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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Real Beauty of Nature Never Deceives, Never Cheats 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen the whole men and women are fond of beauty knowing not what beauty is and what its nature is because beauty has a physical shape but the sense of beauty has no shape that is why most of the people are […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Downfall of Man and Religion 7 years, 10 months ago

    Rise and fall is the part of man, religion and universe and behind it works the theory of natural evolution according to the passage of time. There was a time when religion was very powerful in days gone by but in […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, How to Write Pop Articles with the Support of SEO 7 years, 10 months ago

    New writers do not know what SEO is and how it works on the site articles because most of the newbie writes articles and display on the sites and after sometimes the result becomes zero no traffic no fame and […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Pakistani Foreign Debt: A Critical Analysis from 1961 to 2016 (Pakistan Rulers are Corrupt) 7 years, 10 months ago

    As all human beings borrow money from friends in need and after sometime they return the borrowed money at the fixed time. Just like the same Pakistan has borrowed from the whole world as IMF, Countries, […]

    • In another community where people engage in questions and answers, somebody asked the question: IF India could go back in history and change something, what would it be? The Partition, it was mentioned, should be erased as if it never happened.

      Do you think that if Pakistan were a part of India, things would be different?

      Or do you think Pakistan could govern themselves as a sovereign nation, apart from India, if they just didn’t have so much corruption?

      Final question: Do you really believe there will be a revolution? I fear if that happens, the situation will be no different from what’s going on in Syria right now.

      I realize I’m far away and can’t make a judgement on the matter. But that’s not what we’re hearing in our American news reports.

    • Revolution is the part and parcel of time and human nature. Time always runs with human and after one hundred years revolution comes on earth. It is also a law of nature. I see revolution in future years in Pakistan.

      Keep in mind time and human nature walks side by side. Think how?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Can we possibly reach $100 here in a month? Share me your thoughts in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    Hands down the quickest way to make a lot of money (well, without breaking the law). Lots of students have genuinely made £100s from this technique. It’s completely legal, risk free, tax free, and anyone can do it.
    It works by taking advantage of free bets regularly offered by betting sites through ‘matching’ them at a betting exchange. Matched…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Do you sometimes forget? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    Many people think that the human mind is too complex to explain, and memory is no exception. Even though vast amounts of research have been carried out into how we remember (and forget!) things, nobody knows for sure the model on which human memory is based.

    It’s though that how we forget differs depending on whether a memory is stored in our…[Read more]

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    neeru sharma and Profile picture of ItreItre are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic The youths of yesterday are far better than today, agree,or disagree? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, the youths of past were more genius than the youth of today because the youths of past made Egyptian Pyramids and its mystery is still maintained no one could open its mystery how they built the huge pyramids.

    Today’s youths are just lover and nothing else. They pursue just money and woman and nothing else. Soon the whole world will find its…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic A teacher stabbed to death by student in the classroom in the forum Group logo of CrimeCrime 7 years, 10 months ago

    Very sad Cely, my friend a very bad news for all of us be I am also lecturer in English. It means the teachers must advice to the students what they are doing right or wrong or it is sign of corrupt education in the class or the parents did not teach the students what is respect of a teacher in the. Yes, many factors are involved in this…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Murdering a family member for money and power in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, it is common to murder someone for money and power. For money murder happens in our society daily in every country of the world but murder for the sake of power becomes in politics and in the family of politicians.

    Mr Bhutto and his daughter  Benazir Bhutto both were killed in Pakistan just for the sake of power not money.  It is common in a…[Read more]

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    neeru sharma and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Sometimes Beauty Deceives the Lovers 7 years, 10 months ago

    Loving beauty and beautiful things has been man’ and animal nature since its creation because love is an essential part of human nature. Man traces beauty in flowers, men, animals, birds and beasts, on earth and i […]

    • Beauty is meant for cheating. Why should be confined to only one person and should have a narrow way to tread upon when there are much waiting inviting the beauty dearly?

      The nature of the beauty is to be to taste and enjoy. It is really selfless. It tries to be free and open and invite and give a chance to everyone to enjoy .
      Is it good to have a beautiful rose and keep it at home Let others also see and enjoy the beauty of nature? There are many beautiful things to enjoy in nature. We can not bring them all and keep them at our home. Because they are all meant for all people and for a few people.

