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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Exercise hormone sheds fat, 'helps people stay slender' in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 7 years, 10 months ago

    Fatty acids are a major fuel source for humans both at rest and during exercise. Plasma free fatty acids (FFA), although present only in micromolar concentrations, are the major circulating lipid fuel.

    Three main benefits of exercise

    Heart Disease and Stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening y…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic The Cause of Evil Deeds on earth in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have seen people all over the world especially evil doers are doing evil deeds on earth openly including religious peoples of the whole world without the fear of God and Jesus Christ’s teaching and the Muslims forgetting the teaching of of last Holy Prophet Muhammad, Jews forgetting the teaching of Moses and Abraham, Issac, Jaccob and…..

    What…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic The Media Teams just Crush the Poor not the Rich in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Last night I was watching TV A TV channel News, in which the media team was showing a chocolate shop and was raiding the owner that you are selling stale chocolates that cause diseases among the children. After this the team entered into an other shop and blackmailed  the owner mercilessly.

    At last the team went to different shops to visit the s…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic what happen? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, brothers we must support good sites by our creative articles there are countless sites on the internet but all are not fake as Adsense and other trusted sites as LiteracyBase is one of the rusted site all over the world. The that says click links and get money are fake and fraud withe the clickers as my one friend told me yesterday.

    But I…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic imoral music in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes, you say right that today’s music is immoral and doe not suit to a civilized society where good people are living in churches, temples and mosques but modern generation is producing immoral music for the present and coming generation.

    Yes our forefathers produced good music and religious music actually songs and music means teaching something…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic self-examination in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    My brother I say that introspection means that the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.  Introspection is a process that generates, or is aimed at generating, knowledge, judgments, or beliefs about mental events, states, or processes, and not about affairs outside one’s mind

    Any process that in a similar mann…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic hypocrisy in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Those who are hypocrites are those who are greedy and jealousy you must know that hypocrisy springs from  jealous and greedy heart and such persons have evil past.

    My brother that There be three degrees of this hiding and veiling of a man’s self. The first, closeness, reservation, and secrecy; when a man leaves himself without observation, or w…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Pay-n-getPay-n-get 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Talents and Corrupt Intelligentsia of our Society 7 years, 10 months ago

    It has been seen and observed that talents are crushed and the talented persons are discouraged and rejected by the intelligentsia of the whole world because the man who are full ideas may bring revolution don the […]

    • The society is made of human beings. If the human beings are not good the society they live in will be bad one automatically. It is not the society that is good or bad we should think of. We should see whether the society is formed by a group of good people or not.
      Now the point will be what makes a man good or bad. This is a tricky point which needs analysis from various angles.

      If the man is not properly grown up with discipline and if he is allowed to grow in his own way without the knowledge of what is good and what is bad he will be poisonous to the society and he go on spoiling the other people in the society.

      The duty of the parents is that they should bring their children with good discipline . They should give him love and affection all that is needed for their children. They should take proper care of their health, food, and education.

      Now the teacher molds the character of a person. What parents can not teach he will teach his students.

      Ultimately, what I say is that the parents and Teachers are the Pillars who lay the foundation for the growth of good people in a society.

    • Indeed, many of us are becoming bad due to our society’s decaying moral values- where Power and Money get all the limelight and morals take a backseat.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Children’s Physiology on the Barren and Terrain Mountains 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is said that a child is the father of man on earth because a child is a treasure of any country and an angel on earth, the gem of country, the love parents, the soul of mother, a stick of parents, parents’ t […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Bureaucrats’ Ugly Tactics to Control the Subordinates in Offices 7 years, 10 months ago


    The people of the whole world must the meaning of bureaucracy that bureaucracy means that the most important officials make important decisions in favor of state and in this system no elected representatives […]

    • nice post

    • This is a nice article. This has covered how corruption grows with politicians and bureaucrats. How a politician after taking charge of Ministry threatens the staff under him is clearly explained.

      There are some politicians who are adopting a new strategy nowadays. Instead of asking the bureaucrats which file has to be sent to him and how to send him they come to an understanding.

      When an officer signs the file in green ink it indicates that the party in the file is being sent to him. The minister will be benefited if the file is kept with him till the deal is completed.

      If he signs and keeps a sticky note on the file it should be rejected.

      If he signs in black ink it indicates to the politician that the officer is interested in that file .

