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    Nemzie Bayawa started the topic Other Terms And Conditions Of LB That Is Not Observed in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have noticed that most members here focused on plagiarism as one of the violations here in literacybase. Every time I’m on forums, I always read about plagiarism but are you aware of any violations here like not to say vulgar words? Or any content that is insulting, indecent, offensive, hate or any violence or anything related to these…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic has anyone cashed out and received their money here? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I just checked my email this morning and I got a message from paypal confirming that my account received my payment from literacybase. It was sent yesterday.

    Try to check your accounts, dear friends you might already have your payments too.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic has anyone cashed out and received their money here? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I got my pay out today… I’m usually last

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Site Killer; a True Story 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are people who know how to ‘play’ a site.   They find out how and what and when and who before they join. They research how to get the most ‘points’; be it getting on the Front Page, getting the most money, […]

    • A site dies because of users. They play games, cheat spam and help Google to cancel the sites adsense account.
      It is important for site owners to keep a vigil on such activities and if they do not do it then they will be out.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic My Second Painting from the Ennio Morricone Series in the forum Group logo of Arts & HumanitiesArts & Humanities 7 years, 6 months ago

    My friendly advise is stop doing this, misleading discussion.This is forum court you may get caught discussing things not found here but in your other site,Please do not do it here.There are many eyes and ears to report you to @Support.

    Just a friendly advise friend.

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    cely replied to the topic My Art (part two) in the forum Group logo of Art, Craft, Photography and DesignArt and Craft 7 years, 6 months ago

    Where is your artwork? Do you mean to say that writers here will got o your other site Niume to click like and say something nice about your post there? And this is Literacy Base site,misleading friend.Be careful you might get caught and have your account removed from this site.

    Just a friendly advise should you want more income from here.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    So far, Niume plays with hits, Mylot pays little but wants little work, and here… which is sort of.. iffy sometims.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Most of the sites are gone… the survivors, most of them, don’t pay.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Weaving As Cordilleras Source Of Income 7 years, 6 months ago

    Cordillera Administrative Region is known when it comes to agriculture or farming, mining, and lots of opportunities like wood carving and doing handy crafts like weaving.

    In this article, I am going to show some […]

    • Oh those are beautiful. They also make nice blankets there. I have some of them here and in my parents’ house.

      Here it is the pilinut that is the heart of the products that Bicol boasts of. Also, the abaca products, of which bags of their kind has been seen in some J. Lo’s movies.

      And the pilinut, they can make so many kind of candies, pilinut brittle, mazapan, nougat , and a lot more. SO delicious, even just the simply roasted pilinuts. And they are mor cheaper than the kasuy.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic The sadness that accompanies when we are about to finish an interesting book in the forum Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 6 months ago

    @ PEEUSH TRIKHA,When I read a book, I read it nonstop. I will never stop until I read all.Even the Bible I already read all the contents good for 3 months reading.Just be patient, you may read the climatic part should you have some hours to do it next time.

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    cely replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @Tita, Hi sis? Why did it take you 3 days to enter this site? There might be a glitch or your internet is slower those days. Always troubleshoot your computer. That is what I am always doing if sense this site when open always saying Error, Error, Error,LOL.

    By the way, about that suspected scammer/ spammer, you may unfriend that person if he or…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic A spammer enters the site submitting posts language unknown in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @kaylar, hahaha, it is very important to be a keen observer. We must also be vigilant even in a site like this not only in the active days where bad elements are roaming around, drug addicts drug lords, in a site like this, spammers, scammers hahahaha, so funny people. That was what I sensed that person was a programmed machine for he or she never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @PEEUSH TRIKHA, hehehehe, that is true I got the info from the CEO and flashed there so numerous sites including wikinut, triond, beer money nation and so many, many.This means to say that there is no guaranteed earning site, except perhaps Mylot for it stays for a decade now and some sites undercover only some knew.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, What Are The Benefits We Can Get From Strawberry? 7 years, 6 months ago

    What is your most favorite fruit? For me, I have a lot of favorite fruits and one of it is strawberry. I want to consume at least a cup of it daily.  It is not because of it is common here in La Trinidad, Be […]

    • You are so lucky to be living in a place where strawberries are abundant. How much do they sell it there? Here it is expensive because it is not indigenous here in our province.

