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sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

@shivamani active 7 years, 9 months ago
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February 12, 2017 at 3:59 pm

There are many ways to establish a direct relationship with God. There is Bhakti Marg, Jnana path ,Yoga path, Vibhuti yoga and many other things. One can attain salvation by choosing any Path appropriate or suitable to him. There are learned and highly educated people, there are semi-educated and uneducated.

The learned and educated by virtue of their education can understand how to please God or what pleases God. They know how to chant Vedic mantras and Suktas. They know which mantra should be chanted for which, God.  They can please God by following the procedure meant for each ritual.  Hence, they are sure to please God and attain salvation.

But, what about the Semi-educated and uneducated.  How can an illiterate perform prayers duly following the procedures in rituals? Who will tell him? It does not mean that he has no love for God But, he does not know how to express it. But, God has to listen to him also and give him salvation. He will do it. A dumb person can not worship God with prayers and mantras. But God has to accept him also as his true follower.

But, how? Here comes the concept of Bhakti. Their Bhakti or devotion is unlimited for the Almighty.  Sabari tasted the fruits before offering them to Lord Rama. Just because she wanted to offer him only sweet fruits.

Bhakta Kannappa was not having any knowledge of Mantras and devotional prayers. But, Lord shiva showed gave him salvation. He could not see the water from an eye  of Phallus and so removed his eye to offer it to Lord Shiva. He accepted his offer and pleased by his love and gave him Moksha.


February 11, 2017 at 12:09 pm

Yes. Shiva is the manifestation of creation, growth, and destruction which are all phases in a cycle. He represents all the three phases. He wears a serpent as a Garland, holds a Mala that consists of 50 beads of Rudraksha. He wears the skin of a Buffalo. He holds a Trident as his weapon and Dhamaruk as the instrument for his dance. Everything will teach us the reality and the truth of life. His living in Graveyard indicates that it is only the final place which is meant for others and where each and everyone irrespective of status, money, and power should rest.

There is Pashupatinath Temple in Nepal. Here there is another temple dedicated to Gorakhnath and his followers are called Gorakhis. They use and know all about Tantric practices. Their Guru Gorakhnath is almost worshiped as  Lord Shiva. Another cult we find among these sects is Aghoris who almost lead a totally different life. They eat the corps in the Graveyard and apply that ashes to their bodies. They take bath only during Kumbh Melas and visiting the shrines of Lord Shiva. They do not move with any people and even do not prefer to live in the human settlements. They live mostly in forests at interior places.

Many people have tried to seek their blessings but failed. There are only a few who could get their Darshan. They feel it lucky. Aghoris posses unimaginable powers and capable of bringing to life even the dead, but only if they wish.

There are many who only write about them with different stories and experiences which is not worthy at all. Even on the Internet, there are some pictures uploaded telling about Aghoris. Though there may be some rare stories that can be believed that can be believed to some extent but can not be accepted in toto. I have approached to contact them during my visit to VARANASI but failed miserably. He just went off very quickly. Of course, I am satisfied with his sight. That’s all.

February 11, 2017 at 10:50 am

Yes. Everything is predetermined by Lord Shiva. He makes and mars the things. He is the source of enlightenment and he is the source of all birth, death, and salvation. It is He, who ultimately devours everything into himself. What we think as ours, is nothing but His.

Today we may face extreme problems and sufferings. But, ultimately he who comes to our rescue. He knows everything. He knows, how to rescue when to rescue, and to whom to rescue. What all we should have is patience and trust.


February 6, 2017 at 9:17 am

I was not a regular blogger on this site previously owing to the pressure of work I had. But, I was always prompt to participate in the discussion and attending some forums. Of course, this does not make me enough money. I know that. But, I do not want to be off the track. I had visited two or three other states in my country during which I could not make any contribution to the forums. Whenever I sit in my office, there will always be some one or other with files to be discussed. I can not reject them as it is part of my job and duty. The first preference will be for the job right now.

Since a week I am feeling a little bit comfortable both in the office and at home as well. So decided to post some blogs for a change. The change I have noticed is that there is no disturbance from the pop-ups. This is a great relief I am getting. Earlier this was really a hell to see and suppress them besides attending the work on this site. Now, they are not coming to disturb me. This is the main reason for my attending this site without any irritation. Everything is good now.

I have decided to post some blogs continuously from 5-9 AM and then the office diary for 1 hr and then forum posting discussions. This is how I am planning to have my regular work. The rest of the time is for my family.

February 5, 2017 at 5:43 am

A good blog. Sleeping is important in our life. A baby requires a good and undisturbed sleep. It will sleep…sleep…and sleep only to make its mother awake  A teenager and an Adult can have 5-6 hrs sleep with some deviations. But, the accepted principle is that every man should have at least 6-8 hours and as one grows old he /she should have 8 hrs sleep.

Waking up for long hrs. after spending time in parties, discussions and debates, gossip with freinds for long hours, drinking coffee at the time or a minutes before one goes to bed actually does not allow one to sleep. Sometimes, due to ill health people do not get proper sleep and they take sleeping pills. If the usage is occasional there may not be any problem But, most of the times people get themselves used to it and finally do not get sleep without taking them. They become addicts.

