Author Posts

October 3, 2016 at 1:05 pm

@Your Seldom Blue seems to be running into controversy wherever he goes. I was also asked to remove ten posts on tinycent because reportedly they were reported by many members. I did as asked though there was nothing wrong in those posts. There was no point in arguing with the admin as he must have some reasons for asking me to do so. I published those posts elsewhere. With four payments received from tinycent and the fifth one pending, I have full faith in the site.

October 3, 2016 at 1:25 pm

That was not nice to ask you to delete ten post. That is big work and great effort. If you see no wrong in post, why he ask you to delete? Did he give any explanation? Admin has no reason to accuse Blue for traffic exchange that was not used, he has no reason to delete your good post. You know if your works are deleted, what will be with my.

I see many people give info of pay, but no pay screen captures. You sure Niume pay is secure to say real?

October 3, 2016 at 1:47 pm

May I butt in? What is the use of arguing with the site’s admin if your intention is to earn a penny? He has the reason to do that. But if you are clever enough to go with his own bidding, you may have his favor in return. If you insist that you are right and he wouldn’t agree, could resist and be in what you believe if correct?

October 3, 2016 at 2:01 pm

@nakitakona13 can you simplify what you want to say? I don’t understand your point. Is it okay to spread lies about people  who done no harm? Can be done in 4 eyes if necessary to leave but no need to accuse for bad things, yes? I was accused of many things in my job,  is just not nice. If you plan fire me do it with tact, yes?


October 4, 2016 at 9:49 am

@ Your Seldom I lost a day’s work by deleting ten posts on tinycent but since the admin was apologetic about it, I didn’t mind. Besides I have received three payments from the site after that.

@ nakitakona13 I agree with you. There is no point in arguing with the site’s admin if you want to continue working there. It’s exactly like arguing with the boss at your workplace.


October 4, 2016 at 10:24 am

@swalia that is terrible. For me 10 post will be week of work.

I don’t like it. If my boss on day job take pay for week, I will leave.
I completely justify that choice.
But not lies.
I see email proof, it is enough.
With no proof I don’t believe. I say ok, but not enter in it. Maybe person right, maybe not. If I find something I will say.
I can do other things in day.
Now today I will publish after my work. I shall even try that other bad review web, EliteWriters. No harm, I will try. What person can lose…