
Countdown to destruction of Earth

Yes. Countdown to destruction of earth has been started. The signs all over the world is clearly indicating the earth… Read More

7 years ago

You spoiled my day buddy

Are we all so desperate that we can all fall into two categories but I feel blessed talking to some… Read More

7 years ago

First Outing Of The Year 2017 (With My College Friends)

Hello everyone. I just want to share with you guys our experience and of course the beauty of the Philippines.… Read More

7 years ago

Hiking is a great way to relieve stress.

Hiking is no doubt one of the most relaxing and fulfilling hobbies that there is, sure it is physically demanding… Read More

7 years ago

A Gardener Always has Countless Happy Moments

As I have often mentioned, planning gives me more joy than the end result and this applies to gardening as… Read More

8 years ago