@tupgeaylepcha active 5 years, 9 months ago-
spend money yea, but time, i guess is the best thing that gave you time, like when it is time to relax of sleep or so on, isnt it, nice post and liked it thanks for it
Thanks for liking the post. I see many people around go through difficult times when it comes to health. Hence that is what made me write this post. I wanted to see what are the different alternatives which I can provide as solution for the issue. Many of the families are running from pillar to post after landing in problems due to health issues.
If one is able to do at least fifty percent of the activities which have been mentioned. I can safely say that many of the people will be having a great time with their family and friends. As health is the ultimate wealth and money can be generated only when we are healthy and are able to go and work. Thanks for the input.
Good Health is the greatest blessing of life. Life is a weary burden to a person of broken health. Sometimes, the richest man with bad health always suffers and groans. He is unhappy in spite of his great wealth.
We all know the popular saying “Health is Wealth”. By health, we do not mean the absence of physical troubles only. But it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The loss of health is a loss of all happiness. Mahatma Gandhi also says, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.
So I agree with what you have written that Health is an important investment.
Agree with what you have written regarding the topic of health. The world over many of the people have money but have no time for themselves and no peace of mind and they also spend a sleepless night. This continues for years and has a very negative effect on the health. And the whole they end up eating medicines to recover which they mostly are unable to do so.
While on the other side there are millions of people who are having a life but no resources to sustain themselves and even have two square meals a day. They suffer from health issues and malnutrition too. Living in unhygienic conditions they have one problem or the other troubling and they are not having the resources to get the treatment which will make a difference in their situation. Both the situations are totally contradictory. Thanks for the feedback.
I agree, we can be healthy without spending too much money joining fitness clubs or going to the gym. Just walking or always keep on moving even when you are inside the house or in an office will provide the necessary daily exercise.
I ma just curious, how about green tea? Why did you mentioned here that one should avoid drinking coffee or tea? I had been drinking a healthy coffee with numerous herbs on it, and with stevia leaf extract as sweetener.
Appreciate you inputs on this particular topic of health. As rightly pointed by you in the first para, walking is a simple way of improving ones health. One tends to be active when they are always on the move. Exercises as per each individuals capacity is also healthy and can be done at the home. Having a balanced life in work and rest will also prove beneficial.
Regarding tea having tea is good and healthy if consumed twice a day. But many who I have observed tend to have tea for more than five to six times a day and they add sugar to it too. This will increase the sugar level as especially refined sugar is not healthy compared to jaggery. Regarding the herbal tea and coffee and coffee which you like consuming I am sure you would be consuming them twice or at the most thrice but not more than that. So again moderation is the key to a good life. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Agree with you organic food is gaining lot of popularity in our country. It is turning out to be a big business. Even though it is priced somewhat costly compared to the normal vegetables and fruits which we get from the market produced on a large scale.
As advised by you it is very good to have a vegetable garden but not many will have land as cities are concrete jungles. But they can surely grow them in pots too. Moderation in life is important and a good work and life balance is very much essential to have a healthy mind and body. Thanks for the inputs.
Nice post. But we often forget about the basic things. Thank you for bringing up the topic.
It is right to pamper yourself once in a while to give it a rest after long hours/days of working. It helps relieve stress and makes the body and mind rejuvenated to face reality again.
Well said if we do something which people generally construe as bad in a positive way which will help our health and allow us to be more active and work well in the long run it would serve the purpose. As only the person struggling will know what toll it takes on ones health.
If we face reality repeatedly again and again it becomes very difficult on ones life, health and mind. Hence these arrangements to spoil ourselves ones in a while will help us a lot in our relations with our family, friends and others too. Thanks for expressing your opinion on this topic.
Good point relaxing atmospher is good to make you happy an d find hope and get all the pamper you want because that is how you can keep on going and winning also the life work and love for sure
lazy to me means set and do nothing for aweek how good is that yeaaaa
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One needs ‘recharging’ really. As the saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, especially in the 3rd case, that of a homemaker. It is not easy to be a stay at home mom. You wake up early and sleep late. As a homemaker, you are on your toes from sun up to sun down. You do not have leave benefits, no off duty, no overtime pay, and will be shout at if you reprimand anyone of your housemates.
Nice topic!
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