• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Teaching Your Children To Be Independent 7 years, 7 months ago

    For most parents, the idea that their children don’t ‘need’ them is almost as horrifying as bereavement. Parents seems to want the kids to ask them what they should do, depend on them to make the world pretty, and […]

    • I simply hate all those so called infants who don’t have the ability to take their decision on their own. Your parents should be your guide who shall refrain you from doing anything wring but depending on them for each and everything is completely unacceptable.

      Such people can never ever live a happy married life. This is a hard fact and if parents don’t realize this and try to make there kids independent then they are really ruining the life of their children.

      It is a reality of life that each and every child has his own life and will have to manage it on his own as well. This is really important for everyone to understand.

      It is the choice of parents whether they want to raise dependent kids or successful kids.

    • Fortunately, I was able to raise our child well. At her grade one in elementary I initially taught her on her homeworks. Then I would review her for her tests.

      However at the middle of the school year, she told me that she can manage already and would just ask me for help whenever she can’t understand her homework. But since then, she never asked me again to assist her on her homeworks. She was one of the top 5 in grade one.

      Comes, grade 2 she was the top 2 and she graduated valedictorian in elementary. At high school, she was a scholar at a Philippine Science High School. So with when she was at University of the Philippines. She graduated cumlaude.

      Because she’s a cumlaude, she passed for a scholarship at a posh hospital’s school and graduated in Medicine as top 3.

      Now, she’s a doctor. 🙂

      What is a bit disappointing though, is I feel that I wasn’t much needed by her in terms of her studies. Though, she raves fro my cooking and would request for them whenever she’s at home for vacations.

      • The point is to teach a child how to learn, and step back and let them. Once you gave her the basics, she’s supposed to be able to manage. It is like teaching her to ride a bicycle. There comes a point you let go. And she goes on herself. So you did a very good job.

    • For me, much better if parents will teach their children at the young age to become independent. In that matter they will grow independent, wise, and can be able to decide for themselves unlike most children who become dependent on their parents in every aspect of their live without having the courage to with their own two feet. Truly, family is the best foundation to teach their children all the necessary values thet should know to become a better person in the near future.

      • Exactly. Too many parents smother a child, don’t let them exercise their judgment, and constantly try to make their lives too easy. They don’t develop the skills to be independent.

    • It is a big error for parents to always treat their children as kids even when they had grown up. They should allow them to be independent, to learn and lead a life of their own.

      Parents can only give some advice if their children seek it; they can just guide their children to the right path of maturity.

      • One has to start young, raise them to feel they can make their own decisions, then, when they are adults, they are capable of doing this and parents can be so proud.

    • True I have observed many such cases here too. One of the reasons for that is the parents indulging in ‘Helicopter Parenting’. They do not allow children to take decisions and own them up whatever the consequences. They say why are you doing these works we are there for you. Why do you have to go to the shop we will buy what you want for you. Why do you worry about money just ask what you like we will buy it for you. So on and so forth.

      This same trend continues unfortunately even after marriage and it will lead to a mess as the children are still having the same mentality of the child and have not grownup. They have not been enabled by their parents. The parents on the other hand feel they have given the best to their children and have taken 100 percent care of this. While they have basically made them incapable, dependent and dysfunctional. A good topic well highlighted.

    • During the teenage years, children’s need for responsibility and autonomy gets stronger – it’s an important part of their path to young adulthood. To become capable adults, teenagers need to learn to make good decisions on their own.

      The process of helping children take responsibility and make decisions is a key task for parents. You have an important role to play in training and supporting your child to be ready for more responsibility. This means you need to plan when and in what areas to let your child start making decisions.

      How quickly you hand over responsibility to your teenager is up to you. It depends on many factors, including your own comfort level, your family and cultural traditions, and your child’s maturity.

    • Independence starts developing when you choose to stop actively controlling your child’s life. Instead, you give your child more autonomy and responsibility for her actions in some areas. You might not like all her choices or the results, but learning to be independent and responsible helps your child develop skills for life.

      When you’re trying to decide whether to give your child more responsibility for a decision, you have three options – yes, no and maybe.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Don’t Get Stressed Over What You Don’t Know 7 years, 7 months ago

    Let me put it succinctly, there are many things you think you know, but you don’t.  If you were honest with yourself, if you weren’t so quick to believe what is said or posted by Whoever, you might cut your […]

    • You are right; people should not just believe hearsays as if it is the truth, and then they will be affected or stressed by it. It is better if they hear or experience it on their own.

