Melissa Ellis
@mypet12 active 7 years, 11 months ago-
In reply to: Muhammad Sikandar Mustafa wrote a new post, The most effective method to Make Money Online The most effective method to profit online is the million dollar address that everybody needs to see addressed yet […] View
In reply to: Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Reading the Bible will Let You Have A Better Life How can the Bible improve your life? The Bible is no ordinary book. It contains advice from our Creator. (2 Timothy 3: 16) Its […] View
In reply to: Tiada wrote a new post, Strategies applied for getting the best bargain at the second hand goods centres I love to visit and buy something second hand or so called “antique” things in the second hand goods mar […] View
In reply to: Melissa Ellis posted an update in the group BEST WORK AT HOME EMPLOYMENTS I’m always online trying to find new opportunities to make a little extra cash. View
In reply to: suny wrote a new post, A workaholic is like a drug addict I am workaholic or in simple language addicted to work and the latest example is I worked overtime for a website and did not sign-out from there unless I […] View
In reply to: Tiada wrote a new post, How to make your children fall in love with books? Knowledge is power and reading is a good habit, thus the parent should cultivate the reading habit among the children since […] View
In reply to: Melissa Ellis wrote a new post, Dementia the dark lonely world of caring for a loved one dementia is such a horrible disease it is a thief, it comes in to steal your loved ones memories, health, well being, and […] View
My mother in law had dementia before she died. The sad thing is that she could not remember my name. One thing that comforts us is that she died at the ripe old age of 104. She was a believer, strong in her faith as well as the physical aspects of her life. In her 80’s, she suffered two minor strokes and broke her hip in her 90’s, yet she managed to bounce back. Alas, when she reached 101, she had a series of mini-strokes and she started to regress physically. She went from a wheelchair to being in bed for 2 whole years. Towards the end, she had a peaceful death and died in her sleep. It was challenging at first but we credit God for giving us strength to endure.
It’s very hard to care for my mother because it’s just my sister and I to care for her around the clock, but we do all we can for our mother and try to keep her as peaceful and comfortable at home as long as we can, we both realize that there may come a time where neither of us will be able to care for mother but nursing homes have such bad reputations I’m quite sure there are a lot of really nice nursing facilities out there as well as a lot of bad. Most of the time when a family member is diagnosed with dementia thier adult children step in to care for them and it adds a load of stress to thier life’s, a lot of times the adult children are further along into thier life’s as well some sick or older, and that adds stress as well.
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yeah. I heard many families ruined themselves by going into credits on their card. They could not come out of their debts and finally even addicted to drugs. They became slaves of so many people and even losing their families. The ultimate thing responsible for this problem is Credit card, debit card etc.,
I myself, though not an American paid a lot for the credit card. Finally, with a great hectic effort could come out of the problem. Later, informed the Bank to close down my account and tared off the Card and kept it in the mail box.
Yes. I agree with you.
Indeed, even I have suffered by spending more on credit cards and not paying back full amount on time. Sometimes, these cards do help in staying afloat, but at a huge cost.
I surrendered my credit card because of its high interest. It takes our credit to double every two years. Credit is good but surcharges when fails to pay is more than killing a person.
Indeed, credit cards can give us purchasing power that we never have considering that our salaries are just more than enough for our needs.
We should be very careful in using our cards. See to it that whatever you purchased through it, should be immediately paid before it earns an interest.
You should know when the cut-off is for their billing. That way, you can purchase after they have made their cut-off and pay it before they will again do the billing. That way, you will not pay any interest.