• Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Do Sleep Patterns Change? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you for the inputs and adding your perspective to this topic. The Chinese eat 6 small meals a day. Maybe even you can try that and see if it is of use to you. Good to know that you have learnt to not eat late. That is a very important thing which many avoid doing and they come from office at 10 in the night and eat around 11 in the night…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have written five blogs to date in two days. I would like to suggest to newbies who would like to blog to keep the size of blog to more than 1000 to 1300 words to earn well, you can also choose topics on which books can easily written choosing such topics will give you more material to write without struggling and thinking what you need to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How To Earn In Literacybase – Basic Things Which A Newbie Can Do in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    Very true. Continuing the thread of the articles already written can act as a revenue generator only thing is that the replies should be the the size of the ones which I make. As that earns you 20 points. As commenting after reading the posts or articles in the forums earns well this way. Someone who is not comfortable writing articles or…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Why Do Sleep Patterns Change? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    We find that many a time while we do have good and sound sleep. There are days which on which we have problems sleeping. I have already details of how to get sound sleep in a earlier article in the forums. But here I am focusing on those days where there is trouble when it comes to sleep for one reason or the other.


    Sleep is a biological cycle…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    If the image is used by you for your name I do not think other members will use it. But if you took the image from the literacybase library then others can also use the content. I suggest you make sure you use the image from google free images pinterest.com or similar others. Then others will not use it as it is you name for which…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Water The Source Of Life On Earth 7 years, 7 months ago


    Credit Pinterest.com for the share

    We have come across many scenes where we find in different parts of the world there is acute shortage of water despite there being heavy rainfall during the rainy season. […]

    • As time goes on, more and more people are using a lot of water and the resources becoming scarce. There should be remedies to the shortage or impending shortage of potable water. One is planting of trees, but in some areas, there are no more vacant lots to plant on, mostly were cemented. So the government should enforce tree planting in available areas and prevent illegal cutting of trees.

      Water management should be efficient, and people should abide by the laws on water usage. It is best if they will recycle water.

      • Agree with your suggestions to tide over this problem faced in most cities in different parts of the world. What I find is the people are careless with their attitude. They all would like to complain about the governments and how they are not being provided water by the concerned authorities. But could not care less about their responsibilities as a citizen.

        Government bodies too are lethargic in whatever they do and these people also come from the same society. The only thing is once they get elected the responsibility for which they have come has to be fulfilled which very few are able to do so. Majority of these members are the ones who do not care about the issue that is the sad part. Thank for the inputs.

    • Here in the city where we live, people buys the water they drink. That’s because they want to make sure that the water they drink are safe and clean.

      They have water on their faucets but they aren’t sure if they are potable. Maybe we can but we have to boil them first before we drink them and that’s tedious.

      And that is the situation in the city where I work and also in the next town where we live.

      But not in the hometown where my parents live. There, you can get water straight from the faucet and drink without getting sick. It is safe to drink and clean. It is also so forceful. They can open two faucets at the same time at the sink yet they both have lots of forceful water.

      That’s because the source of their water is from a spring that is being gathered in a cemented big container with a lid. This is always regularly cleaned and checked as to its cleanliness.

      As to trees, our hometown have lots of them compared to the cities which like you said because of urbanization the trees were all nowhere to be found already. Although, it’s a good thing now, that the mayor have already implemented the cleaning of the ditches so flood now is just in one place or two but not in the city proper anymore.

      • Even at our place here we are having to purchase water since the last year. As the water board releases drinking water every five to seven days. So we had to store it and use it carefully, but since some new pipeline works are taking place they have stopped supply and it comes once every 7 days. Hence we are forced to purchase water from outside.

        Regarding the need for water for other purposes like washing, cleaning etc. We have a well since the past 35 years and we draw water from the same. Ours is the only house in the colony which has a well all others have borewell which is a technology which is being misused and abused by many. They dig borewells beyond the prescribed limit. While our house has a garden and water drains directly to the ground when it rains. With others it is not so as they have cemented the surface. Their logic is it is clean and looks neat and they do not have to maintain it as in the case of the garden which we have. Thanks for the information you shared.

    • Thanks for the feedback. Last year in the summer months it was a very bad situation in our country in many of the states. They had to start water trains to supply water to the places where there was sever water shortage. These people also had to subsist on one pot of water for one to two weeks in many places. It was so bad that at some of the places people started fighting for water. It was a desperate situation.

      Governments do not seem to want to act against the people who are the trouble makers as they have to go to them every five years to seek votes and win elections. That is the reason they allow these problem to happen and sit and watch as the situation unfolds. In the end they panic when people get angry and do some patch up work to see that that particular year is done with. Then everything is forgotton conveniently till problem crops up the next year again.

