@dawnwriter active 7 years, 1 month agoForum Replies Created
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1) Of course, only those should be sentenced to death whose crime is proven without doubt. 2) I don’t know how this is possible. 3)Again, how can a dead person terrify witnesses? If his crime is proven he should be executed immediately like in the case of nursing student @swalia mentioned where 7-8 men raped the young girl in a bus and were all caught and identified. Wouldn’t a witness be more afraid of the one who is roaming freely in the society after 3 years? 4) Those with mental illness cannot be held accountable for their deeds but again many more hide behind this ruse. You also said:
Does education stop people from violent crimes? Don’t illiterate people know the difference between right and wrong? And last, people should not be put on death row for 20 years. If there is no doubt about the crime, they should be executed at once. Recently a servant killed his elderly female employer. He took all valuables from home and money and crushed her skull. just as he was coming out of the house, people saw blood on his shirt and captured him. He has been caught red handed. Is there any justification for allowing him to live?
@rapidblue, you said:
I do not understand how this is possible? If culprits of heinous crimes are allowed to stay alive and even go free, isn’t it then when your children live in perpetual fear? |
@nakitakona13 I am sorry but I feel these are just excuses. If a two year old goes to the market and sees candies and ice cream on display, even he knows that he cannot take one without permission/payment. I live in a Muslim country and most women here dress very conservatively covering their hair and body and even they get raped. It is always about not fearing the consequences. Girls may put themselves at risk by not wearing proper clothes, being so drunk that they do not know what is happening to them or be in bars with strange, unknown men. But there are hundreds of cases in which girls and even boys are kidnapped and raped by people close to them. You are right. things like pornography, easy availability of alcohol, drugs, movies has totally ruined the human nature. These are abominations. In Islam alcohol and anything addictive is strictly forbidden barbecue they are called “Shaitan’s (Satan) handiwork.” There are no easy solutions but people need to fear the law otherwise horrible crimes will keep on happening and no one will be safe.
A short answer would be No, Never! A longer answer would be: No I would never write or promote content that goes against my religious, cultural and moral values. Being a Muslim I would never write about alcohol, homosexuality or extra marital affairs or anything that goes against my religion, no matter how much money I am being offered. At the end of day, i believe that all my rizq, (income, sustenance and means of staying alive) comes from my Allah (God) and not any human being so I will not prosper if I make people happy and Allah displeased with me.
@nakitakona13 This is because people are not being given death penalty. And also because law is works at different speed for the rich and the poor. I think if news channel tell names and crimes of people awarded death penalty at prime time news, people will be afraid of the law. all we get to hear is how the rich and influential, our business tycoons and politicians get away with breaking the law all the time and no one can get in their way. |
@swalia It was one of the most shocking incidents ever to happen. Rape is very common and again it is because there is no fear of the law in the hearts of men. They consider themselves immune because they think a) they will get away with it b) the woman and her family will be too disgraced or afraid to complain c) even if they get caught, the case can drag for years, evidence and witnesses disappear and the culprit can be out on bail to do whatever he wants next. It is sickening, disgusting and horrible. More and more people should speak up. As a Pakistani, one of the most shameful cases for me was when a young man stopped the son of an influential person from teasing his sister. That brat came back with his bodyguards and opened fire on the young man. There were witnesses but after a few case, the murderer was out of jail. As he was closely associated with ruling party. his son not only got out but came out of jail making the V for victory sign, The media went wild and so did social media but the guy is now out of country and the family of the young man also left fearing reprisals. I wonder how nations can progress with such burdens on their souls. |
@slayer08 I agree with you 100%. Terrible crimes are committed in prisons by hardened criminals and jail wardens and these people become even more hardened and cruel by the time they get out. I think if 10-15 murderers, terrorists and rapists were hanged every month, the crime rate would drop significantly. There are many people who commit crimes for fun or thrill. In our country there used to be a motorcycle gang a few years ago who snatched purses, mobile phones etc usually from girls and women, One woman got shot in front of her kids while resisting. When the culprits were caught, it was found they were sons of rich people who had no need to do these things. The problem is no one is afraid of the law and justice has become a joke, especially for the rich people.
I am very much in favour of death penalty if it is established without a doubt that the person is guilty of murder. I also feel very strongly that rapists should be given death penalty too. I have read new reports of people raping girls and boys as young as 2-3 years old and I think these people have no right to live. Nowadays it has become common for rich and influential to hire pricey lawyers who get them out on medical reports or they stay behind bars in luxurious conditions with more rights than common people. The justice should start from the top and then only people will feel that justice is same for rich and poor. And maybe they will think before committing heinous crimes.
I an very strict when it comes to behaviour like telling lies, using bad words, pushing, pulling or fighting and being disrespectful in general but I am very happy to say Alhamdulillah that all 4 of my children are very well behaved in general. They are not angels nor do I expect them to be but no one in my house uses four letter words or is mean or rude for which I am eternally grateful to Allah. I am rather strict about studies too because I think brains are meant to be used. My children are avid readers and participate in a lot of extra curricular activities and win lots of prizes in spelling bee, essay writing and math quiz etc. Other than these rules, I am there for my children 24/7. I play games with them, be silly with them, take them to parks, feed them lots of ice-creams and generally celebrate each and every small thing they accomplish. |
@support I love the sound of the words “good news”:-) Waiting anxiously and expectantly for the news. I hope you won’t keep us in suspense for long. |
The speaker I find very motivating these days in Noman Ali Khan, He is teacher of Arabic, a Muslim speaker and runs a TV channel by name of Bayyinah TV. Allah has blessed him with immense knowledge and eloquence. Just a glimpse of his speeches:
@lookat I have written lots of short stories. To read them you will have to visit my blog http://dawnwriters.blogspot.com/ Here are a few of my favourite ones: The Butterfly WingsShoe-Shine…a short story about honestyThe Worth of EducationMaria and the BabyYasmeen’s PrayersI look forward to your comments and opinion.
@sunil Hehe, I am a Punjabi too but from this side of the border:-) Too be more specific, I am a Lahori and as they say:
🙂 good luck with your post |
@sunil Good for you. What is your local language, if I may ask? If it is Urdu, I would like to read your blog too. |