      • If people would relax, listen, comprehend, they wouldn’t panic over things and be able to slowly deal with any kind of challenge. But getting worked up about something that may not even be real is the problem.

    • yes, right

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Only few writes blogs when this is the essence of joining here to earn in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @IchchheMrityu IchchheMrityu, Maybe you wrote it not in the right location. Did you click under the blog corner above ” How-It Works? ” , then when see it, try to click the word POST NOW, then what appears will be the flatform where to write the blog at last 300 words up.

    I hope you can recover what yu submitted. Bye for now.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic "You are what you eat" in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Manahsa,. hi! thanks for your sharing.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Pluto, The 9th Planet In The Solar System Is Not Anymore Called A Planet 7 years, 7 months ago

    Pluto, The 9th Planet In The Solar System Is Not Anymore Called A Planet

    For many years, we learned from the book and from the school that Pluto is a planet. How come this time, it is no longer […]

    • Quite a useful information and let us hope that may be one of the planets discovered in another galaxy do support life.

    • @PEEUSH TRIKHA, Hi? Yes, let us hope that come sooner another planet that supports life, and how nice if the said planet allows humans to migrate hehehe.

    • it being called a dwarf planet , mkes it till perceived as a planet. They shouldn’t call it as a planet anymore since it doesn’t have the criteria to be called a

    • . . sorry it got posted even if i wasn’t finished yet with what I still should be saying.

      Good thing you posted about this because had I not read about it, i wouldn’t know the criteria of being a planet, or maybe I forgot about it anymore since it has been decades that we studies it.

    • @Dina, The decision was made in 2006 when group of astronomers had set criteria about the descriptions of planet. They should have known all these before so that Pluto won’t be anymore part of our thinking. This was so long ago confirmation and this was debated by scholars before it was finalized to be disfranchised as the 9th planet in our solar system.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I just drop by before leaving home for work to submit a blog in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Dina, I always have with me a small notebook.Other titles of my blogs here were seen in the billboards hehehehe.That blog having a title Anger Is A temporary Insanity, I go it from the billboard near Ayala Mall. I was so excited about it that I copied the text onto my small notebook.If there is something that flashed on my mind good for a title,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Friendly and smiling people have lots of friends, agree? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Manju, very well said , there seems a nice factor that leads a person to become famous in a certain group of people, school campus, office, neighbors and even at home.We have a niece very smiling and happy all the time girl and she has lots of friends and her friends got influenced from my niece attitude of being smiling and always in a happy mod.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    @ DR KOKIL AGARWAL You have to reach payment threshold before end of this month to qualify for payment. You must redeem your outstanding amount ($10+) on last day of the month or before to get it on 10th of next month.

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Few ways to sterilize your little one’s milk bottles 7 years, 7 months ago

    Milk bottles and accessories are some important thing to the little one if he/she is like to having milk via bottles.
    The milk bottle will accumulate mold or stains easily if just wash and leave it there without […]

    • we are talking about babies not only kids, so until today the best way to clena the babies feedng tools are by sterleizing them by steam, its the safest way after its been washe dwith soup and water, other ways such as detergent will in most cases leat to allergy among these kido and for sure between those of new born from age zero to 5 months as they are sill getting adapt to the new life and earth and lots of things, so do the steam claning after cleaning them from foods

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, The survey site that never disqualify its users! 7 years, 7 months ago

    I love to take up survey online other than writing blogs here. Take up survey is a way of output of our ideas via clicking the answers to the questions being asked during the surveys while writing blog is another […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Casting Their Own Prejudices On You 7 years, 7 months ago

    Sometimes, if you pay attention, you can find someone’s ‘Achilles Heel’.   That is their weakness.  It isn’t that you go out on a safari, it is that they will fling words at you which are ‘ […]

    • You have no chance of winning over an angry person. Yes, just let him say his peace and just be calm.

      That’s actually how we are when we are angry, we are ready to attack with our mouth and sometimes with our fists. But once we have unleash it we realize what we have done, but too late to repair the damage that was done.

      Though, in what you call the rabid Anti-Putin, it is best to just keep your silence on the subject.

