• Profile picture of neeru sharma

    neeru sharma posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    life is not bed of roses it seems true sometimes when we are doing hardships and getting tired of it and even then we are still doing hard to earn for living.

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    neeru sharma joined the group Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Alas! The Kashmir Issue Still Unsolved 7 years, 10 months ago

    Kashmir has a disputed area since the creation of Pakistan and Hindustan a. Many efforts have made to resolve this burning issue but all joints efforts failed to lack of understanding between the two countries […]

    • Kashmir had become an integral part of India and with acceding to the sensitivity of the rulers and the population there. It was also given a special status under the Indian which no other state enjoys today Kashmir has unfortunately become a land of trouble makers and stone throwers. After so much of development being done the people there do not seem to value it and there are trouble makers who are hell bent on formenting trouble at the least possible instance to keep the pot boiling. Payments for these activities are made from foreign soil. If someone is going to come and tell a country that we have to break a part of your land no self respecting nation or its forces will keep quite. The genocide which was done during partition and the one in which many many Hindus were killed are easily forgetten when we speak of human rights the rights of everyone matter and no one can take upon himself the licence to kill with AK 47 rifles grenades and other weapons which are meant only for armies of the world. It is not a million dollar question as to where these things come into their hands and who gives them training and tutors them. If trouble is fomented and the country interests are diluted no self respecting nation will keep quiet. A motley group of individuals cannot take the nation at ransom anywhere in the world leave alone in India. This is a fact.

    • Have not heard anything about this in US news reports. But I don’t get cable TV. However, it’s not like we (we meaning “USA”) are not aware of this dispute. But Kashmir is just not on our “priority” radar. We have terrorists, undocumented immigrants, and a potential influx of war refugees to keep us occupied. Not to mention we have a President Elect who will be inaugurated January 20, 2017 and some of US are not really looking forward to the next 4 to 8 years. We don’t know what the impact of the decisions and actions of the new political administration will bring or “cause”. We’re bracing ourselves.

      The Kashmir dispute is actually a problem that should be solved by you (you meaning “India, Kashmir and Pakistan”). When your neighbors are fighting, you don’t always go stick your nose in their business, even though you can hear them yelling and screaming.

      If you’re fighting with a country bigger than you, you need to make an ally and/or bring the matter to the attention of an international community that addresses such matters like the United Nations. That’s how it works with other nations. However, the people of Kashmir can not and should not wait and hope for “outside help” to deliver them. They need to take a stand and promote their own defense. Don’t know how they are going to do that. But it has been an awfully long time. Surely they are not waiting for some other country to come to their rescue. If an “outsider” country steps in to settle the matter, the Kashmiri people might find themselves taken over by an enemy worse than India. Some folks who say they’re here to help, what they really mean that they’re here to help themselves.

      I know it’s not worth anything and the problem remains unsolved. But that’s “my two cents”.

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Taurean Health and Diets for Men and Women 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen most of the men and women suffering from the diseases of throat and neck if such persons are found by you know that they are Taurean. Those who study astrology in depth know that medicine and astrology […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Arians’ Health and Diet for Men and Women 7 years, 10 months ago

    Astrology, health and diet all these three elements are part and parcels on earth but a very few people know this secret because most of the people do not believe in astrology because illiterate people have […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Population Explosion all Over the World 7 years, 10 months ago

    Population explosion is curse on earth because it is an unnatural increase of population on earth without aims and objects. Owing to science and technology children mortality rate has decreased that is why […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Child Labor: A Curse on Earth 7 years, 10 months ago

    Child labor is a curse on earth and it means to employ the children for manual job and thus they cannot get education for their better future and thus in the country spreads poverty and unemployment all over the […]

    • Child labor is prevalent in countries all over the world where there is economic disparity and huge socioeconomic disparities caused between the haves and have not’s. The financial problems in the house force the children to go to work after their schooling is stopped as parents are unable to afford school fees and they need more hands to earn money. This puts them in this pathetic situation out of which they can never come out. Thus a their whole is life is wasted which could have been lived better and they would have grownup into educated individuals taking part in nation building activities. This child labor forces a whole generation to lag behind and income disparities to rise which does not do any good to the nation where such a thing is happening. Laws have been framed but not implemented in a successful way. The result is there for all of to see. Governments and social organisations have to do a lot when it comes to implementation to see that child labor is banished from the face of the earth.

