Author Posts

May 25, 2016 at 9:13 pm

Dear All,

As you know that we have recently revised our reward system in the favor of all members so that they get a better chance to earn more on literacybase.

In addition to the above, we would now be looking for quality articles with below pointers.

1. The post should focus on SEO.

2. The post should be of use for others. For example, two post of same length, the first one talks about        your dog and the second one describes how to train a dog, then the first one will be getting less point as compared to the second one.

3. Select a hot and current topic and write on that on your own words (Optional)

4. Write on the topic that attracts the reader.

5. Post must contain a feature picture.

6. Try to use proper English language and grammar.

7. Try to put extra images.

Happy Earning

May 25, 2016 at 10:05 pm

Thanks for giving us the tips @support!

May 25, 2016 at 10:06 pm

1.Not all know SEO, so if this is a rule, does it mean that non-SEO articles will get disapproved?

2. What if I post a high tech stuff nobody in here understands, do I get a bucket?

3. Hot and current means news?

4. I know what attracts me, how should I know what attract others, horoscopes and lady products maybe , tv and magazines flourish on these?

5. Does a featured image has to have anything with a content or a random extravaganza is enough? Should we use an image of a certain width and height?

6. I am currently polishing my crippled writing skills. I was damaged with the action movies and pc games as a child so I am not  convinced that I can deliver content in proper English.

7. Does an extra image means higher pay, because if it doesn’t I don’t see what’s your point.

Please advise.

May 25, 2016 at 11:36 pm

How does one decide “the post should be of use to others?”  To me, I relate more to a person who is talking about their pet..because I have a pet of my own and I can relate to that person.

May 26, 2016 at 2:03 am

@4cryingoutloud Think about it from an SEO point of view. Would you be likely to do a Google search for something like “my dog,” “my best friend,” or “my puppy Fido”? Or would you be more likely to search for specifics like “how to stop a puppy from biting,” “health concerns for (breed name) dogs,” or something similar?

It’s great to write about experiences with your own dog, but a post like that will fare better if it’s within the context of a specific topic like the dog breed, training the dog, dog health, etc. This way, you’d be covering both bases 😀


@rapidblue We’ve asked about image sizes before and been told that for the featured image, the staff recommends 1200 px x 600 px – but these images are cropped around the center when they display on some pages on the site. So it’s best if the important part of your image is near the middle of that 1200-pixel width. See my post on social sharing as an example of a featured image that crops well and displays nicely in the full size too.

For the additional images, we are told to make them 750 px x 750 px. But when we upload, the system automatically forces these images to 150 px x 150 px. If you allow it to upload with this constraint, it changes the size permanently so it becomes blurry if you try to fix the resolution before submitting the post. There is also a really annoying warning about reaching the maximum for image uploads – which shows up even if you’ve only added just the one featured image. It’s very off putting, and I’m sure it discourages people from adding more pictures.

@support This is an issue that needs to be resolved if you want to encourage users to add more than one image to the post. The piddling little size of a 150×150 px image is too small to add much value to a post.

Also, for those who are wanting to promote posts on Pinterest, the recommended size is 736 px x 1102 px. If we can fit a 750 px width, surely we can add images that will work on Pinterest? And images that are wider than they are tall, in order that they’ll be picked up when people share to Google+, Twitter, and Facebook? I would love nothing more than to add a featured image, a Pinterest image, and one horizontal image that will get picked up on the other social media sites. If they would all display properly, I would do this on LiteracyBase the same as I do on other sites and on my own blogs.

I personally see no value at all in adding a square image, especially if it’s going to end up the size of a thumbnail when I upload it to the site. I take as much time in preparing my graphics as I do in writing my content. I’d like to see those graphics displaying properly on LB and not being resized or cropped awkwardly. As a writer, it reflects badly on me when my images look cheap – whether on my posts themselves or when people share my links on social media.

This is why I have stopped adding other images to my posts. Rant over. I hope we can get this fixed so people’s images will truly add value to the posts we publish here.

