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@skysnap active 7 years ago
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March 16, 2017 at 8:22 pm

I usually avoid eating or drinking anything after 12 am. But these days some of the times it does happen. I am not sure if thisĀ is possible for all of the people out there. But most of the people who eat late night are going to gain weight. I have noticed that there are some of the issues that we may face with the weight. You can find that eating on right time is what you can find better that way. Right time and the digestion is something you can manage for better health life.

March 16, 2017 at 8:16 pm

That is indeed sad experience. I got scammed plenty of times online. Many freelance experienceĀ is with some of the people is really bad. I got to work for them on low amount. And then they scold me for not doing good work. And then also didn’t paid the money. So having a good price at first is lot better than going for the people who are charging low for quality work. I only charge low these days if I have some bad experience. That is what makes me more comfortable. Working on low often gets me to scammed.

March 16, 2017 at 1:47 pm

I usually don’t let the mood dictate my way of doing things. And that does make me one step ahead of my mood. I have learned to manage my time most of the time. And when the mood affects the time being spent. It means I have to work on some other stuff to get even. So I make sure that the mood is not affecting my work routine. I am sure there are some of the people who do get affected with the mood quickly. And that has to be considered.

March 16, 2017 at 1:34 pm

If I am not wrong the site was already global. And it always had members from around the world. I mean almost every random member here is from Asia, EU and US. So pretty much covered most of the continents. That makes it global. If it’s about payment system going global and accepting new members. Then I guess that could be one of the news that I was not aware of. In that case that is indeed a good news.

March 14, 2017 at 7:50 pm

For some reason I have not reached the payout since December 2016. I have struggled to even earn 10 cents a month then. I wish I get some time and speed to get over this. I want to earn some constant money from mylot. But for now it does not seem to be helping me much. I wonder how much efforts I need to take to reach dollar. Because it’s just plain hard with slow moving bank in mylot. Congrats to all those who got paid from mylot.

March 14, 2017 at 7:48 pm

For me my sleep pattern changed because of some other work habits. And I used to stay a lot on computer. This in turn made me worry more. And this converted into sleep issue. And now that sleep is very less for me. I am not sure if the sleep pattern is going to be any good unless I start to take it forcefully. I am not sure how people recover Ā from this phase. A phase in which we get less sleep and have no control over at all. Ā I have to find this part out.

March 14, 2017 at 2:40 pm

I just realized one thing here. That some of the times we have no ideas to write anything. And for that we just have to focus on commenting on post. We can also create threads. That way we don’t have to take some of the workload. Instead we just have to focus on the post comments and be natural. So newbies if spent time on these small things, they can get much better output from this site. Atleast that is what I think here.

March 14, 2017 at 2:28 pm

I think for many of us things change when we earn on consistent basis. That way we don’t have to work harder on the later part. But the thing with most of the writing sites and online small earning opportunity is that one has to be consistent. But the sites are not going to be paying all the time. So your effort needs to be consistent. So journey to online earning is going to be with some ups and downs. And it’s not going to be any easy from here onward.

March 14, 2017 at 1:36 pm

I think a lot of people are born without parents. And many of them continue to be alone. Apart from god, I don’t think they have anyone around. So I am guessing that people can do a lot of things alone. It just needs a leap of faith. And people just have to trust their own intuition and work on the things. If they can do these small things, then surely it just works out on it’s own. Most of the time people feel that working alone can solve problems but often it does not. But sometimes we just have no choice.

March 14, 2017 at 1:34 pm

I think I am extremely hard working. And I work hard on many small points. Often I meet failure. I cry for that. And next day I start working hard again. I want to work smart now. Not sure how to do that. But surely there must be some ways to work smart instead of working hard. I am not sure what are some of the ways with which I can improve myself. But working on small things I have learned a lot of things around. Hopefully this year and next year I can change lot of things about life and myself over a period of time.

March 13, 2017 at 4:28 pm

I think 22 cents is the maximum one can earn through it. And more if the post has comments. With each comment reply you may have higher cents added to it. But do note that some of the time It’s better to keep writing and then focus on other things. That always works better for some of us. I have yet to earn more than 22 cents from one post. But it’s not easy to earn like say more than 5 posts in a day. Just keep writing on comments, forum post and also blog posts. That should work as well.

March 13, 2017 at 4:19 pm

I managed to write 3 posts for 1 week last week and before. But it was kind of draining for my body and brain. And I think that’s one reason I just have to slow down on 1 post a day and more on the comment and the post. So it may be taking a lot of my time for now. I may have to try other ways to get engaging. For better I guess commenting is the best way to spend time here. And with forum posting it can earn too if you are consistent.

March 12, 2017 at 5:40 pm

I think small money can turn into larger if you are saving even single penny from it. Most of the time I used to think the same. Then I started saving every single amount. And then compounded it. That way I have managed to handle a lot of money. I am not sure if it’s possible for all. But saving money and then compounded it can be really good. I think this can be one good way to earn some money slowly. For me that seems to have worked.

March 12, 2017 at 5:12 pm

I have chrome as my primary browser. Apart from chrome, I have also installed Firefox and Opera. And Internet Explorer is something I can’t get rid of. It seems that browser seems to be attached by default. And not something I’d use for serious work. Most of my work gets done with the chrome. And I think the extensions are what makes the chrome a good option. I am thinking of using simple browser if possible. But I guess chrome extensions makes it way more usable.

March 12, 2017 at 5:05 pm

I think if you are limited to writing 300 words. Then instead of writing blogs, make sure to comment on post and forums. Because those two options would give you same amount of money. For example, I found that only 500 words is something I can write for long. Now that most of the forums and comments on post makes me 15 cents easily. I don’t see the genuine reason for writing 300 words post these days.

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 291 total)