
How To Teach Your Child Safety Rules

Find a quiet time when you can set down and discuss family and individual safety rules with your child. You… Read More

8 years ago

How to they let children in these movies?

Yesterday i went to see 50 Shades of Grey Darker at the movie theatre. I have been waiting to see… Read More

8 years ago

Relationship Problems Between Parents and Children

There is nothing odd about Parents and children having difficulties.  The relationship between them can get tangled like electrical wires.… Read More

8 years ago

Past generations vs Future generations

This is something i have thought about alot when seeing children from this generation. The children that were already born… Read More

8 years ago

Naming Your Children; Think About the Child

There's been a trend to give children rather 'irregular' names.   I am lumping a lot of different types under… Read More

8 years ago

How to stopping the children from sticking to T.V

Most of the parent know we should not let the children stay in front of the T.V for long hour… Read More

8 years ago

Reason One why Women put up with a Cheating Husband

This is a true recountation of a real situation. After some suffering, a wife attended a particular attorney. She had… Read More

8 years ago

If the children don’t want to eat…

Having the kids to eat or take meal properly and on time is one of the tasks and challenges of… Read More

8 years ago

A Child’s Suffer (PART 2)

In part 1, I was talking about the true story of a girl's experiences when helping in her family business.… Read More

8 years ago

A Child’s Suffer (PART 1)

We always come across with those short video clips , movies or drama about how parents sacrifice for their children… Read More

8 years ago