I have never heard of the ketogenic diet. But I am certain there are many illnesses we suffer in America that could have been prevented had our diet been different.
It means as progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the commonest cause of premature senility.
Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. In most people with Alzheimer’s, symptoms first appear in their mid-60s. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia among older adults.
Cause of Alzheimer’s disease
medication side effects
chronic alcoholism
tumors or infections in the brain
blood clots in the brain
vitamin B12 deficiency
some thyroid, kidney, or liver disorders
Parkinson’s disease
Sleep disturbancesTreatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Wow I have heard about ketogenic diet and have seen many people claiming that they are cured of cancer by consuming this ketogenic diet. I think ketogenic diet can really cure a lot of diseases especially diseases like cancer and probably heart disease as well.
Mmhh interesting who would have thought that periods are good for you. Before I started reading your article I was thinking maybe your going to talk about cleansing, as in when we menstrate the body is removing toxins from the body through the blood hahaha. But what you ha e said is actually true when you think about it deeply. Sometimes periods can be such a mess and uncomfortable but we cannot run away from them we have to face them as they come. You have mentioned that instead of using tampoons one should consoder using menstral cups how do those work i wonder. I have never heard about them and it sounds strange to me. The way I dislike the thought of handling pads how do you handle the cups? As for the tampoons right from the beginning I found the I found them weird, so I never used them even once.
Periods is the name of monthly cycle of blood flow from the woman’s vagina means ready for pregnancy relating to the moon cycles.
When I talk about the benefits of our periods, many women roll their eyes, some laugh and others cry. While there are plenty of things I don’t love about my period, not everything about your period is negative!
Your menstrual cycle is key to helping you learn, plan for, and make choices about your individual health, mood, exercise — and naturally, your sex life.
What’s more, regular menstrual periods tell you that your hormones are in balance — critical when you realize about 80% of the women I see in my practice today experience symptoms relating to hormonal imbalance. If not addressed, it can lead to worsening PMS, fatigue and weight gain, as well as increased risk for more serious health issues. In missing early signs of hormonal imbalance, you may also miss the opportunity to find relief.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important health benefits of your period:
What your menstrual period can tell you
Know when your hormones are in or out of balance
Learn about your bones, thyroid, and metabolic health
Identify your best days for sexual arousal and enjoyment
Leverage increased energy for exercise and fitness
Inform your health decisions
Create emotional wellnessFor each of you, your menstrual cycle is unique to you. I encourage you to take the time to take a closer look at the benefits I outline below, to determine how your cycle affects you in each area. Remember, if you are taking birth control pills, your cycle is regulated by the pill, rather than natural hormones, so you will not experience these benefits.
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Drinking soda leaves dangerous effects on health. You lose water when you sweat, urinate and breathe. For the body to continue functioning properly, you must replace the lost water with ingested fluids. Sodas are often consumed in the place of water or other hydrating fluids. Many sodas contain caffeine,
which acts as a diuretic, increasing urination and leaving the body with less available fluid to carry out important functions. Additionally, some diet sodas contain significant amounts of sodium, which may draw water from the cells and promote dehydration.
Many soft drinks contain significant quantities of sugar. One 12-ounce serving of cola, for example, includes 39 grams, or 3.3 tablespoons, of sugar. Consuming such large quantities of sugar elevates your blood glucose levels and may increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Additionally, many sodas contain high fructose corn syrup or HFCS as their primary sugar ingredient.
HFCS may stress the pancreas and lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels. Consuming sugary sodas day after day can contribute to the onset of non-insulin dependent diabetes, or type 2 diabetes.
Weight gain results when you consume more calories than your body burns. A 12-ounce serving of cola contains 140 calories, often called “empty calories” because they provide no nutritional value. Drinking one can of cola a day for four weeks is equivalent to ingesting 3,920 extra calories, or a gain of 1.1 pounds if the calories are not burned.
Calcium is an essential mineral for strong bones and teeth. Consuming high amounts of phosphoric acid, a common ingredient in sodas, can deplete the calcium from your bones and decrease calcium absorption. Among women, this may lead to poor bone development or osteoporosis, a condition characterized by brittle and weak bones.
I don’t usually drink soda for i know its bad for the health. I always drink 8 glass of water or more everyday to get more fluid in my body and prevent dehydration. If you drink more cola rather than water there is a possibly to take your health at risk or get serious illness from it. Prevention is much better than cure. If you really want to take care of yourself, be natural in every drink or food you take. You can also drink bottle of pineapple juice, buko juice, calamansi juice for refreshment every morning to start your day just to make it different but good for the body coupled with your daily exercise routine while doing some activities your fond of doing so. Don’t forget also to have a positive attitude in life to achieve optimal and holistic being.