      It is our foolishness to own them and to enjoy them.

      When it involves the matter of love this does not apply and we feel and afraid of sharing this love with others. This is the nature of love but has nothing to do with the beauty. This is the main difference we have to understand. If we do not understand the life becomes miserable.

    • Outside appearance or the external beauty is really deceptive. We cannot deny the fact that our eyes easily appreciate outside appearance of things without knowing the real characteristic of it.

      But we cannot be deceive if we only discover the inside beauty of things or real beauty of human.

    • Yes i agree with the statement that beauty deceives people for sure. We may be in denial that people don’t actually look at the outward person but that’s just it. Men like to have a beautiful woman by their side, a woman who have a lovely face, a figure to die for and hair that flows down her back, and a woman would like to have a man that has a six pack, talk handsome and one who has muscles but we all cannot have evrythjng in place there is always something misplaced somewhere, and that we just have to live with because ther is no one who is perfect in this world. We all have flaws. Anyway beauty is like the spot of all evil just like money. When someone a falls in love with beauty they forget everything else that matters, and that’s when you find someone spending so much on soeone else regardless of the problems he has. All he sees is this person nothing else really matters to him.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, May God my Revolutionary Ideas Spread on Earth! 7 years, 10 months ago

    Revolution is the part of human nature and the whole universe because since man and earth creation both has seen many horrible changes in man and on earth and even in the sky. When rulers become corrupt on earth […]

    • I disagree. I don’t believe revolution is a part of human nature. I think the ability to discern the difference between good and evil is a part of our human nature. When we view or experience things like oppression, we want to rise up! Or … you caould call it a Revolution! I think it’s a part of human nature to want to live in peace. But if others don’t want to live peacefully and we have to defend ourselves … WE’LL DO IT!! Why would I want to take up arms, fight and shed the blood of my fellow man, when we could both be chilling on a white sandy beach, sipping iced tea? 🙂

      • Power is part and parcel of human nature ponder over self you got education today your mind is critical and analytic, your thinking is vast and your eating style is different all these thing show you like revolution just we want improvement at the country level.

        Human nature is peace full but evolution and revolution both walk side by side with men on earth. Revolution is not the name of bloodshed keep in mind every still thing in dead either be imagination of alive thing or non alive thing on this universe.

        You disagree with me is a revolution of thinking it means you want what you think just every body wants what he thinks. The difference is just when men’s aims and objects be the same revolution come anon on earth.

        • Well let me just speak for myself. I don’t want power. Not in this world. There are lots of things in this world I wish were not a part of this world. If I could change those things, I would. What we describe as a “revolution” is just people trying to live, in this world. The so-called “revolutions” that occur throughout the history of mankind are the reactionary result of people who just wanted to live their life and not have their human rights trampled on! That’s my view.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Mini Power Helpless Before the Super Power 7 years, 10 months ago

    Making self everlasting and evergreen has been man’s dream since his creation on earth but dream is dream and reality is reality, when we read the histories of the whole world we reach at this conclusion that m […]

    • Heavenly law is always active to save mankind. It was activated before the Creation of the world. It’s called the Plan of Redemption. Good always triumphs over evil. We are all immortals, i.e. eternal beings. We all just need to decide where we want to spend our eternity. 🙂

      Shelley is a wonderful poet. Even though I don’t agree with him, he definitely has a way with words. 🙂

    • waaaaaaw

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Whole Universe and Economics Stands on the Seven Principles 7 years, 10 months ago

    The city of Italy, Venice, and the capital of Veneto is built on the seven pillars in the sea water. When we ponder over the whole universe system we e reach at this conclusion that behind everything is a solid […]

    • RE Pillar Number 7. Where does that place the LGBT community? Just wondering.

    • What do you mean you did not write clearly what you want to say about this unique article my friend so that I could increase my knowledge through opinion about this article.

