Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Techniques and Analysis / Econometric in Research

In this course you are going to learn quantitative techniques and analysis used in Research writing. All theoretical explanation is supported by practical implementation and investigation with the help of SPSS and EViews. Therefore, in order for better understanding this course, you need to install SPSS 17.0 and EViews 6.

How to Write a Winning Amazon Product Review

Product review refers to a written statement by the user or buyer about a specific product indicating the advantages and… Read More

6 years ago

This Is The Definition Of Your Soulmate, Based On Your Birth Month.

JANUARY Someone who can keep up with you and meet you at your level. You’re hardworking, ambitious, and very passionate… Read More

6 years ago

Business Administration Marketing Analysis for Sales and Promotions in Volume

Are you in need of content writer for thesis? Types of Sales Promotions Many types of sales promotions can induce… Read More

7 years ago

Kailash Satyarthi – the noble man who won the Nobel Prize

Amidst the depressing news of the cyclone Hudhud causing unparalleled damage in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Pakistan army… Read More

7 years ago

Fire and ice book and leaving time

fire and ice book, and book of leaving time Anyone love to read a book that surprise you with every… Read More

7 years ago

Four Perfect Bodies: Animals, Plants, Metals and Stones

There are four perfect bodies on earth that are made of four elements: air water fire and earth all elements… Read More

8 years ago

The Wonders of Four Elements on Earth and in Heaven

I have studied most of the books of natural philosophies but the whole books reveal that in heaven and on… Read More

8 years ago

How Angels Work on Earth for Human Beings

I used to think in my child about the structure of the whole universe, earth, heaven and hell and what… Read More

8 years ago

Parametric vs nonparametric data in econometrics

  Data The set of observations that reflect certain characteristics are known as Data. There are two types of data… Read More

8 years ago

Hurry up! Else it is a problem – content marketing

Content Marketing Hello Everyone! This article is about content marketing. You created content and want to market it. What should… Read More

8 years ago