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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Drop Counts – Save Water 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is no shortage of water in our household. We have a well that provides enough liquid the whole year through. But I cannot see water being wasted. Our helpers do that and that gets on my nerves. And these […]

    • You say right that every drop of water makes seas and river, canal and lake but a few know its importance at home an out of homes. It is said that drops make seas and rivers.

      Many people are unaware of the amount of water they waste on a daily basis. But the truth is, water is a critical resource in every
      bodies lives, and unfortunately, we simply cannot afford to waste perfectly good water.

      How to save water at home:

      Replace shower heads, toilets and sinks with more efficient, low-flow water models. Using a water efficient shower head can save up to 750 gallons a month.
      Always wash only full loads of laundry and dishes. Whenever possible, choose the short cycle at low water levels.
      Do not let the water run when brushing your teeth or washing dishes by hand.
      Shorten your showers by about a minute or so, and you can save up to 150 gallons per month.
      Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for cold drinks instead of using the tap. This way excess drops are not wasted down the drain each time you pour a glass of water.
      Ditch bottled water, and drink the tap water. Most tap water is no different than bottled water, and this reduces the waste that the would end up in a landfill from the plastic.
      Water your lawn and garden in the evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
      Repair leaks! According to the Department of Health and Human Services, a leaky faucet that drips at one drop per second wastes up to seven gallons of water per day.
      Make use of leftover water. Keep a pitcher of water near your sink or shower and use the unused water from showering or drinking to water house plants.
      Harvest rainwater to use to for a variety of reasons. Place barrels outside to catch the excess rainwater, and use that water to water the lawn or garden.

      • Right when I designed my home I had laid channels to wast water to lead to trees. It is the individuals that make or break anything on earth and saving water comes under that.

    • We are not living in urban area but we can still feel the shortage of water every summer. From the month May the water in the deep well started the shortage. Even though we are living in rural areas but the water become so short during summer days. We are not depending on water system but even the houses depending in water system experienced the shortage last season.

      That is true, conserving water is one of the best answer to avoid this problem.

    • Good topic and an interesting one at that. Wasting water is a cruel thing to do in this world of scarce resources and is an attitude of careless individuals. We sometimes feel like let go when we see our taps just dropping water without knowing that a little drops of water make mighty ocean. We should realise that there are places where water is more like gold and very expensive as a result not waste it. We should know that is a gift from the most high God to humanity and wasting it is a way of not appreciating the gift from God.

      • It is not at all difficult to save water if individuals become responsible citizens. It is not just water anywhere and everywhere with a bit of thought this world could be a great place to live but sadly man seems to be a selfish animal

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Sneaking The Funeral Of Former President Marcos 7 years, 10 months ago

    So finally, the remains of Former Philippine Ferdinand Marcos have been laid to rest in the Libingan ng mga Bayani or Hero’s Burial.

    It was a surprise. Some call it sneaking funeral. It’s totally hidden to the […]

    • This funeral I bet will go down in history with so many bizarre attitudes. Whatever be it glad that he is now laid to rest. May his sould rest in peace.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holland a Place with History 7 years, 10 months ago

    As a part of our Europe tour we were taken to Holland. We covered Amsterdam and Rotterdam but we just missed the tulips in Amsterdam. Who can forget the song Tulips from Amsterdam

    We had a look of Amsterdam  by […]

    • Holland is one the best heaven for the tourists as I have read in many books but unluckily I have not seen Amsterdam with my physical eyes many time I have seen Amsterdam with my spiritual eyes in dreams and pic.

      Amsterdam has very old links with the United States. In 1780, John Adams opened the first American embassy in the world in Amsterdam. However, the first contacts with Amsterdam were actually much older. In 1609, Henry Hudson left Amsterdam’s Schreierstoren in his ship De Halve Maen. After a long journey, he reached the island of Manhattan where he founded Nieuw Amsterdam, which later became New York City.