I would drink a Coke, maybe 1 to 2 times a month but even then, it is not good. I saw a report of the amount of sugar that a coke bottle contains and I was surprised. I was, also, surprised to see that you can use the leftovers of a 2 liter Coke Bottle when it goes flat. The flatness of the liquid can be used to help clean the strains of your dirty bathtub, so imagine what it is doing to your body, teeth and bones? Good article and well done.
I really become addict to soda drinks during summers. Anything I eat especially if I eat out it has to be accompanied by soda.
I try my best to control my taste buds but end up badly giving up.
No doubt I’m filled with all the guilt later .
Sometimes I really wonder what good it did to me by giving up for a momentary pleasure. -
good article and well writing, but break the habit and stop these drinks for sure is not really wanted, as these do help at times, when you need really carb for when you are dizzy or if you like to digest hard foods they do help.
Wow that’s some good advice right there. I have always believed that taking natural remedies are the best way to go. One has to get opinions from different people to be able to make a decision on what she would do to curb the discomfort and pain that they ar3 going through. All you have said is true many doctors would opt for surgery as a first option without digging further to know where the problem started from. There are so many women who go through this problem of fibroids and many would opt to go have a surgery just to rid themselves off the pain.it’s not easy for someone who suffers from that excruciating pain to be told to try taking apple cider, or drink lots of water and so on and so forth. All they want is to just have some sort of relief. It may be hard to convince one to do that, but the end result is always surgery. The side ffects are many, but what better option does one have. I would recommend the home remedies but if only someone would heal totally for once would they take up the idea. Hard decision to make indeed.
In reply to: Vinnie Stevens wrote a new post, What Are The Dangers of Microwaves? Almost everyone in the US has a microwave in the kitchen. It is a convenient appliance that seemingly makes our lives easier. You can defrost, […] View
Even in the face of everything you have written, microwaves in US homes are here to stay. Microwaves are not just in the homes, they are in the workplace, in schools, in hotels, etc. We have a microwave. But it’s mostly for warming foods. Not for cooking. We cook on the stove or in the oven.
Excuse me, but can you tell me where you got this? You will not get any of these diseases unless you stick your head in a microwave oven. Electromagnetic radiation merely heats you up and pass through your body. You’ll need to be exposed to tons of radiation if you want to get sick. Also, I have never heard of microwaves reducing the amount of antibodies in breast milk. It is advised, however, that you shouldn’t microwave breast milk because it could scald the child upon ingestion.
Forgive me for this blunt question, but do you think microwaves are healthy?
I don’t believe any of this stuff.
These are some of the effect of microwave, amazing collection of information, so nice and so really and well mentioned in simple way, like you did a trial and microwave is dangerous
your tips are useful, especially front l,oad meal.
Now, I have changed our daily meals diet from 2 meats 1 veggie to 2 veggies , 1 meat, sometimes no meat at allNow we are healthier, but still hungry after meal.
So we had sandwiches with ham , lettuce and tomatoes later.
Fats around tummy had trimmed too -
oh yes, my teenager had started off with her trimming belly off program on her own.
Morning breakfast- oat meal with banana
Lunch- Noodle soup
Dinner- 3-in-1 beverageShe had lost her belly and weight too in just 1 month
Belly get every woman’s nightmare. Your tips are really helpful but with all this comes discipline and the willingness to loose the fat, otherwise it will all be in vain. I try to loose the fat by doing my aerobics and incinerate it with a lot of walking. That helps me a lot because I know when I am relaxed I tend to put on weight so I try to do what’s rigjt
i heard that apple cider vinegar with green tea and honey helps to clean the digestive tract, that means, to clean the colon, by flushing out waste.
I don’t know whether it works for losing diet or not -
I also know that apple cider is a detox never heard about it being used for weight lose. But i think it could also work given that it has some ingredients that lemon has. Anyway those are some good tips right there they could actually work just as well. For me loosing weight is not much of a struggle I realized that I loose weight so fast when am stressed out but now the problem comes in when am not stressed I just blow up even when am not eating much
I love the stress part. Stress can hinder a lot of things in the body especially hair growth.