      There are some Chief Ministers I have seen who engage brokers for collecting information relating to the important files in each department. Their duty is to dress up neatly and visit the head of the department showing their identity as a relative of the Chief minister. The Head of the Department will have no option but to oblige him even if he says ‘no’ once or twice that too after ascertaining the genuine of the candidate.
      This technique has been used and developed more during the Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh, India when it was united.
      The nexus between these two categories is very strong and as long as it is not broken the corruption survives forever.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Poor Men and Women just live on Hopes and Dreams 7 years, 10 months ago


    I have seen, read and observed that there is no life of the poor men and women on earth. They are slave or servants of the rich. That is why; poverty is a curse but heaven and haven for the rich. In the […]

    • Indeed there life is very tough. I wonder how they manage to live in such horrible and terrifying conditions. Life would be a terrifying experience for these poor people.

      It would be very difficult time for them if they face some sort of disease. How will they afford the medicines and the fee of doctors? I think they can’t dare to consult a doctor if they fell ill.

    • Only thing the first shell be last and the last shell be first..

    • Fortune is really a whore which lives in palaces. But a leader a undo many miserable things happening. There are many reasons why richer are becoming rich and the poor are becoming poorer.
      Ir is right that the industrialists and capitalists are colluding with politicians and whatever they say will be made as law. But who makes the laws and rules meant for the people? No one. Practically no one.
      Many leaders talk about democracy. But, there is democracy meant for the rich but not for the poor. They are made to suffer.

      Sometimes, there comes a leader who contains these unhappy things . Takes stringent action both in words and deeds against the rich.

      Being rich is not a sin But being rich at the cost of the lives of the poor is a sin.

      That is why the leaders like Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi took stringent action against the black marketers and other tax evaders. He determined to put an end to Corruption in India which has been continuing since the Independence.

      Now, the opposition parties are running on the roads with protest, anti-Modi slogans like made dogs. Yes ,They are mad dogs. They are even worst than pigs that live on the mud and dirt.

      These opposition parties are now clamoring about the poor farmers, poor people standing in the queues, treatment to the poor etc, which they never cared to take action for. How these bas ( )are ventilating their grievances can be witnessed every day on the different channels of T.V.

      We should not be disappointed. There will some person or the other who will come forward and set the things right. It does not mean that we can not do such things. Yes, we too can. But, it is enough if we appreciate and support such people.

    • To stop poverty is every mans battle we should not lose hope if we live as a poor which in fact is in the very lowest stage in our society being slandered and slaved by the elite. Remember, not all people who become rich came from a rich family most of them dreams of not being captivated by their own poverty. What im trying to say is that, we should have to dream, to do actions, for us to achieve our dreams. It’s a matter of perseverance, hard work, determination for us to succeed. Every one of us should dream high for us to hit high! If we always focus to our poverty without any single hope in our heart to survive we could’nt make it. Success start with our own perception on how we forsee things in their own light. How we believe in ourselves how far we can go, and most importantly, how we surpass all the trials in our life with flying colors. We should give inspiration to others that amidst all the suferring in this world, there is always a hope that we can hold on towards our better future…

    • This is a nice piece but i disagree with many aspect of porverty and the three things he stated are the cause. To me the simple cause of porverty in the world is SELFISHNESS. This brought exploitation which lead to the introduction of form of exchange. Everything we need on earth was provided by God for free. If humanity had allow God’s plan tlo work every man will have been living comfortably. Porverty is theman wickerednessl toowardds each other

    • This is a nice piece but i disagree with many aspect of porverty and the three things he stated are the cause. To me the simple cause of porverty in the world is SELFISHNESS. This brought exploitation which lead to the introduction of form of exchange. Everything we need on earth was provided by God for free. If humanity had allow God’s plan tlo work every man will have been living comfortably. Porverty is the result of mans wickerednessl towards each other

    • money is the root cause of all evil not poeverty. People engage in criminal activities for the sake of money not to become poor. there are many rich men who are criminal.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Asthma in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

    No problem, asthma is not a problem actually in asthma human haling and inhaling timing becomes out this condition causes asthma and it is curable 100 per cent. I am JH Sayyar professional Medical Astrologer on Fiverr.com. Just write my name in google and check client per cent age.

