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    cely wrote a new post, Three (3 )Things To Keep Private 8 years ago

    All of us have secrets we do not like to reveal to others. As years go by when the cause of the problem, that secret can be revealed to a best friend. You do not like to reveal your secret to your parents for you […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      It is not good to broadcast to anyone our private activities life.It is not that we trust on them, but we gave reasons to keep things private like love life.Though there are something in a love life we may share but there are also something only you and your partner should keep. That is why when there is breakage of a relationship. it is easy to say, you break my heart.The feeling kept inside is private and only the owner self can repair the broken heat,

    • Having a secret and privacy is totally to complete different things like mention in the topic which was right on point. Secret s take place when an event or incident has happened but only you know this secret because it’s hard to find someone you trust enough to tell and not just that how you think they feel or how they would respond to the secret is constantly on your brain but you feel the need to tell someone so you try and think of that one right person to tell. And yeah the topic was right when it said you can’t tell your parents, one because we know that our parents of all people would be the first to have a quick respond and give you their opinion telling you how they feel. And must of the time even though it’s a secret they tind to find a time to bring it up again instead of Knowing about it be there for you and just let it go. when you realize you can’t trust know one to tell that particular secret you plan to just take it to the grave with you. But it can grow to be unhealthy it will stay on your conceints kill you all inside because you could never get it off your chest cause you had no one to talk to about it.
      PRIVACY- NOW THAT PLAYS A BIG ROLE IN YOUR LIFE. Privacy is important things that you always keep to yourself in your own bubble not-for-profit anyone else outside your home to know. What goes on in your home is your business, no one else’s they don’t need to know your life and every move as they could grow lots of jealousy that could cause problems and even people hating you. All they will do is judge or try to be or try to have better. No one needs to know what goes on in your relationship. Normally when you let outsiders know what s going on in your relationship things tend to not last long. Events will happen that you don’t need. Even telling others about your partner can cause them to gain feelings for them or have thoughts about them that you DONT want.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      @Miranda Hunt,G? Sorry for the late reply. I appreciated well your thoughts and feelings about this topic. There are secrets that might be learned but private life with private happenings will be known only to you and the other person you got involved with that.There are people we do not like for asking some personal questions for us private and secret. Maybe you had encountered asking you if you are still a virgin. I experienced this from someone and worst , that person was not my best friend just a friend met few days and weeks. If you were me what should you do?

      That person who asks me about that question if I am still a virgin is an academician and it seems she lacks respect of my personal and private life.Because I did not like her question, so I made a striking answer like this: ” Why? Ate you still a virgin at your age 38?” And then she answered so proudly hahahahaha, laughed in front of her and in front of other people during that gathering. I told her straightly, you are poor lady, better my students already had tasted the glory. have learned from others that she never had experienced having a boyfriend. No wonder why she asked that question to gain some info how s88e88x88 be dealt with a man,LOL.

    • We need privacy so no one can question our decision and they must leave us alone.

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    cely wrote a new post, Reasons Why Millions Wear Eyeglasses 8 years ago

    There are so many people this time, anywhere in the world wear eyeglasses. Others wear for nearsightedness, others  farsightedness. Millions use reading glasses. What are the reasons behind why many including […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Look at the photo image here, an old woman whose eyes are as strong as the eyes of a teenager,LOL. Also,look at what she carried, heavy woods or sticks she gathered for fire for cooking.Compare yourself to this old woman hehehehe, I cannot bet her. I started wearing eye glasses at 17, but after the advised of the doctor to eat healthy foods full of lutein, that is why I better have vision this time. I no longer wear every time.I only wear when use he computer, check papers and read some news on line and of course during blog time.LOL.

    • Some very good tips for a healthier eye sight, and vision and a healthier body.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      PEEUSH TRIKHA , That is right,if we all follow this, there is no reason why suffer a sickness. Health is wealth , so the first priority must be our body, Let us always listen to our body.Many ignore their feeling.despite what has been taken brought bad feeling to the body system like hard liquor,still they continue drinking hard liquor until time comes the body cannot anymore fight for the abuser.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      The foods we eat matter most in our body. What do you notice if you cannot eat fruits and vegetables? You feel restless, weak, lonely, worried.This is so because there are foods that stop loneliness and upsetting mood. That is why, it is not impossible to have your blood on the rise become stable again. These vegetables presented here do not only repair the damaged tissues of our eyes, but also the other parts of our body. Let us be wise and be healthy all the time.