But one can easily deal with this when learn to become better managers of our bodies and learn to give it proper rest
Thank you for sharing this information. I have been trying to grow my hair for the longest time but am just not getting the desired results. My hairline is giving in and although i try to give it all the attention it requores am still not satisfied its just receding i don’t know what to do. I use coconut and alma oil most of the time but am yet to see some improvement. I alos used rosemary to rinse my hair i noticed a change in the texture of my hair but i didn’t do it again. Another thing is that i tend to plait my hair every so often so that i don’t feel disappointed everytime i look at my hairline. Please maybe someone can give me some advice on what am doing wrong or what am not doing thanks for the help.
Heart is one of the main organs that supplies blood to the whole of man constantly 2 4 hours. Human soul lives in human heart. Besides heart other life organs charge with the rays of planets that is why we donate our life organ to the needy after death that drawn out within a specific time.
Heart disease may be a leading cause of death, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it as your fate. Although you lack the power to change some risk factors — such as family history, sex or age — there are some key heart disease prevention steps you can take to reduce your risk.
You can avoid heart problems in the future by adopting a healthy lifestyle today. Here are seven heart disease prevention tips to get you started.
Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. Two examples of heart-healthy food plans include the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan and the Mediterranean diet.
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help protect your heart. Aim to eat beans, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meats, and fish as part of a healthy diet.
Avoid too much salt and sugars in your diet.
Limiting certain fats you eat also is important. Of the types of fat — saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fat — try to limit or avoid saturated fat and trans fat. Aim to keep saturated fat to 5 or 6 percent of your daily calories. And try to keep trans fat out of your diet altogether.
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Many benefits indeed.
Indeed lemon is a healthy drink. I try to drink a glass everyday the only thing is that sometimes I feel like am taking too much lemon and that could cause a lot of acid in the stomach. Though as I read through your post you have mentioned that lemon is good for heartburn, I don’t know if I would agree with that statement because heartburn could also come about as a result of acid so how does acid and acid neutralize thas my delimma right there. But all the other benefits are for real because I have tested and tried and it actually works very well. It works amazingly with the immune system especially when you mix it with olive oil it boosts up the immune system. I have seen it work wonders on someone who was close to death and that mixture for them back on their feet. I will try as much as I can to takelemon each day or maybe three times a week to keep my skin and body healthy thank you for sharing
I knew it was good–but did not know all is good for you—i will be drinking more of Lemon water
Yes, you say right lemon water has more benefits for man’s health because it is full of mineral that are natural. It is also beneficial in summer season for all old and young.
Lemons are loaded with healthy benefits, and particularly, they’re a great vitamin C food source. One cup of fresh lemon juice provides 187 percent of your daily recommended serving of vitamin C — take that, oranges! Lemon juice also offers up a healthy serving of potassium, magnesium and copper.
It is full of vitamin C is more useful for human health as What are the benefits of getting enough vitamin C? It stimulates white blood cell production, vital for your immune system to function properly. As an antioxidant, vitamin C also protects cells from oxidative damage. Plus, getting enough vitamin C helps the immune system keep colds and flu at bay. Drinking lemon water daily ensures your body gets a sizable amount of vitamin C daily.
The antioxidants found in vitamin C do double duty in lemon water. They fight damage caused by free radicals, keeping your skin looking fresh. Getting enough vitamin C from your lemon water also keeps the body producing collagen, essential in smoothing out lines in the face. And, in one recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, regularly consuming vitamin C led to younger-looking skin and less wrinkles
We all should take lemon juice in water regularly
We have been using lemon water for the last about one year. we also use green tea with juice of half a lemon in one cup. It gives an amazing taste and has helped me get rid of carbonated drinks. use of lemon water is good for women who are always worried about their skin. Lemon juice can help them a lot.
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Craving is the push of emotion to eat something anon and in such condition human becomes full saliva is called craving as the writer has said.
We all experience cravings on a daily basis. At 10am, that donut looks delicious. At 12pm, that greasy slice of pizza seems irresistible. And so on.
There are five causes of cravings as
1. You’re dehydrated.
2. You’ve got nutritional deficiencies.
3. You’re hormonal.
4. You’ve got underlying emotional issues.
5. You have a yin/yang imbalance.
Ask anyone what foods they crave, and most people will be able to reel off at least a couple of items without hesitation.
Take me, for example. My name is JH Sayyar and I’m a chocoholic. Just about the only food I crave is chocolate (and sometimes cake and, about once a year, cream puffs or éclairs).
I find comfort in knowing I am not alone. Surveys estimate that almost 100% of young women and nearly 70% of young men had food cravings during the past year. That covers most of us, doesn’t it?