    Those who are under the spell of asthma may these medicines the…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of East new yorkEast new york 7 years, 10 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Politicians Support the Drug Smugglers all over the World 7 years, 10 months ago


    Drug smuggling is a criminal act against God’s Commandments, against Morality, against Religion and against mankind. I think it is an international trade all over the world but organized with the support of […]

    • I free with you they are most contributor of drugs smuggling all over the word. Because the government cannot stay that don,t know where all those hard drugs are produce, they turn they blind eyes against hard drugs because they are gain from the industry, the manifactoring company of those drugs they do but because revenue they turn blind eyes. Many of the politicals do patronize them, for criminals who knows each other to stand against one another it will be very hard to do. Since they getting profit from them so they cannot be serious to stop them drugs smugglers, they are all over the places, the even live with you they you also know them.

    • Crazy Government will do something like

    • true, drug smuggling is against humankind and God but government entire the world are blind just for the seek of their own good. they are just focusing on what they have for today but they are blind to see the future of the next generation. for my imagination as I imagine what will happened if drugs continue to be traded woldwide the next generation will be as worst as now. if we observe crimes now they are everywhere how much more for the coming generations if the government will make solutions for this problem.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Work Makes Men and Women Great on Earth and in Heaven 7 years, 10 months ago


    When Adam was in the Garden of Eden his main duty was to water the Eden plants day and night and their pruning according to season. God created Eve Adam’s partner to remove his loneliness. But when Adam an […]

    • This is a nice saying, our society today are not happy with someone who is staying idle, remember there is proverbs popularly saying idle mind are evil workshop when saying idle without doing any miningful work many negative inspiration will be flowing into mind which if you reason them yourself know things will not go well with you, the our society today who are making it are the people use they time to search out something like those things which are useful in our society today, handiwork are the people which were helping our society today, just think about clothe you wear, think about the shoes, there are automobiles mechanic, think about hair dressers to names but just a few, when you have a good handiwork people will be looking for you, handwork gives more money than being servant handiwork is good and those who find themself one field or the other are very happy of being they.

    • I haven’t read the book by Bertrand Russell – The Conquest of Happiness before, but my appetite has already been wet.
      Also to add to what you have already posted, work in itself helps one to stay healthy. That is the very reason why all efforts to make easier to humanity by technological inventions tends to create more harm at the long run of usage.
      In other words, God created man and created work to be done by man, however, man in their own way wants to find an easier way work will be done without man’s involvement.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Nations are Divided on the Religious Beliefs 7 years, 10 months ago


    There are two forces working on earth since man’s creation and before the creation of man: a positive force and a negative force. These twp forces are part and parcel of human life and the Universe.

    God ca […]

    • It is like that because man did not understand the almighty God in heaven, the don’t know the rule and regulations on how to honouor God, some say i belong Jesus christ and others says i belong to muhammed, i also want to asked if you belong to muhammed did muhammed commanded you to begin kill for him? If you said i belong to Jesus christ the son of the living God, why cannot you love one another and make the world a better place for me and for you! But i should remind everyone us that Jesus christ the son of the Living God has no rival of any kind in heaven on the earth beneath. Why there is so many religions is because false prophets and false teachers who keep on misleading people, some have died because of religious crisis many are the prison, if you know that your religion is the right one why do you kill peoples and develop hatred towards the religions group, many of so called prophet of this and prophet of that they are cause of religions crisis in everywhere in the society today, any religious who sponsored terrorist are the religion of satan, because God said let us create man in our own original image so God cannot asked to kill a man which he created by himself for him any relgious group who killed people are not true but of satan, so many are decieved to believed what they don’t know, Jesus is the only way truth and the life no man goes to the father accept by him, no two ways about it.

    • It is sad that the base on which to create a nation was wrong and we are now paying for it.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Any Reaction On Marccos Burial in the heroes Grave This day in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    Marcos was a hero and a hero should be buried like a hero. Marcos was president of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986, when he was overthrown by a revolt – dubbed the People Power revolution – and forced to flee into exile to Hawaii, where he died in 1989.
    His body was returned to the Philippines in 1993 and has since been kept in a refrigerated…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    Anger is nothing but the fume of jealousy and hatred and when human brain full of internal hate and jealousy and in such condition when your brain bust something thinking talk to you become angry due to interruption of your thinking process. Just as we massage the cucumber piece robbing it on the cucumber cut place and its sour liquids comes out…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Global And International IssuesGlobal And International Issues 7 years, 10 months ago

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