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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Human Rights’ Violation in all States 7 years, 10 months ago

    All human beings on earth have some fundamental right because and these rights rest on each other’s cooperation ignoring cast, color and religion by in all holy books God has described basic human rights as the T […]

    • One should remember that fundamental rights are violated not only in respect of human beings but also in respect of all living creatures. The Animal Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act, Wild species Protection Act etc.,are all made with the concept that ‘every being on earth has got the right to live’ and nobody has got any right to hamper or disturb the right of the other.
      But, unfortunately, the fundamental right is being viewed as a separate entity. It should be viewed along with the fundamental duties.
      We can not walk on the middle of the road in the name of fundamental right. We can not make provocative speeches which may instigate one religion against the other. We should not drink and talk vulgarly in the public causing a nuisance as a matter of fundamental right.
      Fundamental rights are always coupled with fundamental duties which everyone is expected to follow.

      Every Nation is no doubt violating the fundamental rights given to its public But, we can not club them all into one category and call it a ‘total violation’.

      This is the basic principle we should keep in mind Any law on human rights or any commission is not necessary for this purpose. They lost all their sanctity not only in Pakistan but in almost all countries

      Coming to the point of repatriation of blacks in the U.S, we say that it is inhuman as most of the blacks have been residing in U.S since a very long time that even their fathers and forefathers have made it their land of residence and the repatriation of blacks is against the fundamental right. No doubt it appears to be true. But, what about the illegality of migration? If viewed from this angle and also in view of their contribution to the economy of U.S the decision of repatriating the blacks who are illegal is right and it is not at all against the fundamental right.

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    jhsayyar started the topic The Darkness of Illiteracy in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Light and darkness are two thing that everybody knows but I say light knowledge and darkness illiteracy because as we see when the sun rise in the east darkness disappears not ends forever. When we compare the whole world illiterate people with the literate people we reach at this conclusion that there will be ten persons who are well…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Goodnews: Message from @Support in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is a good news for all of us but it is a fact that the the submitted posts are approved very late I do not know but may be anything better for us at present or in future.

    I think the checking is must, just to check the post is genuine or copied, and there are may writers who write the posts and I think the checking take time to approve the posts.

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    jhsayyar started the topic People are Giving up the Habit of Book Reading in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen in my life and around my me that most of the people are giving up the habit of reading useful books at home in leisure time. I think the main cause of ignoring book reading is TV and internet is at every home the rich and the poor.

    In colleges and schools the students are not paying attention to their studies and its result appears in…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Co-Education Pros and Cons in Modern Age 7 years, 10 months ago

    Co education means combined education of boys and girls in the school and colleges but is the modern concept of education, in the past male and female schools and colleges were separate. Co education is a […]

    • We can not say that because Pakistan is a self-made poor country the co-education has been preferred. Of course, the country needs such system of education in view of the role played by modern women in the society.
      The Holy Quran never prohibited women getting education.
      But, Quran is against Co-education the reasons are self-explanatory and they are well explained in the article itself.

      We can not go against the teaching of Quran as whatever damage has to occur has already occurred.
      It is not only Quran but every religious book is right in its entirety. What they teach and preach are the truths and never go waste or wrong.
      When Quran recommends Burka for a woman there is a meaning of not exposing her body. Is there anything wrong in it? It does not recommend for co-education means the consequences arising out of such system could be well founded in the modern society. In the name of advanced culture, fashion, they are crossing even the established norms and traditions and doing harm to the society itself. Why don’t they wear burkha even attending co-education institutions? They should respect their religious teachings.

      The religious books are God’s given. Prophet Mohammad was not educated Quran was dictated to him by the Divine voice. It was written in Arabic. The language, style, and the vocabulary were considered excellent even by the educated scholars of the Arabic language. How could Prophet Mohammad write such a divine book? It is nothing but God’s given.

      Still, we do not respect his words and teaching and following the contents mentioned by HIM. We simply neglect them in the name of modernism.

      In India in the name of RIGHT TO PRAY another campaign has taken place and is taking place. This is against the prohibition of women’s entry inside the Sanctum Sanctorum of temples and Mosques.