    • who will come forward to save the child. No one as they work to survive because their parents cant’ do work and don’t they want to work. child labour is cost very low to the owners.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Unemployment in Most of the Countries 7 years, 10 months ago

    Unemployment is a major problem all over the world and in most of the countries as in Pakistan, India but in the under devilment countries this problem is sever as in Pakistan and Hindustan and other poor […]

    • While I agree with most of the problems addressed by you in the article. It is better we the common people find a way to solve the issue on our own the best way to generate wealth is to do something which is in our own hands and big decisions can be taken only by big ticket politicians. Unfortunately majority of these political characters come to warm the chair and would not want to leave their seat of power. Unless he thinks about the country and its people. Even if would want to, the people who would have brought him to power would not want him to take harsh measures as it effects them. The leader has to be very strong and people have to rally behind him. Individuals who have specific skill sets should be doing activity in which income is generated. When wealth is generated, it leads to enterprise and slow growth of enterprises into larger units over a period of time. Change does take place but it has to be hastened by individuals who love their country and its people.

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    jhsayyar started the topic Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International Silent in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have read in the newspaper and watched on Utube increasing road and home violence and little children are being punished by the Indian armies but Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International both are silent on the violence of Kashmir. I wonder why these two organizations do not talk about the violation of human rights all over the world.

    I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Georgeta Popoiu

    Georgeta Popoiu joined the group Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Georgeta Popoiu joined the group Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar started the topic Increasing Domestic Violence in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Ihave seen in most of the countries domestic violence is increasing day by day and the government is not taking any step due to personal benefits. I have read in India and Pakistan occurs many incidents of domestic violence due to trivial matters. Husband beat their women without cause or on the ground of doubt or blameless charge.

    In villages…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Pollution, Birds, Beasts and Men 7 years, 10 months ago

    The elements that affect men’s health, animals’ health, birds’ and beasts’ health is called pollution in modern term. Pollution generally spreads from waste materials openly in cities and villages. Polluti […]

    • An interesting article covering all aspect of the problem created by humans over a long period of time. While knowledge is good, half knowledge is dangerous this saying is aptly applicable to the above article as things have been done by trial and error and we are seeing the results of the devastation of planet earth and to its living systems and organisms. But all the governments of the world especially the developed ones do not want to share the technology and put a price on it. One more interesting thing is the way countries like Norway and a few more get tonnes of garbage to their country and make money out of the recycling technology. If this technology is given to third world and developing countries we would be staying in a better, cleaner and healthier world. Hope good sense prevails and technology transfer takes place.

    • interesting and valid points raised in both the article and the above comment response. More and more countries are coming to the realization that pollution and climate change are real and if not addressed can and will cause calamity all over. And slowly but slowly this can be seen all over the world both in the developed and undeveloped countries. Flooding caused by blocked drains, gullies and ill constructed road. Tsunamis and tidal waves, hurricanes and monsoons out of season and more dangerous than ever been seen. intense snow and now in areas where snow previously did not fall. Government alone cannot do it. It is also up to local citizens to do there part, from disposing of their garbage properly to keeping areas clean. we are all meant to be stewards of the earth. not just one group of people.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Tale of Winter’s Tale: A Critical Analysis 7 years, 10 months ago

    The King of Sicily Leontes and his queen lived in Sicily happily. Leontes loved a lady named Polixenes, a beautiful and talented lady the daughter of the king of Bohemia. She was the class fellow of the king of […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Astrology Reveals the Secret of Sleep Patterns 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sleep is a mystery on earth for me that there are three groups that study sleep the scientists, the group of neuroscientists and the group of astrologers. These three group study sleep is a natural habit of […]

    • This article made an interesting as in India astrology is used in all aspects of life. I have even seen people investing in real estate, doing a business deal or in the stock market etc., Our life is itself dependent on planetary rythms based on activities which take place get set in a motion of continuous flow. So too sleep is to be linked to astrology. But many people who call themselves rationalists or scientific thinkers disagree with concept of astrology. I do think astrology works as I have done a study and have seen that in many cases what was written about my personality has turned out to be true. There are different forms of astrology which I observed like solar, lunar, vedic, tarot cards, chinese and a few others. Interestingly many of them gave the same prediction. It is also math and if a mistake in calculation is done then the prediction will also go wrong. A very good topic and article on which more research needs to be done by those interested.

