Author Posts

October 15, 2016 at 7:26 am

As I’ve said with some of my posts, I can’t afford to stay in a site that doesn’t pay. It has been more than a 10th working day that I haven’t received any penny from TinyCent. I am not sure what’s the reason why. Do you have any idea? Thus, I temporarily stop working on this site and wait for my second payment. I hope they will also answer my personal message to them. 

October 15, 2016 at 8:13 am

I heard the same things about them that you did, at the start, and never joined.  I had the feeling that they weren’t going to pay.

October 15, 2016 at 8:51 am

@kaylar It was a good thing that I have a habit to stop working once achieved the minimum threshold. This is what I am afraid of. That is, not being paid by a writing site. I will still wait at the end of this month. If there is no pay, I will retrieve all my 100 posts in TinyCent.

October 15, 2016 at 8:53 am

I was the one who talked about TinyCent here and many did earn there including me. I have so far earned around 45dollars and my redemption for 40 dollars is pending. The site goofed it looks like and so lost their Adsense account. It is not easy for the site to earn with this situation. Attempts are made there to get Ads but the community is losing patience.

October 15, 2016 at 9:53 am

I am sorry to hear you didn’t get paid yet. The site gives me too much pop ups so I never really visited since.


I hope you do get paid.

October 15, 2016 at 11:29 am

That is a bad news, I hope they will regain their momentum and start to pay their members.

October 15, 2016 at 12:11 pm

I just had a discussion with admin of that site and was assured that the payments will be made shortly. I am waiting for $70 something but I am sure I will get them.

October 15, 2016 at 1:29 pm

@Shavkat, Try to wait for another weeks, who knows, they have a problem they need to settle first.Like Mykites, one can receive the pay after 2 months hehehehe, too long redemption period of the pay.Frankly, I have not experienced redemption at Mykites, there are few writers there to interact, but I discovered that our earnings could still soar if write at least 10 blogs a day. That is what I am doing now writing at least 5 blogs a day. i am almost to redemption Mykites. i saw you there, better concentrate at Mykites than Tiny cent.

October 15, 2016 at 3:07 pm

@bestwriter That’s a bit high amount of money. It is a good thing that I just limit myself to minimum payout. Hopefully, they can fix whatever something wrong in AdSense account.

@simplyme I didn’t recognize you at first. You had changed your profile picture. I will just wait for any good news from this site.

@superd The site is promising because the earnings generate fast. I hope they can sort things out soon. If not, it will be another Bubblews fate.

@lovern I will try to check mykites soon. I was so skeptical of that site before. It seems that time is worth to spend there.

October 15, 2016 at 8:06 pm

A time ago I think we discussed something about ‘Shills’ who lure people to join sites.   I recall someone was posting what a great site it was and bragging and I said, nope.

You see, an honest person will say;  “Well, I joined X site and their redemption level is $10 and it took me a month to reach that level and I put in and they paid me in a day.  I don’t know if they’ll pay me again, but have $9.90 and will prob. put in tomorrow and see if I’m paid.”

When I saw the clowns posting all kinds of; “I called the owner and spoke to him and …”


October 15, 2016 at 8:18 pm

@ Shavkat  Tinycent never sends payments before 13-14 days. This is my experience so far.

@bestwriter The way they keep redirecting you to other pages…no wonders that they lost their adsense account.

@suny That’s a reassurance. I hope everyone gets paid soon!


October 15, 2016 at 8:25 pm

@shaloo walia Yes for you and me it is. but people happy with shoe strings would never know this.

October 15, 2016 at 9:05 pm

@swalia That’s new information. I was just basing with the rules that it takes 7 to 10 working days. I guess I just need to wait. Thanks. 🙂

October 15, 2016 at 9:14 pm

@suny  People panic and start writing negative things about the site all over which dissuades new users to join and be active there. However I hope they sort out the pop ups soon. Even the frequent redirections to other pages is quite annoying.

@ Shavkat  All the four payments I have received so far have taken almost two weeks.

October 15, 2016 at 10:12 pm

@kaylar I think that Tinycents never call anyone but only some people because all that is fabrication.  Real owner is writer who push his own blog from own agenda. I don’t believe earning story. Posts get deleted, people get deleted. Owner lies. Page filled with harmful popups. Only few people claim big earnings but show only emails of pay information. Who else join will earn nothing because there is nothing. New signups NOT allowed, yes? So why new people can care about it?

Members who write and earn so good at Tinycent systematically put down all other writing places for reason I can’t see. Tinycent is closed little limited thing. There is plenty of room for us all on Literacy, Blogbourne, EliteWriters and myLot. I think all of them make real earning, this one feed us crazy cakes.

I don’t know Shills. Who is that?

Is she here?