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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, FLOWERS ARE IMPORTANT IN MANY WAYS 7 years, 9 months ago

    Everywhere around the world, we can see many different kinds of beautiful flowers. I believe that most individual have their own favorite flower. We even grow them in our backyards.

    As I grow in here in La […]

    • Flowers mean different things to different people. you will find there are those who will love to have them in their house, for the sole purpose of getting that warm feeling that is created by the different colors from different flowers. they also give a warmly and homely feeling when you walk into the house. then there is also that sweet smelling aroma and the fresh air in the house.
      Other people don’t like he idea of taking flowers to the sick because they feel they bring out that vibe of death. and given that you want that person to be well the best thing is to avoid the flowers your better taking them a card to wish them well.
      For others flowers are supposed to be use at funerals and at weddings. for the funeral part, at least they give that farewell though as a loving memory like to say you were cherished and you lived among us like a flower you blossomed when you were alive and now when the flower withers then they say you are now gone but you shall forever remain in our thoughts. For the wedding part of it i think everyone likes to have flowers adorn their walk way and the surroundings. it brings out the beautiful scenery and ambiance. so for weddings its just right there is no other way about it. for me flowers work either way though i have never taken flowers to a patient in the hospital. i love to have freshly cut flowers in the house for that fresh air, and last but not least flowers are an obvious way to bring someone closer to you. it brings out the whole feeling of love and that’s just the most beautiful thing ever. it has worked for me several times so i am talking out of experience.

    • Very well said @anita.Everyone has their own purpose of having a flower.
      As being observed, girls are more fun of having flowers at home than boys. maybe it’s a girls’ nature to have colorful things around them.

      Flowers means a lot to everyone depending on such reasons.

    • I love flowers especially roses of all sort. Flowers can cure an aching heart.It could also mean love and remembering someone close to our heart.There are so many lovely flowers in the world and they are like ladies many bees want to fly and sip their nectar the same was a humans if lovely lady many want to e near her and long to be hers for life.

    • @ma’am Cely, yeah, we can compare a flower to a lady. They are beautiful and refreshing to the eye of man. 🙂 Flowers are also like a lady that needs to be taken care and be loved whole heartedly.

    • Flowers are what that give life vibrance and add color to the happenings. We too had a garden in my childhood my mother was very fond of gardening. There were roses of different variety like the pink rose both big and small and the white too, the yellow rose, the one with mustard color, jasmine, kanakambaram violet and mustard varieties, crotons, daisy, lily and many others.

      They are very important for pollination and aid the process or growth of flora in the environment. There was also a jasmine which does not give any fragrance at all. Red roses also used to be there. Usually the month of june when monsoon sets in is the time we used to plant saplings as the weather is ideal for the plants to grow. Memories of the same are etched in my mind even today. My mother had a good hand in planting as whatever she used to plant used to grow while we were not so fortunate.

    • Growing flower plants is really a difficult task. They rejuvenate our mood. This is not the work of women and ladies only but also of the men. But, we should be careful in selecting the flower plants. Some flower plants do not suit certain people, though we may like for them. They react with our skin and upset our moods even. My daughter is not having a taste for Chrysanthemum and it is my favorite. I can not go for it as she does not like it. My wife does not feel good with lily. So, I am avoiding it. The rest are safe. We discussed over it and finally made a list of plants we should have for our home.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, REMEMBERING THE TIME I STARTED WRITING 7 years, 9 months ago

    Do you have a passion for writing? Some people do. I, for instance, sometimes have compulsions of scribbling down words and doodling images, may it be on photocopied lessons in school, notepads, calendars, table […]

    • I started writing in vernacular when I was an elementary student. I learned writing it that way when my mother taught me reading from a regional magazine, Yuhum, written in our local dialect, Ilonggo. When my mother going home after some marketing in our humble market place, she bought me a new issue of the said magazine. Then I took it and found a better place where I could read it by not being disturbed. I found the short stories entertaining and I thought for myself what about if I could write my own fictitious short stories of various theme or setting for the readers to read about.

      Now the break of writing my first short story started about the tidal wave that had happened somewhere in Mindanao. After writing the entire story, I mailed it to the magazine’s post address. A month or so later, I received a postal money order as payment of my published short story. That’s how I started writing and later it went through writing poems, essays, and other related writing works for publication had become a reality. As far as I could remember I have been writing now for almost 26 years in the newspaper as a columnist and 6 years as a blogger.

    • Wow, that was applausable achievements you have. There was no impossible in achieving something as you did if one is only persistent to doing things that worth.