      Thanks for reading my article. jh sayyar

    • Emancipate yourself from mental slavery-says Marcus Garvey.
      Law 7 is interesting to me because it is the first hearing organs of the body being referred to as male or female. But it also makes me wonder and question why the male version is so easy to keep under control while the female version not so much. Looking at creation or nature on a whole I can also male reference to the male and female species of animals. For many of the species the male variety is more elaborate than the female. Some examples are the peacock with male having the glorious tail and the hummingbird whole male also has the long beautiful tail.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Jealousy Eats Human Heart and Pleasure 7 years, 10 months ago

    Jealousy and greed spring from evil past and evil past springs from evil Karma is a neat and clean philosophy to understand. But we all us must keep in mind that jealousy and greed both the negative powers of […]

    • Jealousy kills. I already wrote about jealousy that kills anyone if cannot control the emotion.The heart is very much affected with jealousy. Jealousy is synonymous to envy. The person who cannot control this feeling is like killing himself/herself.There are so many ways to avoid this feeling, one is acceptance that there are individual differences. Acceptance to reality that your love has another love, so release the feeling and tell the self you are not meant for each other,or the lover no longer likes you, that there was no love felt ever since.It will be useless keeping that way, the pretensions that may lead to demise.
      It is illogical to live on pretensions. The eyes can see many things subject to presumption of some actions not agreeable to your heart.The heart is very sensitive.It should be the brain to dominate to avoid regrets in the long run.Those whose hearts are vulnerable should keep away from realities that may affect his/her emotion.In the work place for example, if the non-tenured is elevated to the next level, evaluation to the performance must be the basis to avoid jealousy and envy. There are reasons, so there should also be answers to the cause of this in-explainable and instant feeling. Man is truly weak by nature.

    • Jealousy is an invisible poision which kills from within . People do not accept it easily. The simple reason being their innocense in expenriencing the evil effect of jealousy. The reasons may be many for jelousy There is no one particular object or quality that is the source or reason of jealousy

      When jealousy starts the negative vibrations developed affect the brain which control all other organs of the body. The intensity of this will vary from person to person and the intensity of the evil effect. People get paralysis, they become dumb, they get attack, they get skin problem, all most all diseases that develop and culminate into a sorrow which the bearer of jealousy has to suffer ultimately.

    • Jealously is common in all humans especially if you feel strongly about a certain person, subject, or thing. I feel as if it could be a good or bad emotion to have. It can be bad cause it has the ability to affect your future actions, jealousy can make you feel a certain way about something thus shaping the course of actions you take in response to this person, place, or thing. Yet jealously can also be a good emotion as it keeps you drawn to the person, place, or thing that you feel do strongly for. You get a higher level evel of interest and appreciation for that which your jeolous over.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Pleasure and Pain Spring from Heart 7 years, 10 months ago

    Since men creation men have been trying to trace pleasure on earth losing eternal home paradise but men have failed in finding true pleasures on earth because men are still ignorant of this fact that the source of […]

    • pleasure is an ultimate experience for all human being. We should always remember that everything is a relative one The pleasure of mine need not be the pleasure of yours and vice versa.
      There are many many thinkers and religious books written on Pleasure.
      Buddha, Vardhaman Mahavira, Jesus everybody has taught and preached their own way of experiencing the pleasure. It is only the human being who on account of his sheer innocence is unable to derive pleasure within himself

      Pleasure is obtained through brain according to one school of thought and it is the heart which is responsible for feeling pleasure.

      The Hindu Yoga Sastra states that it is by awakening the Kundalini energy in the human body one can experience the real pleasure in life and it is eternal which is the final goal of every human life.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Mysterious Palace of Kublai Khan 7 years, 10 months ago

    Everybody sees dream but what is dream nothing but a reality and nothing else; but people do not believe in dream considering it a mere fantasy and nothing else. In reality dream are real and our life on earth is […]

    • When I first heard the words “Kublai Khan” … just hearing them without knowing anything else, it evoked a magical or a dream-like place in my mind. I just figured it had to be the name of a faraway place. Of course, it’s a real person in history. But even now when I see or hear the words, it still conjures up images in my mind of a mystical place.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Always Love God’s Creatures Great or Small 7 years, 10 months ago

    The world is full of God’s creature great and small all over the world. We see some animals are cure and some are ugly but some birds are ugly as vulture and crows but some birds are most beautiful as n […]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Fidel Castro has died in the forum Group logo of News & ViewsNews & Views 7 years, 10 months ago

    Very sad one more revolutionary leader has died and left the jealous and callous world for ever for eternal rest. Cuba has declared nine days of national mourning to mark the death of Fidel Castro, whose demise at the age of 90 has prompted emotional scenes in Havana and Miami, tributes and reflections from world leaders, and ushered the island i…[Read more]

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