      Women organizations have made a protest against the women’s prohibition inside the temples and got the permission of the Supreme court and are now free to enter inside a Mosque or a temple.

      They forced into the SHANI SINGANAPUR temple and offered prayers. Similarly, the women organization also made its way inside Haji Ali Dargah and offered prayers.

      How can they overlook the traditions and religious dictates? Is this the education taught them. The consequences will be felt in the long run though not immediately.

      Whether it is co-education or any other system of education it should respect the teachings of the religious books which are thoughtfully written with a great research and forethought. If the education does not respect how to honor the teachings of elder the very meaning and purpose of education will be totally a waste.

    • A very important topic of discussion in today’s world of female liberation and emancipation . I feel education is nobody’s intellectual property and people have to change with times as was the case of sati, jogin and other such practices which where removed to a great extent in the society by social reformers like Rajaram Mohan Roy and others. It does not mean that each and everything that is ancient and old has to be opposed. Hinduism had many innumerable cases where such reforms have been taking place from time immemorial. Hinduism has survived because there is scope for reasoning, rationality and all sorts of thoughts to converge and a new order to emerge. But even today there are many practices which permit one person or the other from entering a particular for some reason or the other. It does not mean religion is bad. If one is going into a particular order one has to go by the rules. If he is finding it uncomfortable he or she can avoid going to such a place. As doing something for the sake of pure ritual without applying mind and deed is of no use and is as good as not performing it. But nowadays a new trend of ultra change activists have sprung up who want to question each and everything as they feel hinduism is liberal and they can get away by doing any sort of activity as per their whims and fancies. This unfortunate trend of this so called activist crusaders has to taken with a pinch of salt. While change and reform are welcome, reform for simply the sake of reform or satisfying a few egos is again not a right thing. Their is a silent voiceless majority which would also want to take part in the process. Why not get some form of voting for the purpose of the reforms and do it in a religious, scientific, rational way without hurting religious sentiments or thrusting or imposing something arbitrarily? This is a point to ponder by all parties concerned for the good of religion. While there is no discrimination which should be there in the case of religion or gender. It should also be understood that law and society should be gender neutral and should treat both boys and girls with equal respect. Education system is a different field which has to be overhauled and so is the mindset of what is modern thinking. Debates and rational thinking with society leaders, reformers, thinkers and common people are the only way out.

    • I dont knwo how coeducation make the one confidence, it is not related at all, and it should not be issue since we school to learn not to set together, and that is why in the europ the pregnant teens are higher than in middle east, if you go to learn then learn, and the society it self is mixed there you develp to real confidence not in the class between 4 walls. that is like trying to be strong in small room with small no. many stories can be udnerstood in two different ways, so which is right and which is wrong, it depend on the events and how they are transmit in history

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Female Education Versus Male Education 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is education that refines human being’s raw traits that he gets on birth because birth characteristics are put into men and women as raw materials and the tool of education brings them out in practical shape f […]

    • in today world and days its very important to their life to be educated adn belief is the best in life to do it in ther life and their ability at the same time, so they become strong members in their community, its good topic to write about and well posted, thanks for it there friends

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Uses and Abuses of Science in Modern Age 7 years, 10 months ago

    Science mad brought revolution in human life all over the world and we may call present age the age of Nuclear Weapons because in future war will be with nuclear weapons through computer technology. Scientists […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, What is Terrorism? And What are the Causes of Terrorism? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Terrorism is a hideous activity that is done against innocent people of any country mercilessly but who are these people who make terrorism on earth without fear of God and the governments? I confidently say that […]

    • What is Terrorism? An activity or activities intended to make people afraid for their lives, on a daily basis. It has the same effect as stalking and harassing people.

      What are the Causes of Terrorism? Just one cause. HATE.

      What else is behind terrorism? Criminals. That’s why most of them on the front line who know they may be seen by the public wear masks; and why most of them “behind the scenes” use covert and surreptitious methods to keep their identities concealed.

      “Those who demand their rights on power base are called terrorists.” I disagree.

      If that were true, then calling them terrorists would be mislabeling their actions and intentions. As the expression goes: “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. I don’t think terrorists are demanding their rights at all. I think they’re just DEMANDING!!! If their demands are not met, then YOU DIE! It’s not as if they really want to meet, reasonably discuss and negotiate what “troubles” them, and reach a compromise, so we can all live together on this planet peacefully.