      Indeed, berries all have their anti-oxidant aspect as I have read. Not only is strawberry delicious but so nutritious.

      I like putting it in milk and eat it that way. You see, i don’t like milk. But when it is with strawberry or strawberry flavored I do drink milk.

    • So, living in Trinidad means a guarantee of 100 years life without any heart problems and Cancer. I like this fruit. But, this is not grown in India as per my knowledge. We only import these fruits. There are some fruit shops where I have noticed them.The price is not abnormal. They give for a reasonable price. As you suggested I have not seen any green cap over them at the tip. This means they are not fresh but only imported from another country through proper packing.

      This is also my favorite fruit but next to Mango. I like Strawberry juice very much. This will be my first choice of drink everywhere. As far as the ice-cream is concerned I give it is my second choice as the first being the Chocolate.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Unwanted Plants In Your Backyards That Is Beneficial 7 years, 6 months ago

    Weeds are actually irritating when you see them around your ground or in the garden. We always think of them as an unwanted plant because they share soil nutrients with your flowering or fruit-bearing plants. And […]

    • Hmm, that is very good to know! Though, I am not familiar with those kinds of weeds.

      Maybe I should take note of the weeds in my parents’ house because they have a very wide lawn at the front and at the back of the house.

      Actully, there are a lot of plants we don’t know that exists just in our backyard. Had we known their health benefits, we will surely get them to eat.

    • Some shrubs and weeds possess a great medicinal value which we do not know and understand. It is only the herbologists who identify them and put them into use. Without knowing anything about these weeds it is not good to allow them to grow. There are some weeds which are poisonous also. Our children will be playing near them and may come into contact with these poisonous weeds, which sometimes may prove fatal.
      If we find such weeds and shrubs in the backyard of the house we should contact a herbologist immediately and show them the weeds and seek his opinion as to the danger involved in allowing them to grow. Then we should act accordingly. Sometimes, they become centers for snakes, scorpions to live in. In such cases, we should immediately burn them.
      No doubt, they may be having some benefits only after processing. We can not process them. We can not eat and chew them unless there is no threat to our life.
      I did some study on these plants, shrubs, and weeds when I was visiting Srisailam which is having a dense forest covering hundreds of kilometers. I contacted many people and noted down the points relating to many of them. But, all of them are useful only after they are processed and can not be used raw. What is the use of it?
      There is a shrub/small plant known by the name Gymnema Sylvestre which is called in the local language as PODAPATRI. The leaves are useful in lowering the sugar level. Once a herbalist offered me 2 leaves and requested me to taste some sugar. Amazing…I could not feel the sweetness of sugar at all. I chewed it like sand particles. Later he informed me that it is used in most of the Dia products.
      As it was quite interesting to know about it, I collected some 6 leaves from him and took to the office. During lunch hour while we were on some casual discussion I offered 2 leaves to my colleague and asked her to chew and tell the taste of sugar. She chewed them and said she is getting giddiness. I was shocked. She was not having sugar. The dosage of 2 leaves was more for her. She got giddiness. Now after some time she seated herself in the chair itself and fell asleep for an hour. Was I not wrong to offer her without knowing anything?

      Better it is always to clean them out of the house.

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Why Are Teenage Pregnancy Common Nowadays? 7 years, 6 months ago

    When you go around the city, you can see a lot of teenagers carrying their babies with them. They could be 16, 17, or 18 to 19 years old.

    Teenage pregnancy is not anymore a surprise to us. It is more likely to be […]

    • Teen pregnancy has become more popular over the years due to lack of parenting. If parents taught the kids any good value or taught them to respect there self it would not be so Common. (referring to teens that are pregnant at age 13-17) or how about the show teen mom I feel it is influenceing teens to get pregnant.

    • Another thing is that teeenagers, girls at that, drink alcoholic drinks with their friends , mostly boys. So what do you expect when all gets too drunk.The girls are without inhibition already and would have sex with their intoxicated male friends. Some gets raped.

      Besides, the proliferation of X-rated movies that are easily accessible at the internet, wakes up their sexual urges, so much so that when their boyfriends would ask for it, they would easily give in , out of curiosity of how it feels.

    • Most Filipinos are not as open when it comes to topic of sex. We felt that they will eventually learn it through their science class. We take for granted that they will learn it in time.