      The beer traders from Hamburg may well have been the first foreigners in the fledgling city of Amsterdam. Since 1600, Amsterdam has been a favourite tourist destination for German visitors, which becomes apparent from many travel journals. German visitors are still ranked at an honourable third place on the Amsterdam Tourist Barometer.

      • The ‘red light’ area is open unlike how it is hidden here in India. Thanks for providing all the historical stories about Holland.

    • I don’t know much about Holland except that a friend, one of my former co-workers, went there on vacation and she said that the tulips were a big deal! 🙂

    • Tulips are a big deal there but as I have said in my post I missed the season. I was so hoping to swim in there 😀

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Some People Are Die Hard Of Politics 7 years, 10 months ago

    While some people in United States are protesting against presumptive President Donald Trump on his assuming in White House, in the small town of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur in our country Philippines, few people are […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Why Do We Love So Much Dead 7 years, 10 months ago

    Isn’t that we are supposed to scared at death?

    Long time ago people are just so frightened when they spoke of dead. People don’t want to look at the dead people in the coffin. They are running away when the […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, All About Arkansas – a Tourists’ Paradise 7 years, 10 months ago

    Arkansas is located in the Western South-Central US, and is surrounded by the States Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. Like any other US State Arkansas have enough features to […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holistic Approach to Healthy Living and Aloe vera 7 years, 10 months ago

    Holistic approach to healthy living  is the order of the day. Despite being in the world of fast food more and more are becoming aware of the need to remain healthy.  This approach would include,regular e […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, What Holds us Back is a Question that Needs to be Answered 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all have talents. Some do not even know that they have them. While some are responsible to help us discover them some play the opposite role. Having said that it is still possible to search for them on our own […]

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic weening in the night joy in the morni. in the forum Group logo of Prayer Changes All ThingsPrayer Changes All Things 7 years, 10 months ago

    These days people have become lazy in doing chores or working. I remember the other day a friend of nune who owns a company said to me that when young people go to their offuces looking for hovs, th3 first thing they want to know is how much they will ve paid, they dont even ask what the work entails, and he thought if at all that is what th3y…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    First and formost am those types of people who keep quiet first when am angry i don’t react immediately. But in your case, i think its a matter of jealousy why would you want to sack someone on the grounds of looking good? Instaed of sacking th3m why dont you also try to keep yourself up to date and look your best instaed of looking at another…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Small Family or Big Family? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    No i don’t think the size of the family matters at all. What matters is how people relate. Anyway i will speak from my point of view and my family. In my family we are very few right now we are only 5 people. My mum sister and two brothers. We are auch a small family but we get along pretty well. small families are easier to manage and also easier…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Time to study. in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 10 months ago

    If i can go back to my school days reading or studying was something so routine that if you didnt study at a particular time people would say that you are not serious with your studies. There was so much to do that when your parent or big sister or brother saw you not studying th3y would give you work to do so that you dont stay idle. there was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Dear EJK Killers, Before You Kill Someone… 7 years, 10 months ago

    Dear EJK Killers;

    How are you doing right now? I hope you have not killed someone again. I hope you are not holding your guns right now. Hope you are not planning another shooting of a drug pusher in our […]

    • white rose is looking beautiful

    • It is legal to kill the drug smugglers because one drug smuggler becomes the enemy of thousands of innocent men ans women I say those who support the drug smugglers support the social evils in any country. It is a social evil spreading all over the world.

      I think that Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.

      At current levels, world heroin consumption (340 tons) and seizures represent an annual flow of 430-450 tons of heroin into the global heroin market. Of that total, opium from Myanmar and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic yields some 50 tons,

      while the rest, some 380 tons of heroin and morphine, is produced exclusively from Afghan opium. While approximately 5 tons are consumed and seized in Afghanistan, the remaining bulk of 375 tons is trafficked worldwide via routes flowing into and through the countries neighbouring Afghanistan.
      The Balkan and northern routes are the main heroin trafficking corridors linking Afghanistan to the huge markets of the Russian Federation and Western Europe.

      The Balkan route traverses the Islamic Republic of Iran (often via Pakistan), Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria across South-East Europe to the Western European market, with an annual market value of some $20 billion.