    • Yes, my dear friend astrology and spoken language both are the positive sides of math. Astrology covers all aspects of life birth to death in between all aspects carefully.

      In stock market always buy the things when the moons disappears and sell them when the moon is new price will go up. My friend is the master of stock market prediction, Sajid Abbas.

      To be master of stock market you must read the books of WD Gann’s books you will earn more than you can think.

    • I find it amazing when you said only humans sleep and other animal only dose or nap. What about those who go into hibernation? Are they not sleeping?
      Right now I am having a hard time with sleep because of the change in seasonal time. As the nights are longer now I awake two to three time before daylight comes.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Planets, Signs and the Root Cause of Diseases 7 years, 10 months ago

    Medicines are made according to astrology and China, India Egypt knew these secret thousands of years before while Europe did not know about it how to make medicines. The European countries came to know the secret […]

    • Interesting. Never heard the astrological signs explained in this manner. In fact, did not even know anybody had ever connected them to the human body and illnesses. (O.o)

      • Yes, a few people know it what I describe. I will disclose all secret of astrology unknown to men still. It is a royal art and known to wise men on earth since its creation.

        We must keep in mind astrology rules everything on earth and in heaven.

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    jhsayyar started the topic We Forget Death in Practical Liofe in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Last night Juneid Jamshed dies in a plane ( May Allah rest his soul in heaven) crash due to report technical fault but Hod better knows. When someone dies we remember God and death just one or two day and the third day we fall in our in our daily activities and forget death is unimaginable.

    I think human beings’ behavioral to death is not right…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Planetary Influences on the Health of Earthly Men 7 years, 10 months ago

    Man is a mixture of three things: earth, spirit and soul. Man’s body is made of earth and all earthly elements, man’s spirit comes from the planets and man’s soul is the decree of God.
    Where Stays Man’s Soul
    M […]

    • wow this is a great and informative article. Of lately I have been coming in contact more and more with information on astrology and cosmology. The information is so breath taking and to be honest I can make the relation. It proves that everything that has been created is interconnected and interdependent. We are all connected to each other, humans and non humans.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Dementia (Memory Loss) Causes and Easy Solution 7 years, 10 months ago

    Dementia is a name of memory loss along with thinking problem and change in behavior and mood. When some parts of human brain leaves functioning causes dementia or memory loss after sixties but it is not for all […]

    • This article details all the aspects of people who are suffering from dementia which is one of the mind related disorders which most get as ageing takes place and the human body slowly begins to stop providing the essential nutrients which it used to do so when we were younger and had a good health. As age comes thing slowly start going on a downward spiral which affects the whole family the patient and all the others. Especially if the patient happens to be a working member of the family and the sole bread earner in the family. This generally happens mostly in underdeveloped and developing nations. Proper facility is not there in rural areas and the doctor patient ratio is very high. We have few doctors for many patients. A important topic and a well written article.

      • Memory loss is nothing but the deficiency if calcium and phosphorus in human body but most of the people do not pay any attention to it. I say emphatically I anyone takes one egg and one glass of milk in the breakfast he mat not fall prey to dementia in the later age. I am searching more causes of diseases and its root cause through astrology.

        The medicines that I have recommended for dementia is accurate I am professional medical astrologer on Fiverr.com.

    • I have a little concern when you say that people who suffer from dementia should take water with a lot of salt. Now i have a question what if th3 person who is suffering from dimentia has high pretension is it still advisable to take lots of salt? Because I remember my aunty had dimentiabta some point she could not remember stuff and keeping direction was also a problem for her, and she also used to suffer from high pertension so salt was not included in her diet. Your tips are good but am just thinking maybe some things need to be reviewed before someone can embark on them.