    • Have you ever seen this “eye chart” before? It is smaller than the real version of the chart that is used to test how well you can see. It was first developed in 1863. If you have 20/20 vision, it means that at a distance of 20 feet, you can read a certain line (labeled 20) on the chart and that your vision is normal. If you can only see the top line clearly (the one labeled 200), then you have 20/200 vision. This means that you must be 20 feet from the chart to see what most people can see at 200 feet. By the way, if someone’s vision is 20/200 or less in their better eye with use of the best eyeglass lens to correct their eyesight, then they are legally blind.

      People wear glasses for several reasons. People who have “fuzzy” vision when they look at distant objects are called nearsighted (myopic). In these people, the image is focused in front of the retina. The lens of glasses needed to correct vision in nearsighted people is concave. People who need glasses for reading and who have “fuzzy” vision for objects close to them are called farsighted (hyperopia). In farsighted people, objects are focused behind the retina. The lens of glasses needed to correct vision in farsighted people is convex. Astigmatism is another reason that you might have to wear glasses.

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    cely started the topic I was Cheated by A Special Someone in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago




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    cely wrote a new post, Is their likeness between sex and drug addicts’ brain activities? 8 years ago

    Is their likeness between sex and drug addicts’ brain activities?

    Why I am asking you this like of question to find out whether they have the same brain pictures or imaginations. If there are sex addicts, so w […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      These two kids of people matter only on their usage. Drug addicts use illegal drugs like shabu that make them think like crazy and they are indeed crazy. When became addicted to a high profile drug, the users cannot anymore detach from it.They constantly long to use it or else they’ll gone wild. Heinous crimes soar because of the; whereas for the sex addict, I think the person has taken something that makes him addict to sex.This kind is called sex maniac and like a drug addict, they play havoc to our society. They would turn criminals just to obtain their desires to the innocent victims.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      There is no one that had dropped by to my very nice post,LOL I made a research on this just to make the readers happy and informed that these two kinds of personas have the same , nearly or almost the same brain activities.The two has shown bad image to the youths, and they also give bad reputation to the society where they belong. People who knew them would surely feel the disbelief and disgrace would they have an a drug addict and a sex addict in their community.

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    cely wrote a new post, BLOOD SUGAR –BUSTER # 2: Vanadyl Sulfate, Vital for Blood Sugar Security 8 years ago

    BLOOD SUGAR –BUSTER # 2:  Vanadyl Sulfate, Vital for Blood Sugar Security

    I already had written here Blood Sugar – Buster #1 which is Chromium. I hope you already had read it so you can connect the impo […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Let us always listen to our body for if we ignore everything we refuse go back to us.The foods presented here are rich in minerals, the mushroom and shells that protect our insulin system to avoid break away of accumulated sugar in the blood stream.I hope that I inspire those sick of diabetes for the sugar busters here are very strong to kill the bad sugar in the body.


    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Mushroom is a great source for lowering your blood pressure. I noticed that there are many dried mushrooms sold in a wet market in malls and super stores. If you suffer high blood sugar, try to eat this stuff. Just fry it or boil it and put or apply some ingredients according to your desire.When I was a child, my favorite food is mushroom. My father always buy me mushrooms after knowing that I ate mushrooms. Good luck to you.

    • Vanadyl sulfate is a trace mineral that is needed in small quantities by your body. It is found in soybeans, mushrooms, shellfish, carrots, oat, cabbage and vegetable oils, such as sunflower, soybean, safflower and olive oil. The primary role vanadyl sulfate has in your body is maintaining your teeth and bones. You may find in over-the-counter supplements, vanadyl sulfate being referred to as vanadium and this form, when consumed, is changed to vanadyl by your stomach acid, according to the book “Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism.” Supplements may not be warranted at this time for vanadyl sulfate, unless recommended by your health care provider.

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    cely replied to the topic What is Life Without Bloggers Here? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 8 years ago

    @Shavkat, hehehehe, of course, the company can never find a very good on line teacher like you. By the way, there is someone in ML, a Chinese , I think he is a that because of his family name. He sent me private message inviting me to teach on line heheh. I just pretended for I know that is a scam.He also gave me his Skype name so we can have our…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Human Sufferings in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago

    There is no other to blame for man’s sufferings except himself, herself. Sometimes we are so insensitive . We do not like to think to evaluate the cause of our suffering.Others suffer because of ill health. They cannot find remedy to their sickness though not fatal like psoriasis, but this sickness is so annoying , disturbing and putting the…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic This Is For You: Look At, I Am Lonely Without You in the forum Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 8 years ago

    My Dearest Love:

      Just For A Moment, Close Your Eyes To See Me Crying  In Vain

    Yes, come and see me cry

    Tears are for you , and all those like you

    You tend to forget those days where you and I so happy

    Yes, we sat there under the mango tree and its leaves sway merrily

    They serve as our jocund company to the feelings not known by me

    as t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic This Is For You: Look At, I Am Lonely Without You in the forum Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 8 years ago