      The northern route runs mainly through Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (or Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan) to Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. The size of that market is estimated to total $13 billion per year.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Do You Find UFC A Brutal Sports? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Of course this is still a kind of sports. It’s so happen that it’s a brutal kind of sports. And sometimes the irony is so LOL, the fighters punished and blood each other and then they hug each other after the fig […]

    • different games are found in world it look like wrestling little bit differ

      • It look like wrestling with the combination of judo, Thai kickboxing, aikido and many more discipline in martial arts. But it is just bloody and and I think its more cruel than boxing and wrestling. I have watch a feet fold like a branch of tree and a face full of blood and still fighting to the enemy. And after all the bloody fight which could barely see their face, the two hug each other as if they were best of friends for a long time. This is the irony of fighting in mixed martial art. Only the toughest and meanest fighter in the world.

    • It is anew game invented by Ry the Russian people but it is dangerous for men body may be break and crack. Actuallu Concerns are being raised about a brutal new team fighting sport in which two teams of five engage in a brutal battle using fists and feet until only one is left standing.

      Although there are rules involved in TFC, and five referees inside the ring to ensure they are followed, it is considered acceptable to keep clubbing a man in the face when he is on his back, kick him when he is down, and for two or more to team up on one unlucky opponent.

      TFC is considered so brutal that even though cage fighting and “Ultimate Fighting” are allowed it is currently banned. However the US does have a TFC team which recently competed in an international tournament in Latvia.

      First, everybody did boxing, then kickboxing got popular, then MMA became the next thing,” TFC USA head coach Jody Poff explained to Vice. “As a sport, we’re going to go through the same growing pains as MMA [mixed martial arts] and the UFC went through. Yeah, we’re a little crazy, but we’re pro athletes and we want to explore what’s next. The next level.”

      • I was just wondering what could be next after the UFC. Maybe we return to the times of gladiators. People’s sports are really becoming brutal and bloody now. People love seeing lots of blood, cracking the bones, knockout of the fighter and among others. They love it and so the game continues. This is a lavish game.

        But what could we do, this is their passion of life. They wanted to prove they are the king of the ring. No one should messing them or else they could be in trouble.

        With a few regulation, mixed martial arts could be one of the most dangerous sports in our generation.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Mesmirising Formation of Clouds 7 years, 10 months ago

    Clouds can provide photographers great opportunities to capture them in different avatars. The cloud formations are given names and meanings. There is a whole lot of information on the formation of clouds and […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Garden Should have an Incinerator 7 years, 10 months ago

    A passionate gardener will fill their garden with as many trees as possible least realising what will be in store when leaves start to fall.

    Where there are many trees there is bound to be a shower of dry […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Word in Praise of my Ever Faithful Camera 7 years, 10 months ago

    I cannot praise my camera enough, that just with a little bit of effort it  produces great  results. The features in there automatically adjust to situations. All what I need to do is to focus and shoot. Thanks t […]

    • That’s a wonderful passion you have, photography. And yes, only a few have that kind of skills.
      I tried taking pictures many times with my phone but I am not satisfied with the outcome. I cannot say there is wrong of my camera because when my sister uses it, she got some good pictures. So, I must say, it’s not a passion of mine. Maybe I am just a lover of nature that I want to take some souvenirs of them through photos but I cannot do proper photography. 🙂

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    bestwriter replied to the topic How can I cure Bad breath naturally in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

    Most have already talked about teeth and gum problems. There are issues that concern health.  One’s lungs, liver and other organs if rgwt are damaged that could lead to  bad breath.

    Drinking plenty of water helps.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Your comments have appeared repeatedly here. I wonder why.

    To check for number of words you must first write in ‘Word’ where the number of words is displayed.


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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Old age in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Old age is a very critical time in someones life. Some might take it as a bonus, some may take it as being a nuisance to those that ar3 still young, they feel like they ar3 a burden to their families and this can cause the old people look down upon themselves but if th3y are taken care of well, then there will be no problem. Many people tend to…[Read more]

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