Sleep makes one fresh.

It relaxes muscles

It rejuvenates the mood of a person

It is only a healthy person who gets a sound and undisturbed sleep. This is a boon which, one is not expected to forego.

February 5, 2017 at 4:53 am

Good read. The description of the Goddess is vivid.

Goddess Kali is another form of Maa Durga. Kali temples are located in various parts of India. The said Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a worshipper of Maa Kali. There are many people who worshiped her but people say that Ramakrishna Paramahansa virtually had seen her and was conversing with her.

Maa Kali is worshiped mostly in the State of Bengal. She is considered as the personification of Shakti (energy).

The various Kali temples located in India are;

TARAPITH in the Birbhum Dist of West Bengal

KMAKHYA TEMPLE in Nilachal Hills of Guwahati in Assam

MAHAKALI TEMPLE in Pawagadh of Gujarat


KALKAJI TEMPLE in Delhi. People say that it is the oldest temple and is more than 3,000 years old.

CHAMUNDADEVI TEMPLE is in the Kangra dist of Himachal Pradesh. This Goddess is the combination of two goddesses, Chanda and Munda.

JWALAMUKHI TEMPLE is located on Dharmasala-Shimla road at 20 km from Jwalamukhi Railway Station. The flames will be coming out of an Earth’s opening here which is considered as the manifestation of the fallen tongue of Sati and is worshiped as JWALAMUKHI.

There are many Tantric mysteries associated with the worship of Maa Kali. It is believed that Many Tantriks visit Kamakhya temple only to refresh their Tantrism. Many people visit this place to master Tantrism. During Amavasya Days this category of visitors will be in appreciable number.


February 1, 2017 at 8:50 pm

Miss Universe contest, not an easy competition. It requires hard work, open mind, more dynamic and social attitude. While many participants compete for Miss Universe contest one only  who puts her best in the contest will be successful in winning the prestigious status.Most of the competitors appear almost equal in their beauty, energy, and other qualities required and it is almost impossible for a commoner to expect as to predict who the winner will be.

They all will have beautiful bodies, proportionate bodies, glowing eyes, shining skin, perfect legs, and an entirely proportionate figure on the whole.

Everybody may expect something and guess something but ultimately he will be surprised as soon as the final result will be announced. The spectator generally can not stick to one opinion and goes on changing his opinion as in each and every part of competition one will overturn the other and stand out first beyond the expectation of a common spectator. So, we as a common spectator can not see and judge as to who will be a winner of Miss Universe.

What actually is a deciding factor in the Beauty contest? The answer is that it  is not only the Beauty but the Beauty of the mind that decides the Winner in the Beauty contest.

Miss France, in the 2017 competition, successfully entered the top 6 in the question and answer. She could finally enter into top 3 for the final look competition.

This competition is more than a beauty contest and to be a Miss Universe one has to be cultured, well-mannered, and intelligent. The contestant spreads the message of peace, control of diseases, and health awareness.







February 1, 2017 at 3:54 am

Nice. Nature has kept many gifts for us only to enjoy. It has provided lakes, green trees, rain, placid water in ponds, blue skies, birds flying free, fog, mist, rain, sun, moonlight, everything is meant for us to enjoy. Modern man in his eagerness for a living making his own life more fast and unable to concentrate on things of nature meant for him to enjoy.

What all he does and is doing is running for joy, searching for peace, weeping for tranquility, which are all in the nature itself around him. No observation. No patience. No time. Life for him is a dull episode without any joy or pleasure moments.

We should accept that it is only he who is responsible for his loss. He made everything for his pleasure and happiness but has become so busy that he went on keeping himself busy without realizing that they are all meant for him only and in life there is no specific time meant for enjoying the things leisurely. One has to go on enjoying the things as and when one gets time. It is a continuous process.


January 30, 2017 at 9:41 am

A good blog on varieties of species with useful information.

The thing we have to accept is that the list actually is meant for those who can provide space for them. But, this is not at all a problem if one has got the desire to enjoy the nature. All we have to do is take an interest and provide an appropriate atmosphere for the creatures, plants, and animals to keep them in tune with nature.

I had a great love for dog. I bought one when it was very small. I was playing with that as soon as I was returning from the school. One day it disappeared suddenly. I searched for her. No one in the house was able to tell me anything about it. Finally, after seeing my agony for the dog my sisters revealed to me the fact. It met with a vehicle accident and died and my sisters have cremated it somewhere near the house. I felt very sorry for that. I stopped thinking about dogs afterward as their loss will torture you like anything.

But, I am interested in plants and some wild decorative flowers. It is very easy provided there is enough water. Some varieties do not require water regularly and still, they can give you a pleasant feeling.

This is all helpful in making the feeling of oneness and in coordinating various species in the environment.

January 30, 2017 at 9:08 am

This is a good point to be noted and to be followed by many.

There are many who still think that they are totally safe and secure on the Internet and can do anything like insulting others, posting vulgar comments, posting some porn pictures, making disrespectful comments etc., keeping themselves behind the internet. They may be right and for God sake let them live in their own castle of dreams and let they be not disturbed.