    • I am so impressed with what you achieved. Someday soon I will also be like you. 🙂 I was inspired by your story and now, my mind is full of dreams to fulfill. A dream of making something that is worth to share through writing. I believe that writing here in literacybase was a good start for more productive writing.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, BULLIED: UNSPOKEN PAIN INSIDE US 7 years, 9 months ago

    In love, action speaks louder than words but in misery, words cut deeper than the sharpest sword.

    Why do words mean so much?

    Words define your worth and craft your fate. A single word can make or break a person. […]

    • It is so nice if one who is being bullied knows how to deal with it like you did. Sad to say, some are so weak to overcome it, which made them think of committing suicide.
      Most children are the victim of bullying, that is why it is advisable for parents to always monitor their Child. They should guide their child in overcoming problems caused by other person.

    • Sometimes it takes standing up for yourself and others. Our job is to teach the younger generations how to approach different type of bulling and to let them know it is okay to open up and let us know how they feel. Many of these young ones think no one care or that parent/s are too busy to care about them. We need to start being more open with kids and directing them towards the right path. In this day and age all over there is violence and hate. We need to spread more love. It is on us as the other generations to give them love. It takes a community to raise a child. If we all just gave love and support to the children maybe that would make a difference. Or maybe just make a safe place for kids to go to talk about what’s going on in their lives. Just a thought.

    • I must agree with your thought about how to raise a child @rashawn. That is certainly needed in order for the child to cope when they are bullied; love it is.

      Speaking up their thoughts as a child or showing their real emotion is what they surely have to do. But in some cases, children are afraid of talking about their problems because they think they will just receive a rejection in return instead of comfort.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, LIFE COULD BE TOUGH WITHOUT INNOVATORS 7 years, 9 months ago

    What could be a life without any gadget? What would it be like if we do not have television to watch news and events from other places, refrigerator to store foods, washing machine to use for washing and drying […]

    • That’s exactly what the internet and the computer should be used. And aside from that, it is an easier means of a fast communication that does not take a day or a month to receive responses from families and friends away from us.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, GADGETS AND INTERNET HAVE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 7 years, 9 months ago

    Gadgets and the internet have significant roles in most people’s life. Almost all have accounts on the different social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, and other social networking sites.

    Most c […]

    • It is definitely good if one can use internet and electronic gadgets as a source of income as you do. But in most cases, the use of it are abused by the users.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, HEALTHY DIET: A SOLUTION TO AVOID DISEASES 7 years, 9 months ago

    The word “healthy diet” is not new to us since it is being discussed in many health journals, magazines, and books. But when someone asks you if what is a healthy diet, do you think you can give the best def […]

    • Here are three reasons why following a healthy diet is important:

      to maintain health by preventing loss of muscle strength, bone mass, and vitamin deficiency states;
      to prevent diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, obesity, osteoporosis, and certain cancers; and
      to help control and/or treat chronic diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, and celiac disease.

      Maintaining health

      The body requires carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals to maintain healthy organs, bones, muscles, and nerves, and to produce hormones and chemicals that are necessary for the proper function of organs.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SIMPLE ACTS CAN MAKE A GOOD DIFFERENCE TO THE EARTH 7 years, 9 months ago

    We wake up every morning to a brand new day finding ourselves in front of the mirror making sure that we look okay and feel okay. We use the best products we think are right for ourselves to enhance our beauty and […]

    • Yes, saving the earth is always a topic and a project of government and NGOs’ as you mentioned. Even public schools, colleges, and universities have this as one of their projects, but sometimes, we cannot see the improvement of the cleanliness of our environment because people lack discipline when it comes to proper disposal of garbage. It is indeed a simple act but only few can maintain it.
      I do agree that sustainability of cleaning our environment is one solution to save the earth from pollution. We should not stop from doing it.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MAINTAINING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE THROUGH MEDICAL SCREENING 7 years, 9 months ago

    Have you been as conscious about your health as you age? What are your ways to track and maintain good health? Some people always make sure to be healthy and they always look on how to monitor their health. They […]

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic I submitted 1 blog 5 or 6 hrs ago and the admin approved it just now in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    Ma’am Cely, my blogs are being approved as soon as I submitted them. Its just so happen that I cannot submit them daily because of our unstable internet. So, what I am doing is to write articles and submit them at a time.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SIMPLE PRINCIPLES FOR STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR GOALS 7 years, 9 months ago

    Being an individual and a part of the community I am living, I observed that secondary students are adhering to misleading principles, which adversely affect their academic performance and the way they view their […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, TAI CHI CHUAN THE TRADITIONAL CHINESE EXERCISE FOR THE BODY AND MIND 7 years, 9 months ago


    About 1000 BC, Qin Wen, one of the founders of the Chiu Dynasty, formalized the complex philosophical system into a series of 64 permutations […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, THE EARLY WARNINGS ONE SHOULD OBSERVE 7 years, 9 months ago

    Most of the time, we tend to ignore things we experience such as a recurrent headache, occasional dizziness from standing up too fast, a feeling of tingling in the hands and arms, or even shortness of […]

    • I always have myself checked up once I have observed something unusual in the things I feel in my body. It is better to be this way, than just ignoring those pains and would just go to the doctor when it has aggravated.

