Okprike Reddah joined the group Health Issues 6 years ago
Health is life
Habakkuk Daniel joined the group Health Issues 6 years ago
Emoghor Christopher joined the group Health Issues 6 years ago
Nathaniel Naboth started the topic 6 STEPS TO HEALTHY SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS. in the forum Health Issues 6 years ago
miraculous food that can promise eternal youth and beauty, but diet, lifestyle and behavior are essential to contrast ageing and appear toned and fresh. In addition, they form the essential basis for health. Thick and shiny hair, strong nails, and radiant skin are no doubt signs of good habits and personal beauty care, but aesthetic efforts alone…[Read more]
Nathaniel Naboth started the topic 10 TOP FOODS TO LOWER YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL in the forum Health Issues 6 years ago
It�s no exaggeration that balancing your blood sugar could be a matter of life or death. Chronic high blood sugar levels are toxic to your body, destroying organs and blood vessels and paving the way to a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, stroke, dialysis, nerve damage, erectile dysfunction, or even blindness. Out-of-control sugar levels can be r…[Read more]
Nathaniel Naboth started the topic SIMPLE, PROVEN PHILOSOPHY TO EASE MONTHLY PAINS AND STRESS. in the forum Health Issues 6 years ago
Monthly, few women dread the onset of their periods and the discomfort that accompanies the shedding. Most women have tender bre asts, bloating, and muscle aches a few days before they start their periods. All these signs are normal but when they disrupt your daily life, you need few hacks to ease the pain. Like the breakouts, pain, headaches,…[Read more]
PATRICK joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Nathaniel Naboth joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic ASPARAGUS For CANCER Very Interesting and Powerful… in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Wow i have read much about stuff to do with home remedies and natural medicines but i have mever read about asparagus. This is really interesting and informative. I have seen it being sold in the market but i have never taken a keen look at it or even considered to find information about it. Some of my friemds tale it but i don’t think they know…[Read more]
Secondary dharma joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
TUPGEAY LEPCHA joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Awotedu adedayo joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Jelmar replied to the topic How can I treat a tooth ache at home? in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
I have read many posts and articles on how to stay away with tooth ache. And personally, I have tried so many of those but this one thing I’ve learned, it could be avoided by having a good circulation of blood through your gums and teeth.
Jelmar joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
hmbh201 joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Jitendra Makasana joined the group Health Issues 7 years ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Causes of red lips. in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Lemon and honey mmhh sounds very interesting. I would have never thought about this one. But i guess for me i will end up licking the whole thing up becuse the lemon nd honey are all eatable hahaha. And its all beneficial to the body. Anyway thats a good tip to try out though i don’t apply lipstick all the time but will give a tip to those that i know of.
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic How can I treat a tooth ache at home? in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Tooth aches can be so painful and bring alot of discomfort. I have also over the years suffered a lot with my teeth. I have 3xtracted quite a number that have grown back but others didn’t. Before i got searching for home remedies for toothaches i used to take tablets. I started off with panadol that helped me quite a bit when i was younger but…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Is Appy A Healthy Drink or No?… Interesting… in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
There are so many drinks that people are taking from the markets nowadays ignoring all the tell tell signs. This is very useful i like to read such articles bevause it teaches me one or two things about something i did not know. Some of the facts may sound like a joke but they are true. The one thing i didn’t know is eating mentos and coke i had…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic How are your Kidneys? in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Yes that is true k8dneys play a very viral role in our lives. We actually need them healthy all through. They do most of the work in our bodies and when they collapse then the whole body system becomes compromised.
Health is life