Entertainment & Music

Just ….Blog

Blogging has been part of my life since year 2006. I learned how to express my thoughts from blogging from my Mylot friends. As I started my Mylot days, I was starting my Independent Blog at Blogger.com. I even had my Adsense way back but I never experienced getting paid from it, until that Blog no longer exists because I can’t log in and Google failed to give me a reset link.

While it was happening, I met Bubblews and it became my first revenue sharing, a site that pays you from Blogging. I earned a lot from that site until it broke my heart. It broke my heart but not my love for writing. Good thing just last year I learned Blogjob and now I am still blogging. Blogjob suspends the rewards but LiteracyBase is still a great avenue for me to share my thoughts, help people and learn from people around me. This site still allows me to earn from Blogging and I am happy about that.

Recently, I am losing myself to blog. I can’t start a blog. Sometimes I start it, but I can’t finish it. I lost the thrilling feeling that every day I will able to share something about me and something about the world that makes someone happy or scared, and it means a very worthwhile experience to both of us. I am missing it, I know, but I am not doing about it. Today, I am breaking the barriers of writer’s block, because I am going to blog.

That is the only way to bring back the stamina in blogging. Every writer has this kind of illness that when they stop writing, it is really hard to come back. I tried a lot of times but I can’t push myself. Everything I am reading does not inspire me. I thought I needed Blogjob to come back to have me blogging again. This is what I did.

Since I am missing the site, I went to the site. I open one of my blog sites and used the WordPress draft to blog. I started blogging. I started putting words on my blog. I am not promising myself if I will able to finish it, I just continue typing. After a while, it went to 300+ words and now I am pretty sure I will be ending this blog.

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Now I realized that I am really missing the old me on Blogjob and for that matter, I used the draft page to blog just like blogging at Blogjob but I will post this at LiteracyBase. Oh Come on, but yes, I will be posting this on LiteracyBase. I finally breaking the barrier of not able to blog to start blogging, because the only way to blog again, is to blog again.

They will say, JUST BLOG if you do have the kind of feeling you have when you are blogging before. If you find yourself have rested for quite a while, then blogging again will get you to the feeling of blogging again. You will remember the feeling and you will have that feeling again. You are a writer, you just rested. If you just allow yourself to continue writing, then you are writing again. It is always a good choice to write. Now you are writing again.

Photo from Pixabay

  • Grecy Garcia

    View Comments

    • It seems we follow each other!! lol I think writing is like riding a bike. Some times we quit writing for one reason or another and then we find a new site and decide to write again. Writing is something that you just don't forget!! Even though we might have been burned by a site, we continue on with another site, hoping this site will last.

    • I would adapt this oft-quoted phrase: once a blogger is always a blogger. This means once you have already started and have temporarily become inactive, there is still a chance that you can do it again. And this is what you have experienced right now.

      You know what hinders you from doing it is the feeling of reservation or procrastination or whatever it is. It depends on in your attitude. Anyway, when you have already been there, you will be missing it and you will compel yourself to bet here once again.

    • This is a revived blog and I see you have revived too as I have seen many of your interesting blogs after you posted this. (lol)

    • I think writing is the best hobby for me because I am always full of ideas the main reason of it that I am Capricorn and such person remain always full of ides but earn less they are born for creation not for earning on earth.

      Daily writing is one of the best ways to build students writing -- and reading -- skills. Setting aside 5 minutes for a daily writing exercise is an excellent way to ensure that students will get writing practice each and every day. Each student might have a 5-Minute Writing" notebook that is used for just this purpose.

      For the first couple days of 5-Minute Writing," you might extend the 5-minute timeline by a minute or two. After those first couple days, however, invite students to share what they have learned about time management." Perhaps students will share helpful tips such as thinking and jotting notes for the first minute, gathering thoughts during minute 2, and using the last 3 minutes to put those thoughts into writing.

      Maybe some others find it better to jump right into the writing and use the last minute to proofread. Having a discussion about this can provide pointers and time management" ideas from which all students can learn. From time to time, you might have additional discussions about what students have learned about the writing process from the daily 5-Minute Writing activity.

      It is my routine in the class and for the students who come to teach me English at home You might check students 5-Minute Writing books from time to time. Write encouraging or constructive notes about their efforts.

      Yes, writing is easy if you have read many good books on different topics. You will create new ideas for self and others I means LB blog writers.

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