dear @Michelle,thanks for reading my post. I almost ignore your comment here as there is no notification to alert me. How I wish there is a notification feature set up by LB team.
And, there is no comment notification at the dashboard too, so we know nothing on the progress of our blogs. I feel a bit sad on this, hope there will be a little bit improvement from the team of LB in the future.
Back to your question, what I send to my daughter for lunch, right? I don’t send, will ask her to bring along in the morning, she just need some snack for tea break or recess time only. She will go home at 1.00p.m, so no lunch box needed for this year.I try to reduce the carbohydrate content food for her, as she is a bit overweight and this caused she has foot ache.
I try to give her more vegetables and fruits beside some cakes, noodles, chapatti. 😛Do you still remember what did your mummy prepare you during your school time?
good tip and the best is the tomato really super healthy choice and got water along with vitamins to make you more healthy. good tip amazing
“How can one become more productive?” is a question that will continue to always come up.
Everyone wants to get more done and feel a sense of accomplishment as each day comes to an end. There are a million different productivity tips out there, but here are other five ways to increase your productivity levels that can work wonders in y our life.
1. Arrive early, stay later
2. Plan each day the night before
3. Leave the office for lunch
4. Minimize distractions. Stay concentrate or focus
5. Keep your goals in sight at all times -
@Nemzie, thanks for your feedback. I agree with you, this is a continue to come up issue in the office. Hehe!
Yes, can’t agree more, there are thousands of tips on increase the productivity, the willingness to learn is the key.
And, thanks for another 5 tips.I love the first tip, arrive early, so will have a quite section to do our own things. And, won’t waste our time in the traffic.
And, planning is important too, so we won’t miss out anything and will focus on the important things.
leave the office for lunch can help too? An interesting point! I love it! Does it because we can have a rest from work, and come back with a fresh mind and head, so can help in increase the productivity?
Stay focus is very important, I agree too, it will help us not divert from the goal and make sure we are heading toward our goal, and in the fast way!
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Reading to a very small child is a wonderful experience not only for the child but for yourself it helps the child develop a wonderful love of reading and they carry that with them always in turn when they have children they begin to read to thier children and carry on a wonderful tradition, my sister recently became a grandmother and she began reading to her grandson while he was a baby , he now loves books and reads to his younger sister.