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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of News & ViewsNews & Views 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Your Sun Sign Controls Your Luck and Earning Potential 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every man and woman on earth is for a special purpose and this purpose he or she gets on birth in shape sun sign and it is called earning potential in modern language but most of the people do not know what types […]

    • This is quite informative. I was having some belief in Astrology once upon a time. After that, I never tried to ask anybody about my future or shown any interest. But there are some people only to be counted on fingers to give correct predictions and remedies also. It all needs interpretation also Without interpretation Astrology does not carry any value.
      It all gives rise to one doubt why only a few could understand the purpose of their birth and the way of their way of earning and choose the right field and why not everybody? Is it due to destiny?

      Here also, why only some people could reach and consult an Astrologer (right person) and get good advice to rectify their line of work? Is this Destiny that is forcing them to approach a right Astrologer and get their way changed?

      If we go on analyzing the points it only leads to the conclusion that each and every moment of a human being is guided by the destiny.

      But, one can not believe in destiny and lose confidence. If everything is left to Destiny or fate then what is the significance of birth? How can a human being held responsible for his deeds? There is something which can be found through debate and discussion and verifying religious books and meeting great teachers of religion

      • My friend, try to understand my point of view that children cannot choose three things definitely; their parents, early environment and parental genes.

        In inborn gene each and every man’s destiny is hidden because it is a box of human character but is guise of a tiny seed just the same as the seed of an apple tree.

        Early environment provides chances to be flourished the traits of the seed in fresh air with fresh water. When the seed does not get fresh water and air of better early environment the seeds traits become less and it cannot flourish properly with full natural traits.

        That is why human characters and destinies are different on earth. As we see bad men and women on earth roaming in every societies of the whole world are weed and thorns because they do not care fore their seed from the very beginning.

        As thorns and weeds grow with very vegetables and fruits trees just bad habits develop in human beings like weeds and thorns and they are called bad characters men and women.

    • This is quite a concise summary of the signs. It really does struck a cord especially when it is relatable. I do see the similarities in my sign description and myself.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Why Are Lucks Different on Earth and What are its Real Causes? 7 years, 10 months ago

    When Adam was created there was no concept of death in Eden and we do not know how many years…Adam spent in the Garden of Eden all alone without Eve, the mother of mankind. When Adam and Eve were sent to earth d […]

    • yes. finally, it is only the willpower of a person that gives and nurtures his character. A person having strong will- power will have a good and powerful character and those with weak will power have a weak character. A person having strong willpower an Aura that clearly makes him different from other. All these things are interlinked and make long rope which can not be placed in any comfortable place. They all appear interesting to read but finally, lead to Destiny or fate.

      unfortunately and interesting it is these people having strong willpower who do not care Destiny or fate…It is something very complex and goes beyond the clarity of a Common man.

    • My blog fellow and friend it is the will power that make miracles on earth by the hands of holy persons saints, yogis, prophets…its root lies in the trust of God and fear of God new generation both have lost I have seen.

      Will power is the seed of human personality, character and destiny on earth.

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Funny peopleFunny people 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Misuse of a woman's name by powerful officials in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, they do steal the information but are sold the information by black mailers. I have read many cases that scammers steal information of the innocent citizens and sold to the black mailers as account no, ID card and Money card Nos.

    What can we do but it is a big criminal job may be handled by the government. Citizens can do nothing in this…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have written four posts two days before to day all are approved and now all are on line but I could not understand the cause of approving late the post and like you I am also disturb why our posts are approved late while I write creative article and have written more than one hundred articles on LB and more than one hundred topics.

    May be are…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic A Bird: Without Eyes, Ears and Heart in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, bestwriter the bird’s name is woman’ love. 