      I have vertigo . Though, it rarely attacks now, so I don’t have it checked by a doctor.


    • thank you so much for sharing this, it could really save a lot of people, i should set an appointment with my doctor, some of the signs are showing but i just hope it’s nothing, better safe than sorry, this one deserves a share it could save a life and be precautious to their health. this is very informative and useful.




    • Thanks! I go to the doctor once I see unusual signs no matter how small.”A stitch in time saves nine”.Signs are preludes to bigger things.

    • Thank you for the advice. I agree it’s always good to get a regular check-up, I think two of the main reasons people tend to avoid going to the doctor is financially they can’t afford it or they don’t want to feel stupid if there is nothing wrong with them and think the doctor will think less of them.

    • A informative detailed article about the different kinds of health problems faced by people of different age groups at different situations in life. It helps one correlate what he or she is going through as one reads the article. While visiting a doctor is the first step having a right diagnosis of the problem is the most crucial thing which will help in solving the health problem. So choosing a doctor who can be trusted and is up to the mark is very important as the doctor who knows the pulse of the patient solves the health issue better. All in all a good article worth a share.

    • Staying healthy requires healthy life style. The life style has to be checked always even if you have doubt on any. Regular check-up and constant vigil would always keep oneself in better position.

    • awesome and liked the way you post it, we should never ignore even a sneeze or gut pain, small things can mean big things and the other way around.

    • i guess no you should not see doctor at the same time, taking meds is nto good really, unless its really needs it, meds do harm sometimes more than help, so guys and girls take care to prevent the issue, but if you are ill then try home remedi, its best to try for example lemon, honey , steam, vitamin D, potasioum, other vitamins, chicken, meat and vegetables and tomato soup and with rice or anything, but home treatments are the best, do not run to the hospital or see doctor only for flue, try to solve it, you understand body more than other people, even if we are talking about good doctors, they are human and they do mistakes, and even them they ask yo how you feel and how is teh peain , wehre is the pain and what makes it go and so on thenigs you know

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, UNDERSTANDING THE PROGRESSIVELY PARKINSON’S DISEASE 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are many things we scarcely notice in ourselves which are either taken for granted or we always have a reason for it.

    Consider these: Slight tremor in the hands and is considered as a result of stress. […]

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic I submitted 1 blog 5 or 6 hrs ago and the admin approved it just now in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    @peachpurple, why did you say so that you are getting slower here? Or maybe you’re just busy? And yes, I observed that too. You’re not updating here often.

    Recently, I focused on writing articles, which makes me no appearance here in the forum section. I was so inspired doing more articles while at work. Hehe, I’m so thankful my mom is not so…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, What men should know about cancer screening? 7 years, 9 months ago

    They feel they are strong, invincible, or impregnable. They only see a doctor when they feel something is serious. If they can still shrug it off, they prefer to play basketball, tennis, or golf and set another […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, WHEN DO FARMERS GROW THEIR PLANTS? 7 years, 9 months ago

    Plants, as we all know, have their own set of requirements for growth and productivity. They seem to have a “built-in clocks” that tell when they will produce flowers or when the seeds will mature. Scientist or […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, GOSSIPING: WORDS THAT POLLUTE THE WORLD OF PEACE 7 years, 9 months ago

    I understand we are all aware of the pollution seeding from overpopulated places. It seems impossible to clear the sky, to dispose the unending piles of garbage, and to shut off the deafening excitement-all treads […]

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of physiotherapyphysiotherapy 7 years, 9 months ago

  • Profile picture of neeru sharma

    neeru sharma posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    flowers comes in different color and scent they make world beautiful and even help us in many crucial diseases. indirectly they provide good quality of honey that help us to stay healthy thanks flowers honeybee and nature. At all thanks God to gives us this beautiful and useful gift for us.

  • Profile picture of neeru sharma

    neeru sharma posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    face is mirror of one’s personality it reflect the emotions very clearly and nobody can hide what is in his or her heart and mind.

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