• Profile picture of Timothy

    Timothy and Profile picture of Goodluck OkorieGoodluck Okorie are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic "You are what you eat" in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Mahesh, yeah exercise have a great part of how our body looks good. However, to those who do not have time doing exercises, it is better for them to look into foods that are healthy for their body.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, HOW TO DEVELOP CHILD’S LANGUAGE 7 years, 7 months ago

    Lately, I was scanning my notes during my college days and I found an interesting topic regarding parenting and child development. Below are the questions and the answer of my interviewee when my instructor […]

    • Our daughter grow up surrounded by matured people. I instructed our helper who also is her nanny because me and my hubby are both at the office the whole day, not to baby talk with her.

      Of course she started to be able to talk by those syllables first , Mama and Papa. But what I remembered is her for not long being able to talk straight already meaning no more those like twisted tongue.

      I think that will really happen if all of us will always talk as we talk not baby talk just so the toddler can understand us. It’s actually one way of teaching our babies outgrow their baby talk fast.

    • Parenting has its own challenges. Today the children are very intelligent, shrewd and communicative. One has to be very careful before promising them anything as once you make your promise they latch on to it. They keep reminding you that you did not keep up your promise that registers very well in their minds. Parents have to spend more time with their children but at the same time have to be stern where they are supposed to be and see that the children become independent in their lives.

      One must try his or her best to see that the child gets the best and has happy memories of his or her childhood. Childhood is the foundation based on which the personality of the child is formed. So due care has to be taken that the child gets the support required. Agreed one cannot give all things at all times and the same has to be told to children and they should be made aware of that. Once they understand that concept they will be wise in money matters.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE IS NECESSARY 7 years, 7 months ago

    When we watch televisions, read our newspapers, and browse our nets, there are increasing numbers or cases about women who are maltreated by men. This situation gives awareness that it is important for women to […]

    • Women who work night shifts should be more aware of such safety tips; like what you had said, they should at least carry a pepper spray, a stun gun, a long umbrella, to ward off potential attackers. They can also carry a whistle to call the attention of other people, or a burglar alarm attached to her bag which can drive away those bad elements.

      Learning martial arts, or keeping fit and healthy is also a plus.

    • Yes, self defense and presence of mind are very important for women in today’s world. One has to be alert the moment one walks out of the house till the time one reaches her house after going out may be for studies or for work or any other reason. The potential attackers generally try and figure out who is vulnerable after studying them and their movements well and after making sure that one can get something which they want out of them. If someone knows self defense and uses the same the first reaction of the attacker is he is shocked and taken aback as he would not have expected this from the potential victim as it is like a bolt from the blue.

      Once this happens their confidence level fall a bit and they become jittery unless there are many. It is better the woman after doing this immediately shout or scream for attention or help from other passersby that will further instill fear in these people and they will usually retreat and runaway. The woman has to see her safety and see that she reaches a safe place before calling for the police if required.

    • I do agree of Women’s Self Defense, to be very necessary. Women are faced with dangerous situations on a daily basis. Women have to always be vigilant about their surroundings. There have been women who have been robbed, killed, raped, etc. Therefore, it is important for women to learn self defense to protect themselves from harm.

      There are classes on learning self defense for women to be taught how to defend themselves in many ways. Besides, in my opinion, learning self defense is also great as an exercise. Learning self defense will definitely keep you in shape.

      It is important for self defense to be a part of a women’s life. Developing the energy for accomplishing the teachings of self defense is mandatory in today’s society.

      Sometimes women are placing themselves in dangerous situations, unknowingly or knowingly, and not even realizing it until it is too late. That is why women need to be observant about their surroundings. Self Defense is a good tool for women to have and learn!

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic How did you know Literacy Base? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Literacy Base: A Corrupt Forum

    I earned 70 dollars when I tried to redeem it all flew except  dollars, I do not know who drew it now after a couples of months I checked but seven dollars still. I do not know why the young writers are writing for Literacy Base: A Corrupt Forum. I request all the young writers not to write for this forum is a…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Wasting Time, Losing Money on Facebook 7 years, 7 months ago

    Kris posts at least twenty times a day on Facebook.  Bits of a story, reactions to a current event, mentions of his past or his family’s past.

    I don’t read 90% of what he posts.   Although a Yardie he is deep i […]

    • I agree, one has to be cautious in posting personal matters, photos,etc. because there are so many scammers, thieves, waiting for a clue. It is better to spend time on writing/blog sites like Literacybase.com where your effort and time are compensated.

      • It is so logical one can’t imagine how anyone could miss the chance of writing here, getting comments, and earning… but some people are born stupid.

    • Had he tried , he would love it here because a long post about a minimum of 500 words can earn him .22 while a shorterone , minimum of 300 words, can earn him $.15 . If he is industrious and have lots of time on the net, he can hit more than the minimum amount for the monthly payout.

      Anyway, some people really would snob a writing site at once, because they don’t know yet that writing can give you fulfillment and friends here at LB. Fulfillment, because you got paid and you earn a lot of friends.

      Maybe you should show him your proof of payment. 🙂

    • Same thing I did. I sent Kris two messages about this site… and he ‘doesn’t have time’ When something bad happens to him on Facebook, he’ll learn

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic How many posts do you write per day/week? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

     @Mahesh for the time being I am too busy offline so can’t spend much time writing articles but I had written a number of posts for this site last year which are still waiting to be posted here. I will post them here as soon as I find time. I hope I will do that next week when I settle down in my current job. 

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A Few Jamaican Sayings And Their Meanings 7 years, 7 months ago

    Years ago, many Jamaicans talked in ‘parables’.   They’d quote a folk saying, which covered the topic.  They didn’t have to explain, expound or do more than say it, and a world of meaning was revealed.

