Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Constitutional Happiness and the Cinema Industry During the 1930s 7 years ago
A bizarre event happened in North Carolina in 1932: namely, a group of unemployed people invaded a cinema hall pretending to watch the movie without paying any entrance fee. This episode shows how it was ver […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Solon’s Smart Strategy: an Erudite Sage in Ancient Athens 7 years ago
The ancient sources about Solon are handed down to us both by Herodotus and Plutarch, but also by some fragments of the same Solon. Another source equally important was Aristotle’s Constitution of the A […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, From the Bone of the Ape to the Technological Man 7 years ago
From Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey we can infer significant and interesting inferences about the world we live in. In Kubrick’s film some apes appear, intended to be read allegorically as our a […]
This is really good to hear technology has make know so many things
As Francis Bacon said, technology in itself is neither good nor bad. For this reason people must have sufficient reflective and critical capacities to check technological tools.
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Speculators in Ancient Rome and Deceitful appearances 7 years ago
The Roman Emperor Diocletian issued the edict known as Diocletian’s Price Edict (Edictum de Pretiis) in 301 AD to keep prices down, and asserting that they were strongly affected by speculative pre […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, A Humorous Womanizer of the 18th Century: Laurence Sterne 7 years ago
Sterne owed his fame to an original work titled The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman which was published around 1760. The story is composed of a series of episodes with many digres […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The Wisdom of Publilius Syrus, a Slave by Manifold Names 7 years ago
According to an erroneous belief, Publilius Syrus (1st century BC), in ancient times was called also Publius. Publilius’ real name was finally established by Woelfflin:
“Until the beginning of the sixteenth cen […]
Many thanks.
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Human Behavior, Konrad Lorenz and Subliminal Advertising 7 years ago
Many years ago a very interesting scientific discussion raised, which saw protagonists Konrad Lorenz, Skinner, Fromm, and Wolfgang Wieser. The matter was human and animal behavior. According to Lorenz, i […]
everyone is equipped with the ability to reason,learn,and make their own choices.few make use of that ability. awesome article to help for people.
Thanks a lot.
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Human Mysteries and Behavior Therapy in Ancient Greece 7 years ago
One day someone asked Chilon of Sparta which were the hardest things of life. He replied without any hesitation:
“The possibility of keeping a secret.”
Yet there were those who knew how to keep secrets, suc […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The “Triangular Relations” among China, Russia and United States 7 years ago
Superpowers in Comparison to Themselves
The United States have no absolute control over the international scenario, as had happened after the World War II until the demise of the Soviet Union. It is also […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The Mystery of Trade relations between China and U.S. 7 years ago
In these days there are a lot of discussion about the so-called Trade War between the United States and China. Drinking coffee and reading the New York Times, I have found an article by Ana Swanson (July 5, […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The Atom Bomb: Russell, Churchill and the Post-War Debate 7 years ago
Bertrand Russell ( born in 1872) In his Has Man a Future? offer us the point of view of a great scholar about nuclear weapons. Among other things, as a scientist he had an intimate knowledge of the facts re […]
This is real . With is article it has given me inside of the second world war
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Time and Space in a Static World: Waiting for Godot 7 years ago
Waiting for Godot, besides being considered one of the founding texts of contemporary theatre, is certainly the best-known work of Samuel Beckett. The play unfolds in two acts, but the scene is always equal to […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Masters, White slaves and Black Slaves in Early America 7 years ago
William Stuart, in his important report on White Servitude, informed us that the Dutch West India Company, when decided to colonize the new territories of New York and New Jersey, did so for purely commercial […]
Enzo Sardellaro joined the group ultimate wealths and wisdom 7 years ago
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, George Orwell and the Federal Bureau of Investigation 7 years ago
At first, I should remark the extraordinary political and social relevance of George Orwell’s themes. He condemned all dictatorships, both communism and imperialism. His critique was particularly corrosive be […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Businessmen, Progress, and a Ridiculous Question 7 years ago
“Much of the best energy of the world is wasted in living in the past or dreaming of the future. Some people seem to think any time, but the present is a good time to live in. But one man who move the world mu […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The Trapdoor Spiders, the People, and Erroneous Ideas 7 years ago
Animals of different species have contributed to show us the way in taking benefit of the chances which nature affords us both to protect and to feed ourselves, but the trapdoor spider is surely one of the most […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, Historical Films: From Shakespeare to the French Revolution 7 years ago
Shakespeare in the Movies
Henry IV (1945), Hamlet (1945), and Richard III (1945): these films were directed by Laurence Olivier, Starring Laurence Olivier.
These three interpretations of Lawrence Olivier a […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, The Luck of The Shadow line 7 years ago
The Shadow line, by Joseph Conrad (1917), is a very intriguing novel from the psychological point of view. The novel tells the story of a young petty officer, dissatisfied with his present work life. […]
Enzo Sardellaro wrote a new post, An Irrefutable Argument of Alan Sillitoe 7 years ago
Alan Sillitoe was born in Nottingham in 1928 and was an enterprising young man, leaving school at 14 to work in a bicycle factory, and later working also at a plywood mill. Sillitoe began to write in Malaya, and […]