    • As a terrorist and uneducated they are so genius by making plan and identifying the plan of arm forces…if they educated means just think how marvellous they are….so hope that government need to brainwash them and avoid kills them and make them involve in identify others terrorist actions…so can simply avoid bomb blast and other their actions

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Tale of Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Critical Analysis   7 years, 10 months ago

    The politicians of Athens have passed this law that every daughter will marry according to their parents’ chosen person if any girl refuses to do so she was put to death in the arena. But this law proves very h […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, We all Ignore the Beauties of Nature Spreading Around Us! 7 years, 10 months ago

    When we roam on earth we find natural beauty spreading all around us in different shapes but men are busy working according to their aims and objects neglect the beauties of nature knowingly because money is more […]

    • There are concrete jungles mushrooming everywhere replacing real jungles. Animals are left without their habitat and are seen raoming in areas where humans dwell. This is dangerous for them. The other day there was python seen roaming around here. It was caught and sent to the wild.

    • there are people concentrate on the fake beauty, but i love nature, and non can replace this beautiful organic life. we learn everything from nature, beauty, clear, eating, love, kindness and all.
      i love mountains and see, i like trees espcially olive trees and any garden in the earth for sure i love to watch and it relax

    • oh indeed human being are being more and more destructive. Our beautiful harbors are stifling with garbage. Our sea animals are being choked with debris. Why can’t we do better? We must do better if we intend to survive.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Democracy: A Unique Form of Ruling the Foolish People 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have read many books on democracy and its nature but I could not find its true definition according to Herodotus that he has roamed all over the world and found two things commons in all people one the concept […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Tale of Tempest: A Critical Analysis 7 years, 10 months ago

    Tempest is the best play of William Shakespeare. Now I tell my readers its tale is very interesting.

    On an inhabitant island there lived a father Prospero and his daughter Miranda was a beautiful young lady, […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Modern Woman’s Place in Modern Society 7 years, 10 months ago

    According to my opinion woman is most respected creature on earth more than any other thing on earth because it is made by God with His tender hand lovingly but woman deceived God in the Garden of Eden has made a […]

    • The position of women is totally changed now they are entering in almost all fields of life They are making rules, for the society and laws for the land.
      They are becoming administrators, judges, teachers, scientists, lawyers,soldiers, etc., that too being good house wives This is here the entire credit goes to women.

      Again, some people try to take this credit also for men only.

      This is not at all true. They suffered, they examined, they analyzed, they synthesized, they argued, discussed, debated, protested and even died for the sake of their forwardness. No one can take the credit of making them advanced. It is sheer by their effort they developed themselves.
      They are still developing themselves. They are developing the man in the society also.
      The technological development had turned the cards in their favor.
      They are knowing many things about the women of other countries and their way of lifestyle and exchanging and imbibing the good from each other.
      This is what today going on in India. The Right to Pray campaign has taken up by various women organizations.

      The Hindu temples were not allowing the women to enter inside the temples like Shani Singanapur and equally worst was the position of Muslim Women who were not allowed to enter and pray inside the Sanctum Sanctorum of Haji Ali Dargah.

      The women organizations took up the issue and fought a case in the High court and also in the Supreme Court and finally won.

      Now, the Muslim ladies are entering into the Haji Ali Dargah and offer prayers. Similarly, the Hindu women can go inside a temple and pray the Almighty along with men.

      Now, the world women organizations are extending this to Mecca and Madina and other Christian Institutions also where Women are shown discrimination against men. The whole world is recognizing the importance of women and learning to treat women with respect and honor.

    • No change my friend no woman is free on earth just they are doing something for bread and butter. What women makeup show to attract men and nothing else. They all women are in search of good men and men are in search of good women.