    • water water is all what people need to start a life, its like magic and some people do not appreciate it, really uo feel bad when you see that, its like treature, wel all need to take care good about not to finish.
      it is enough to say that more htan half weight the human is water, be careful with using it all of you

    • here in my country there is a problem with water. In all honesty i believe now they have somewhat gotten control of its usage. in the past communities would have been without water for months sometimes years. In my house in the past we went through the period where there would have been periodic lock offs of water. we had to juggle our work, school and collecting and storing water for our usage. it was really a stressful time for us as there were moments when we had to rush home so we could collect water before it was shut off. thank God we managed and pulled through without any major health issues.

      recently in late november last year the second city receive 4 months of rainfall in one day according to the experts. the pictures and videos of the catastrophe was disheartening. today they are still cleaning up that area.

      • Thanks for participating in this debate. Happy to note that you could tide over the water crisis. In 2018 I have been observing the weather pattern it has become highly unpredictable and huge amount of financial loss has occurred all over the world some places have been flooded while others have heavy snow and some others have no water. Human lifestyle is responsible for this situation. Best wishes and regards.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, How Food Can Be Preserved And Food Shortage Eradicated In The World 7 years, 7 months ago

    Credit Pinterest.com for the share  Food Facts.

    Food is a basic necessity which is required for all living beings to be consumed and gaining energy so that the wheel of life can progress further. We find that […]

    • You are right, there is so much food wasted. If carefully managed, many people will not go hungry and prices of food commodities will go down. This requires efficient post-harvest facilities along with the right technology for the farmers. Biological control of pests like rats should be undertaken. Aside from cats or snakes that feed on rats, farmers should find its breeding places and eradicate them manually. For left-over foods in restaurants, there should be really a local law asking the management to donate to charity or to soup kitchens the left-over but still in good condition food.

      It is sharing and proper management that can help solve food wastage.

      • It is true in our country itself there is not much of awareness even among the educated class who are well off. They feel that since they have paid for the food they can consume how much they want and waste the remaining which is very bad according to meaning. Being a Hindu food according us is nothing but Goddess Annapoornadevi who provides for every living being in life.

        People should appreciate this and see that they do not waste food and abuse this noble Goddess. I really pity these people who call themselves educated. While there many good samaritans who give one fist rice for the purpose of charity from the food they cook for the house. That way the unfortunate can also have food and try for something better for their lives. It is a very complicated problem to eradicate rates. If food is there rats and other rodents are attracted and come immediately. The seem to be very intelligent too.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Insurance A Must In These Uncertain Times For Everyone’s Health and Life 7 years, 7 months ago

    Credit image share to Pinterest.com


    These are uncertain times in which we live. Live has become unpredictable, one cannot tell what will happen to him or his near and dear ones. Everything happens so […]

    • I agree.

    • Thanks for your comment appreciate your participation.

    • Life indeed is so uncertain; we do not know what will happen tomorrow or in the future. Like what you discussed here, having an insurance is a best step to cushion the impact of such unfortunate incidents. It is better to be prepared when we need it like having a health insurance plan.

      • Agree with you. Unfortunately governments and insurance companies do not provide insurance which even the poorest of the poor are able to afford as it is a mandatory necessity for all for all citizens of any country in the world. The inflation and the prices being very high. If any problem occurs it will help those affected.

        Many people also have the notion that having a insurance is equivalent to wasting the morning earned with great difficulty. Hence they avoid taking the same. The premiums too scare away many people from taking insurance. Insurance companies seem to be targeting only those who are well off. And do not consider the poor as worth targeting. If they change this attitude and look at that as a major marked and come up with policies which are according to their needs it will help the poor a lot and the insurance companies too will grow. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About – God Shri. Krishna And Radha in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Holi is a time where it is spring season, there is green everywhere and nature and life is taking a rebirth after the shedding of the leaves in autumn. Holi the festival is celebrated in many parts of India in different ways. And why not each place is unique so are the people too hence celebrations too are as per the conditions and the people who…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Medical: Depression A Major Health Issue in Modern World in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    Very useful inputs regarding the first subject mentioned in India it is a banned substance. I do not know whether medical council of India has allowed the sale of the same for medical purposes. I have not heard of it in news papers or other places till date. They fear that it could be sold across the counter or be misused.

