Author Posts

October 30, 2016 at 9:48 pm


I don’t see any good things lately posted about Tinycents, maybe  owner really freezes it over no money  or pay issues.

What ever he makes of it will be in the account of  only a few people  who are there.

I don’t know the real number, but it looks to me as a few people only. If he can pay them it will be a good thing. If not,  to the bad page is  done.



That about Shil is completely new term to me,I never even hear about it. must be some term from writing the world. It si not important for me if same person promoting own website is owner or friend, but how the page is made. If the page is made to serve only a few writers in damage of the rest of the members who sign to write, then it is not a good idea to participate.


Most of all I seek stable websites, not the high paying ones.




October 30, 2016 at 10:05 pm

Shill is an English term which has been in use for centuries.  A Shill is a person who ‘pimps’ for a site.  That is, a person is hired to walk around and advertise and acclaim something.

For example, you’re in the supermarket and someone employed by Kraft, (for example) comes up to you to say how great their macaroni is.  As s/he is wearing a Kraft shirt you know this person is being paid by Kraft to say how great the product is.

But suppose Kraft paid a bunch of average shoppers to stand by the display and say how great the product was…?

These people are ‘Shills’.  They know they are Shills.  They are being Paid.

Now there are those who write for various sites who are paid to say how great the site is.   But there are foolish people who receive one or two payments from the site and run around saying how great it is.

They don’t realise they are putting their good name on that site, which might be a scam.


November 1, 2016 at 11:44 am

@kaylar hello!

Good day and thank you for this detailed explanation. So, to make it short ‘Shill’ is a term to describe promoter of some service or advertiser of something but in defamatory form?

Maybe you right to use this term, we have too many things advertise online. The internet is such a big  commercial. It’s made to sell things to people and many make good business of it.

But these people wear some sort of tag, like that T-shirt you mention. Ordinary people with no T-shirt or tag are only advertisers in disguise.

But the good name is relative term on the internet with people who not know each other.

I know so little of writers. Yes, I see names but that is it.

If some page is okay to me, I will say it is okay and why for me. But same page can be catastrophe to next writer. I know I have problem if page start asking big demands, that    is not very convenient to me.


November 1, 2016 at 10:50 pm

 Your Seldom, even I didn’t know what shill meant so have any worries. 🙂 So now we both know. 

So is TinyCent not paying or are they paying? I haven’t heard anything else about the site since this post. But I do know when I visit I can’t read anything from there. The ads take up the whole page or take me to a whole different page altogether. I don’t think the site is going to make it if it is still in operation. 

Why are people so quick to jump to writing sites that pay so high, to begin with? Don’t they realize that it only causes problems? I guess that’s where the greed plays a part in things. 

November 2, 2016 at 1:02 am

People join sites that Claim to pay High because someone, a SHILL tells them this.   A person is on LB and suddenly in rushes a bunch of people posting;  “Tiny Cents pays High!”  They say, “I just phoned the owner and he says…”  and people BELIEVE this.

We have not moved to the stage that we appreciate the possibility that there are con men and con women on a site who are there to rip you off.

You just have to not believe the hype.

November 2, 2016 at 8:28 am

@swalia It has been a month. So I will just abandon the site and let it go. I will just focus in LB and myLot. There is no hassle and enjoyed having my first payment in TinyCent. I wish them good luck and hopefully will stay long as a writing site.