      The basic position of woman is the same. to live for man and her issues and nothing else. Sometimes think in lone you will find the reality of woman.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Importance of Computer in Modern Age 7 years, 10 months ago

    Modern age is entirely different than ancient age and the main difference is of computer invention that has changed man’s mind set up and thinking set up entirely, a huge revolution in man’s thinking pattern. Whe […]

    • Computer and technology is a thing which cant avoid in our life…but there are more bad incident occurs too….so people need to take inisiatif of it and need to follw the important and good things only…just throw and ignore the bad news and browsers

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, College Pleasures Old Age Treasures 7 years, 10 months ago

    Man’s life is full of pleasures since his creation but in the childhood the child cannot understand what is pleasure due to be green in education but when he crosses childhood and reaches in the middle I mean in t […]

    • Agree with you. College life is full of memories The memories associated with college life are sweet and give pleasure whenever we think of them.

      But, it is here we learn many things. We educate outselves from the society, from sharing both happiness and sorrow. We learn from our friends. We value the value of our life and the life spent during our School days and move forward with a clear idea and determination. This is the place which gives you a clear direction. It does not mean that everybody will get this direction. But, most of the people will have a clear idea as to what is life, what is future, what is waiting for us in the future.

      We select our freinds Move with them and prefer to remain with them than with others whom we do not like or hesitate to move with.

      It is this movement that gives you a clear direction. When the college life fast approaches an end we think and discuss with our friends what we want to be and what others want to be after the studies. We choose and select and strive hard.

      Somebody make way smoothly, some with hard work and after many efforts, and some finally may not

      But, one day or other and on one occasion or other when we all meet we forget our position and start recollecting our golden days we had in our college days.

      After studying the entire situation I have planned an event called ‘OLD STUDENTS MEET OF 1974 batch”. All students in the college belonging the batch of 1974 who studied in the college will assemble and enjoy the meetingl. We have decided to honor our lecturers and our childhood teachers also who taught us with a devotion to the duty.
      I entrusted the work of collection of mobile numbers. About 200 numbes have been collected. I informed them all and informed the lecturers and teachers also about the date . Arranged a good function in the college itself and honored them. The event was quite successful.

      Our teachers and lecturers enjoyed it a lot Some of them were officers in the Govt, some were businessmen, some were politicians, some were professional photographers, and some were NRIs We all assembled and exchanged our numbers and discussed about arranging such meetings in the future also and DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR THE COLLEGE WE HAD STUDIED.
      It was the greatest pleasure in our life.

    • There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. Read more at:

      The mind is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in schemes of future felicity… The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.

      The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.

    • Yes it’s true. college life is the best as one could say. My college days are in fact unforgettable and
      those days are one of the happy days in my life. Every student has
      those days in their life’s as well.I enjoyed myself a lot
      with the extracurricular activities in school . I have learned a lot from my friends, from my classmates, and from my professors. Each time i was wrong they corrected me. They
      used to be very friendly with us. Not all are friendly, their will always be some who dislikes me, but thats a part of it. We used to have
      competitions.No matter whether we win the competition or
      not, but they used to tell us participation is very
      important. They were very supportive and encouraged us in
      all things to grow up in our life’s. We used to crack jokes
      on others. We used to comment on others. We used to bunk the
      class. we used to jump the walls for second show movies. If
      we caught by sir’s we led to punish. In fact I experienced.
      So, college life is so beautiful, no body can forget those
      days in their life’s and those days will never be back again.

    • I am so glad that I got around collecting my classmates after years we left school. We were 33 but got around 14 of them. And this has continued. We keep having get together at different places. It is fun to reminisce.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Adult Education Essential for Modern Men and Women 7 years, 10 months ago

    If we ponder over the nature of education I think education is an heavenly light that brings men of out of the darkness of illiteracy. All types of crimes in all societies are due to lack of education and nothing […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Modern Education Versus Ancient Education 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I compare ancient education with modern education I wonder looking at the main difference that ancient education was full of aims and objects but modern education is aimless education without aims and […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, An Earthly Woman Deceives the Merman on Earth 7 years, 10 months ago

    I wonder that everybody has read in poems, and prose, in fiction and plays that woman is faithless and her love is unreliable but in practical life I have also seen men also prove faithless to women and all call […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Love and Elopement Walk Side by Side in Life 7 years, 10 months ago

    Love is an essential part of human nature because when woman was created by God made it with tender hands and her breast made full of love for man and children on earth. Without love man and woman both are useless […]

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