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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Favourite Song in the forum Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

    I love old songs. I love 80’s songs. Songs from these artist are mostly on my playlists, Air Supply, The Jets, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Queen, Journey and many more.

    As of now I am listening to my Jet’s playlists. They are the ones who sang the songs like You Got it All, Make It Real, Anytime, The Same Love and many more.

    I also…[Read more]

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, How Does Journaling Help People to Deal with Life? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Journaling is like a diary, a form of writing your daily routine, plans, dreams or whatever you want to write. It can also be something that you express your thoughts with, just like when you are blogging online. […]

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Stress Away by Working Out in a Gym 7 years, 7 months ago

    Stress is part of our everyday life. Almost everyone in the world is dealing with it. Decision making, people at home or at work, health issue, emotional fatigue and everything negative are all connected with […]

    • Exercising in a gym is less boring than having it at home. You can meet a lot of friends there who have the same interest as yours, to have a healthy
      and fit body. They can give you tips not only in working out but also on your diet plan.

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of AGREE OR DISAGREE?AGREE OR DISAGREE? 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Free Yourself from Grudges For You To Be Happy 7 years, 7 months ago

    One of the reasons why people are not happy is that they have something heavy inside of them. There were bad events in their life that causes this one that they either do not forget about it or they fail to […]

    • So true, just forget about that person and you can move on and get away from such grudges. Having so many grudges is like carrying heavy bags that limit your movement. I real life, it is the same. Your happiness, your decisions in life might be affected when you are angry with some people.

    • I agree! In order for people to have a happy life is let go of anger. When you are familiar with the law of attraction, you will fully understand that what you always think will reflect on what will happen in your life. Bad thoughts will give you bad experience. Happy thoughts will give you happy and great experience. We don’t know when will be our last day, so enjoy each moment and make the most out of it.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Bad Energy in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 7 years, 7 months ago

    Just to do an update, I am still ill and still bleeding sometimes but I manage to survive and I am still surviving. I really hope that i am on the rode to recovery though I have to admit that financially I am collapsing.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Congrats for the Payment. I want to know if there is someone who had been paid in March because I plan to reach 10 dollars for this month. I really want to know if the site is still paying. There are lots of us that are visiting the site this month. Some of us are being observant and testing the waters again. We are happy that the site has an…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Kimi No Nawa, A Japanese Anime Movie Review 7 years, 7 months ago

    How do you react when you found out that you awaken from a dream that you found your body inside a different gender? Like if you are a woman, you find it in a man’s body? What would be your reaction? I am fond o […]

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, How to Have a Life? 7 years, 7 months ago

    How to have a life? Not that I am lifeless. I am still breathing, moving, eating, sleeping and waking up is a miracle every single day. What I mean is that sometimes I am living someone’s life. I am interested i […]

    • Appreciate the good piece of research which you have done on how to have a life. You seem to be choosing the low hanging fruits which one can lay their hands on and then after the task is finished recharge ones batteries and get the feel good factor for the next set of tasks which is ready on your schedule. You have also set up a simple task with no high ambitions which is good as you are choosing things which are doable and which you enjoy doing.

      One more thing is that you are recording the details which you would want to implement in the order of priorities and ones ability to finish the tasks. It is better to pamper oneself after accomplishing a goal according the ones budget. As that provides one the motivation for one to look forward to the next day with more enthusiasm. Life is to be lived in the present and it should be lived well without any regrets over not having tried or attempting which we thought we could accomplish. Health issues plague humans since the time of ones birth. There will be one thing or the other which will be there rather than brooding over the same and despairing it is better to see what we can do to make our rainy or dull day a bright and get some sunshine in our lives. An article worth being appreciated.

    • You are not really lifeless, IMO, because you can still think of positive ideas to make life more interesting. It will inspire other people who say that their lives are boring; it can give them an idea how to end that boredom and enjoy the results.

    • Love it!! Great article keep writing

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Inspiration to Write: You Need A Music In the Background 7 years, 7 months ago

    I am back in writing. I stopped writing when some new sites that I enjoyed stop counting the views. Now, I try to come back and break my writer’s block. I am writing one article a day on one of my sites and I […]

    • It is really good to have a soft music to enhance your writing; it sets the mood, and gives you inspiration.

    • I listen to EDM music while writing. And that is so far my companion for making money while writing. I wish to listen to variety of music and that way I can feel connected too. I also have coffee house sounds and waterfall sounds that I listen to.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Dimple I understand how you feel and might feel the same way when it happens to me. I wish the admin will clarify issues like this. If they have a problem with Paying the members, they might as well explain it to them. Sometimes being silent when there is  a situation like this forced the member to post negative post about them, they cannot…[Read more]

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Tiny Cent Stopped Paying? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    It is too early to say it is a scam, but I understand how you feel. If  it happens to me, I will think the same but I will hold my horses for saying it is a scam, maybe if I did not get it for a month and I haven’t heard from the admin after bombarding them with message, I will share a negative review about the site and might call it as a scam.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic 2nd Redemption at tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Dimple Swalia received her 2nd payment and waiting for her third. If the admin is not replying to you query then it is not good, but it is too early to say it is started to be a scam, however, I can feel your frustration on this matter. If this happen to me too, I have the same reaction.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    I got paid too on the site. I received it on Paypal. I learned that they are not paying anyone from the US? I asked the admin about this but he is not replying to me. Maybe he is busy. I need to clear this one because I will transfer the information to US friends. This is totally a discouragement for them as most of them are great blogger, a great…[Read more]

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Do you think it is Practical to Dine out? in the forum Group logo of Dining OutDining Out 8 years, 1 month ago

    I agree, for sure if I have a lot of money, dining out in a buffet would be fun. It will cost too much but it will all worth it with the different food you will be eating. I also would want to dine in a restaurant without looking at the price but on the food.

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    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic The Conjuring 2 Movie Pre-Review in the forum Group logo of All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event)All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event) 8 years, 1 month ago

    Conjuring 2 is not good. I seen it too and I only get shock or surprise on some parts but I am literally did not enjoyed it. I like Conjuring 1, it is much better. I hope they will not do another installment if they will do the same plot again. The devil nun is really enticing but I never thought I find it boring on some parts in the movie and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic The Conjuring 2 Movie Pre-Review in the forum Group logo of All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event)All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event) 8 years, 2 months ago

    I watched the Conjuring 2 and I never thought I will not like it. I don’t dislike it all over, but I did not feel anything. I only get shocked at once because the movie is trying to scare you whenever the evil nun appears but it is not scary at all. The sound effects might skip my heart a beat but it never compared to what I felt when I watched…[Read more]

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