May 26, 2016 at 2:09 am

Before I forget, I also wanted to mention to @admin and @support that some images on posts here on the site are in violation of copyrights. It’s not hard to find out who owns the copyright of a photo, even if the author of the post hasn’t supplied a source. I would highly recommend that this site publish a proper image use policy to guide the members in how to select and give credit for images that do not belong to them. Both the author and the site risk legal ramifications, if ever a copyright owner were to track down a post that displays an image that violates international copyright law.

I would suggest that the submit form be edited to add fields for image attribution, source, and licensing terms (public domain or CC0, CC BY-SA, etc.) Not many of the users here know how to write proper image credits, but it’s pretty easy to just plug such information into a form when uploading.

May 26, 2016 at 2:14 am

@ruby3881, since I don’t know how a SEO thinks, I’ll just continue writing about what I personally know and my opinions.

May 26, 2016 at 3:28 am

@4cryingoutloud You’d be surprised to learn how much your own thinking will probably match with what the search engines are looking for! Mostly, if you’d search for something on Google, others will too 🙂

May 26, 2016 at 6:12 am

There are experts and professionals who write researched articles which are available on the Net.  Writing sites such as this rarely have experts and professional to cover any topic.  At the same time we are encouraged to write here through your following message

“LiteracyBase is not just a blogging website but it is an organization that provides a platform for all those who canwriteCommentShareDiscuss and socialize. Whether you are a freelance writer, housewife, student, jobless or working anywhere but can contribute some of your precious time to us and get rewarded for your efforts.”

How do we understand the above message?



May 26, 2016 at 6:19 am

So, in other words, I have to put in words that are frequently searched by readers around the internet, is it?

Then should I just put my title of the post in google search and see what words are highly searched there?

I really have no idea what are seo keywords either.

But according to @admin, it seems that daily rant posts aren’t going to fetch good earnings.

Instead, tips and tricks, how to posts would be a better choice, is it?


May 26, 2016 at 8:37 am


You can still write whatever you want to. These tips will help you earn more. SEO is not something very difficult. Just think from a search engine point of view. If these tips are not followed, its OK for us, we are going to approve your post. Hot and current can be anything, but that is just a suggestion. We are again stating that you can write whatever you want and that will be approved.

For images size, we are still working on it and will update soon. Till then, at least have a feature picture on each articles. And yes I agree that you should give image credit to the source from where the picture is been taken. We will write an article on this, or may be one of you can write an article / post that will help others.

We are now expecting from you all as together we will be successful.

May 26, 2016 at 9:15 am

Hi support,

You have stated “As you know that we have recently revised our reward system in the favor of all members so that they get a better chance to earn more on literacybase.”

May I know the details of that “revised reward system”. Simply stating that you have revised the rewards system is not enough and may not motivate enough people to share their knowledge and information with the world. You should come out in the open and be transparent.

That is the need of the hour and that one will only give us more impetus and incentive to write and share our knowledge with the world.

May 26, 2016 at 12:32 pm

There are many hot and current topics for this year.

The US election is definitely a hot and current topic.  I think the searches for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton top the chart for many weeks.

The coming Olympics game is another hot and current topic!

May 26, 2016 at 12:48 pm

@Rajaraman K  I think it’s now 0.15  for 300 words post and about 22 cents for a post between 500-700 points. I mostly write posts in 300-350 words and i have been earning .15 after the rate revision.

@scheng1  I agree! There are so many hot and current topics though they may vary from country to country. Like in my country, the current hot and trending topics are ‘International Yoga Day’ and ‘Supreme Court Verdict on Medical entrance examinations’.


May 26, 2016 at 1:09 pm

@ shaloo walia I think the one about Supreme court verdict on Medical entrance examination will get in tons of views.

I think you can write a short one on that with your opinion on the verdict.

Some of the strategies that bloggers used include to add in words that incite arguments, and the comments add up to a 100 or more.