    • I came in contact with someone who was said to have dementia. She recently turned 90 years old. She is very good at remember events of the distant past but memory of the near past she could not remember. Also she kept asking the same questions over and over. It was annoying for many of the people whom she is living with. Nevertheless she is a wonderful human being and great singer. She has nurses taking care of her also.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Power of Press all Over the World 7 years, 10 months ago

    When we discuss the power of press in any state, three images float on our mind screen: television, press and internet, it is called mass media in modern language. Radio has a little role in human life, internet […]

    • If you are aware of corruption and you have just spoken openly about it, you don’t think that’s “power” too? Or do you think that your “voice” is one that people will ignore, therefore the BIG Press should step up to the plate and shout it out? People do have legitimate complaints about the media. But I would rather have the press, the television, the Internet, the radio, etc., than not have them. Also, thanks for the invention of mobile phones with webcams that can upload and circulate pictures of events as they happen! Such tools and resources all have societal impact. People may think they can keep their misdeeds in the dark or hidden, but “what’s done in the dark, eventually comes to the light”. Good post! 🙂

    • To make the point even stronger; a woman who was once the American Ambassador to Yemen was on the BBC today. She said that she did not know how bad the situation was, nor was it broadcast in America.

      The moderator with some shock asked how was that?

      She said that the Press was busy with the elections, the results and all sorts of internal things, so Yemen wasn’t important.

      So people are dying of starvation in Yemen, and most Americans don’t even know there is a war going on there.

    • If you want to be heard you could use the press but are you willing to face the brickbats that follow?

    • No doubt press is the most important weapon in deciding the fate of a Nation. It reflects the opinion of the people on various topics and the development activities of a Nation.
      At the same time, it has become a conduit for the immoral people to make false allegations, false propaganda.

      During the elections, the Press is virtually taking sides and making every effort to see its candidate winning the election following the policy of quid-pro-quo. In such situation, the very sanctity of the press is becoming questionable. The value of an Editorial is almost degraded and lost its value. No Editor is a saint or happened to be a Mr. clean in this aspect.

      The blackmailing is rampant in the Press After the year 1983 this has got its foundation laid. This went on increasing.

      Blackmailing is more prevalent among the local reporters of the press. Everything they collect and sell away for a handsome amount or for any favor. Sometimes, they even approach the Administrative Department with their identity card and threaten the officials seeking favors.

      It is just because people who do not possess any basic educational qualifications and devoid of ethical values are being engaged as reporters. They simply carry a mike along with a videographer soon after completion of their 12th standard Sometimes even unemployed Professionals are choosing it as a good method of earning money

      I have seen personally a person who was running a Canteen taking loan from a bank. Whenever I was going I was inquiring about his business and other information relating to his studies. One day he closed his canteen. I inquired about him Finally, I could get him near a temple and inquired about his activities.

      What he informed me was that he opted to become a reporter to a local newspaper. I never heard the name of such newspaper. He was shooting something . Another person who was talking on behalf of the paper before the videographer was a 10th drop-out. If this is the situation how can we expect quality and genuine news?

      It would be better not to speak of their political leanings.

    • Press are exactly a powerful tool to spread what is happening around us. But eventually, press nowadays, not all but some are being used by other people for the sake of their own interest.
      Thanks to social medias that are being used today, that those press who are creating unfactual news will be ignored. Because any concerned people can spread the real happenings around us.
      Some or Most people today can discern a factual or unfactual information no matter how good the press articulate their articles and news.

    • Press in many democratic parts of the world have become very powerful opinion makers and they can make or mar the careers of politicians, companies, industrial houses the high and mighty and even play a role in effecting changes in the countries political course. It is the fourth pillar of the democracy also called the fourth estate. Now a days we find a new trend of agressive anchors in television broadcast who try to mould opinions in a particular direction. Generally internet also plays a devious role by with holding content or releasing the data according to vested interests. Especially in corporate, business and political news such things tend to happen. There should be a strong independent body or regulator which keeps a check on the rotten eggs in the information and broadcasting industry so that news is factual neutral, fair and unbiased.

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