    Regarding the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Medical: Depression A Major Health Issue in Modern World in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    I concur with what you say and agree all of us are prone to some or the other form of depression. Which creeps silently without our knowledge. As we are too busy to find time to take care of our health. The problem is our style is also unhealthy and sleep is compromised for the sake of money. This does no good to us and our…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How To Earn In Literacybase – Basic Things Which A Newbie Can Do in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    True agree with what you say. Since yesterday I have posted three posts the last one about Indian music I just blogged it a few minutes ago. It takes around 1 hour for me to prepare a blog of more than 1200 words. I think a mix of different options it the right approach. One should not get fatigued by doing something. In my opinion infact…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Music In India A Fast Growing Industry Having Great Variety 7 years, 7 months ago

    Credit image to veena.png

    Who would not love to listen to music in any part of the world. The initial music which we humans heard were the chirping of the birds, sounds of cattle and wild animals, that of […]

    • Nice, I wish to hear the music form displayed here through YouTube.Are your songs in English or not? Thanks, very nice , informative one knowing your culture and music of the 21st century India.

      • Cely,

        Thanks for the appreciation shown for the music of India. Here what is shown is the Veena it is a string instrument. This has been there since the Vedic age more than 7000 centuries ago. This is the instrument played by Goddess Saraswati the Goddess of Knowledge in the Hindu religion. One more interesting thing is that before are sent to school. There is a function conducted known as Aksharabhyasa which is performing pooja for this particular Goddess and seeking her blessing that the child grown into a brainy, intelligent and wise child.

        I do not know if we can put a you tube in this reply hence am not doing the same. But it is played instrumental and it is also played along with singing too. This is famous in south India while its cousin the Sitar one more string instrument is famous in the North India. Listening to booth is nice. You will get lots of downloads of veena recitals in google by famous music personalities.

    • Thank you Krishna for putting up such a wonderful topic You have almost covered all the variety of Indian music. But one of the major sector has not been touched. There should be some category like modern songs which are not film song. Mainly sung by solo artists or bands. These songs are also very rich with their music and lyrics. Sometimes these musics are mix of several categories. I know it is hard to put all category in detail. Then this blog will be huge in size.
      In short you have done a wonderful job.

      • Thanks for the appreciation. I understood what you are trying to point out. This post became too long and I had to unfortunately stop at where I did. I actually wanted to cover what you have highlighted and some other forms too. Will try to put a different post for that. Best wishes.

    • Music produced and performed by artists from India certainly does have variety and is very entertaining.

      • Thanks for the inputs and happy to hear your view on this topic. Best wishes.

        • Question about that particular instrument that you show as your featured image. Is there like someone in India who is considered a master as playing it and making sweet melodies? Don’t know if you’re familiar with the musician Gheorghe Zamfir. He’s Romanian and people say he’s the master of the plan flute. I was wondering if there is someone similar in India who plays that stringed instrument in the picture. I’m not sure what the instrument is called but I have heard it played. If you know who is the master of that instrument, it would probably make an excellent blog post.

          • It is called the Veena and Late Chitti Babu was one of the masters who played there are many who pursue it in South India. S. Balachander, Asad Ali Khan, Rash Behari Dutta, Shrikant Pathak, R.V.Hegde to name a few of the many masters who play this instrument. This also comes in different forms like Rudra Veena etc.

    • though liked the old songs in salman khans and aamir khan movies since we were kids, i have to say the music now is so much greater and rocks, i like it and all the world like it too

      • True today’s music has evolved according to the times and the generation. The number of instruments used and the experimentation too has made the range very vast. It is a industry which is rapidly growing in India. Many albums have also become chart busters and people need not be in the film industry to get into the music industry as there are many companies which release albums and make the artiste famous overnight.

        I feel there is lot of scope for music in our country with a rich and wide array of instruments, playing and singing styles. Fusion music too has reached new heights. Audience whether old or new are open to experimentation. The tend to appreciate good music which has variety and is different from what is already existing and is pleasing to ones years. Lyrics too play an important part as catchy lyrics are liked by youngsters when the composition is good. Thanks for the input.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How To Earn In Literacybase – Basic Things Which A Newbie Can Do in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    Thank you.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    @ Ruby

    The articles should not be published on some other site, face book or anywhere else. It should only be there on literacybase website. If you have it somewhere else too it should be deleted there and then submitted here. I do not have any blog of my own as of now as even I am learning too.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago


    As far as I know choose images which are free in google avoid images of any book or magazine or website which you may find there and check if we have to pay too as for some I am not sure but think something of that sort is there. According to me if we are giving credit to the person or company whose image it is I think it should not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Yesterday night I was successful in posting two blogs. I am explaining the steps what I followed.

    1) Go the top icons on literacybase page click on the write here once which is third from the left at the top.

    2) Click on the post now to go to the blog writing page.

    3) Read the rules well to follow.

    4) On the first column write your…[Read more]

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of GerrysfernandoGerrysfernando are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Ganesh RoyGanesh Roy are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of RubyRuby are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

    • thank you for adding me!

      i like your group, it is very informative. i hope i could interact with your forums and can give good insights on some of the topics.

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