
Wasting Time, Losing Money on Facebook

Kris posts at least twenty times a day on Facebook.  Bits of a story, reactions to a current event, mentions… Read More

8 years ago

Critics – Your Best Friends

We should go into the message hidden behind a remark rather than reading it on its face value that at… Read More

8 years ago

Don’t Have Time — And Other Deviations

Years ago a friend of mine married and was moving overseas.  He sent us this 'announcement' that he wouldn't have… Read More

8 years ago

No Time to Write; but living on Facebook

Many of my friends have gone abroad.  Most of them claim that they 'have no time' to write.  Sending them… Read More

8 years ago

We Don’t Talk to Each Other Anymore

Everyone is walking with a cell phone, talking to someone who isn't there.  Some are texting.   And those who… Read More

8 years ago

On Line Writing; and the Comments

Writing online is not just putting your thoughts on a screen.  You want people to read, you want them to… Read More

8 years ago