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Second Marriage Mars the Bright Future of Children 7 years, 10 months ago

    Marriage is a right of man and woman on earth but marriage is fetter of liberty abut young man’s joy, parents’ desire, old men’s wish, woman’ will  and of society and civilization is a legal process and nothing […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Cheating Others is Nothing But a Self Deceit 7 years, 10 months ago

    You will see countless persons cheating others in practical life but those who do so with hurt selves in the real sense. I have also seen that women are cheated more than men in practical field because women trust […]

    • I heard a lot of stories about cheating others, some of women and men are tempted to cheat their own partners just for their own enjoyment. they are doing it to fulfill the desire of their body. I have seen something like this that having the same stories. At first, his family was a good family, if see them they have the happy family but because of what he did he cheat his wife and at the end that his family broke and their children suffer. And he said that “I thought this was not happened to my family” and he always blaming himself for what happened to his family. that it’s true “cheating is nothing but a self-deceit”.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Good Old Memories: A Hope of Survival for Old Men 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every living thing has to cross three stages: a beginning, middle and an end be animal plant or man self. Old age is very tough age when human life organs make less energy due to be old, human hands, legs do not […]

    • I love to hear stories from old people because they have so many experiences that sometimes it encourage us.

    • @jhsayyar..Why does the old man go to Daisy to share his feelings with her?We know his wife has died but why are the people apathetic to him. Where are his sons.Why dont they look after him in his old age.Where are his relatives? Where is the government. How strange it is that people passing through the miserable dotage find no help from anywhere.The result is that such people have to share their feelings with Daisy.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Super Powers, Follow my Advice for Peace on Earth 7 years, 10 months ago

    The whole world knows that there are four directions: East and West, North and South. East to west is the path of the sun and North to South is the path of magnetic waves and nothing else. You will see that […]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Can you tell me What is the Name of that Creature? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    night I saw horrible dream when I slept after 3am on my cozy bed all alone
    because I am unmarried. I am standing on in jungle no one near me. Just a dim
    light coming from a cottage suddenly a mysterious creature appears from the sea
    water and looking at the creature I frightened and heart stand still and became
    dumb could speak due to fear.

    F…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic A Bird: Without Eyes, Ears and Heart in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Everything on earth is being run by a solid principle as we see the sun is rises in the east and sets in the west. The waves travel from north to south, water flows clock wise and anti clock wise, rain falls from the skies, birds fly in the air, ducks swim on the water…
    But on earth one thing is that runs, walks and flies without any rule. It is a…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic The Art of Fascination in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Fascination is an art and it works
    through the spirit of witch. It is a very strong art on earth. The witch’s eyes
    rays enter into human eyes and through it they reach into human hearts with
    sensual and sexual vapors that evoke love in human mind and hearts making men
    sexual and sensual.
    It is a very powerful art that why it
    is called the art of f…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Love is a Game between the Two Fools! in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I personally think, you agree or not with me, love is game between the two fools or we may call it hide and seek between the two blind persons on the beach knowing this  they are going near the water and both will fall in the water for ever.

    Real love is rare on earth and earthly is full of sex and greed and nothing else. True love never s…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic What do You Prefer watching TV or Reading Books? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen in many houses girls and boys whose exam are near the whole night watch TVs all night and I wonder their parents say them nothing I do not know why? When I was a child I used to read all night books but good books that built my character and made my life better and meaning full in the society.

    Such persons fail in the exams and put…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Heartaches in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 10 months ago

    Cely love is a game between the two fools in which no profit no loss. The lovers remains always full of imagination that is why it is said that those who love forget their being and go to the darkest pit of hell.

    I think that Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is l…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Thoughts To Ponder in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    The best on earth for pondering is to know thyself and try to know others on earth. Human being’s is most important than any other thing on earth. Your thoughts can shape your feelings can shape your actions.  Thinking is powerful stuff whether you’re shaping your moment, or shaping your lifetime.
    The real beauty is that thinking is a skill…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Where Is Rain? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every broken heart is giving rain the dry jungle of abortive wishes and you are finding rain search your heart there will be rain falling from hidden eyes. I am starting to accept

    that you never loved me. And it’s sad because I don’t think you see how beautiful you are to me. Your face was the light that chased away the shadows, every nightm…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Awesome and cool lyrics of the song " Constantly" in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes Cely you have a romantic temperament by birth but and fine taste of lyrics listening while eating and drinking coca. You like is nice. I think you like romantic lyrics.

    A song for you written by me JH Sayyar
    I will sing for you my love is true
    My white swan, fly over me for shade
    Parching heat of hate burning my feet
    Fly over my head my love…[Read more]

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