Author Posts

March 10, 2017 at 6:24 pm

Last night I submitted one blog despite tired ,but I was able to write and submit it. My blog was entitled: Do You beg For Love and so on and so forth, then I realized it was not displayed in the blog post area.This evening, I submitted another Blog About this title: Stress Leads To Inflammation, And Inflammation Leads To Chronic Diseases Like Diabetes, again it did not appear in the blog posts area. What appeared in the Blog Post area blogs with obsolete contents, sports of long ago,LOL. I know the owner , he is a mylotter friend and it is not his fault for having his blogs posted all about old news on sports.LOL. Sorry friend, I am only citing my own concern.

Yes, I see the running of my payment, I am paid but the feeling is bad especially if see blogs posted tasteless and do not conform with the standard formatting and mechanics in vain.

I am just sharing my feeling and thinking. Is there a say from you? Thanks for reading and sympathizing.

March 10, 2017 at 6:51 pm

I just saw your post about :Stress leads to Inflammation. . .”

About his posts, I don’t read them because I am not interested in such sport. It is because I don’t know the mechanics of the game.

The admin should not allow posting of “tasteless” posts, as you referred to it. It is for the good of the site.

March 10, 2017 at 7:03 pm

@acelawrites, hahahahaha, I laughed here my dear when you repeat my words, but I know many can attest of some tasteless blogs hehehehe. I like to read interesting blogs like your blog, very natural and real.We can understand, but what is mostly displayed in blog posts this time all about sports and though I like sports but it would seem boring if see the same synonymous titles. It’s up to them if did not display my blog for there are readers or commenters of my blogs like you my nice friend , never give up keep on blogging, even my co teachers and students read my blogs too.

By the way, write more blogs at least 3 daily. take care friend. I go to bed after sending this reply to you, take care.Let us always be positive even if facing the most negative hehehehe.We are fighters for life, strong and never surrender.

March 10, 2017 at 9:41 pm

Did you ask the admin what happened to your posts?


Maybe they have not published yet because of some reason?


Don’t give up yet


March 11, 2017 at 3:54 am

@peachpurple, I did not ask, it’s okay as long as they pay me. maybe they prioritized sports old or new episodes, lol.

March 11, 2017 at 8:45 am

Hi @acelawrites,

I’m sorry to hear this. I’m wondering why in the world such thing is ever happenning to your post. I understand your concerns. What is very frustrating for any writer is to see his or her artcles or blogs or any piece of writing never to have been published in the first place.

Writing any article, blog or any type of piece of writing involves time and mental effort. It is always a labor of love in a manner of speaking. Our writing is the product of our intellectual creation. It doesn’t happen by chance.

Being a product of our intellectual creation, our writing defines who we are and for all legal intent and purposes the extension of our self and our personalities.

I look forward that no such incident will be happenning again to you or to any writer here in Literacybase.

March 11, 2017 at 2:07 pm

I have read one of the article regarding diabetes mentioned and your blog got published on  which I have also commented but I have not seen the other you have mentioned. But even I have not seen your other blog as it may be taking some time for Literacybase approval team to publish. Do check with them and know the reason as it would help you the next time around. I also feel bad if after all the effort one puts ones blog posts do not get published for some reason or the other. This  definitely has a demotivating for any writer. Best of luck.

March 11, 2017 at 3:58 pm

@arnold Cruz ,Thank you Arnold for your inspiring words.You are right, it is not easy to write. We have to exhaust ourselves just to develop our blog purposely and accurately.It is true that we all pour our talent just to produce a very nice blog worth to read by some visitors of our blog from the media sites where we usually send our blog post for them to write.You are right, our writing is the product of our intellectual creation. When we write it seems we run out of breath just to make everything happens in our writing.

Thank you so much for your nice and inspiring comment/interaction.

March 11, 2017 at 4:03 pm

@Krishna Kumar ,it’s okay my friend, anyway you are right my blogs were published as shown when I submitted my blog.What I mean is my two blogs were not shown in the place: From Blogs.If it happens again, I won’t anymore write a blog here.

Thanks for your thoughtful ways. Take care.

March 11, 2017 at 7:22 pm

Did you get any official clarification on the issue. I am assuming this could be technical error. Most of the time WordPress has this error of showing the content wrong way. And often it does not be viewable immediately. So you should now see the post. I think that’s good that you can now view the post. I hope I don’t get this type of error in my blog. That would surely be wrong If you ask me.

March 12, 2017 at 9:33 am

@ Mahesh , No official clarification got, maybe you are right there was technical error, but frankly if this keeps on happening, I better do not write blogs just in forum.

March 12, 2017 at 6:35 pm

Hi, acelawritwes. I think the everyone has their own preference of what to read. Maybe articles about sports don’t fit your own interest but others do. So I think, we should not say other writer’s article as TASTELESS.

If we don’t want others articles, just leave it as is and don’t say it as tasteless. Its unethical. Hehe Just saying my opinion.

March 12, 2017 at 7:06 pm

@Nemzie Bayawa,Please do not correct my friend, she is my friend a Mylotter, she just repeated by evaluation to others blogs tasteless has many implications not direct, The blogs owner himself is also my fiend and he even did not question this, so why should you,okay? These people here are not just ordinary writers.They are professionals. And the person you are talking about is is so far from your age, old and you should have not said that way. They know what they are talking about and I know what I am talking about, For your information all my blogs were posted only me late to know and see for the posting is at interval of three blogs minute to minute. I am not here minute to minute too to see everything.

I hope you know well the many implications of tasteless in writing .