      I learn that politics and religion are two of the most sensitive topics actually.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic I just drop by before leaving home for work to submit a blog in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    I am doing this every morning for few minutes to write a blog first and submit before leaving home for work. I prepare the title first before develop9ng the topic.I always wake up at 4 in the morning to escape an early morning traffic in the bridge and while preparing everything, I am also busy thinking about the possible construction and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, What Will Happen When Trust Is Gone? 7 years, 7 months ago

    When trust is gone, everything will be nothing. Your conscience will not stop to torture your presence for you are not true to your words. The pain of the person who entrusted you his full trust on you never likes […]

    • Indeed when trust is broken, it cannot be made whole again, just like a clay pot that us broken that can never be made whole again or even if it can be it is already with cracks. And these cracks at anytime may crack again and totally be damaged.

      True, with parents , when they catch their child lying to them about the amount of tuition they are paying and discovering that what they asked from you is so much higher than what it should be, such trust can never be restored again. The parents for fear that they will be defrauded again as to the amount would just go to he school and pay it themselves. Or they can just issue checks so they can be sure that it will be paid on the said amount written on the check. No more avenue for cheating the parents.

      But hubby and I are happy because our child is honest with us when it comes to money.

    • @Dina, hi friend? Nice you have a very good upbringing of your children. Those children doing that cheat are dissatisfied with their allowance. They might have many projects,m it remains wrong though. Having many projects and hungry feeling is not a valid reason to spend the money intended for tuition. There are many college students this time spending much to useless things,

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Relationship Problems Between Parents and Children 7 years, 7 months ago

    There is nothing odd about Parents and children having difficulties.  The relationship between them can get tangled like electrical wires.

    Arguments, anger, periods of silence, these are not strange.   They h […]

    • You are very lucky. There are many situations where the parents are estranged with the children, and just can’t get back together.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Who Has Ownership of Your Brain? 7 years, 7 months ago

    The title is a question I intend to ask of particular friends of mine.   All three have gone abroad, and within a few years, they have turned ‘rabid’.

    The First had gone to the United States where he has turned […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, I Remember You, As I Watch The Tree Falls In Front Of Me 7 years, 7 months ago

    I Remember You, As I Watch The Tree Falls In Front Of Me
    I do not know why the tree falls in front of me
    There is no wind, no rain, and no flood
    There is no lightning that strikes upon its body and weight
    I ask […]

    • I hope someone to pass by and read the lines of my poem that tells about a shattered love and dream. I hope you learned a lesson about my past love.yes, i should have let him know that I love him too. I sometimes feel guilty of that unspoken love.What a sad feeling ,love real never triumphed in the past and it will never happen again. I cannot find a substitute of that shattered love and dream.

    • Great poem with vivid imagination!

    • PEEUSH TRIKHA, Thank you friend. I love to write poems. I had written so many poems. I hope to create my own poem site,LOL.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, The Two Famous Source Of Vitamin Needed By Human Body 7 years, 7 months ago

    The Two Famous Source Of Vitamin Needed By Human Body

    All of us aspire to be always healthy. I do not know if there is perfect health, it seems none. Why? It is simply because all of us acquired and experienced […]

    • Erratum: The two Famous source- The two Famous Sources

      You may try to eat squash. Many do not like the taste of squash. We may add some meat to squash so the taste becomes pleasing.When I cook squash ,I just cook it with plain water, spices many tomatoes, many garlic, many ginger, some pepper and fresh fish, so yummy, superb taste.

    • I kept laughing while reading your post; you are a joker. I like the phrase” Cassava tops are found at the top of cassava!” ha ha ha! Seriously,I agree with you that squash and cassava are good sources of K and other vitamins.

      One need not spend so much to enjoy such nutritious foods.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I tried to portrait my heart….. in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @The Ghost, Very nice and meaningful poem. I can capture the message for I am also a poetry writer. That is how, pains and heartaches disappear after you figured out how your heart breaks in two after having been cruelly cheated by someone your love trusted. Somehow you realized that you remember the person you love before, but you cannot remember…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Friendly and smiling people have lots of friends, agree? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @MANASHA , You have the point about smiling in the past to smiling at present. In the past when we smile we do it only to those we know .This time we can show some gestures of appreciation through a smile and in church we are now trained to smile and say peace be with you with a tender smile. Before there was no inclusion in church mass about…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Plastic the Slow Poison – Say No to Plastic in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Plastic products can cause cancer. All disposable plastics must be used if store foods already cooler to avoid toxic chemicals to spread to the foods. It is also advisable not to use plastics better those made of tin.

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