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Writer’s block? There is hope.

                      Time waits for no one.


Writing! It can be fun. For some, it’s a way to release your pent-up emotions. Others just, plainly, enjoy it. Whatever your reason for writing, it can be a grand experience if you have a load of stories to share. Sites like this one can pay you for writing whatever comes to mind.

I have written for different sites and I remembered when I first started writing. I decided to share some of my personal stories, then I proceeded to write about my favorite movies and classic TV shows. Since I am a Preacher, I would include some sermons. It was nice and it paid me a check, once in a while, not enough to make me rich but I was satisfied. As I started to get myself familiar with this art, I found a good tool that was helpful.  SEO! (Search Engine Optimization) A good study on SEO words can help the new person on the block. Doing a search on key words can help bring about the desired public to your site.  Social media can,also, be a big help. Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter have helped me boost my reading public.

Using Facebook and Twitter

One thing to do is seek to increase your following with Facebook. If you do not have a Facebook account, you should if you are a writer. Registering for an account is easy. The next step is to build your site with people you know. Sit down for a while and think of your social circle–Old friends, lost family members,etc. As you add those to your circle, it will build up. This process can increase your reading public. Also, Creating a free personal page is another way to get your following. Say you like Cars, you might build a page on Cars and invite people to like your page.  Using hashtags (#)on a particular subject would help bring some people who may be interested in whatever you have to present from your site.

For example, You decide to use this site to write about cars.  The subject of Oldsmobile is what inspires you.  You type and finish your story.  Afterwards, you go to Facebook, post it on your wall. Next, hopefully, you have created a Facebook page and post it as well. Over the post, you write #Oldsmobile. Now, when someone makes a search on that subject through Facebook,  they will find you and, most likely, they will click a like. Also, you might invite some of your friends and family to like your page. You will be surprised at how it can build a following. It, also, helps to share some articles that you might find in Facebook and do the hashtag over it. Take some time and get familiar with how the hashtag works because it is a good helpful tool. This same, principle, also works for Twitter.

When you use Twitter, a good rule of thumb is to shorten the link. Going to the website (Provided below) is a great way to do it. They, also, help keep track of your Twitter tweaks through the site.  When you go to Twitter and post your tweak, Put the hashtag(#)–subject–and short link and that will help you speed up the process.  Try to post your Twitter tweak around 4 pm because that is the time that most people will read their Twitter post. Also, posting it doing the different times of the day or night is helpful. The more you tweak, the more views you can get. These simple steps  has helped me to get some views in the past concerning Twitter.

Getting Writer’s block.

What do you do when the excitement is gone and you run out of things to say? My suggestion is to go to any news site such as CNN, FOX and see what is trending on subjects of Politics, Technology, Health, etc. Knowing what is trending will put you at an advantage and when you use your  SEO and hashmarks, it can help bring more of the public to your site. Take a subject that you have a passion and interest in. Doing that will boost a “second-wind” in your writing. Soon, you are ready to go with new energy. Trending puts you on the edge of things because now you have an advantage to catch people’s eyes on subjects that interest them. Facebook and Twitter, also, have trending patterns that will help create new ideas in what to write.

Summing up

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Writing can be competitive and a tough field to get into. Some writers make a living out of writing. While this is great, it is good to write for the fun and pleasure of it. Using tools like SEO and hashtags is a plus. Also, try registering for as much social media as possible. It will help you even further. Other than Facebook, Google and Linkedin among others are a good way to expand your horizons. On writer’s block, there is an answer to that too. Doing some reading on the side concerning a subject that interest you can help avoid writer’s block, giving you fresh materials to write about. It’s a good rule of thumb to look at trending patterns and watch what is popular among the public on a subject you like. Hopefully, these tips will help the new writer and improve his reading base. Feel free to take advantage of these links below for some helpful information on writing.










  • Caleb

    View Comments

    • I agree that we need to explore for the available resources and to write something about it. The sad part, I don't have enough time to do some writings. I can only write in between my online classes.But then, I am still grateful to work in LB and have extra cash. My course of action is to put into my notepad and write something about it.

    • yes. Really a very useful Article. I actually passed through all these phases of writing. I actually worked hard and now after a continuous work of 1 1/2 years, I found it very good hobby as well as a tool to earn though not meant for great savings, it is sufficient to pay the monthly bills of Electricity, Water, and other expenditure.
      As far as SEO is concerned, I am still a small kid here. Of course, it is a herculean task. The interesting thing the blog talked about is about facebook and Twitter which many people do not understand in the beginning. I too could not understand it well, in the beginning, The most difficult position a writer will face is when his all ideas are put on paper and there are no more to pen as new. Here, the writer's block will come to his help. He should search and see the trending. It gives him new ideas and keeps him again on the track.
      The writers should make the best use of this art and the technique to come out successfully

    • Much as I don't have so much time to research on what I have to say or to substantiate with facts what I am talking about I just usually write about my experiences in life. At least, the thoughts would flow naturally from my brain.

      And when I ran out of what to write, I read other posts, just interact and from there would get other ideas to write.

      Besides, I am just an amateur writer. Even if I share it on FB, my friends aren't interested because they all have their own fulltime jobs and aren't interested in writing like me.

    • Thank you for all your responses and views. I am glad that I helped, somewhat, with your writing needs. Writing can be a challenge. My experience has been to stay and write. Sometimes, it can be rewarding especially when you help others. The nice thing is the paycheck for your labor. That is what makes it worthwhile. Thanks again for your wonderful inputs.

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