Kent David Adran
@vendelete active 6 years, 11 months ago-
In my case, I like to try smoking a medicinal marijuana hehehehe. I have a friend, he smokes this and for many years and he never experiences bad sicknesses.But I cannot find a medicinal marijuana here in my country, plus, it illegal in Ph. Our country is now on war on drugs, therefore whoever takes drugs including marijuana will be jailed. There is a law submitted to congress to legalize marijuana, but until now , not yet acted , and we are now under the new president whose one mission is to eradicate drugs in the Philippines.
Marijuana, despite illegal in the country of my residence, but there re some that continue planting this not for the purpose to serve people sick of anything, but personal reason , and that is to earn much through selling the stuffs once marijuana leaves turned mature. This means to say that anyone can transform the seeds through a cigar and puff it right away so many times in the day, making the addicted to it.That is the entry of the illegality of marijuana , no license to show.
Marijuana illegal or not is not harmful to smoke. If you go and see statistics about marijuana deaths and alcool deaths you see a huge diference and that is because it is close to impossble to smoke weed and overdose on it. It is a light weight relaxing drug and it is not bad for your health.
Other illegal chemical drugs are the ones that harm your body. Even medical pills can be more harmful than smoking weed. Some people think otherwise because it is a “drug” but it isn’t anything horrible. It isn’t a drug to alter you state, it calms you down, helps you body cells and can relieve pain in some patients.
I am Pro Marijuana and i am hoping one day it will be legal here.
I hope I can watch all these big time movies in 2017. I am a movie fanatic. Every weekend, I watch two movies.In 2017, movies are so nice to watch because of the actors and actresses that could act superbly.These movies are my favorites, so I may not miss to watch any of these batch of big time movies in 2017.
What about you? Are you movie goer? -
useful information
We need to observe cleanliness at home, at self and anywhere we go, we should always have with us rubbing alcohol, alco gel , anything that cleanses our hands before eating especially during travels.If we try to look at the impetigo,we want to say yuck, but that would really happen if we do not clean our body and be safe not to be contaminated.
It best for us to wear a ace mask and long sleeve during travel. We will never know who would be our seatmate in van, jeepney, plane and so on and so forth.
Prevention is better than cure. -
I am happy today for my niece in UK messaged me and her parents that her husbands impetigo is healed just recently. That worries them most for her husband was not allowed to report to the hospital where he works as a nurse because of that sickness that is so contagions. We are afraid at home, afraid that she might be contaminated with the bacteria of impetigo. Her husband always wears long sleeve in their abode to avoid some contamination. Her husband still has something hat he cannot escape and that is his psoriasis. It was learned that her husband has family history of psoriasis. He is in the 3rc generation, so it is made dominant on him, too sad. They are both intelligent young couple but tested much by time. I hoe they can surpass all these trials in their marriage.
I am sorry readers for the error made, that was not intentional. I might be tired that time.I consume many hours researching of these movies (15) titles all big time movies in 2017. Despite earning is still slow, but I am happy with my work for I also learned about these movies which I have seen in their previous portrayal sequels of these would surely excite me again. I have to watch them by month.There are 2 movies shown on the same date, but I will watch them one at a time.
Very good
Such a nice movie ever came this Coming summer
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I made a research on these top 10 airlines and I notice that these 10 are so famous. I do not know the criteria of judging them best. I might research on this to make the news complete. It is not easy actually, but I also like to know as I a always traveling abroad and all expense from my foreigner boyfriend hehehehe. I feel so lucky for having met Dennis from Auckland, for I was able to visit so many countries at his expense, but never had I traveled on these airlines especially this time, there is direct flight going there through Philippine Airlines.Someday, when I go to United Sates, or Canada, I want to choose Cathay.