      It may also be the emotional side of it. Maybe they feel that their boyfriend is their ‘forever’ and does not have the heart to lose him. Also, it is their way of showing their love for their man.

      Sadly, the percentage of teenage pregnancy is soaring high.

    • I think we can all blame TV and these young kids pretty much selling sex.

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    kaylar changed their profile picture 7 years, 6 months ago

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Didn’t take One Hundred Days 7 years, 6 months ago

    If one listened to all the remarks, promises, and the rest of the verbal vomit that fell out of Donald Trump’s mouth, one would be zombie-fied  if… if they actually believed him.

    Trump is a deceptive liar.   H […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    One of the ‘tricks’ many sites do is to pay for ‘hits’ or ‘views’ and fudge them.   Usually, when you join you seem to get a lot of hits, make that pay out, and then, no matter how many hits, comments you get, the money barely climbs.

    Niume is known for that.

    You make your first $10 in about month.  Your second?  You will reach something like $3…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Some People Don’t Think of Consequences 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is a true story, the only things I’m changing are the names and some locations.

    Errol was married to Roberta and they had two little children.  Errol had not really settled down.  His company sent him and h […]

    • Yes, it is true. Some people think that posting such pictures will make them famous or cute, but for psychologists, it has a different meaning. Not all people can be fascinated by t and it will reveal the kind of a person(s) they are!

      • Exactly. You are not hiring an accountant, a lawyer, even a technician whose face book page is full of that kind of stuff. At the highest, they don’t look serious. At the lowest, they seem to be mindless.

    • It is true, some people do not think of consequences behind their actions on what they are doing. Some people get too caught up in what ever is going on at the time. When ever the thing that you are doing, comes into the light or someone else finds out, of what you are doing…most of the time, it doesn’t always end well.
      Before you do a thing, it is important to acknowledge the person that you will be hurting. I am not or never has been a person of retaliation, because I know that it may cause more harm to myself than good. Why I say this is for this reason…for example..I will use relationships.
      If you are in a relationship or married and you decide to be intimate with someone else, first of all…it is wrong. Second of all, to the women…you have to understand, in society today…we are looked at, depending on what we do to our bodies are very important, especially to keep our sanity and our WORTH! We are very important to society rather you realize it or not. If we as women, place ourselves in situations where we are having sex with more than one partner, while we are with someone at the time….what does that say about us. We cannot do what men do, in that department but sometimes we don’t care because we are angry at the time or hurt. Yes, I do understand what it feels like to be hurt and it is not a good feeling but you will eventually get past it! Do not lower your self esteem by sleeping around with different people. You will be respected more and someone will come along and worship you because you have maintained yourself as a woman. I realize that men will be men. There are some good ones out there.
      Just think of our daughters….would you want them to grow up, thinking that is ok to sleep around. I have a beautiful and intelligent daughter, which I raised her kind of being strict. I was very hard on her because I did not want her to grow up a certain way, especially with the young children that are being brought up today. She was always a straight-A student in school because I constantly instilled in her the importance of education as a black child growing up in today’s society. No, I am not saying that I was a perfect mother, because I had my faults as well. My daughter did not see me with different men all the time, she did not witness me going out with friends to clubs, looking for a babysitter so I can do what I want to do for fun….When my children were born, it was always about them…I was a single parent and it was not an easy task.I had relationships and they were long relationships, it just didn’t work out.
      You have to be careful what you do because it usually comes out in the end and people don’t think about the reaction from a person once it has been exposed. One thing that I realize is that you can not change a mans’ ways if he is not ready to change. A good man can change a woman for the better. I know this from experience because my husband changed me. So I am not trying to put us women down but you have so much value within yourself…shaking your butt, exposing yourself on social media,wearing no clothes, etc. is not cool. This does not make you look good for the right man, that is if you want a good man! Yes, for the time being….you are looking good until they get what they want and you give them exactly what they want, then you wonder why they don’t give you respect or talk to you a certain way or basically cut you off…. because they already got what you put out there for them to see. That is a fact! If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect men or even your children to respect you. This is also a fact. Where are the beautiful queens at?

      • What you are saying is very true. And trying to hurt someone often has a bounce back. Which it did in this case.

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