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    Miranda Hunt and Profile picture of Blessing GeorgeBlessing George are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of SuperDSuperD are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    mwangi and Profile picture of Asuzu MaryjaneAsuzu Maryjane are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of Goodluck OkorieGoodluck Okorie are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic How did you know Literacy Base? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Literacy Base: A Corrupt Forum

    I earned 70 dollars when I tried to redeem it all flew except  dollars, I do not know who drew it now after a couples of months I checked but seven dollars still. I do not know why the young writers are writing for Literacy Base: A Corrupt Forum. I request all the young writers not to write for this forum is a…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    mwangi and Profile picture of Shadi J.Shadi J. are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    mwangi and Profile picture of JohnJohn are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of Jacky HughesJacky Hughes are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of Lee KaLee Ka are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    neeru sharma and Profile picture of DawnwriterDawnwriter are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    BillionaireSK and Profile picture of kspksp are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Drive away your conflict with these tips 7 years, 7 months ago

    Each person possesses a unique set of attitudes, beliefs, and ideas that could range from that in their co-people, every now and then, those personal variations can lead to conflicts within the office. Here are […]

    • Here in the office, conflicts arises when there are side comments made towards somebody who is in command of a project. And this side comments are not directly being told the person, but is being relayed by another.

      As you know, relaying comments made by another will always go wrong. Why? The person relaying it will say it not the exact way it was said. It could either be that there are additional words or lesser words.

      In this regard, what happens next is an exchange of words between those two very persons involved.

      Because of that, the two persons won’t speak with each other and instructions will just be relayed through others. This creates more mistakes.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, A brief overview on elementary accounting principles 7 years, 7 months ago

    A number of primary accounting ideas were developed through commonplace utilization. They form the basis upon which modern-day accounting is based totally. The fine-regarded of those principles are as […]

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Decide: Supplements Or food – Which is right?? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Supplements are supposed to be the best in body building on today. Not everyone is interested in body building supplements.


    No need to worry for that. Just go for solid foods. They work just amazing rather […]

    • Since I know that I am not getting enough nutrients from all the foods that I eat, I take vitamin supplements.

      I may be eating fruits and vegetables but then I know I am not getting enough of them everyday. Even for the proteins, I maybe eating meats and legumes, but still I know I am not getting enough of those two.

      SO I take vitamin supplements. But I take them individually, not in multivitamin form because that too doesn’t give us the daily recommended dose. I take those that are most needed, C, E, B1612, fish oild and calcium.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Advantages and disadvantages of buying a rental property 7 years, 7 months ago

    There are some advantages and disadvantages of buying a rental property.


    1) Advantages:

    Advantages are:


    Earnings from Renters:


    Earnings from renters the most important benefit of owning apartment as […]

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, It is your entire endeavor! Not steroids 7 years, 7 months ago

    Steroid compounds have been very popular name today for the body builders, athletes and competitive weight lifter. Some people are promoting the benefit of steroids to become big and strong as they could be ahead […]

    • In my college days, I took steroids to gain weight because I was too skinny. I did gain weight, but just the right weight. However, my face became so rounded, actually called moon face.

      At night, my brain would be so active, that I cannot sleep well. It’s as if my mind is always alert.

      But taking the steroids had improved my appetite. I ate voraciously.

      My father seeing my moon face was alarmed so he had me seen by a doctor and there I admitted I took steroids. I was made to withdraw from it gradually. And eventually the moon face was gone. Though, since then I already maintained my weight.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Dry mouth! A common problem 7 years, 7 months ago

    Dry mouth affects about 10% of most people and tends to be more prevalent in women than men. Disorders of saliva production affect elderly people and those people who are taking prescription and nonprescription […]

    • I get dry mouth during the night. When I wake up to pee, I notice that my mouth will be very dry. So, I always have a bottle of water near my side of the bed , so when i awaken and my mouth is dry I sip some. However, drinking water can make me urinate a lot at night.

      But I think that is better than not urinating at all during the night.

      As to my dry mouth, I think it is caused by my sleeping with a slightly ajar mouth, as my husband told me it is when I am asleep.

    • i take a BP tablet and that causes dryness. I need to hydrate myself often not something I like to do.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, 7 signs denote you are pregnant 7 years, 7 months ago

    Pregnancy is the most adorable and thrilling period in a life of a woman. But, how could you understand that you are pregnant at the early stage of your pregnancy? What are the changes that your body would […]

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Soft water advantages and disadvantages 7 years, 7 months ago

    Soft water! What is this? It is our first question when we first come into contact with the word. To clear out your confusion I define you what is soft water? It is nothing about touching and feeling its softness. […]

    • So I think the water flowing in our faucet is hard water. This is evident by the corrosion of some water pipes.

      Also I have noticed our new airpot already colored a bit yellow when in fact, it was as it was claimed a stainless steel inside.

      Knowing soft and hard water, can another water in between soft and hard water contents be made instead.

      Though, since hard water contains calcium and magnesium then it is the healthier water since our bodies need calcium and magnesium.

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