picture 7 years ago

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    Nikita Billett and Profile picture of Adeyemi IfeAdeyemi Ife are now friends 7 years ago

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, The spiritual journey is the christian journey 7 years ago

    There are different stages in the development of faith. To be in the church for years, without achieving a more enlightened faith and a richer experience, is to grow old and to become incapable of progress. If one […]

    • Sin will not be lacking where too many words are spoken; the prudent man controls his tongue.-Proverbs 10:19
      The Godless man uses his mouth to destroy his neighbor but the virtuous use their wisdom to save themselves.-Proverbs 11:19
      The scoundrel stirs up trouble; his critical comments split up friends.-Proverbs 16:28
      O Lord, set a guard at my mouth, keep watch at the gate of my lips.-Psalm 141:3

    • Being a christian could be easy but living a chriatian life is the hardest part. Some people believe that going to church faithfully makes you a christian, but the truth is its not. Going to church regularly just makes you a regular church attendant. Being chriatian means you live by the word of God and do what the word says. Thats why they say living a chrsitian life ia not easy. Its almost like saying living a perfect life which is impossible because there is no one who is perfect in this world because we have all fallen short of the glory of God. Tje spiritual journey is not for the faimt hearted for aure. Once you start up on it be sure that you will have to loose much to gain much. You will loose some of your friends, the things you loved doing will be put aside, some of the places you loved to visit will also be put aside so a lot chnages when you get into the spiritual journey and you should be willing to let go.

      • You are indeed correct. Living a christian life is not easy and it means more than just going to church. It may also involve us applying delayed gratification to our lives.

  • Profile picture of Nikita Billett

    Nikita Billett wrote a new post, Jesus is our Almighty healer, let us use him 7 years ago

    Jesus said, “Healthy people do not need a doctor, but sick people do, ” and, “I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

    When we establish relations of mercy and trust, and accept fraternal correction […]

    • He is the son of God.

    • He who keeps guard over his mouth and tongue saves himself from anguish.-Proverbs 21:23
      The evil plotter listens to the lips of liars; and the liar gives an ear to the corrupt tongue.-Proverbs 17:4
      The false witness will not go unpunished, the liar will not escape.-Proverbs 19:5
      Do away with all quarreling, rage, anger, insults and every kind of malice.-Ephesians 4:31
      Do not make false statements and do not join hands with the wicked by being a malicious witness.-Exodus 23:1
      Those who think they are religious but do not restrain their tongue, deceive themselves and their religion is in vain.-James 1:26
      Do not go about as a slanderer of your people and do not seek the death of your neighbor; I am Yahweh.-Leviticus 19:16

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