    My Dearest Love:

      Just For A Moment, Close Your Eyes To See Me In Vain

    <!– [if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic This Is For You: Look At, I Am Lonely Without You in the forum Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 8 years ago

    Dear love:




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    cely started the topic This Is For You: Look At, I Am Lonely Without You in the forum Group logo of Writing Love Letters GroupWriting Love Letters Group 8 years ago




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    cely replied to the topic Violence Against Women Continue To Rise Anywhere In The World in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago




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    cely started the topic Violence Against Women Continue To Rise Anywhere In The World in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago




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    cely started the topic Human Sufferings in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 8 years ago




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 8 years ago

    Your Touch Consoles Me Momentarily




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 8 years ago

    If you happen to drop by, this poem is for you to ponder by…




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    cely replied to the topic I Just Feel I Need You Now in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 8 years ago

    We need to be strong…

    Yes, true, I need you now. I am alone here. Do comfort me and make my life anew.LOL. What else can I say except to let you know I feel the emptiness now that I am alone in this LB universe. I am so worried about your commitment here as a writer and to your responsibility to reach your goal as price of your total hardship…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, HOW TO PLAY MINECRAFT MODS 8 years ago

    We know that marvel superheroes are cool because they have a lot of things they like to do in the day when we know about it all. The mine craft mods are fun to get when we work hard for the matters at hand. The […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      yes, awesome game, you may play this on line.Sometimes I play mine craft mods to have our brain in the active zone. Our brain needs to be always in the active zone so it won’t become idle. Once you play this, you are guided the same way as driving first time, there is like a TV we call the locator to help the new driver reach his destination.The blocks used by mine craft are so numerous and amazing sizes and colors are al there for us to choose.
      Thanks and happy New Year.

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    cely wrote a new post, SHOULD YOU DESIRE TO BE THE BEST PLAYER OF MINECRAFT MODS 8 years ago

    We know that the rest of marvel superheroes are some of the most special parts of your day that will not be out there for most of the time. We know that  can be some of the ones out there like Spiderman or maybe […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I tried to play this mine craft in an on line games, and all I can say is, this is very challenging.It is not easy to form the mine crafts. It needs the players to be fast and smart, nit fast and furious,lol.I like the blocks that are used to form the craft big and sturdy. I enjoyed it, but I cannot spend much time playing this mine craft mods. Children especially boys, very much in love with this fame. For the adults, they like DOTA 1 and 2 this time. This game turned themselves game addict and most of them failed in class at the end of the school term.

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    cely wrote a new post, Stop Hair Loss Through Guava Leaves 8 years ago

    One fruit famous in the world is guava. This fruits varies in sizes and taste. In our city, I can find here different sizes of guava. The smallest one is so sweet. There is also big one but too acidic. When a […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I will tell my brother and friends who have hair loss problem. I hope they will be excited to know that the solution of their damaged and losing hair is guava leaves.It seems unbelievable, but there are so many who started applying this and they told me and my family that their hair grow like cray hehehehe.Try this if you have hair problem and any kind of problem mentioned in this blog so you will be happy again seeing yourself having hair grow like crazy,lol.

      • Cely thats good to hear if u wilk tell people to use it so as to cure the hair loss because it will help eradicate baldiness in the societies and the world at large

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I am interest of the last benefit to stop anti ageing hehehhe, I am just curious. What do you think, what is the flavor of the water from boiled guava? Actually I have tasted this one when i had a diarrhea , the water has an amazing taste. It does not follow the taste of a ripe guava. The color of water is changed to reddish brown, but when I drunk the tea guava leaves, they are fine and after few minutes my upset stomach got rest ,LOL. It no longer complained.God gave us all everything on earth to be consumed and served as medicine in case of emergency.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Thank you Joseph, yes I will people abut this herbal treatment way to stop hair loss and to bring their hair again to their heads and see them grow like crazy hehehehe, meaning they grow well back to the root.

    • Guava leaves have taken the internet by storm with claims of it being a miracle solution for hair loss. It is also gaining popularity as a hair thickening ingredient that promotes rapid hair growth. But how exactly are guava leaves beneficial for your hair?

      More often than not, hair fall is a direct result of unhealthy scalp conditions. Guava leaves have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that have made it a popular ingredient for maintaining scalp health (1). It is often used in hair rinses to treat scalp issues such as dandruff. It is also rich in B Vitamins and Vitamin C, which nourish the follicles and aid hair growth.
      Using guava leaves on your hair can leave it feeling soft and looking lustrous, while thickening its volume. A guava leaf lotion is the simplest thing to make. Follow the steps below to make your very own guava leaf hair care solution that will battle hair fall and promote hair growth.

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