    We were i […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic There is strong rain here in our place in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    I always wear my boots to escape feet getting wet from dirty water.Since 2017 enters the planet, flood, mud, rain do not depart from our lands. The road in our campus is so slippery, muddy and I always feel the discomfort.Plus our bridge here cracks so only one lane allowable to pass. The damage is so severe for the bridge cracks.

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    cely wrote a new post, Introducing” Charley Horse ” A Type Of Cramp 7 years, 7 months ago

    Introducing Charley Horse A Type Of Cramp
    I always suffer leg cramp, too bad, it is so painful. When you are having a leg cramp, it seems your affected leg is so stiff, and uncontrollable. It strikes anywhere […]

    • I always experience it before, especially when my legs were exposed to cool air from the electric fan while am sleeping. Yes,it is very painful, but it disappears after I try to curl up the foot of the affected leg.

    • @acelawrtes, That is nice you were able to ease the painful cramp. I also experience this leg cramp in the evening during my deep sleep and when I suddenly stretched my leg. It is not god to stretch legs in few minutes it should be more.I was told by my elder sister to apply omega pain killer to my legs, but I refused for the odor of it is so string that it sticks to my legs and bed hehehe.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Success without a sense of fulfillment is in fact a failure.

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    cely replied to the topic Only few writes blogs when this is the essence of joining here to earn in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    Hi peps? How are you all here? Every time I visit here I see only one writer. Maybe they are afraid of the words flashed on screen once submit a blog hehehehe. As long as you are the original writer, there is nothing to worry about.The problem here before was slow . This time moderation is on the spot but writers none hehehe. I submit blogs here…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Don’t Beg For Love, Ask Your Conscience If That Is Justifiable 7 years, 7 months ago

    Don’t Beg For Love, Ask Your Conscience If That Is Justifiable
    Love is awesome for it could transform man’s attitude from being champion in smoking and liquor drinking. There are so many of you who cou […]

    • To love and to beloved is one of the best thing that could happened to everyone. I firmly believe that is something you dont have to seek but it will came along in due time with a right person for you to loved and give your love too. Begging for love is not unsual for a person who has in his right mind asking for affection with someone. It is much better to be the right person to come into someones life so that you will be more vigilant with your future choices as well as being sensible with someones feeling to handle any relationship that you well get into. For me, true love really waits, patient, no bounderies, and conquers all.

    • Love is a mysterious thing; as you said, one should not beg for love but let it bloom naturally between a man and a woman. Young people should learn this and let love be their inspiration in life for them to succeed.

    • @ailema eryan ,The world is so wide and you do not have feedback about those who beg for love for there are so many of them in the world. You cannot blame those who beg for love in return especially if they are pregnant and first timers, yet, they are not also the reasons why put the self to shame just because of the feeling that is tolerated despite no justice to be considered to prosper to a desired feeling and wishing.That begging for love is just temporary for of course there is no sadness that would last for a life time,it is a temporal act of human emotion.

    • Love is hard to define. Why is it hard because you cannot find the person’s negative side despite obvious knowledge and from what others tell you. You cannot put your feeling in dismay because it only beats for love and because you did not give your mind a chance to stop you. You need to listen to your mind for our mind is the access of everything success and failure and happiness and worries.

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    cely joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Younger Woman; Stupid Older Man 7 years, 7 months ago

    There are many men who are captured by much younger women.  For some reason these men don’t own mirrors, but have fat bank accounts.


    I said at the dinner, speaking to Ken but Jim was beside him; “The only […]

    • Mostly of those that I have heard of about men marrying very much younger than them has the same story.

      The young woman would shop no end at the expense of the old man. The old man cannot refuse the wife because he knows it’s all that can make the woman happy.

      Sad that men would be in such a situation.

      Oftentimes when they die the wife will again remarry, this time a man of her age.

      That’s the sad reality of older but rich men, they are just wanted for their wealth. And oftentimes, not only will he provide for the wife but for the whole family of the woman.

    • I’ve know older men who see younger women. They think it makes them look Cool and they in there silly heads feel younger at heart. So silly that younger woman is only using you for ur wallet. So u spend spend to keep her chasing after u but trust once ur money is gone she will be off to her next idiot. Tried to explain this to a couple men and of course they find listen.

    • It is a common scenario, and one would think if the young woman was deeply in love with the oldie, but maybe in his deep pocket only!

      • It is very hard. Firstly, the person is the age of your father. Unless you have ‘daddy complex’ it feels wierd. Second, what do you talk about? Take a man of fifty… he can sit and discuss incidents that happened forty years ago which impacted his life. She wasn’t alive, she doesn’t know… So talk about what?

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The New Definition of Popularist 7 years, 7 months ago

    The word doesn’t sound scary or evil.  Popularist;  sounds like a person or group which wants to be popular or holds the most popular opinions.

    If I were to ask random people, what the words popularist or p […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Do You Think Construction Builders Are Also Corrupt? 7 years, 7 months ago

    It is my utmost presumption and analysis that construction builders and operators are corrupt. Do you notice their construction works? If there are by chance great they are those highly exceptional construction […]

    • The local government in your place can be held liable also for approving the contract with such a non-reputable engineering/construction company. Corruption indeed leads to such poor works, and it is the people who suffer from it.

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    cely replied to the topic Only few writes blogs when this is the essence of joining here to earn in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @PEEUSH TRIKHA, Hi? Sorry to reply you late. I have just arrived home from work. About your post, I have not seen or read your story about post. Tell me the title of it so that I can read it and share my nice comments.I have posted so many stories here.

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