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As far as I know there is no discrimination in this site.The admin and moderators do not even care about some errors.They have long tolerance.Even in bloggers’ rants, they do not care at all. They are just and humane.Maybe there is only a misunderstanding on your part Suny.
@Shavkat, let us not mind those kind of people, they are useless and nothing to our daily needs and tasks.They cannot buy us food, let them die in envy.Those kind of people are so insecure and they do not have talents and skills like us.They cannot even write .They belong to slow minds and do illiterate. I am thankful I haven’t encountered someone or co-worker backbiting me, or else , I will turn their heads in the opposite direction hahahahaha.Maybe those who know me don’t dare back bite me for I am good to them, and they also know that I am a striker, Strike right away. |
@Shavkat, thank you friend. I thought we will be paid from the ads that I might explore hehehehe.It seems you are super busy blogging here, teaching on line there.LOL.Me too super busy, it’s our midterm departmental exam next week.I formulated TOS plus test questions on Physics for the departmental exam. I am the test maker good for 4,000 students enrolled in Physics. |
@Ruby 3881, Thank you Ruby for your message about Blogjob.Let us hope it resurrects soon.Many will surely fly back at BJ.About plagiarism issue, I think that was only the presumption of that blogger no basis at all.Thanks Ruby. |
@shaloo walia, hi friend, I may join BB after our departmental exam.This time, I just saved my posts for BB, so when I begin, I will have less effort.Thank you for inviting me by sending your link at BB. |
That is true, life is like a theater, we have to perform well so the perceivers can applaud us and in the real life if acting like a drama sooner or later you will fall down on that theater.That is why we have to be very careful what to say so the words that come out hurting may not be retrieved and may not be pardoned. |
Whatever we encounter here, let us just ignore.They are so upsetting and irritating. I am looking for a site where I will write articles without other things to be dome like liking, interacting and the like. |
If men cheat and lie, and so with women.Both are not perfect.There are so many women who cannot be trusted. My sister-in-law betrayed my brother who works abroad.Being art from each other does not mean no more love and connection.Men and women are no excuse in cheating and telling lies. |
The reason why this site feels so all alone because many are there now in blogbourne. May you find what you are aiming for in tha site.I think this site is far better that that site blogbourne. |
I only visit here every evening for few minutes. I am so busy in my active work.That is one reason why until this time I am not able to experience redemption here, end of August or if not September.Which is which. |
I do not have taste for a monkey to pet, plus there is no monkey in our city.Monkeys here are found in the mountainous parts in the city where I live. I never had seen a monkey in real only see it in pictures.Frankly, monkey is not part of my list to pet with, nor to see in real. |
There seems many issues.When you comment make sure that it is not too harsh to the person owner of the post. There is no perfect grammar. What is important is we will be understood. We are not in the position to criticize someone.Our concern is to post tp earn and not to ruin the dignity of the person owner of the post you believe erroneous. The right person to check the error is the site owner trough its moderators plus the word press. |
@shaloo walia, that is a very funny site. How could we keep our moth shut when we are born gregarious hehehe.Well, anyway, good luck to all from India for you have an exclusive site that keeps your mouth shut to earn better. |
@Shavkat, That is life we have to fight for. Whatever problems come our way, let us solve them one at a time, and also not good to accommodate all problems at one time, you will surely weaken your spirit. |
@Shavkat, at least I haven’t applied in that useless site.I doubt if that site blogbourne would last for 2 years. By next year it will become invisible, and many will sink into their dismay feeling. |