The Internet is a way of expression in a group dynamics. It differs from country to country and religion to religion and region to region. The internet is an internet for all. But, it differs in the theme when a situation arises where a person belonging to one country expresses his feeling /s to other national. The language and the selection of words may differ but the expression and feeling will remain the same. In such circumstances, the question of insulting another deliberately does not arise. One expression something in a language which will be somewhat different from the other. There is no meaning in considering it as damaging. We should see what the main idea of the person is in making such remarks or comment. We should think whether he is lacking language or lacking expression. We can decide it very easily.

But, the question of making a damaging comment without respect to others arises when both are educated, equally good in expression, but unequal in their cultural background. How can there be a meaningful dialogue if a cultured man takes up a comment with an uncultured one? will it have any meaning? Will it find any solution? Will this be an appreciated?

I never had this situation. I generally do not consider such things and advise others give scant respect to those comments or discussions as they are from a person having uncultured background.

January 30, 2017 at 8:48 am

Life is not a battle at all. Battle can be fought between two or more for the sake of food, land, or any other materialistic thing.

Once we overcome this attitude of greed there will be nothing that we could wish to have. This is one way of looking at things philosophically remaining as contented with what we have.

Another way of looking at this is that a battle will be fought between the two in which the powerful will win.

Powerful wins the battle provided if he is strong mentally and physically. For winning the battle one should develop a powerful attitude towards life and should not let the weak gain control over the powerful even at the slightest opportunity.


January 30, 2017 at 8:39 am

I agree with you that it is only with dialogues and discussion a solution to the problem of Terrorism can be found. But, the question is who should take the lead? First;

1. who should take the lead?

2 Who should be invited?

3. what should be the Agenda for discussion?

The whole world knows pretty well the powers behind the ISIS terrorism are only two super powers who want to establish their say globally.  

In the International politics mean procedures and methods should be dispensed with. One should not take the wrong step for the fulfillment of their goals. If one power takes a wrong path then the other will make it double and it goes on like a chain reaction and reaches a point of no-return. 

It all started with the quarrel between the Iran and Iran. The USSR entered at the request of Iraq and forced the U.S to take another side. I do not want to go into the details but giving a simple understanding of the issue. Now, the entire issue has spread internationally like wildfire. Bombing, Arson, Loot, molestation, rapes, murders etc.  have become the regular incidents in many countries. The ISIS proudly declares that it is they who are responsible for the acts. 

If we want to put an end to the menace of Terrorism we should no doubt invite the parties for a discussion. Who should invite who is the question?. 

Should U.N take up the responsibility? Should it invite Russia and U.S for a mutual understanding without the presence of ISIS? 

Should the U.N conduct separate talks of ISIS with U.S and the Russia and finally invite the both Russia and U.S for accepting the deliberations? Will they be accepted?. The recent effort of Mr. Ban ki-moon proved a  big failure in this direction. He could not find any amicable solution though except condemning the activities of ISIS. In the meanwhile the U.S elections made the U.S evade the discussions and nothing concrete could be achieved in this direction. 

January 29, 2017 at 11:16 am

The last two days have really brought tolight what a man  Mr. Trump is?  Many people who did not vote him continued their protest against him and his election as President. The one who supported him but did not vote him in preference to Mrs. Hillary is seeing at things with hands over their mouth. Totally surprised to see the executive order which has been approved going ahead with the construction of Mexican wall which was always taken as a joke and happened to be a point to make fun of him and his actions against.  The moment the news is released there were many pouring appreciations for the decision which they never expected. The Mexican President when announced that it would not pay for the cost he, without any hesitation, asked him to remain at home. He even pointed out the reimbursement plan for the construction of the wall which surprised many and which he did not reveal earlier with a simple equation.

The second executive order banning the Syrian Refugees and the Muslims of 7 other countries is sending shockwaves among many countries internationally.

We have to wait and see how Mr. Trump would make America for the Americans.

January 29, 2017 at 10:55 am

A good news to hear that many are becoming active nowadays on the site. I think mere quick approval may not be the reason for being so. If it is for this they have been inactive all these days they would have left long back.

What I think is that they did not have enough material or topic to write a blog on. The end of the year might have kept them busy enjoying with their friends and doing more other activities.

As far me, I am busy and will be busy throughout with my tour to different places. I do not find time also to make blogs. It will be like that until February. From then onwards, I may become active to post blogs. Even during my tour in the last month, I tried to post some blogs relating to my tour. But, could not get the internet perfectly. It was intermittently going off. So, I dropped the idea.

I wish all my colleagues and friends a great success and wish them all the luck.

January 29, 2017 at 9:55 am

A good blog with good insight and analysis. It is a pity that the country is suffering from many problems which were not paid attention to by the earlier government and remained to be solved by the new government under the present Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modiji. He has been doing and putting forth his best for the development and towards the development. Unfortunately, the irresponsibles are always there to undo his efforts. But, the people of India are always there to support him in all his activities. Thank you once again for the good blog.

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